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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, seeing this news, we pray Your people will be stirred to get out and vote this November.
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The daughter of a radical Islamist operative is a state co-chair of presidential frontrunner Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.

Sanders named Abrar Omeish, daughter of Libyan-born jihadist sympathizer Esam Omeish, as a co-chair of his Virginia campaign on February 18.

On her own merits, the 24 year-old Abrar Omeish is of little political consequence. She is the youngest person to ever hold office in the state, having been elected in 2019 to the Fairfax County School Board. Her role on the campaign appears to be a Sanders gesture to a more powerful political constituency: the well-organized radical Sunni Islamist networks across the United States.  Abrar Omeish’s father is former president of the Muslim American Society, a group identified by federal prosecutors as the “overt arm” of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. . .

Advancing what her father started

The younger Omeish appears to have followed in her father’s footsteps, including in affiliating with Muslim Brotherhood groups. She has been noted for close ties to the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) an Islamist think tank once raided by federal law enforcement over ties to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad fundraising. Abrar served as president of the Muslim Brotherhood-founded Muslim Students Association while at Yale University, participating in an effort to deplatform Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an author and former Muslim who campaigns for women’s rights.

Abrar Omeish is not the first Muslim leader with Islamist ties to serve as a surrogate for the Sanders campaign but is another example of the growing political alliance between Islamists and socialists.

Perhaps Sanders’ most famous surrogate is New York-based Islamist activist Linda Sarsour, who was expelled from the Women’s March following controversy over her antisemitism. Others include Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, both of whom have faced repeated controversies over antisemitic and inflammatory remarks and Islamist ties, have also endorsed Sanders. Sanders was also one of only two candidates to attend the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), another Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization. In 2017, Sanders’ surrogate Sarsour used the ISNA stage to call for a “jihad” against Donald Trump.

Well-organized cadre for voter mobilization

Sanders’ Muslim outreach efforts may be paying off. Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organizations have run the most effective get-out-the-vote campaigns among ordinary Muslims in America for more than two decades, usually in concert with “progressive” Democrats and small but effective socialist organizing committees. In Iowa, where Sanders finished first, the Vermont Senator picked up significant numbers of delegates at Iowa mosques serving as satellite caucus locations.

One of Sanders’ other Virginia co-chairs is the state’s only openly Democratic Socialist, Delegate Lee Carter. While Virginia has a Muslim population of about 200,000 (roughly 2%), the population is most heavily concentrated in the Democratic strongholds of Northern Virginia where Sanders’ Virginia co-chairs are located, including Fairfax, Loudon and Prince William counties, where the Muslim percentage of the population approaches 5%.

While it is unclear how Muslim voters in Virginia will turnout, EmgageUSA, an Islamist political advocacy group with ties to Muslim Brotherhood affiliates, claims that Muslim voter turnout in Virginia reached nearly 70% in the 2016 general election. If true, Muslim voter turnout in Virginia was significantly better than Muslim voter turnout nationally, which Pew polls put at roughly 44%.

Whether Sanders’ strategy will be effective or not remains to be seen. A Monmouth poll currently puts Sanders tied with former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg ahead of Virginia’s March 3 Super Tuesday primary. But Sanders has certainly staked much on the belief that siding up to Islamist leaders will deliver Muslim voters, and victory.

(Excerpt from Center for Security Policy. Article by Kyle Shideler.)

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Heather Peterson
February 27, 2020

Father in Heaven, Throughout time You have warned us that enemies will be at our door if we turn away from You. No nation that turns from You will prosper. We are guilty of so much sin–horrible atrocities against the unborn, shameful acts of sexual immorality, greed and corruption, abuse and violence…. Please forgive us Father. We confess our sins to You and throw ourselves at Your mercy. Please deliver us from the evil one, out of the darkness and confusion that we have brought upon ourselves. Wake us up, Father, before it is too late. Let Your Glory be revealed in our repentance and return not in Your Judgment and punishment. Amen.

Sylvia Rosario
February 25, 2020

I was feeling overwhelmed when I read this but the beautiful, anointed prayers of my brothers and sisters here have lifted my heart in praise to Almighty God! May 2 Chronicles 7:13-16 be our prayer as well. He honored that prayer of repentance in 2016; He’ll do it again now in 2020. I repent of any arrogance, disobedience, pride, rebellion and/or stubbornness/selfishness in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Barbara Hesch
February 23, 2020

We are witnessing the marriage of Socialism and Islamism. Each will use the other in unity to destroy Christian America. I pray that their plan will ultimately fail and they begin to fight eachother, not us. Then most likely there will be a bitter divorce and America can reset and resume the way we started as a Christian nation.

Steven Carr
February 23, 2020

We are in a spiritual battle for the soul of America. One way to win the war is to pray for our enemies. I pray, LORD God that Christians everywhere will wake up and be evangelists to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to everyone, including Muslims.

February 23, 2020

look to Europe what moslim do when they have the power, please vote Trump that is Freedom live, God Bless You,

    February 27, 2020

    Bernie’s campaign is compromised. His campaign manager is a Pakistani Muslim. Now you wonder why he is so radical? If he is surrounded by these kind of people, he is a threat to national security. I am not Christian – but i am extremely concerned.

February 22, 2020

I come in agreement with my brother and sister in the Lord , the ungodly covenant made between Bernie and the Muslim will not produce any fruit , that will be pleasing to them . The agreement will end up with conflict and confusing . I call on Heaven they will not put under what the constitution of America established for this nation .

    February 22, 2020


    Michael Finelli
    February 22, 2020

    Amen 🙏 I come into prayerful agreement with you

    February 22, 2020

    Muslims in America , they look for the weak link of the American to used for their benefit . And that is to take over the west and to establish their way of life . Remember Muslim do not forget and has a patient to wait for the right time , to strike . They believe in an eye for eye . It does not matter how long it will take him , they will get our eyes .

    Barbara Betz
    February 23, 2020

    Wake us

    February 23, 2020

    Agreeing in prayer in the precious name of Jesus..amen and amen

February 22, 2020

Dear Lord, we see from this article that the foundation of religious freedom is being attacked by those who benefit from that freedom. America is a dream and cannot succeed without a religious and honest society. We pray, fast and repent for not being active in politics and allowing the dishonest to be elected. In our blindness, forgive us and hear our prayers to help those who have stepped forward to run Godly campaigns and govern according to the Bible. Pastor Jim Garlow has written “Well Versed” as a guide to govern according to the Bible. We pray in Jesus name and for the salvation of millions who are yet to hear His name and His hope for salvation. Rain down from heaven, Lord, and bless America today, tomorrow and in the future. We were all born for a time such as this and we will not stop saying your name that is above all names. to you be all the glory, Lord. We pray in Jesus mighty name.

    Loren Ayala
    February 22, 2020

    Amen and Amen.

    February 22, 2020


    Michael Finelli
    February 22, 2020

    Amen 🙏 I come into prayerful agreement with you

    Marva Duncan
    February 25, 2020

    I am impressed with all the Prayers that have been stated. I pray that God will intervene and give us another chance!
    Let us continue to Pray for America!! Amen.

Norma Koxlien
February 22, 2020

We are truly at a crossroads in the United States! Lord, forgive our passivity and complacency! AWAKEN the church to the reality of this very threatening storm brewing! According to II Chronicles 7: 14 help us to SEE and discern the deceptive agenda at work in this year – 2020, via Your perfect vision – that one of the most overlooked ‘wicked ways’ we need to turn from is thinking YOU will do it all if we do NOTHING but pray….Ours is a government where the “People” are ‘the KING! We are also those who need to promote the good and VOTE! I say.”AWAKE, AWAKE, you who are judging President Donald Trump, – for he has been chosen by You and is carrying and using Your keys to unlock the ‘gates’ that have been erected to surround and immobilize the church and stifle it’s voice! Let the spirit of Esther arise upon the church to DARE to STAND and risk all, if need be, to expose the Haman-like plans of the enemy of Truth and Liberty so that which has been built to entrap and enslave will instead become a boomerang to it’s builders! Amen!

February 22, 2020

Father God,
It is not enough for us to pray that Christians get out and vote. We ask that You direct their thinking and decisions on who to vote for. Help them see clearly and align themselves with Your will. Do not allow them to be deceived.
I ask for these prayers to be answered in the name of Jesus, the NAME that is above all others. Amen.

Ron Bangert
February 22, 2020

The anti-christ spirit is alive and well in the Bernie Sanders camp.

He claims to be a Democratic Socialist and not a Communist, very adamant on that point, and by this article aligning himself with anti-semitism. Gee, where else have we seen a National Socialist Workers’ Party who hated Communists & Jews? In Germany….what was that leaders name?

Lord, so much is apparent in this election year, as the Swamp is drained it is overwhelming to sort through, and our pride never will. We do not involve ourselves in great matters or things too difficult for us! Quiet our soul life so we may hear your heartbeats of Love & Assurance. Your discernment is what we need. Make us effective in prayer for the battles raging over our Nation. Jesus went away to quiet places to pray, sometimes all night. Lead us to do the same.

Jeremy Story, IFA Board Member
February 22, 2020

During a Senate confirmation hearing meeting in 2017 Bernie Sanders said Russell Vought, an appointment for Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, was unqualified because Mr. Vought believed Jesus was the only way to God. Contextually Bernie juxtaposed Mr. Vaught’s views against the Muslim faith saying that because Mr. Vaught thought that Mohammad’s teachings were not an equal way to God, he should not serve in the U.S. Government. This is an extremely dangerous and unconstitutional opinion. The core faith tenet of Christianity is that Jesus is the ‘way, truth and the life and that no one gets to the Father but through Him.’ (Jesus’ own words in John 14:6) By making this statement Bernie Sanders basically declared all Christians who adhere to the historical Christianity as unfit to serve in our government. Nothing could be more in opposition to the real life history of our nation’s founders and the grand majority of our nation’s previous governmental leaders than this. Bernie Sander’s views in this matter make him unlike any other major candidate for President in our nation’s history and potentially pose the most serious threat to our First Amendment rights that this nation has ever seen from the Executive Branch. In actuality is this one singular view above all others that makes him unfit for office as a Senator or President. He counts on the ability to espouse his openly socialist political policy positions. His own desire to strip First Amendment rights of those he disagrees with actually threatens his own right to free speech regarding his socialist views.

    Jane Fain
    February 22, 2020

    Jeremy Story, thank you for the information. It helps explain what Bernie believes and why he is so dangerous for our nation. I will be passing this information on to others.

February 22, 2020

We lift this concerning issue to you. We are reminded of how you defeated the French Armada that was coming against Boston when the people fasted and prayed. You sent a storm to stop them from attacking the city. We ask that you would help this information to get out so that all Americans will see it and understand the threat. We pray that your people would rally around our president because of his pro- life stand and because of his stand for religious liberty. We ask that those who care about the issues of life and freedom would begin to unite in prayer even more intentionally and that they would show up to vote. We ask that the spirit of complacency would be exchanged for one of urgency, vigilance and action. We need you to move the hearts of people and renew your Spirit in our day. We cry out for mercy.

February 22, 2020

We pray, Dear Lord, that the eyes of the citizens of this nation will be opened to truth and the veil of confusion and deception be ripped away. For we know that justice and righteousness are the foundations of Your throne and we pray that You will tear down the socialist agenda threatening to destroy our free, democratic way of life. There are many who work to undercut the freedoms and liberties You have given us, but know that we serve a Mighty God who has power over all things! El Shaddai we praise You and lift Your name on high – the name above all names! Please reveal and expose the wicked, corrupt, and deceptive intentions of those within the US Government and those running for government. We pray that Your Spirit of Truth would touch the hearts of those of the Islamic belief system and prepare the way for a full knowledge and revelation of our King Jesus as Lord and Savior. We pray for their salvation and Your will be done in all things, Lord. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen.

    February 22, 2020

    Thank you for the articles and fact based info. So helpful and the well written prayers at the end.

    Bruni O
    February 22, 2020

    Amen and Amen!! Praying for Virginia!

M. J. McFalls
February 22, 2020

Dear Lord God Almighty please open the eyes of the American people. Even those of Muslim faith Allow them O Lord to know that our US Constitution is based on The Word of God and that is a good thing. Let the people of all faiths vote to keep the freedoms and rights we share Even though Bernie has done this for political gain, let the action not be to his benefit because the Muslim people in these USA can vote on truth. Powerfully move in the hearts of all the Muslims in VA and across this beautiful country in such a way that it [AGAIN!] baffles the experts! IN JESUS’ PRECIOUS NAME, AMEN!

    February 22, 2020


    Doris Ehlenfeldt
    February 22, 2020

    Amen. In the middle east Muslims are finding truth and freedom
    in Jesus Christ. We need to pray for Christians to reach out to Muslims in the USA. Many came here to escape persecution from radical ways. The fields are ripe for the harvest.

Caroline Eagan
February 22, 2020

Dear Lord, have mercy. Stir your people’s hearts to remind God’s people to vote, dear Lord, and thank you for the saving grace/precious blood of Jesus at Calvary, thank you dear Lord. We need your help dear Father.
Please continually help our President Donald J Trump to lead us and exalt righteousness for such a time as this, as we humble ourselves and stand on the Word of God.
Abba Father, you get all the Divine Glory!!!!!!!


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