July 18, 2018
July 18, 2018
Linda Lowry
July 17, 2018
Anugrah Kumar
July 17, 2018
July 17, 2018
July 18, 2018
Reading Time: < 1 minute
This week has been challenging for our president. It is difficult to be a world leader. What are your prayers for President Trump? Leave a comment below.
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Amen! I am grateful that we finally have a President who encourages people to pray. I believe God has given him the wisdom to surround himself with people of God and weed out those who won’t seek wisdom from God. I remember praying to the Lord before Donald Trump entered the race, that we needed a Voice for us in the Presidency. When he began to give speeches, the yelled out in my living room, “He’s our voice!!” I thanked and praised God. I’ve been following Mark Taylor’s prophecies for just about two years and watching them be fulfilled, I pray that God will continue to tell us His plans so we can participate with Him. Father, we lift up our President, Governors, Senators, Congressmen, Representatives, our Supreme Court Justices, our local government officials, and their families. We ask that you speak to them through dreams and visions so they are in one accord. We thank you for turning hearts back to You. We thank you for answering our prayers. Give them wisdom and keep them above reproach. Bring unity into the House, Senate, and Congress. Remove those who kick against the goads. Fulfill your purposes. Speak to men and women of God who are equipped and ready to step into vacant positions as they become vacant. Give them courage. Supply all of their financial support needed. Take away all fear and help them to move forward in readying themselves to fulfill their destinies. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. We give you all the glory, Father, and praise you for your marvelous works.
To piggyback to the earlier comment on being careful not to worship Donald Trump. The army of God must not lose focus that we are on Godās agenda and not Donald Trump. Donald Trump is being used by God, and While he is deemed of full respect, it is God bringing healing to our country from corruption, injustices, and bringing back godly values etc. We must not allow the enemy to distract us in believing otherwise! (Stay away from the fake news media). Romans 13:1 let every person be subject to the governing authorities where there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore, it is essential that we continue to pray that God encompasses the president about with men and women who make their hearts and Ears attentive to godly counsel and do that which is right in his site. As the army of God we should believe that skillful and godly wisdom has entered into the heart of our president and knowledge is pleasant to him, that is how he has accomplished doing good things for our country and will continue to do so. Nonetheless, the glory belongs to God! Isaiah 42:8 āI am the Lord, that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or praise to idols. Father God, it is written in your word that the heart of the King is in the hand of the Lord, and you turn it whichever way you desire. We believe that the heart of our leader Donald Trump is in your hand and that his decisions are divinely directed of the Lord. To you father God be the glory forever and ever amen!
Mr President, I am interceding for you daily, by going boldly to the Throne Room of God. Yeshua is sitting at the right hand of our Abba Father. This morning, the Holy Spirit directed me to read Psalm 4 and then to pray it for you. Finally, the Holy Spirit directed me to send you this message:
Pray this Psalm as a pray from yourself. King David did it and he is acknowledged thousands of years later as a “Man after God’s own heart.” If you do, you will go down in history as a great president who lead our country out of rebellion from God. Amen.
1 Answer me when I call to you,
Ā Ā Ā Ā O God who declares me innocent.
Free me from my troubles.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Have mercy on me and hear my prayer.
[You were elected for a time like this. It is your destiny.]
2Ā How long will you people ruin my reputation?
Ā Ā Ā Ā How long will you make groundless accusations?
Ā Ā Ā Ā How long will you continue your lies?
[The tide is turning. The louder the liars, the more disgraced they will be. It has already happened in Heaven, it is happening on Earth.]
3Ā You can be sure of this:
Ā Ā Ā Ā TheĀ LordĀ set apart the godly for himself.
Ā Ā Ā Ā TheĀ LordĀ will answer when I call to him.
[The Lord put you in office and He will avenge you.]
4Ā Donāt sin by letting anger control you.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Think about it overnight and remain silent.
[Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.]
5Ā Offer sacrifices in the right spirit,
Ā and trust theĀ Lord.
[Praises spoken out loud are modern day sacrifices, a sweet aroma to God.]
6Ā Many people say, āWho will show us better times?ā
Ā Ā Ā Ā Let your face smile on us,Ā Lord.
7Ā You have given me greater joy
Ā Ā Ā Ā than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine.
[Nations whose economies are booming, but our economy is coming back stronger than it has ever been before, but this time through righteousness, not through sin.]
8Ā In peace I will lie down and sleep,
Ā Ā Ā Ā for you alone, OĀ Lord, will keep me safe.
[Your family, friends, and your staff.]
Mr President, don’t just read this, pray it, pray it outloud to the Creator and He will answer our prayers. So be it by the authority given to me by Yeshua HaMachiah and the power of the Holy Spirit.
I was surprised to learn that anyone even thought that anyone is worshiping President
Trump, because he isn’t perfect and neither is anyone else, but he has done lots of good things for our country already and needs us to pray to God for his protection and help!! I’m especially glad that President Trump and his wife are strong Christians and have lots of other Christians working with them to make the U.S. a Christian nation!! I pray to God everyday for President Trump to continue being our President and for him to do and say the right things, besides getting all the help he needs to get the right things done in our country.
Be careful that you don’t worship President Trump. Only worship the Lord.
Declaring over our President the following scripture:
Is. 45:1 Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To Cyrus, (Pres. Trump) whose right hand I have heldāTo subdue nations before him And loose the armor of kings, To open before him the double doors, So that the gates will not be shut.
James 1:21-23 So this is why we (Pres. Trump) abandon everything morally impure (demonic activity, evil) and all forms of wicked conduct. Instead, with a sensitive spirit we (Pres. Trump) absorb Godās Word, which has been implanted within our nature, for the Word of Life has power to continually deliver us. Donāt just listen to the Word of Truth and not respond to it, for that is the essence of self-deception. So always let his Word become like poetry written and fulfilled by your life! If you listen to the Word and donāt live out the message you hear, you become like the person who looks in the mirror of the Word to discover the reflection of his face in the beginning.
Ps. 35:1 O Lord, fight for me (Pres. Trump)! Harass the hecklers, accuse my accusers. Fight those who fight against me.
In Jesus name…..the Word will never return void.
Yes, a tough week. Don’t underestimate the power of evil. Prayer Matters. Pray it up for our President, His Administration and their families.
Lord God, the firestorm around the President has been increased by the nitpicking of evil. Lord God, He is the most criticized President ever and he is shadowed by the enemy, who persecutes him daily with false narrative, using people who watch his every move and pick apart his every word, creating fake outrages, firestorms kindled by assumption, lies, speculation, conspiracy theories, false narratives all things deceptive. Help Him Jesus, it is so hard to watch our enemy use a full out cultural war of deception, with daily battles used to create cultural war against our national civility, with the divisive plan of character assassination of our President through fake dishonor, false shame and disrespect of his God given authority. Lord God, send forth your warring angels to hold up and undergird President Trump, Melania, Vice President Pence, and Karen Pence with Your Powerful Truth, Truth that has the final say, Your Reality of Truth, which can and will withstand the firestorms of fake news, false narrative and fake reality. Jesus, we ask You for help for President Trump, Vice President Pence, their families and His Administration and their families, cover them under the shadow of Your Wings.
Father God, Let Your Truth Reign. Let the power of Your Authority, debunk, disrupt and destroy the deceptions of the corruption coup who have made it their objective to unseat this President by the wiles of deceptive, secreted acts of weaponizing government agencies, which are supposed to be used for protection of rights, liberty and justice for all. We ask You, Holy Spirit to send forth Your warring angels of light and fight this fight in the heavenlies for truth to be revealed and corruption and corrupters to be unsecreted. Let Your Truth Reign.
Jesus, Spirit of Truth and Light of the World, shatter the deception partisans brings into the political arena and restore God given common sense and respect for national civility. Destroy the platforms of political idols that our common sense has been sacrificed on, revive common sense in our nation. Thwart the false narrative of fake outrage by purifying the core heart attitudes of the mouths of those that speaks them. Holy Spirit, speak what is true to those who are deceived and disfavor the authority of those who work deceptively with hidden evil motives. Cut the heart strings of bitterness that came from the democratic loss of 2016 election. Disrupt the symptoms of hatred that springs forth from embittered hearts, and upset the plans for violent acts against the President and His Administration. Put a hedge of protection around our President, Vice President, Their Families, and His Administration and their families in Jesus name, in the powerful name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit, raise up the standard of truth amidst the derangement of fake reality which the enemy devised in the deceptive packaging of ārightsā and plays out in arrogant self-righteousness. Send your warring angels to unsecret the corruption coup at its core and enlighten the deceiverās plans, thwarting them before they are executed. Jesus, shine Your Light of Truth on everyone the enemy is using, speak loudly the truth into their reality. Spirit of Truth, shine a spot light on the reality of truth, a God light of truth so bright, no false narrative can stand up next to it. Shut down the irrationality of the enemy, his culturalized, rationalized spin of deception. We ask you Holy Spirit, to stomp out the fires of speculation, completely eradicate the strong armed, assumptive character assignations, shutting down those politically motivated speculations. Let the truth of God, Godās opinion be the loudest voice, a Voice of truth, which is heard, followed and acted upon. Voice of Truth, shatter the dark illusions of the mediatic frenzy of the press and stop the impression of deception upon the souls of people in this nation.
Holy Spirit, disfavor every media outlet which speaks deception out of impure motivation and sicken the souls of people for false narrative, change up the heart desire of people to seek truth. Give the people of this nation a desire for truth, give them the passion to seek truth and turn away, walk away from those who kindle a temporary man-made firestorm, for others to walk by the light of something that will flame out and leave them isolated in the dark. Jesus, put out these spun up fires created with the dead wood of lie upon lie, dose them with living water. Holy Spirit enlighten the hearts of people with Your Truth, speaking what is true into their hearts, saturating their souls in the Your Light of Truth, leaving an impression of truth at the core of their being. Let there be Light, Your Light of Truth, Lord God, truth which canāt ever be debunked by deception, and can stand, patiently endure the tests and trials of the deception of deranged, emotional, fake outrages.
Holy Spirit we ask you to shatter the mirror trickery of the enemy, where the sinner in the mirror projects his sin upon the innocence of another. This deny who you really are, and accuse someone else of who you are being, is a travesty of truth and is a sick, deceptive, political ploy being used in our nation by our enemy. Mirror Trickery where the enemy uses someone engrained in sin, to deny that sin, and accuse an innocent person of the sin the accuser is actually engaged in. Jesus, convict the man in the mirror who is the sinner and disrupt this āDeny-Accuseā tactic of our enemy which has been deployed in our national political arena. Father God, change up the heart of the man in the mirror and disrupt his Deny-Accuse plan with the unequivocal revealing of the reality of Your truth. Cut the pathway of Mirror Trickery between the accuser and the innocent, block it Holy Spirit with the Reality of Truth. Jesus, we pray you disrupt this deception, and help the sinner in the mirror see the reality of truth, the sin in their life and change it up instead of denying it and projecting it on the innocent. This is the enemies character assassination on steroids and we ask You Father God, to protect our President, Vice President, their wives, their families and their Administration from this Deny-Accuse deception of the enemy. Raise up the standard of truth on their behalf and shut it down the enemies tactic of Deny-Accuse, by the power of Your Pure Authority and Truth.
Lord God we look to You, knowing You are the only One who can successfully fight the weaponized deception against our President, Vice President and their Administration. We ask for your help, we ask for you to stomp out the firestorm of deception and the fake outrage of those who have been deceived. Spirit of Truth, guard our President and His Administration, protect them from the corruption coup of evil deception in Jesus name. Spirit of Truth unsecret the hidden deception, thwart the plans of Mirror Trickery, their corruptive acts and thier actors and reveal truth in this nation, truth that protects our national civility and keeps us under Godly authority. In Jesus Amen.
All glory be to God the Father! I am praying for President Trump and his family and for Vice President Pence and his family that God will lift you up and guide you as you give so much of yourselves to our country. It is a spiritual battle and the forces of evil have so much money with which to damage and destroy. Hold fast to His commands and be strong! Thank you for all you are doing for us!
The Lord is Mighty, The Lord is righteous and He will sustain and protect you President Trump against the attacks of the enemy, for our battle is not against flesh and blood but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
I pray Gods presence be so real in your life as you delight in Him daily.
Our Monday night men’s prayer group prays every Monday for America and President Trump. We started this more than six years ago and believe the prayers of God’s warriors helped put Trump in office. I believe Trump is our modern day Cyrus (protection for Israel) and Jehu (to bring down Jezebel). The most powerful demonic force in the earth today is the Jezebel Spirit. Research it and see how clever and satanic this wicked spirit is. This stronghold has an influence combining radical feminism, planned parenthood, and homosexuality all in one destructive package.
Our Monday night men’s prayer group prays every Monday for America and President Trump. We started this more than six years ago and believe the prayers of God’s warriors helped put Trump in office. I believe Trump is our modern day Cyrus (protection for Israel) and Jehu (to bring down Jezebel). The most powerful demonic force in the earth today is the Jezebel Spirit. Research it and see how clever and satanic this wicked spirit is. This stronghold has an influence combining radical feminism, planned parenthood, and homosexuality all in one destructive package. Destroy Jezebel and watch how drastically the world changes for the better. Ignore that Jezebel is real and we will continue to reap more and more of the same devilish onslaught throughout the world.
I thank the Lord daily for you, our
courageous President Trump. No matter who is against you, you are anointed for such a time. If God be for you, who can be against you? You are a gift to our nation and the world. May you continue to display Christās patience in affliction and be strengthened by the joy of the Lord. I pray daily and know no weapon formed against you or your family will prosper. No good thing God has spoken for you will fail, all will come to pass.
I pray Isiah 45:1,2 that God will hold your hand to āsubdue nationsā and for the Supreme Courtās 13 ton doors: āBreak in pieces the gates of bronzeā. The Hebrew word for ābreak in pieces,ā Altars of false gods are often the target of shavar. Thank you for your choice of righteous judges! Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
I pray that President Trump will have godly counsel that he will listen to. He is weary, I believe, from the incessant attacks on him. Perhaps God is providentially opening up an opportunity to encounter the president in a some sort of salvation encounter.
Father I pray for President Donald Trump. Lord pray the blood of Jesus over him and his family his wife, children, his grandchildren. father would you put angels around about him to protect them and keep them safe. Lord would you give our President wisdom and help him daily. God I pray you would give him a desire to seek your face and walk with you. Father please put people who love you and are filled with your spirit around him and in his life to encourage him. I bind the spirit of hatred that’s come against him. I’m bind the spirit of wickedness in our nation. God I pray that you would help us to experience Revival. Father I pray that every Wicked plot against him would be shown and exposed. ALL the evil that is coming against him would be exposed, every corrupt thing. Bless him and Mike Pence and all that’s in the ministration. Keep your hands on them. Help them God to make wise and godly decisions everyday. Father let our president feel the love and respect that we have for him. Bless him and Melania in Jesus name.
I pray President Trump will feel the hands of GOD surround and pick up him up off the floor. I pray HE will not be tired, because HE humbles himself to receive GOD’s energy. I pray his wisdom and prudence would rise to the awe of all around. I pray President Trump and then the public will be in awe at the power of GOD that is undeniably only the wielding of The GOD who is to be feard. I pray that President Trump completely fall to the saving power of GOD’s forgiveness and be filled with THE HOLY SPIRIT on fire. We cast down all attacks that stand in the way of President Trump being a complete GOD made man. We know that GOD will do this and our responsibility is to pray! Pray for President Trump, all leaders on all levels, and our NATION that GOD loves! Thank you GOD for telling us in advance that this is your desire and all your design. Thank you that YOU alone make Trump your Trumpet, your David. Thank you for him having no fear! Thank you for your protection of President Trump and all standing with a voice for YOUR Kingdom, LORD GOD!! We surround Prayer and a War Cry of GOD on this entire plan, hidden only to those that don’t seek our a matter. You say it is for King’s to seek out a matter and find it out. You are GOD alone, none are beside you, YOU give wisdom. May President Trump begin a legacy of praying and fasting presidents and staff. That this president would even give strategic assignments to his staff to make sure GODly Elders are signed up on expected assignment to fast and pray and that they make sure prayer is covered 24/7 by the GODly Elders surrounding them and GOD’s church. That GOD, you would give him a genius mind from YOU. Opening up Heaven’s wisdom and knowledge to ALL actions and attitudes. I pray HE wrestle with YOU and be overly Blessed like Jacob. Thank you GOD! May this KINGDOM YOU are building in America through President Trump encourage HIS heart to know that IT IS OF THE KINGDOM THAT WILL KNOW NO END!! In JESUS NAME, AMEN
Let the Lord God of Armies release His warring angels to deal with principalities driving dark global ambitions of men that would undermine every sheep nation and assault the church of the living God. O Father, cover our nation, our president, his faithful and godly followers, and all those who fear God with mighty protection and discerning wisdom against every enemy lie and every hidden stronghold of wickedness. Let the mercy and faithfulness of Christ be the bright light to illuminate the hearts of every soul in America, and every nation. Teach us, Father, by Your Spirit, how to repent and how to revere Your name for a reformation that glorifies You.
I pray God will keep President Trump strong through all the lies and hate towards him. I pray for protection for him and his family. I pray that God through Trump, will clean house in our government and the FBI. I pray that the media will start agreeing with Trump and what he has accomplished or God will shut them down. We just think God for interceding in this election or we would never known how corrupt our government had become. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen and Amen
I pray that God will grant our president genuine repentance and faith so he will be truly saved. I know after salvation witchcraft spells and incantations will not have effects on him. This is spiritual warfare and I pray he can truly put on the armor of God for this war is with spiritual wickedness in high places. I know God chose him to disrupt satans plans in this nation even for other nations; may God show him this mercy also to be truly regenerated and born again. For in CHRIST no weapon formed against him shall prosper and every tongue raised against him in judgement he will condemn. For his righteousness will be of Christ and through him he will be MORE THAN CONQUEROR. LET IT BE LORD.
Praying for President Trump to have some rest to restore his strength & energy & that JESUS will grant him peace of mind & that he will be able to clearly make decisions based on the Lord & His will. Please bless his marriage especially during this time of his life & please protect his entire family & the people in his cabinet & White House in Jesus Name.
Praying for strength, physical health, wisdom, discernment, protection & covering of peace provided by the Holy Spirit. May His chariots of fire do battle in the heavenlies on behalf of our president & his family. So thankful to God for our president & his willingness to stay the course. God bless him.
I am praying every day for wisdom, good intelligence reports that are accurate and discernment and support of his staff to respond, that the American people against him would have their eyes open to the truth and that they would not be brain-washed by our Media that has been taken over by corrupt high-level organizations that hate our country and want a Global governance and the destruction of our country and Christian culture. I pray for supernatural protection and that no weapon formed against him will proper – that he would not grow weary in well-doing that his family would love and support him through all the mud they are daily dragged through and that righteousness would prevail in the land and that our freedoms would be protected and for God to bless America through him
June Huber,
Yes and Amen!
I pray our faithful Father God, Who has chosen Donald Trump to lead our nation, will awaken within him, his wife our First Lady and their son Baron – a thirst and hunger for Righteousness; that together they will worship and attend a ālife-giving Word of God teachingā Church where their souls will be nourished and refreshed with the Truth of Godās Word … I pray over our President the scripture passage Jeremiah 17:7-8, which says … But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and has made the Lord his hope and confidence. He is like a tree planted along a riverbank, with its roots reaching deep into the water – a tree not bothered by the heat nor worried by long months of drought. Its leaves stay green, and it goes right on producing all its lucious fruit. May Godās Strength be his strength in abundance; May the all consuming fire of the Holy Spirit consume his pride and clothe him with a mantle of humility and may he recognize his need for the Living Word and turn to him seeking His Face and listen for His Voice of instruction and guidance for He is faithful He will give it and I pray our President and the First Lady will publicly with their own lips give Father God our Lord Jesus the praise honor and glory that is due His Holy Name, AMEN!!!
Rise up People and Pray for our President and our country! Mighty Promises of the Lord!
Isaiah 54:17 – “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,ā Says the Lord.”
2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
President Trump,
I am praying God’s wisdom will overcome in all the areas you are working towards. I pray He continue to use you to bring about righteousness and truth. I pray for the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strength and gifts God has given you to continue to grow and get stronger, that you have more Godly discernment and wisdom as the days pass, that you be able to see through the lies, distortion and chaos the world and the evil one may throw at you, that our country come behind you and support you in prayer and words stronger than they ever have. May God continue to Bless America, you and your precious family, covering all of you with His grace and protection, enveloping you in His loving arms that no words or deeds are able to touch you except for the ones He is speaking to you. May you have ears to hear, eyes to see that He is The Lord, that He truly is the Lord of your life.
Luke 1:37 for there is nothing that God cannot do. I pray that God protects, surrounds his heart, his mind, his family. God gets the Glory.
“then, just when things looked their worst, they changed for the best! I have marveled often at the thin line that divides success from failure and the sudden turn that leads from apparently certain disaster to comparative safety.” Sir Ernest Shackleton’ I read this quote today and thought of my President. “Father God, it is nothing for you turn this trouble into something that can be used for good. Thank you for President Trump’s humility. He clarified an error quickly. I pray for our president and all those in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
May God Bless Mr. Trump in heart, soul and decision.
I pray Psalm 18, Psalm 91, and 2 Corinthians 4: 8 – 9 over President Trump. I bless God for him every day. May the Lord fortify him with might in his spirit by Godās Holy Spirit, and encourage him to keep standing strong. Let the Lord flood President Trump with His love and loving kindness in spiritual and tangible ways. Let the body of Christ hold up the hands of President Trump, and stand with him in prayer.
God bless President Trump always. Iām glad he is our President!
āHumble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.ā
āāJamesā¬ ā4:10ā¬ ā
– I believe the Lord is putting our president in a position to humble himself in order that the Lord will be the one to lift him up. I pray that President Trump will be able to withstand the purification process as he is cleansed from all unrighteousness.
āHeavenly Father I pray for this man You have raised up for such a time as this to lead our one nation under God. Continue to lead him on the path of righteousness and integrity. Lord, remind him by the Holy Spirit, to acknowledge You in all his ways and direct his path.
You alone know the heart of a man, so test him and find him faithful.
Establish Your kingdom in this nation and on this earth and let Your will and purposes be done here as in heaven. In Jesus name.ā
This was once the “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” and now it has become the “THE DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA”.
There are those who are against President Trump and the Vice President because they are telling the truth
and wanting to MAGA. Prayers are needed for President Trump, his family and Vice President Pence and his
family for safety. Let the truth be known and not the “FAKE NEWS”. Hey, you want to live in a Socialistic country, or a Communistic country – then move to it and stop being anti-American!!
Praise God that President Trump is our President.
I am praying God will give him strength to deal with the daily attacks against him and for wisdom to make decisions to continue to make this country strong again.
I am praying for the President to rise above this controversy by using
Isaiah 54:17 — “No weapon that is fashioned against you shall prosper, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vidication from me, says the Lord.” This is a powerful verse when used as a prayer in spiritual battle. I hope others will join me in praying for the President with this passage from the Word of God.
I pray God would give you wisdom, direction and breakthrough in all you are pursuing for the good of America. I bless you with strength, I bless you with health and I bless you with the favor of God as you keep pushing God’s agenda in many areas of our nation and international relations.
President Trump, may you always remember that God loves you and has sovereignly appointed you leader of the United States. May the Lord continually guide and give you wisdom to lead our country to prosperity, safety, and protection. When you are wrongly accused, remember that Jesus was also wrongly accused by people who could not recognize the Savior. They may be loud, annoying, troublesome, finding anyway to discredit you but other people can recognize that you are really working for the good of our nation. THANK YOU. God is the one who protects and puts people and circumstances in place. God is the only true fair judge because he completely sees your heart. So, make sure you align yourself with God’s plans and goodness because Jesus is the ultimate judge– which matters in eternity. May God continually protect and uphold you, Melania, Baron, your entire family, administration and our great nation. When you are discouraged, look up to Jesus and ask for Him. Thank you for all the good you have done for our nation and thank you for taking on the challenges of the presidency. May the Lord unite our nation under His Holy Name and purposes. May the Lord smile and bless you as you align yourself and work with Him. May your relationship with Jesus grow in amazement as you realize His saving grace.
I pray Psalm 141 for President Trump and his Administration.
I pray for him every day. I pray that the curses sent against him will be broken. Also that God will protect him, his family and those working with him. May God give him rest, wisdom, and encouragement. I pray that our country will wake up to the truth of how the media has been deceiving them. I pray that God will put into office and even higher percentage of God fearing conservatives into the senate and house. Also that the Supreme Court will be filled with God fearing constitutionalists.
The word declares that Blessed is the nation whose āGod is the Lordā Psalms 33:12 We receive your blessing father, you are our refuge and strength all in times of trouble. Therefore we pray that no weapon that is formed against our president will prosper and every tongue that accuses him in judgment will come down. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and the vindication is from me, declares the Lord IS 54:17. Father we ask that you compass Donald Trump with men and women who make their hearts and ears attentive to godly counsel and do that which is right in your site āWe are more than conquerors through Christ Jesusā!
Dear Mr. President, Mine is a simple prayer for you, your family and your administration. May our Lord bless you and keep you. May His countenance rise upon you, His favor. May His peace reign in your lives. May His protection and strength be with you, as well as His wisdom. May you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear President Trump, I pray for you each and everyday, many times during the day. Since you are criticized for everything you say and do, I am praying that you would discern the will of God for words that come out of your mouth. You are held accountable for everything and you could silence the critics by telling the truth in all matters in a way they can understand. So I pray for clarity in all you say and do. I thank God for you and Melania and Vice-President Pence and Karen and I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus over you, that The Lord protects you and your family. Thank you for all you do for this country. I know you love this country with all your heart and I pray that through the Lord you can MAGA.
Dear President Trump. You are one of the bravest men I have known. My husband and I pray for your daily for God’s wisdom, protection and favor with God and man. We know you are part of God’s plan to bring America back to God. Thank you for your courage and stamina in overcoming the verbal attacks of the enemy. You are God’s choice for His purposes for this time. thank you for sacrifice and commitment to serve as our leader.
My stance in prayer is premised in the promises of God. He Who called President Trump to this office is able to keep him.
May the Lord, Himself, defend President Trump; protect him, his family, his staff, cabinet, nominees, and appointees. May the Lord grant POTUS Divine wisdom, deliverance from deception, insight, tenacity, courage, strength, and rest for his soul.
Good truimphs over evil. We pray that our President stay the course. Stedfast, unmovable in the face of adversity, continuing to push this ship of state forward. We plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump, his family, his cabinet, and the righteous ones in government. God has greater resources, wiser counsel, mightier victories than we can imagine. We are on the winning side. Though the enemy rage, God has His man in the highest office in America and God will prevail. No president has had more prayer support or enjoyed more favor than this beloved president.
To President Trump:
After what the Intelligence Community is doling to you, no wonder it is hard for you to trust them. It was wrong for you to be asked to choose between the word of the Intelligence community and the word of Pres Putin, with whom you are building a Christian relationship. It was a no win question.
I pray that the Lord will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies and that your cup will run over. May all your enemies be caught in the trap they are setting for you.
Thank you for sacrificing your comfortable life for our beloved America. May goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life. Amen
I have been praying that angels be sent from heaven to surround the President and his family. I’ve been praying that he will grow spiritually and expediently and that God will give him wisdom.
Praying that President Trump will seek God, and be around Godly influences, I pray in Jesus name that pride, arrogance, and self righteousness will be bound up in his life, I pray for him to have discernment over what’s right and wrong both spiritually, and naturally, and that he will receive sound instructions from those who are qualified to secure our land, and defend against the enemy, may he know that the enemy is not our friend in Jesus name! may everything that is not like you O God be cast down, may he know that you are God, and that you are the one who is in control always in Jesus name! you know all and see all, you put things in place, and you cast down! Father may you be glorified in our nations capitol, may your glory shine in the White House in Jesus name!
May Jesus bring the light especially for media so truth would prevail
Thank you President Trump for all the hard work you do! I pray for you everyday! I pray for your safety and for the mighty wisdom only God can give! Surely you must be given stamina from God, to accomplish so much already. Keep up the good fight! You have many of us behind you to give support and prayer. I ask you to pray to the Lord Jesus everyday.
James 1:5 – If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
May the Lord give šPresident Trump the anointing of David, the true wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Samson, the faith of Abraham, the great victory of Jesus over evil. May President Trump be refreshed, be encouraged and be be assisted by others like Moses, to win! May every plan and attack of the enemy be nullified and destroyed by the šBlood of Jesus. May the deep state šæštraitors be exposed and removed. May God
work miracles to MAGA because of the rem-nant God honoring šŗšørighteous in the USA.
I am not a fan. Jesus said to judge people by their fruit. I do not see good fruit on this administration. I see hate, division, legalism, women demoralized, as well as minorities. I see families split up, and I believe an alliance with Russia will not benefit the advancing of the kingdom of Christ. If Putin is legit, then he ought to make restitution for things he has taken from other countries. I am disparaged by my brethren in Christ who do not seem to think for themselves, but just believe what people tell them to. Yes I am a Christian, yes I have a personal relationship with Jesus. I think legalism is a bad thing, “mercy triumphs over judgement” (Ja 2:13). I think this administration has no heart for the people, I do not think they are serving Christ at all. Did Jesus not tell us to help those who cannot help themselves? Yet I am seeing people lose health care, and aid to those less fortunate on the chopping block. If we really believe the Bible (give and it shall be given unto good measure pressed down, running over Luke 6:38), then why is giving such an issue?
yet I intercede for the country, I call things into the light, that nothing shall remain hidden, and the heart of the king(s) because of Congress it is plural, is in the hand of the Lord and He will turn it however he will (mercy triumphs over judgement).
For you, God, tested the President;
you refined him like silver.
You let people ride over his heads;
he went through fire and water,
but you brought him to a place of abundance. (Psalm 66:10,12)
We declare that the Lord will bring the President to a place of abundance, an overwhleming victory in this process!
Lead us, Holy Spirit, back to you. Forgive our country for it’s sins and bring us back into a position of Power in Christ. Though it was for the Israelites, I pray Jeremiah 24:7 for the people of our country, “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people and I will be their God for they will return to me with a whole heart.” Protect our president and give him a heart to follow you every step he takes.
I pray for President Trump and his family’s protection and for supernatural wisdom for President Trump. I pray for more pro-Trump US Representatives and Senators to win in the mid-term election to support our president. I pray for angel armies to continue to expose corruption and for the corrupt to either bow their knew to Jesus Christ or be prosecuted. I pray for Mueller’s investigation to end and for him to be exposed as well. I pray for a mighty national revival and reformation in this land. God bless America Open the eyes of the deceived to know the truth and be set free
I pray that our Heavenly Father will turn their hearts to Jesus; call them to seek His Face for wisdom and for strength in mind and body and call them to daily Bible reading and prayer.
I pray the Lord continue to give President Trump wisdom in every decision, and to help him to think clearly. I pray the Lord will give him discernment so he will continue to be a strong and effective leader. (Titus 3:5; James 1:5; Proverbs 3:21) Help him to lead with integrity to guide him and keep him on track. (1 Kings 9:4; Proverbs 11:3a; Psalm 78:72; 1Timothy 2:1ā4)
āAbove all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.ā ā Ephesians 6:16
Praying President Trump understands this is not a war with people, but a spiritual war we are engaged in (Eph.6:12). Our weapons are spiritual (II Cor. 10:4) as followers of Christ we will suffer persecution (Jn15:20). Promotion and favor come from God (Ps.5:12) God requires and honors humility (James 4:6,10; Ps.10:17, IPeter 5:5,6). God has promised to never leave or forsake those to trust in Him (Duet.31:6,8). I pray Heb.13:21 that God will make him complete in every good work, to do His will. That God will give him wisdom, understanding and discernment for every decision made for the good of the people and to the glory of God.
God bless America, and our President!
I’m lifting my president vice president of every week everyday praying for strength wisdom knowledge and understanding a wise and Discerning heart. That his decisions would be directed by the Lord. That he would be protected and his family and our vice president everywhere they go. And thank you for intercessors for America and all that you do!
ALOHA Mr.President, I Come inagreement with everyone here interceding praying for You Your family team Trump. May the LORD answer You when You are in distress; may the Name of the GOD of Jacob protect You.Trust in the LORD and do good, dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the LORD and HE Will give You the desires of your heart. Commit your Self to the LORD, trust in HIM and HE Will do this; HE Will make your righteousness shine like the dawn the justice of YOUR cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for HIM.do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out there wicked schemes.Refrain from anger and turn from wrath-do not fret it only turns to evil. For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.A little while and the wicked will be no more. Wait for the LORD And keep HIS Way. HE Will exalt You yo inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off You will see it. In JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY GLORIOUS NAME AMEN. LOVE and GOD BLESS You ALOHA Always Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hawaii.ā¤ā
I Plead the blood of Jesus over him and all his cabinet for safety, and the 39 strips that Jesus took on the cross for his healing of mind, soul, body, in Jesus name for HIS Glory and President Trump and his cabinet. That every thing is done as God wants it as this Earth belongs to HIM as HE bought it back. Be39
Heavenly Father,in the name of Jesus, thank You for giving Jesus in the cross for us because through Jesus sacrifice, we are redeemed and reconciled and now we can come BOLDLY to the THRONE Of GRACE IN TIME OF NEED.
In the name of Jesus, President Trump is in all these things more than conqueror through Christ Jesus who love him. Roman 8:37
In the name of Jesus, President Trump and his family are of God, and have OVERCOME THEM, BECAUSE HE WHO IS THEM IS GREATER THAN he we ho is in the world. 1John4:4
In the name of Jesus, I bless President Trump and his family.
Our Father who is in heaven. We Praise you’re holy Name. Thy kingdom Come. Thy will be Done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but Deliver Us from evil, for yours is the Kingdom and the Power, and the Glory, Forever. Amen Luke11:2
President Trump, I am praying daily for you and your family, for Vice President Mike Pense and his family, those in your cabinet, and your advisors and counselors. I pray that the fear of the Lord would abound in your heart and guide all that you say and do and act upon as you lead this great country. All authority is God’s and the powers that exist are ordained by Him. You have been ordained to rule in our land in this time in history for our good, and I believe it is in response to the prayers of His people crying out to Him. Almighty God is the one Who has taken you by the right hand to subdue nations before you, to disarm kings, to open doors before you so that gates will not be shut, to make the rough places smooth, shatter doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars. He will give you treasures hidden in secret places so that you will know that it is He, the God of Isreal who calls you by your name and that it is He Who has done all these things ( Isaiah 45:1-3,7) Praying that you will fear the Lord always, that you and yours will abide under the shadow of the Almighty. “As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success.” 2 Chronicles 26:5
Mr. President, I am so happy that you are our president! I pray that you will receive godly advice on every issue facing you. And that God will give you His wisdom on how to proceed in a way that will be best for America. May God bless you and our nation.
Phoebe Molyneux says:
I pray every day for President Trump and his wife to continue doing and saying the right things to make the U.S. a Christian nation and a successful nation that has people working who should be working and helping those who need help. I also pray for all the Christians in our country to give them the support and encouragement that they need. I also pray for Trump to be able to get a fence made that will keep people out of our country who shouldn’t be here.
Praying he retires ASAP!
With God all things are possible. We pray together that God will bring success to the works of his/D.J. Trump’s hands. In Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen
Dear President Trump. You are our hero leading with strength of the Holy Spirit and seeking wisdom & truth from Our Father. Daily I pray for you & your administration. Thank you for all your sacrifice for our Country.
Praying President Trump will seek God and His Word as he leads the people and thanking the Lord for believers surrounding him and the prayers of the people! I am thankful the President humbled himself in clarifying his comments regarding the U.S. intelligence community.
All glory to God!
Thanking Daddy God for His Sovereignty. Thanking Him for anointing and choosing His servant President Trump and his family. Praising Papa God that He watches over His word to perform it. His word doesnāt come back void. According to Your word, the heart of the king is like a river in Your hands and You will direct it. (Proverbs 21:1) Lord I declare and decree this day that all the powers that be in White House, House of Representatives, Senate, Judges, etc. and media are in Your hands. Hallelujah!
Thank You for the privilege to be diligent to make intercession for the powers that be. Thank You Jesus and Holy Spirit, making intercession for us and the nation of America. Your sons and daughters delight in You. King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
In Jesus Matchless Name
Praying that you will be successful in your plans for the country today. 1 Timothy2 1-3. God bless you and your family !!
I am praying that the Spirit of the Lord would come powerfully upon President Trump to make Godly decisions as He did with Saul in 1 Samuel 10:6
The Spirit of the LORD will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person.
Dear Mr. President,
I have been praying specifically for a powerful refreshing and anointing of the Holy Spirit to renew you after your European trip.
I recognize that the unfair statements in the media can be a bit ‘wearing’, but take comfort as Acts 1:8 states’You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’ The LORD will refresh and renew you!
Thank you for continuing to uphold our Nation’s values. Grace to you and Mrs. Melania Trump.
I pray and believe as our Leaders pray and ask the Lord, for forgiveness releasing Divine Guidance and Direction by the Holy Spirit receiving wisdom and Knowledge upon our land and Leaders believing and speaking the Word of God upon our Great Nation by faith and receiving Divine Favor of God.
I pray that our President follows and abide in His faith according to the Word of God. Speaking the word aligning in agreement believing our Nation will stand strong as all unite together with Israel and others believing nations.
I pray that leaders speak unity, faith, and hope upon our Great Nation today, tomorrow, and every day to come until our Lord and Savoir, Jesus Christ return. Amen.
I believe as our nation speak the Holy inspired Word of God “believing the Word” our nation shall begin releasing and growing in faith.
I pray for God to encourage you. Give you revelation of how many people are supporting you. Don’t give up!!! You are being effective which is evident in how many evil(media, actors, politians are against you).Keep going!
Praying for President Trump and First Lady Melania. May they walk together and work together, each depending on strength from the Lord God for every day. May this First Family forge a closer bond in the ensuing years of service, with God’s blessing of protection and peace.
Mr.President and First Lady, may grace abound. May each fiery dart sent to pierce the soul be bound and cast down. God, shield them. Peace of God encircle and envelop them. O God, bring rest to their souls. O Comforter, comfort. Refresh, restore, renew them, O gracious Lord. Where there is injury, heal. Where there is doubt, counsel. Where there is distress, let hope arise, O precious Lord. In the dark, bring light. In weariness, bring respite. In loneliness, bring a sweet taste of Your Presence, O Friend. Arise on their behalf, Lord of Hosts. Call down Your angelic armies to war on their behalf. Victory in every skirmish. By the blood of the Lamb.
Yes. I daily lift up our president prayer. Today I pray he feels Godās pleasure over him and that God will raise up a standard against his enemies.
July 18, 2018at 12:46 PM
I believe that President Trump was chosen by God so I rest in Godās will. I pray that every tongue that speaks against President Trump is silenced and no weapon formed against him will prosper. Iām praying that everything that is hidden will be made known, and exposed so the people of our nation will see what God is delivering our nation from. Iām praying for the souls of those in the media and government that their eyes would be opened to the truth of Godās Word and be saved, but Iām also believing that all that are opposed will be removed. Iām praying that the body of Christ unifies and rallies around President Trump with prayers and words of life! God has placed a pause in time for the body of Christ and President Trump is the catalyst that God has chosen to promote His plan for Jesus Christ to be revealed through His people in righteousness, justice, and truth! I pray that America repents!
Dear Mr. President,
I had a very fitful sleep Monday night/Tuesday morning. I told one other about it because it is so different than what most people are used to. I was dreaming for what seemed like hours (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17). In this dream I was wrestling and just barely winning, but during the whole time I kept saying, “Lord, Drain the swamp….drain the swamp.”
My President, this dream encouaged me further to keep interceding for you, your family, your administration, and both Houses of Congress. God annointed you to lead this country toward righteousness. Rest assured, “‘it is not by power, nor by might, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of Host.” Zachariah 4:6 The Swamp is being drained. The Deep Undercover is being exposed. Understand that the liars may think they are getting away with it, but God has the laugh laugh.
There are those people who are called by God’s Name, who have humbled themselves, are seeking God’s face, and who have turned from our evil ways so that God will bless our country. II Chronicles 7:14 I cannot urge you enough to get with your family and have a weekly prayer session with you, the leader of our country, leading the prayer.
Mr President, do not get discouraged. They treated our Savior, the Son of God, Yeshua Hamachiah worse. Consider it an honor (humbly) that they treat you with so much ill contempt for Christ’s name sake.
We are praying for you to have all the wisdom that God has. Ask for it, seek it, and then be persistent about knocking the doors down to get it.
Finally, I have taught my children, who are now in their twenties to: “be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to angry.” Teach this to our country, teach it by example.
I ask all these things by the authority of Yeshua my Savior…so be it by the power of the Ruach Hakodesh. #Scotsarewe
Praying that President Trump will listen to the Lord directly, through the Word and through His People. That the Lord will turn what seems evil into good and move through all opposition to the deliverance of the United States from judgment and evil, especially in the mid-term elections. Lord, have mercy and bring another revival!
I pray for president Trump as well. What I have a hard with is, that there is little to no demand for accountability for this administration. As a black American, our view of certain policies is clearly not the same. I am one of the people who can say with a clear conscience, I would not have trusted the leadership of Hillary Clinton. I feel strongly, that we should pray for our leadership on every level whether or not we agree. Never once have I received an email or newsletter about praying for the President to be called to accountability, or to represent this country in a humility in a Godly manner. I feel that certain people out there, that no matter what President Trump does, it would not be good enough. I also feel like there are people out who believe that President Trump could do no wrong. I feel neither side is beneficial for the We should give honor where it is due; but, we must in the same spirit of honor and love be accountable as well. Saying that America is the greatest country in the world does not give us the right to ignore the area(s) that we must address.
concerned brother in Christ
I pray daily for President Trump and his cabinet and close advisers. I pray for God to anoint him afresh and anew daily with His supernatural wisdom and instill in him a heart of integrity that he might know what he should do and say in every circumstance and situation. I pray Isaiah 54:17 over him each day, which says ” No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me”, says the Lord. May the blessing of the Lord be upon him always!
Continuing to pray for President Trump – that God would work through him in all things – each decision. God knows every detail of every circumstance, which we do not. Trusting Him!!
I pray that God will always be with President Trump. He is in a no win situation with todays news media. It doesn’t matter what he says or does, it is criticized like no other. I pray for him to have strength and confidence to do the right things, no matter what. Thank you Jesus, for answered prayer.
Yes , We are praying that president Trump will be strong and hold his ground until he is vindicated. That he will have supernatural wisdom , insight and clarity about what he should do and say. That no weapons formed against him will prosper, that those plotting against him will be caught in their own snares and be disarmed and confused. Also that God will dispatch angels to seal off every avenue of manipulation , intimidation and mind control that would seek to entrap , control or manipulate him or anyone associated with him. We also pray that all the lies and fake news will be exposed and loose all credeitability with everyone who has heard it, in the name of Jesus !
I pray daily with great thankfulness that Donald Trump is our President. He is a gift from God and I pray that he and his policy and military advisors will have supernatural godly wisdom and discernment, keen strategic insight into the complex issues they face both domestically and abroad, and abundant strength for each day. I pray the detractors and naysayers in the press and those influenced by the press will diminish; that they will repent and turn to God and His righteous ways; and we will yet see a mighty turn-around in their behavior toward the President and representation of him.
I pray Scriptures over President Donald Trump daily!!
Protection for him, family and Mike Pence and his family!
Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!
God Bless
š Thank You Lord that You are the glory and lifter of President Trumpās head. Ps 3:3
You, Lord are his refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Ps 46:1
Father, it is You who arms him with strength and makes his way perfect. Ps 18:31
Place a Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding within him and all those around him each moment of the day. Help him to Make America Great Again, all for Your glory and honor.
In Name of Jesus, amen.
My prayer for President Trump is that God will deliver him from the deadly sword, and rescue him from the hands of foreigners whose mouths are full of lies, whose right hands are deceitful (Psalms 144:10b and c). I pray that the cover will be pulled off of those the deceitful ones, such as the democrats and news media, and the peoples eyes will be opened to see the truth. I also pray that those in the oval office of the White House will be fill with the Holy Spirit and begin to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
I am praying for you, Mr. President. I pray that God will open their eyes and that they will see the error of their ways and that they will get behind your administration. I pray that if they refuse to surrender and continue to resist and show hatred, that God will remove them.
Praying that God sustain our President. That President Trump would “seek the Lord and His syrength and seek His presence continually” – 1 Chron 16:11. That “He guide his heart like a stream of water wherever He pleases”.-Prov 21:1 and that God would give Trump “an understanding mind to govern the people, that he may discern between good and evil..”.-1 Kings 3:9 In Jesus most holy and powerful name I pray, Amen!!!
I continue to pray for the President to receive wise counsel, that he would recognize his need for counsel, that he would seek wisdom, that he would seek God in his decision making, that he would recognize his need for wisdom from God, that he would grow into godly character and humility.
I pray for President Trump and his family daily. I ask for protection and wisdom for them. I am thankful for our President and Vice-President and his family.
I have to wonder if he is under a spell of witchcraft.
I pray for president Trump daily, for his protection and safety, and Gods wisdom to lead him. I believe president Trump is doing a great job.
I pray that President Trump will always look to God for the right thing to do. I pray that he and his family will remain strong. I pray that LOVE not hate will win. I pray that with Godās help President Trump will be able to restore Americaās greatness.
Dear President I believe God have a purpose for our Country and I declare that you are anointed and blessing anywhere you God.God Bless you and keep you strong in from the enemies. God Bless you.
I’m praying that God will expose the corruption in America and I bind up the Spirit of hate and division against President Trump. We are in a Spiritual battle and we need to be in continual prayer