At what point does this stop? At what point does our society say, “Enough is enough” when it comes to the assault on our children? At what point do we stand up as a nation and put a stop to this attack on innocence?
There was a time when our kids were not bombarded with “pornographic” sex-ed curricula in middle school.
There was a time when condoms were not given out to elementary school students.
There was a time when first graders were not taught LGBTQ terminology.
There was a time when we did not celebrate 8-year-old drag queens (and when drag queens did not twerk for our toddlers in libraries).
There was a time when movies were not made about 11-year-old girls joining sensual dance teams. . . .
You need to look through that thread. You need to watch what they are putting on their platform. The legacy media attacks us for wanting to protect kids – this is disgusting. I’m appalled and outraged and you should be too.
— Tracy Beanz (@tracybeanz) September 10, 2020
Updated California Sex Ed Indoctrinates Children to Believe Sexual Filth is Normal
Lest you think I’m exaggerating, the California Globe reported on May 9, 2019, “Despite hundreds of parents protesting and testifying, on Wednesday the California State Board of Education approved highly controversial changes to the state’s health and sex education framework including teaching children about bondage, anal sex, pederasty, sex trafficking, sexual orientation and transgender and non-conforming students.”
One book, recommended for transitional kindergarten through third grade includes “graphic, close-up illustrations of child/adult genitals and the sex act itself.” This is for kids aged 6-9!
The new reality is rotten. The new reality defiles. The new reality destroys. And the new reality gets worse by the day. Almost all innocence has been lost. . . .
As for high school students, one textbook, “Introduces or encourages anal sex for all sexual orientations, BDSM (bondage, domination, sadomasochism), body fluid (urinating on each other) or blood play, fisting, and a long list of other sexual debauchery.”
If you blush while reading these words as an adult (or don’t know what some of the terms mean), can you imagine teaching this to high school kids? Yet it is adults, many of them parents, who approve of trash like this. What an outrage.
Netflix is Under Attack for Sexualizing 11-Year-Olds in Cuties
Now, Netflix has come under attack for its new documentary called Cuties. Yes, “The streaming giant is facing backlash for its promotional poster for the French film, whose young stars are 11-years-old. The promo image in question shows the children wearing revealing dance attire of shorts and crop tops and striking various dance poses, like kneeling on the floor and squatting.”
Netflix quickly apologized for the poster, removing it from the promotional material. But it did not apologize for the movie itself, stating, “We’re deeply sorry for the inappropriate artwork that we used for Mignonnes/Cuties. It was not OK, nor was it representative of this French film which won an award at Sundance. We’ve now updated the pictures and description.”
Don’t Be Fooled By Their Mention of a Sundance Award
Ah, but of course. The film won an award at Sundance. It must be good and moral. After all, Sundance is kind of like the Bible Belt of movies. Conservative. Almost prudish. Right.
Rather, as Indie Wire noted, “The Sundance Film Festival has been shocking audiences — and launching careers — for years.” An early Sundance winner was the 1989 movie “Sex, Lies, and Videotape.”
As described on IndieWire, “In someways the quintessential movie of Sundance’s early years, Steven Soderbergh’s landmark debut remains one of the best movies ever to come out of the festival — and one of the most sexually frank.”
So much for winning an award at Sundance.
Cuties is About a Rotten New Reality We Must Not Accept
And what, exactly, is “Cuties” about? As reported on Heavy, in the movie, which earned a TV-MA rating, “Amy, an 11-year-old girl, joins a group of dancers named ‘the cuties’ at school, and rapidly grows aware of her burgeoning femininity — upsetting her mother and her values in the process.”
It is also described as a “coming-of-age moving about an 11-year-old,” which really says it all. Girls that young are not “coming of age” to sensual dancing unless someone else teaches them. The thoughts would never enter their minds on their own, especially when they come from traditional religious backgrounds, as does Amy.
A headline in The U.S. Sun reads, “THIS IS GROSS! Netflix’s new ‘Cuties’ show sparks fury with ‘highly sexualised’ drama about 11-year-old girl joining ‘twerking squad.’” This should spark fury among parents. (And what about the little girls who posed for the Netflix poster? Should anyone think about them?)
Someone might say, “But the film simply tells the increasingly common story of a girl raised in a religious home (in this case, a Muslim home) who discovers a whole new world through social media and her school. This is the new reality.”
But that’s the whole problem. The new reality is rotten. The new reality defiles. The new reality destroys. And the new reality gets worse by the day. Almost all innocence has been lost.
The Souls of Our Children are Under Assault and We Must Act
Young kids grow up singing the most salacious lyrics, gyrating sexually as they mouth the words, being exposed to filth long before they can even understand it. And kids as young as 8 are regularly encountering porn. How have we let this happen? How have we let our children be emotionally and morally raped?
There is even concern now about dolls promoting child abuse. I am not making this up.
As a nation, we are outraged over the allegations against the late Jeffrey Epstein. And we are mortified when we learn that sex trafficking is taking place in front of our eyes in major cities across America.
But our outrage should go deeper. The very souls of our children are under daily assault, from their cell phones to their classrooms. Shall we not put up a wall of protection around them?
(Excerpt from The Stream. Article by Dr. Michael Brown. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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Oh Jesus, my heart breaks for the children. I am one of those whose innocence was taken. I ask that the army network of debauchery and sexual perversion be defeated in the heavenlies. Remove the sexually perverted network. Give angel warriors of Adonai the Light equipment and weaponry to defeat these disgusting perverse evil demonic forces. I bind them up in the name of Yeshua HaMasheach. I plead the blood of Jesus. Father loose righteousness over our nation. Protect the children Father. Reveal the plans of darkness so we might fight against them with our prayers. The battle is yours Father. I trust you will make all things right in your timing. I love you Abba, Daddy! I praise you for you alone are worthy of my praise. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty! You reign in wisdom from the throne. I ask again for you to extend our time on earth for the Harvest is great. Stir up the hearts of the workers to go out into the fields alongside you Father make us gatherers of men. Empower us by Holy Spirit. Knowing the authority that Jesus has armed and equipped us with. May we see you move and move with you Jesus. Give divine appointments to us your workers. May we advance your Kingdom, Adonai.
Texas SBOE recently voted down inclusion of radicalized and politicized standards in textbook adoptions for science and health education by a narrow margin. This curriculum is hitting every state. Stay aware of state adoptions and what your local school is allowing. It is from the pit of hell.
I could be wrong, but it seems to me like once the California State Board of Education approves of something, it seems to trickle down to almost all of the other states. I could also be wrong, but it seems like California sets the so called “normal” for the rest of our nation. If an enemy can take over a country from the inside, why can’t Christians take over from the inside. We could relocate our best Christian politicians there, and We could all donate to help fund their campaigns. I pray that we be mindful of the time and have wisdom from God in maximizing the opportunities inherent in each day.
“Of David. Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.” Psalm 144:1
Elizabeth, you are correct. I was born and raised in Florida. Whatever California adopted it would make its way over to Florida. I always wondered, WHY! What’s so important about that state that we in Florida think we have copy it. I’m sure it’s a spiritual thing. Thank God Florida has a good Governor now. I still have family that live there.
Anyway I pray that the parents and good churches in California will band together in holy indignation and DEMAND a change in the school curriculum. They need a complete change in their Department of Education in that state, then it needs to trickle down to the local level.
As far as this “Cuties” movie, parents and people in general need to immediately DROP their subscription. That’s the best way to do a quick term solution. Then shame on the parents for allowing or pushing their daughter to be in a movie of such filth. If they’re that hungry for money, don’t use their child to obtain it. It parents think this is a good way to begin saving for college, they need plan a different way.
Yes indeed. After it passes in CA it usually goes to TX and if TX approves, it goes out into all the states. It’s been this way for years. Homeschoolers know about it, and it if frightening. As more liberal minded (un-godly) People move out of CA and are being dispersed across the country they are bringing these horrific mindsets with them. Forgive us Jesus. Set our hearts toward our True North (YOU) and show us how to defeat this evil in the natural as we also pray in the supernatural for solutions and victories. 🙏🏻
Many American teachers decided to work from home , and took jobs teaching Chinese students to speak English over the internet. Do you think China was/is using this as part of a takeover? I pray to God for His wisdom and understanding.
To add, I meant to state that these students are currently living in China. I do love all God’s children.
Our prayer group are praying for the children also praying for the teachers that they stand up and refuse to teach this garbage to our children that God give them holy boldness
AIM Agape International Ministries in Cambodia rescues kids from the sex tracking industry. The moms sell their kids ages 6 and up to brothels. Yes, let me repeat that- the moms sell their kids age 6 and up to the brothels. There are daily flights from America full of pedophiles who immediately go to these brothels to have sex with the kids.
They have rescued thousands of these kids and provide safe housing, a solid Biblical foundation, employment, and the kids get to get their childhoods back.
Finally, the Cambodia government and city police force are on the front lines of battling this.
Please be praying for the kids, their moms, and the pedophiles that they would be healed and saved.
Sadly, we must realize that these various types of debauchery started decades ago…and that Christians and concerned citizens did nothing earth shattering about it!!! Yes you heard right. Prayer is first and foremost but “out front, in your face protesting and involvement” is close by. As Christians, the “less you are involved” in ensuring protection against this filth, the more it will proliferate. Satan will always look for opportunities and fill where a spiritual vacuum exists…and he has done so with an uninvolved and complacent body of Christ.
This is difficult for many to hear. We must involve ourselves continually on the front end of laws, policy and occupational permits (allowing sketchy or evil business to be allowed permits is wrong and we must collectively oppose it). We MUST be involved in what our school boards or commissions approve for content. You don’t have to have to have children in school to be part of it. You just have to see the big picture and impact of Not being involved!
Lord help each of us to see what we can do and where we can help beyond the walls of our church and our prayers. Awaken us Lord and strengthen us to help impact our town, city, state and nation.
Let me clarify what I mean by in your face. I mean passionate but peaceful discourse in areas where local, state or federal government is trying to consider or force ungodly and prohibited conduct or teachings on ANY age group. I do not endorse violent protests but Christians must firmly and publicly speak out against that which violates the principles of a Holy and Righteous God.
I SO agree with you!
Father, forgive us for not letting our lights shine that others would see truth, and that we have been too busy with everyday life that we did not seek to put you first and left an opportunity for Satan to come in to steal, kill and destroy. We ask for your forgiveness and plead for your mercy. We ask that you would protect our children and our grandchildren from evil, and ask that you would (Isaiah 45:8)”Let the earth open up and salvation bear fruit, And righteousness spring up with it.” Christians must take a stand against evil! Pray and ask God to heal our land, but we must, also, stop supporting any media that hosts such filth. Parents must be vigilant in watching over what their children are being taught in school and spend as much time as possible teaching them about God and what the Bible teaches. Blessing comes in obedience to Christ! In the name of Jesus, Father God, Please heal our land!
Father we ask for protection for our children and deliverance from this evil. May we be faithful to act when you have shown us what we need to do. May we be vocal and not walk in fear if what names we are called or what actions are taken against us.
The last Super Bowl half-time show was further proof of this demonic agenda for our nation! Parents, please filter your computers and do not give your kids iphones! And of course, it begins with the parents! What are you looking at…are we guarding our hearts? If we are not, we cannot expect our children to do the same.
Yes, we should put a wall of protection around them. How do we cover the cost of a private school where this won’t happen? Should parents that care storm the schools and demand that their child be excluded from this? THe best way, is to remove from office all the people that voted in these “New” laws about religion and make sure the ones replacing them will replace them with good old reading, writing and arithmetic with computers? The parents should be allowed to teach the Child sexual values, not the schools!
Our daughter who is a teacher is home schooling with the teaching of the bible : if it was good for President Abraham Lincoln: it is good for our children’s children. For when you teach the children the path of pervertion you rip a nation of pervertion and children who will turn against their parents and the leaders who pushed this rubbish. We must pray for America and your families for the children are a gift from God and not to be defiled by beastiality.
Dear Lord Jesus, we seek access through the blood of Jesus Christ, to the Divine Council in Heaven. We denounce our own sinfulness and agree with your Word that our righteousness is as filthy rags, but we plead the precious blood of Jesus as our covering.
We bring our petition before you, as citizens of the United States, and acknowledge with guilt and shame, the sins of this nation. We confess our personal guilt and shame, and ask for your forgiveness while renouncing any agreement we have entered into with the enemy, willingly or unwittingly, and we ask for divine retribution against the bad actors associated with this war on children.
We pray that this war on children be stopped in Jesus’ Name.
We plead the blood of Jesus and ask for a decree; that the war on children would be stopped in Jesus’ Name!
Let the depth of this request and answer to prayer be brought about in your perfect wisdom, let salvation be revealed, and let deliverance be made manifest in Jesus’ Name.
We speak a blessing of replacement, that darkness would be turned to light and that light would be revealed to these precious children and to our nation in Jesus’ Name.
My mother had a saying when I was growing up – Enough is enough and too much is already!
Father, we cry out for our children and grandchildren, that innocence would be restored. Raise up parents who will not stand for children’s minds and bodies to be defiled! Capture the hearts of them while they are young. We cry out for mercy over the children.
One of the biggest successes for undermining youth and morals was the musical “HAIR” from the late 1960’s, which contained some of the most indecent language and scenes in any stage play up to that point. My liberal, progressive mother bought the album and brought it home. Being interested in music, I played it a lot. It was the first place I heard the words: sodomy, fellatio, cunnilingus and pederasty. There was also mention of masturbation, the Kama Sutra and recommendation for joining a “holy orgy.” I was 14 years old. Can you say “Impressionable”? It was absolutely vile and was promoted as creative genius and cutting-edge cleverness. The hippie “hair” movement had nothing to do with peace and love. It had everything to do with anarchy and the throwing over of decency and conservative norms for total filth. (P.S. Your mother’s remark sounds a little bit Yiddish. Are you Jewish? I am! Praise to our mighty Messiah, Yeshua, the King of the Jews and Lord of All.)
I am Not Jewish. My mom took us to a church that had a form of godliness, but denied the power. We listened to a lot of rock music including “Hair”. She used the phrase I spoke of mainly when me and my sisters were bickering or not following instruction! But I use It when beseeching the Lord or speaking out against enemy plans!
Thank you for this post…yes it was beginning back then. anarchy.and tyrrany and assault on all that was moral decent & of Judeo Christian ethics…Our God raised up His standard against it with the Jesus movenent which reached into even all Faith’s…He promises in His word to raise up His standard against the enemy . We pray as His people …His army on earth that He do this at such a time as this..time evil is overshadowing