I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would strengthen our election processes.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is a critical time for our nation. If we hope to keep what makes America great, we need to defend our elections.

From The Epoch Times. The most valuable lesson a True the Vote co-founder took from being jailed for contempt of court a week before the 2022 midterms was the realization of how important the right to vote is in protecting people’s freedoms.

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Catherine Engelbrecht, co-founder of the election integrity group True the Vote, and Greg Philips, a True the Vote board member, were detained by the U.S. Marshals Service on the orders of the federal judge in connection with a civil lawsuit brought against True the Vote by Konnech, an election management software firm.

Engelbrecht told EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program on Nov. 11 she took many lessons from this incident, with one of the most valuable being “how precious freedom really is, and how seriously we ought to take our civic duties and our responsibility to vote and our responsibility to stay engaged.” …

Jail Experience Strengthened Resolve

In jail … an inmate … told Engelbrecht: “You need to understand that in here, your life is not your own.”

“That just sunk to the core of my being,“ Engelbrecht said. “I was in a place where my life was not my own. Yet, on the other side of those walls, I fight daily for people’s voices to be heard through the power of their vote and to engage in the process of good governance.” …

To say that her resolve has redoubled would be an understatement, Engelbrecht continued. “I am more determined now than ever to stay this course because I think our country is in peril. We must stay engaged or we risk losing those freedoms that we so often take for granted.” …

Lessons Learned From Midterms

Engelbrecht shared that during the 2022 midterm elections, she observed what she described as “lawlessness of process,” referring to problems with mail-in ballots and issues of chain of custody as well as other problems.

There had been influential voices that had been cautioning people to only vote on Election Day, Engelbrecht said. However, True the Vote and others in their circle cautioned not to do that because it was not “the level playing field.”

“If everyone only votes on election day, then that would be a different matter,” Engelbrecht said, “but, in fact, when you have other camps getting out their votes early and being able to tactically anticipate that if votes coming out on Election Day are a large part of what needs to be focused on, it makes it much easier to throw a wrench into those plans and wreak all manner of havoc.”

“Being aware of what we face as a country,“ Engelbrecht hopes that “we maybe find our common humanity back as Americans and realize that we are a lot more alike than we are different.”

“It really doesn’t in the end matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat. If you love this country, you want the best for your kids, you want for freedoms for yourself and your fellow countrymen, then there’s common ground to be found.”

“We’ve got to find a way to work together where we can so that we can preserve the opportunity to argue at the elections, argue at the ballot box, but let’s argue, let’s not go to war.”

“I think that left to its current trajectory, there are some dark days and America needs to stand up now and unite.”

How are you praying for election integrity? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: True the Vote)

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Rose Rocha
December 2, 2022

Lord , I thank you for this brave woman, Catherine Engelbrecht, who continues to stand for freedom. Strengthen and protect her and her family. IJN

Herb J
December 2, 2022

Truly it is being revealed..and has been revealed..that the greater portion of humanity will default to depravity at the least provocation-,and have done so since the beginning of human existence .
Catherine is a great and courageous example of demonstrating responsible civic duty.. however now, is it not at least as important..to maintain the battle in extracting the evil from the system ..as we go forward-, and also acknowledging for how long-, and how deep-, that corruption has existed, and has run.. that we may never again function in an ongoing and continual state of naivete as Christians.
Lord I acknowledge, I confess.. that I was not well informed about my role as a Christian in the Civic Arena, in the beginning of my walk.. – and I even thought that I should abdicate that part of life-, after reading the scripture where Paul says” I am now a citizen of a better Kingdom”.. and I will also offer..

Lord, that when I inquired about these matters, and basically any other matters in life, in churches I attended.. inevitably I was gently, sometimes, and other times not so gently..rebuked, – being told that we are not concerned with these matters as Christians.. that is a basic paraphrase as I remember it.
Lord as we have heard people say.. I cannot unsee what I have now seen.. and as I have become aware it has sparked in me a patriotic fervor, that I have realized was always there.. but that these embers must be fanned into flame ..by the encouragement of Fellowship and like-mindedness.. as we encourage each other-,and also in every other spiritual matter.
Lord as we have faced these new responsibilities.. as they seem to be.. Lord, continue to lift us up,as we lift you up, to new levels of spiritual maturity and strength in these endeavors. Please have mercy on our country, Lord-as we Face our hypocrisy.. as I face my hypocrisy. And Lord again I thank you so much for Catherine Engelbrecht and Greg Phillips, and the immeasurable good,..and the great example they have provided and provided for us. May we all strive and not grow weary and continuing to meet that challenge they have provided and live up to their example with your guidance and help Lord.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

Nancy Bryda
December 2, 2022

Unity and one accord are a powerful weapon. As followers of Jesus Christ, we must not shrink back but be obedient to our Lord and Savior. We must obey God rather than man when there is a difference of opinion. Our rights do come from God and are inalienable. This is a season of not only revival but clearly reformation and integrity voting are part of that process that we need to take back for the glory of God and God alone. Pastors rise up and teach biblical citizenship as bible principles are found in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. None of us want to be spiritual harlots and follow in the pattern of religious hypocrites. I repent personally for the hypocrisy and not always being obedience to my Savior, Jesus Christ. I repent for this sin as it applies over America. No king but Jesus.

Carol A.
December 2, 2022

Amen Catherine!! We must pray, and unite! No civil war can benefit our country, only destroy us. Dear Lord Jesus, please give our country a revival!!


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