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Protesters stormed the U.S. Capitol Wednesday afternoon in a major security breach as lawmakers were just starting the process of certifying the electoral win for President-elect Joe Biden.

The intrusion into both the House and Senate forced lawmakers to evacuate to secure locations. There was a least one shooting victim who was transported from the U.S. Capitol shortly before 3 p.m., Fox News has learned.

“This is a coup attempt,” tweeted Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill. . . .

One protester made it inside the Senate chamber and sat in the chair where Vice President Mike Pence was presiding, declaring Trump won the election, according to a pool producer. . . .

The chaos and violence erupted at the Capitol as Republicans mounted their first challenge to Biden’s victory within minutes of the counting of the Electoral College votes during a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. The formal objection set off a debate in both chambers and showed divisions between the GOP.

But the debate was cut short when supporters of President Trump breached the Capitol and forced a recess of both the House and the Senate due to a “security threat.” Capitol Police advised members to move inside the nearest office and seek cover. Lawmakers were told to get escape hoods under their chairs and move to the Rotunda.

A Capitol security official announced over a speaker in the Senate: “Lock all doors if able. If unable, seek shelter or concealment. Remain calm and await further directions. I repeat … security threats, security threats, security threats inside the US Capitol.” . . .

Another lawmaker, Rep. Scott Franklin, R-Fla., said lawmakers were evacuated.

“Security was breached and we’ve evacuated the chamber to a safe location,” Franklin said.

Pence had to be escorted out of the Senate chamber. Trump supporters were seen outside trying to break through the Capitol doors, according to a video posted by The Recount. And then protesters made it inside, carrying their American flags and Trump flags. . . .

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue,” Trump tweeted. . . .

The vice president went further, urging protesters to leave the Capitol.

Pence tweeted, “The violence and destruction taking place at the US Capitol Must Stop and it Must Stop Now. Anyone involved must respect Law Enforcement officers and immediately leave the building.”  . . .

. . .

Pence, under tremendous pressure by Trump, acknowledged the objection met the requirements of being in writing and signed by one senator and one representative and he recessed the normally mundane session of counting electoral college votes so both the Senate and House could debate the validity of the Arizona results. . . . .

Gosar said he was objecting on behalf of 60 GOP lawmakers. They intend to keep on objecting Republicans may object to the Electoral College votes of up to six states that Biden won: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

As the House debated the Electoral College results, the crux of the GOP argument was that state executives and courts changed election rules in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic to allow expanded mail-in voting or registration windows when only state legislatures should do so.  . . .

Democrats and many GOP senators balked at this last-minute effort to overrule voters and overturn a presidential election.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the election wasn’t even especially close and courts have resoundingly rejected Trump’s legal claims, including “sweeping conspiracy theories,” that the election was stolen from him.

McConnell said his vote to certify Biden’s election win will be the most important he’s ever cast in his 36 years in the Senate.

“The voters, the courts, and the states have all spoken,” McConnell said. “If we overrule them all, it would damage our republic forever.” . .  .

Republicans leading the charge in House acknowledged in some way the pressure from voters to do something and polling showing that Republicans have doubts.

“Americans instinctively know there was something wrong with this election,” said Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio., citing Trump’s crowd sizes and compared to Biden’s smaller events.

“But somehow the guy who never left his house wins the election,” Jordan said. . .  .

(Excerpt from Fox News. Article by Marisa Schultz. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Share your prayers for our nation in the comments below. . .

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Bill Doyle
January 10, 2021

In your article as well as the media you mention that TRUMP supporters caused the problem! As a Trump supporter I’m offended, none of my fellow supporters would cause this problem and riot! We believe it was a setup to avoid our rights being expressed! Our hearts are broken and will continue to pray for President Trump and his family,this was not his fault!In great disappointment,Bill& Kathy Doyle

Jo Bradley
January 9, 2021

You better watch FlashPoint on victory Channel! It wasn’t Protesters but Antifa and Police escorted them.
Many videos showed that.

John Poelman
January 8, 2021

I don’t believe it’s correct to assume the ones who stormed the capitol were really Trump supporters. We know the left stole the elections. They are also well known for their deceit. I believe they used “plants” to storm the white house and the capitol today posing as Trump supporters. Conservatives have been holding peaceful protests as far back as the Tea Party movement in 2010. It’s hard for me to believe they resorted to violence on Wednesday. That was a setup.
I just think we shouldn’t assume they were genuine Trump supporters.

    Dorothy Pigney
    January 9, 2021

    I agree totally! We need the facts not surmise put out by the media!

January 7, 2021

Please stop using FOX News as a source. They lie. End of story.

Ron Greene
January 7, 2021

Another pack of lies. Those who stormed the Capitol were NOT Trump supporters! They were Antifa in disguise.

Any of you who studied the people who rioted under the Antifa and BLM flags would notice that they were primary millennials, and that they displayed a distinct disregard for law and order. Contrast these people to the well-behaved, older set found at Trump rallies. See the difference?

No, these were “guns for hire”, brought in to discredit our President and force the ignorant and meek to swing the other way through the use of intimidation. Trump supporters don’t do that sort of thing! But people fell for it. My God! how stupid have we become?!

    Barbara Hesch
    January 7, 2021

    Ron, thank you for speaking the truth. Too bad that so many people have been lied to so long that they have gotten use to it, and wouldn’t know the truth if they tripped over it.

      Ron Greene
      January 7, 2021

      Barbara, thank so much for your truth.

      I feel alone and sad right now. The country I love is going to hell and stupid people are rejoicing its demise for their own selfish gain.

      I’ve lived too long.

        Barbara Hesch
        January 7, 2021

        Ron, you are not alone. So many of us feel saddened by what is happening to the country that we’ve grown up in and love. We have to stay very close to the Lord during these troubling times. Stay in the word. He will use what the enemy meant for evil, for our good. Right now we just need to encourage one another. That will help us all get through this.

          Ron Greene
          January 8, 2021

          God bless you, Barbara, for your beautiful compassion. I don’t feel so alone, now. Still, I am angry and disappointed. So I will pout, cry, and scream tonight like a betrayed little child; I’ve earned that right.

          Tomorrow when a new day breaks, I will assess the conditions and adjust my course accordingly. I no longer care what the world out there does. I care about what I do and how I treat others.

          The admonition by my Master, Jesus Christ comes to mind: “be in the world but be not of it.” Words to live by–literally.

          May God enrich your life, Barbara. You are a beautiful spirit and you deserve the very best.

    Maria Rios
    January 7, 2021

    Yes I was there ,not up front when the storm came but someone was and shot me the picture of what we know was Antifa with a crow bar breaking the windows of the Capital . Some of Antifa were disguised as Trump supporters. True Trump supporters did enter the capital but not in violence but protest . God help those who believe the main stream Media.
    I pray those who stole the election and main stream media repent before its too late.

Toni-Marie Kronstrom
January 7, 2021

We are to ‘STAND UP’ tall and strong against the ‘DECEIVERS’ because – LOOK UP – ‘Those who are with us are greater than those who are against us’!

Kathleen Flannagan
January 7, 2021

I pray that the truth will come out, that the hearts of those who seek power above all else will be changed, that Christians will hold fast to their confession of faith, to the promises of God. I pray that we will all seek to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.

    Toni-Marie Kronstrom
    January 7, 2021

    Thank you Kathleen for these words of WISDOM!

January 7, 2021


I’m disgusted that your organization is obviously been compromised by liberals!!! Liberals are anti-God & anti-Christians, pro-baby killing & pro-socialist!!! WHY is your organization letting them INVADE your organization with the propaganda meant to brainwash Believers? You need to STOP using mainstream media for sources given their twisting the truth!!!

January 7, 2021

Attention IFA – please give serious consideration to spending time in prayer about the decision to continue to post articles from Fox. The network has become seriously diluted and shall we say “lukewarm” regarding actual truth. Their slant is becoming more obvious as time rolls on.
Personally, I gave up on them after the election debacle. I had been thinking about abandoning it for almost a year. I’m glad I did. People say that we can’t just dismiss them. Yes we can. Truth (not partial truth) is very important to the body of Christ and we must do everything possible to represent that.
We have more accurate sources than Fox. Utilize them please. That should be a priority.

    January 7, 2021

    @Cole IFA is now using liberal mainstream media as a source!!! IFA has been infiltrated by Liberals!!! A prayer group & I received an email with a direct link to donate to Biden!!! Proof that IFA has been INVADED!!!

    Carol Garrott
    January 7, 2021

    Agree. I believe IFA also does not need to post anything else from Politico. Rather than straight reporting, the articles I tried reading from Politico seemed to contain leftist opinions.

January 7, 2021

I cannot believe the so called leaders of the Repub party and some of their comments. Don’t get me wrong – there are some that are standing up and doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing – standing with the president and against election fraud. But then you have someone like McConnell. I knew the man was spineless but I didn’t know how bad it was till yesterday. Entrenched politicians who have completely lost the steel to fight for Americans. To them, its business as usual. No big deal – their paychecks will continue to come in and they will be well fed and they have their expense account along with the best health care in the world. In the meantime, some of them will cross over and side with the Dems because they don’t want to “upset them” because they are cowards.

Cynthia C Carr
January 7, 2021

I am so upset with Christian websites that have gone along with the liberal press, as well as Republicans, who have jumped to blame Trump supporters for this riot and invasion of our Capitol. Please go to http://www.AmericaStands/FlashPoint and look at the videos. There is proof that the invaders were Antifa. Also, listen to eyewitnesses Lance Wallnau and his group as well as former Congresswoman Michelle Bachman on WellVersedWorld.org. Our Christian groups and some Republicans have defeated our own candidate by not investigating thoroughly! This whole Antifa attack was planned, I believe. Pray, pray, pray for God’s intervention.

Janice Laletin
January 7, 2021

It wasn’t Trump supporters and you should know that. It was Antifa who was brought in by the State Police, carloads of them. Come on!

January 7, 2021

I do not believe that Trump caused this. He had told his people not to storm the doors. Guess who did — Blm and Antifa. They were dressed like ordinary people– but they climed the roofs, doors, and carried guns.

    January 7, 2021

    You’re right. News and photos continue to leak – a lot of Antifa / BLM / radicals that were paid. Posers who put on Trump hats, flags, etc. MSM will not cover it as it doesn’t fit their narrative. Let’s face facts – truth does not fit their narrative.

Donna Martin
January 7, 2021

Would you PLEASE stop posting so-called information from FOX news!! Haven’t they proven how completely biased they are????

Stephen Czerwinski
January 7, 2021

The Devil may be dancing now, but he will not have the last laugh!

“Why do the nations rage,
And the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break Their bonds in piecesAnd cast away Their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure (Ps 2:1-5).”

January 7, 2021

It wasn’t Trump supporters it was Antifia dressed in maga clothing that stormed the capital. Trump rallies are always peaceful even with the thousands that attend. I pray for the truth to be revealed and God’s enemies to be dealt with.

January 7, 2021

People, take some accoubtability and stop putting people on “this side” or “that side” and always finger point to the left. What kind of Christians are we? We are to show the love of Christ with everyone. Stop with the politics being yoked to Christianity.

January 7, 2021

As well as praying, I would like to make one comment. Fox News has become more biased in their news reporting leaning more to the radical left and I no longer use them as my main news source, but with some exceptions. Their reporting in this particular article automatically calls those that did this atrocity yesterday, “Trump Supporters”. There are other sources that have claimed that those people who performed these evil acts could have been ANTIFA and other violent groups!

    January 7, 2021

    Not COULD HAVE been, they were. Documented proof they were Antifa and BLM. Check out Victory Channel.

January 7, 2021

Beware of wolves in sheep clothing! The evil thugs who posed as Trump supporters are guilty! Many have been deceived from this.
Stand firm and be alert – Remnant!!!! Remember how fools mock God – including the Chaplain who closed his prayer with “A man” “A women.”
This article was not a wise decision to publish! Foolishness!

The Truth will set you free!
God is King of our nation!
And He is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, King of Righteousness, Prince of Peace and the government will be on His shoulders Isaiah 9:6

Phil Millage
January 7, 2021

In the end I believe we will see social media behind this stirring the extremes and I believe we will see Antifa integrated the crowd. This violence is not us. Don’t worry about Communism…I believe we already see the signs! Our media reminds me of Pravda in Russia.

    Lisa Watts
    January 7, 2021

    Shared Sentiments…
    Need to Break the Media!
    Thankfully we see alternate Media formed via Internet:
    NewMax, Epoch Times…and others thank goodness.

Stephen Czerwinski
January 7, 2021

Anybody who believes these who engaged in violence are Trump supporters is mistaken. This violence was led and instigated by ANTIFA. They have infiltrated the ranks of peaceful Trump supporters to do their dirty work at the right place and just the right time—this devilish deception is right out of their playbook and achieved its intended result. No sir, no ma’amlook at the tattoos, the hair, the showy Americana dress—the confederate flag…you never saw any of this outrageous display at any single Trump rally ever.

In any case, we’ve relied upon the arm of man/government to deliver us, and that arm has failed us. This will force the remnant to rely more on the arm of God than ever before—albeit through coming difficulties and trials like we’ve never faced as the Body of Christ here in America. Hey intercessors—time to get your Elijah on! This is how revival comes. If the footmen have wearied you, what will you do when the horsemen come? Let us gird up our loins and ask the Lord of Heaven’s armies to go before and fight for us! Let this be our battle song: Praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever. Lord You reign! You are coming to judge the earth. I give thanks to you Lord, for You are good; your steadfast love continues forever! And so like Israel of old, I will not fear…I will stand still, hold my peace and see Your salvation, which You will accomplish for us! Hallelujah! Blow the shofar!

    Marcia Burgher
    January 7, 2021

    I agree wholeheartedly!! If this was to be a secure meeting how else would they have gotten in. Security was breached somewhere.

    January 7, 2021

    So we can assume that all this is making God angrier and angrier and the shock and awe that is going to turn this around will be even more shocking and full of awe! Hallelujah!

January 7, 2021

The Victory Channel has proof in photos that the men who broke into the Capitol through breaking windows were Antifa and BLM. One of them posted a selfie taken at the Capitol with the tag phillyantifa. The ‘horns guy’ is BLM supporter. Did we really think Trump supporters would do this? Don’t listen to the fake news (and yes, I’m including Fox).

Angela garrison
January 7, 2021

Hopefully most trump supporters will see this was a false flag set up. Naturalnew.com had some information. Either way election was stolen. Praying

January 7, 2021

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)
“…but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.” (Daniel 11:32)

“And now I will show you the truth.” (Daniel 11:2

I just wanted to give the scripture passages that are referred to here. One thing is clear: the answer for this country that we seek is not in politicians, government agencies, or any manmade remedy. Faithful and true believers know that God is the source of victory over evil and we need to focus our prayers and our actions in obedience to His will and His timing. Our words, thoughts, actions need to come from the source of all wisdom, God Himself, not our own wishes. Be careful to look to the true source-God, not man.

    January 7, 2021

    Thank you, this is what we need to keep our focus on to keep us grounded in the truth.

Christine Dinger
January 7, 2021

It was not the supporters who caused this of President Trump. 2-3 bus loads of Antifa protesters we allowed but the DC police to unload.. Several eye witness accounts, including the wife of the Vice-President of the Billy Graham Association. This was reported Christian radio in an interview with this man. The Antifa individuals then mixed in with the Trump supporters and there also is video of the police removing the barricades in front of the Capital and allowing them entrance. Some supporters wandered in after the others went into the building, but they were not the ones causing the chaos. This was a set up to disrupt the process and stop the objections to this illegal election. And it apparently worked.

    January 7, 2021

    Totally agree with you. Well organized and executed.

David Schopp
January 7, 2021

Not interested in reading Fox News on IFA’s site.

Rolanda Shrader
January 7, 2021

Lord God your ways are higher than ours for this we praise YOU. We trust You. We love You and we will NOT be shaken by what we hear or see. You are in this battle and we stand with YOU in battle calling the things that are not as though they are. We decree VICTORY over the Red Dragon! This is NOT over until YOU say it is. We decree President Trump is our President for 4 more years. V.P. Pence will be lead by the Spirit and do the will of his Heavenly Father. We brake ALL judgements and nullify all condemnation against our President and Vice President. We give Your all the glory and praise forever. We also decree Psalm 91 our shield and the precious Blood of Jesus over our President and Vice President and family. Amen!
We also declare ALL will be EXPOSED in the wicked camp, not one will escape unless they repent.

January 7, 2021

I was watching America Stands live as it happened. They have documented proof that Antifa was dressed as Trump supporters. The Antifa members even bragged about it on their personal social media. Check out Christian News coverage live today on the app or on Roku or on their website-


January 7, 2021

This violence and lawlessness is Not the way to go about making voices heard and it really needs to stop. And Biden did NOT win this election, most all of us know that. They may THINK they have gotten away with this but they haven’t. One day they will have to give an account to God and there will be no way they will be able to escape it.

    January 7, 2021

    These were not Trump supporters who did this. Documented proof they were Antifa and BLM plants. Check out Victory Channel. They were on it right away.

      January 7, 2021

      True, it’s a shame you cannot rely on the integrity of the news anymore, but I have switched to other sources of news for ma Christian perspective.

        January 7, 2021

        It’s a shame that IFA has been INVADED by LIBERALS & can no longer be trusted!!! It’s an outrage that they posted mainstream media nonsense that this was Trump Supporters when there’s proof & witnesses that it was At least Antifa & probably BLM too!!

      January 7, 2021

      Switched to news from a Christian perspective. Sorry for the typo!

January 7, 2021

Please stop using contributions from Fox (faux) News. You can no longer rely on the integrity of the report. No longer should you consider any report from them to be ‘Fair & Balanced’…
… a slogan once used by that organization… that helped establish them in the marketplace… but of recent has been abandoned.

Michelle Chern
January 7, 2021

it is a set-up, a coup. BLM and ANTIFA pretend to be protesters and do the harm, the police opened the barricade for them. God, only YOU can save America! We cry out to you! Come and save us!

January 7, 2021

How odd it is that all of the violence our country has endured at the hands of BLM and ANTIFA for much of last year was NEVER condemned by the Democratic leadership-but just allow the pot to stew to the point of boiling over and tempt UNARMED citizens (which constituted a small minority of the general rally) instigated by outside agitators confront members of Congress (who are SUPPOSED to be our public servants) and suddenly—just like that, all of the fraud, lies and voting irregularities become of NO importance. Sadly, I have no more faith in our faithless government-it has been compromised completely.
And the violence?-we haven’t begun to see what the left will now perpetrate against us -as the unborn who cannot scream loud enough for anyone to care would tell us-if they could talk. These ‘Congress members’ are falling all over themselves condemning violence when it comes near them but care little for the ultimate consequences to our country. Did no one think to themselves “if we had followed our Constitutional guidance from the beginning and not allowed rampant fraud to occur this would never have happened in the first place”? No, the ‘violence’ is all the news now overriding every other foul and violent and lying action that has been going on since November 3-King George has won his match.

    Janette Ayers
    January 7, 2021

    WOW! Oh my Abba Father help Americans turn to YOU TODAY!

Daylynne Starr
January 7, 2021

Please note that this article (usually written by Christian writers) was written by FOX — the latest of turn-coats into the communist promoters.

Thank you to the writers here who are telling us the real story! We certainly cannot pray for the false agendas of the enemy (the devil)

I taught Intercession and Spiritual Warfare for years. While I am not a prophet, I do get word of knowledge and often confirming prayers and prophecies (not uncommon).
This article did not give me any confirmations and actually made me very confused. So I can now suggest how we all should pray.

You may have been already praying for this for the past several months. It is the continuation of the left trying to ruin President Trump and their attempts of trying to get rid of him, they are afraid of his promise to clean the swamp! And he has been doing it — and is getting to the heavy stuff. They are panicked he will be successful!
So continue to pray that he is successful in revealing all their corruption and evil programs.
GOD Bless you all in this most urgent of our prayers to save our country from being over come by China or other enemies.

Ann Carroll
January 7, 2021

Beware of wolves in sheep clothing. Those storming the Capitol, while dressed as Trump supporters, may have been actors playing a role for a media only too willing to see a handful of dissidents and miss thousands of prayerful, peaceful citizens. Thank you for your powerful work.

    January 7, 2021

    They WERE Antifa and BLM posing as Trump supporters. Victory Channel (the only real news source for conservative Christians these days) has photos as proof.

Sheila Fink
January 7, 2021

I was at the Peaceful rally yesterday and it was ANTIFA disguised as Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol!

    Carole Ann Neve
    January 7, 2021

    They were aware of that plan too!

    January 7, 2021

    All a plan to make Trump and his supporters look bad. Fortunately they were stupid enough to post a selfie inside the Capitol with the tag ‘phillyantifa’. Unfortunately, the fake news (including FonNews) won’t care to find that out!

January 7, 2021

I believe this attack was another Democrat plot to distract from the real issue. Corrupt democrats.

Democrat lies = America dies

    Daylynne Starr
    January 7, 2021

    Thank you Don for your comments and for clearing it up that it was NOT the Deplorables who attacked the Ca[itol building.


January 7, 2021

Sounds like Mcconnel caved in or like most politicians got BOUGHT off.
MIDTERMS will REMOVE as many life time bought and paid for politicians as possible.

    Sheila Fink
    January 7, 2021

    I was there and it was ANTIFA who stormed the Capitol not we who were peaceful.

      January 7, 2021

      Thank Sheila for your post! A first-hand eye witness!

Edna kelley
January 7, 2021

Do U know who started the surge towards the Capitol Bldg.? Has there been an investigation to c who it was. I do not believe it was Trump supporters that did this. Why would we want to stop the debate of the election. It doesn’t make sense.

January 7, 2021

1 Timothy 1:8-9
“But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully. Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and

Perhaps this holds true for the constitution, based on God’s law in its origin as well.

Glenn R. Freeman
January 7, 2021

2 Chronicles 7:14
Daniel 11:32

E. Stevenson
January 7, 2021

I CANNOT BELIEVE that IFA reported I. This article that Trump supporters stormed the Capitol! That was Antifa! Look at the photo proof! Boots on the ground took pictures. The Victory Channel posted who the perpetrators were! Not the peaceful Trump supporters that were there! FBI said antifa had a bus load dropped off! Come On IFA. Don’t print these lies! God does not lie . Prophets have given HIS word.

    Daylynne Starr
    January 7, 2021

    I am so glad you wrote this note. I was wondering about who was who for a while. Antifa and BL
    M makes sense! We all need to pray that this article is revealed as the lie that it is.

    The left is so out of sorts crazy about being found out about the fraudulent votes — and we need GOD’s help to let the rest of the country find it out.
    Let’s all pray that the country be made aware of the real truth — that President Trump is the best man to be president and clean the swamp!

    Keeping praying everyone — the Lord blesses your every prayer! Amen.

Christine Miller
January 7, 2021

They were not Trump supporters! They were part of Black Lives Matter.
Father God, let the truth be shouted from the housetops.
We are standing on your promises and your truth, not on lies and propaganda.
You will have the final say. Your mercies and grace over this nation. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Arlene Huber
January 7, 2021

Check out The Victory Channel. They had reporters there. It was not Trump people. It was BLM and antifia. They have pictures and proof. This was planned to lay the blame on President Trump and the christians, specifically.

January 7, 2021

So David went to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there; and he said, “The Lord has broken through my enemies before me, like a breakthrough of water.” Therefore he called the name of that place Baal Perazim.
II Samuel 5:20 NKJV

Mighty and merciful God, show Your arm and Your heart. We trust You as the God of break through! As the battle continues in the heavenlies, we pray for You to break through; bring heavenly insight to the evil which has not yet been exposed. Father, Your timing is always perfect:
For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come (break through) and will not delay.
Habakkuk 2:3

May Your Word, which is like a hammer, continue to break through the strongholds of the enemy so they come crashing down.

LORD God, May Your church be changed as You break through this battle. May we be determined to seek You first, Your holiness and righteousness. May we desire to be obedient to You, loving You with all our heart, all our soul and with all our strength.
Make the promise of Your Presence be real to us. It is Your Presence that brings fullness of joy (no matter what we are facing in the flesh) and Your joy is our (spiritual) strength!
So our only boast is in our living Christ.
By the power of the Holy Spirit,
may the name of Jesus be exalted above all other names to the glory of God the Father. Amen


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