I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for the swift action taken by Fairfax County. We pray that the rest of the nation would follow this county's lead and takes steps to secure their elections.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As you know, IFA has been part of the journey to promote, pray for, and take action on election integrity. We started this journey with our good friend Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote way back in 2018. Know that your prayer and action has been making a difference–we reported that just last week Eugene Yu of Konnech, the election software company with Chinese ties, was arrested and will be arraigned on Friday morning in Los Angeles. This appearance in Court on this case needs prayer. It is possible that with this proceeding that a hornet’s nest will be opened on more election integrity issues, Chinese involvement, and even domestic participants. We are asking you to consider fasting and praying on Friday for this issue. In addition, as many of you know, those who expose these things are in great danger. Please pray for Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, the True the Vote team, and others who have been part of investigating these larger issues. Pray for a hedge of protection around them. Pray for justice to be served in this case. Pray for our elections as all of this is happening in the shadow of the 2022 midterm elections. Our nation and lives are at stake. Please comment below how you are praying and what you may want to share to encourage them.

And here is some new news on the Konnech issue from The Epoch Times. A county in northern Virginia has halted its use of Konnech Corp.’s election software after last week’s arrest of the company’s chief executive.

Since learning about the arrest, the Fairfax County Office of Elections has halted using Konnech’s PollChief election officer management software, Eric Spicer, the director and general registrar of the county’s Office of Elections, said in an emailed statement to The Epoch Times on Oct. 6.

Have you taken your place on the wall?

The county also is terminating its contract with Konnech, Spicer added. Fairfax County election officials declined to comment on whether the county is securing a replacement product, given that Election Day is less than a month away.

PollChief, Konnech’s election worker management system product, is designed to assist with poll worker assignments, communications, and payroll, according to the statement.

“Furthermore, this software is not connected to the county’s voting systems or the state voter registration system. It cannot be used to tabulate votes or election results,” he said.

“It is important to note that Fairfax County has never used software from this company to collect or store sensitive personal information such as Social Security numbers or banking information,” Spicer said in the statement. …

Konnech CEO Eugene Yu, 51, was arrested in Michigan on Oct. 4 as part of an investigation into the suspected “theft of personal identifying information” of Los Angeles County election workers, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s (DA) Office. …

Christine Brim, a coordinator of the Fairfax County Republican election integrity working group that recruits and trains poll watchers to observe voting on behalf of the Republican Party, confirmed that she was notified about the county’s decision in a phone call from Christopher Henzel, chairman of the county electoral board and a Republican.

Brim praised the county’s election officials for taking swift action.

“They did not wait to find an alternative vendor. They simply got out of the risky situation, to their credit,” she told The Epoch Times. “They just turned on a dime, said ‘no more,’ and got out.” …

How are you praying for secure elections and protection for poll workers? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Patricia Webster
October 22, 2022

Father, we lift up these men and women who are on the front lines of this fight for our nation. Lord send your angel armies to provide them with physical protection. Lord we ask that you send the Holy Spirit to comfort, encourage, and strengthen them. Foil every plan of the enemy to prevent or delay Your justice. We ask that you open doors that no man can close and that you make their paths straight. Father we bless them and everyone they love. Please send Your warriors to lift up their hands in this battle. Father we ask it all in the mighty name of Jesus.

Lora Christmas
October 17, 2022

Update: When I received the information of what states were using Poll Chief and that one county, Travis, in Texas was using this software for elections, I checked it out. Travis County has purchased new software that meets the new guidelines that the Texas Legislature passed. In fact, Texas has listed the counties and what election software they are using which can be found online. Dominion is not allowed in Texas. All the software produces a paper ballot that the voter has verified and the voter scans it into a scanner which is locked. Paper ballots can be used to check the totals tabulated. None of this software is connected to the internet according to my reliable sources. Just wanted to update the information.

Robert Beatty
October 17, 2022

Have prayed, and will continue. If possible, email address to send messages of support to front-line workers?

Melvin Westerman
October 15, 2022

I am enrolled as a volunteer at our county’s Vote By Mail center on November 8th. Beside being a lifelong voter my only experience with voting processes was to be a poll watcher in the last primary. Please pray for the Lord’s guidance as I proceed.

Roc Butterfield
October 14, 2022

Three of us in this household have removed our names from the early voting list. We will be voting in person. Every Thursday morning at 4:30 AM to 6 AM we are praying for the nation and all the issues that surround this election.

Mary Bernadette Drury
October 14, 2022

I will pray for them.

Herb Johnston
October 14, 2022

Friday is regular fast/ pray for California

Herb Johnston
October 14, 2022

A few days ago when I first saw this article- my first response was-, that I could not believe that the LA district attorney, – who regularly lets criminals out of prison.. and is responsible for the murders of innocent people as a result, – was willing to take on the burden of prosecuting this case. To me that either means-, that the Lord is moving greatly in response to our prayers- and the prophecies of Dutch and other prophetic voices-, which I choose to believe.. or the alternative is, well I won’t say it- thereby giving that awful alternative any life. Has anyone thought about how unusual it is, that this case is being prosecuted, and or, handled in Los Angeles county.. the most criminal County-, possibly, in all of our country. I mean I praise God for this action- and I am very grateful that this is taking place.. so let us begin to pray that there’s not a deception going on here.

Lord I come before you now- in Jesus name- praying in agreement with my brothers and sisters here-, that this case will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and Justice will be served, as the unraveling of the voter fraud in our country, moves forward to reinstitute election Integrity, into our system of governance, in the United States of America. We lift up to You, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips-, as true heroes Lord,that you have ordained and worked through- who are trudging this path, which-, we read that Catherine started this-, as long as 10 years ago- on her own-, a testimony to what we can do if we do not look at the enormity of the mountain in front of us-, and endeavor to practice Your Presence by focusing on you-, in any way that we can-, in our daily struggles in walking the path of righteousness to accomplish your mission on Earth- to bring truth and Justice and the presence of your Son Jesus-to our lives, and to the lives of others we encounter. I pray and believe you will continue to give Catherine and Gregg peace in their hearts, motivation, and mental energy.. let them be filled with a sense of Your presence.
Let each step of their path, be guarded by your Holy Spirit- and attended by your guardian angels.. and let your presence be unmistakable in their minds, hearts, and souls Lord.. as each word they speak becomes your Words..as they allow themselves to be your conduit to which election Integrity is restored-,and May their foot not alight upon a stone-,Lord- as you protect them.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

Sharon MacDougall Webb
October 14, 2022

Psalm 35:4-5 Let them be counfounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt. Let them be as chaff before the wind; and let the angel of the LORD chase them.
GOD, give all involved in bringing justice and decency back into our country, clarity of mind, to recall pertinent facts and information, the ability to stay calm, focused and protect them and each of their family members from any evil. Give us the victory, in Jesus name, Amen.

October 14, 2022

Fasting and praying this morning for Katherine, Gregg and True the Vote. Thank You God for them!

Father I ask in the name of Jesus that Your Mighty waring Angels be all around Katherine and Gregg this morning and I declare every tongue that rises up against them they shall condemn because I ask that You will fill them with great boldness and courage. Put in their mouths and their lawyers mouths what they need to say. May truth, righteousness and Justice prevail in that Los Angeles Court room this day. I pray Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth, in that court room as it is done in Heaven. Be glorified God in and thru this trial in every way. In every detail. We, need You God. Please show up on Katherine and Gregg’s behalf today and may this be a speedy trial. Thank You Father God. I pray in the only name under Heaven Who can save and does save, Jesus our Lord amen.

    October 14, 2022

    Bullseye! I add my prayer to this, Father God. We pray that Jesus, who is the Advocate for Katherine and Gregg and all those working with them, be with them in court today. We pray for divine Justice before the courts of heaven. Let what is hidden in the darkness be exposed for all to see. Bring forth truth and expose the lies of the enemy. May Your Holy Name be magnified this day! Praying in faith without any doubting. Amen.

Susan CC
October 14, 2022

Deuteronomy 7:20-21
Moreover, the LORD your God will send the hornet against them until even the survivors hiding from you have perished. Do not be terrified by them, for the LORD your God, who is among you, is a great and awesome God.

I continue to pray Mr. Yu is the hornet. I continue to pray in the arraignment proceedings today and in the days to come, Mr Yu will reveal every element of this lie that remains hidden. As for each individual working to expose and correct this deception…God’s abiding protection. I ask this and so much more in the Names of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

October 14, 2022

Praying Psalm 28 for Konnech and this hearing in Los Angeles and for all who have been involved in election fraud in this country. 4 – “Repay them for their deeds and for their evil work; repay them for what their hands have done and bring back upon them what they deserve. 5 – Since they show no regard for the works of the LORD and what his hands have done, he will tear them down and never build them up again.”
O LORD, we hold to this promise for America, for this country was founded by the work of Your hands. And for Catherine Engelbrecht and the True the Vote team, more verses from Psalm 28. 6:- “Praise be to the Lord for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.” Lord jesus, we ask you to lift up all who work with True the Vote and keep them and their families safe. Give them Your peace, encourage them, and fill them with Your fire of wisdom and resolve. Victory is Yours! In Jesus Mighty Name, amen!

    October 14, 2022

    Father in Heaven,
    I pray Luke 20: 15 over Katherine, Gregg, and the True the Vote team. I don’t know how this works in court today, but if they testify, I pray, “that I (Jesus) will give (them) utterance and wisdom which none of (their) opponents will be able to resist or refute.”
    I pray for Your righteousness to fill the courtroom and the judge would be moved by the Spirit of God Himself to do what is right. We apply the spiritual armor: truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God to prevail. We thank You, Lord, for these dark acts of fraud and unrighteousness are being revealed. May it be Your gavel that comes down in justice. We take this before the courts of Heaven, in the Name of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

Florence Watson
October 14, 2022

This is in continuous prayer. There should be an investigation of the clients, those states who are connected to this company, which states have the machines, and the individuals involved, especially American’s. All the machines should be confiscated. The victims should have a class action lawsuit, since their personal information has been breached, and now account numbers and phone numbers will need to be changed.
Since Communist China has ties with this company who is involved with the election software for the United States, in my opinion, I consider this still election interference and their assets in our country should be legally confiscated.

Linda Bowin
October 14, 2022

Continuing to pray over the corruption of our elections, and asking God to help expose what needs correction, then enable those actions to do so.

October 14, 2022

Father God,in the Name of Jesus, I speak Your protection and shalom over Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips and everyone who has been working for election integrity. According to Your word, “no weapon formed against them shall prosper. “
I pray for Your blessings and favor to be upon them every day and night. Amen.

    October 14, 2022

    We declare the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God:
    No weapon that is formed against you (True the Vote) shall prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgement you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication’s from Me, declares the Lord.

Daniel Patrick Druk
October 13, 2022

Oh please heavenly Father, expose all the lies and expel from positions of power, all evil doers.
We know that it is you who allows us to see this evil being done to your people. We know and have faith that you will allow your people to prevail and we shouldn’t doubt this truth.
We pray for all victories to come to us who love and keep a continuous and ever loving heart for you. We ask for all of this in the name of your precious son Jesus. Amen

Cynthia Hackett
October 13, 2022

Dear Lord and father in heaven and over the earth please put an end to this evil election fraud. Expose every one and please Lord please protect those who are working on behalf of the election teams across America to make sure votes that are legal are only counted. That the dead people on the registries are removed, and voter fraud will be caught early on. Lord I beg you to bless the candidates who are worthy and conservative and do not support abortion. May God’s Blessings be with everyone working hard to make this election fair, clean and accurate.

Linda Martin
October 13, 2022

LORD, I come to You worshiping you in the Spirit, that You will be glorified in America again, that people will repent and return to You, obey You, fall on their knees for Your divine intervention in everything that is going on in our once great nation. We desperately need a revival with all the cheating, injustice, deception, lying going on. May all the cheaters be exposed soon, LORD, so that the election in November will be fair and true!
May all the cheating be exposed and squelched. I’m praying also for our children who are being used and deceived by Satan to bring down America. Wake our people up to what is truly happening, I pray. May all the illegals be blocked from entering without the proper documentation and by following our rules for obtaining entrance into our country. May our leaders be brought down who are lying and trying to destroy our republic. Thank You for all who are waking up to what is really happening and may their number increase. A nation is great when that nation is good. Our nation has ceased to be good. I repent of all the killing, cheating, lying, deceiving and trickery that is spreading across our land. May many awake to what is truly happening. May we vote for new people who will be honest and god-fearing again. I pray all of this in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen

    October 14, 2022

    In regards to affecting the outcome of elections, we see the plotting of the enemy to use the numbers of those streaming illegally across the border to be illegal votes. Father God, only YOU can stop this. We pray the news of Eugene Yu hits the news with accuracy and truth and is a clarion wake-up call throughout our land that the upcoming elections be true, fair, and just.

    We join together as the IFA body to claim Your promises:
    Whatever you ask in My Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My Name, I will do it.

    In the Name of Jesus Christ, we ask that election fraud be revealed across this nation in truth and that immediate action be taken to protect the accuracy of the election. We pray for Your justice, O God, upon Eugene Yu and the others who are involved in these twisted strategies to distort the elections. We ask divine and angelic protection over Your servants, Katherine, Gregg, and all the other working with them. We ask that You expose the darkness with Your light from above. Be glorified. May Your conviction and repentance fall on our nation that we would place You in preeminence over this land. May Your will be done here in this nation as it is in Heaven. Deliver us from evil, for we come before You in the Name above all names, Jesus Christ.

Kathy Emahiser
October 13, 2022

By the authority of the powerful name of Jesus, we bind every illegal attempt to sabotage the upcoming voting process throughout this nation and we lose integrity and honesty throughout this process. We declare that every illegal attempt made will be exposed forthwith. In the name of Jesus, we thank you for overseeing this election.

Rene Armbruster
October 13, 2022

Father God, You are the all seeing God, El Roi. We ask that you would put a stop to all voter fraud whether it be by drop boxes or machines. We pray You will protect the Right to Vote and the integrity of that vote.
We also pray for True the Vote participants and ask Your protection over Gregg and Catherine and their families. Lord we know they have invested money and their time with great sacrifice to make the election integrity a prime priority for the rest of us. Thank you Father for Catherine and Gregg’s abilities and gifts which they have used for you and America. I pray a hedge of protection around them and all that are working to see that we have a fair election in 4 weeks. In Jesus Name, Amen

Teresa Sloan
October 13, 2022

Praying for God to put a mighty shield around the 2022 election. May the evil doers stumble & fall under our God’s mighty hedge of protection. Thine will be done!🙏❤️🙏

Caroline Yurges
October 13, 2022

Have never fasted and prayed before this is new to us. We are so glad to be apart of the family of God. I love praying I love seeing answered prayer.

    Jan Geffers
    October 14, 2022

    Welcome! May you and yours be greatly blessed as you follow the Lord’s call in fasting and prayer.
    We are grateful you’ve joined us!

    Thank you Lord, for new recruits!
    May Your army of engaged prayer warriors continue to grow. Help us each to link arms, strongly united in Christ Jesus so that the enemy will be unable to tear us apart.
    And thank you Lord for the platform IFA provides to connect and equip praying ppl. May You use IFA to pour out great blessings and divine strategy for prayer for our nation.

October 13, 2022

Praying that God will shed light on the election process and bring
honest fair oversight on the counting of ballots with Republican
oversight and no Chinese Influence this time.

Irina Baptiste
October 13, 2022

Fasting on Friday

Eileen Larson
October 13, 2022

I have been praying that God would shine His bright light of truth on our elections, including voting sites, and expose any cheating. And, praying that Christians will get out and vote as well as God would raise up Godly, knowledgeable and wise people to run.

October 13, 2022

I will be praying and fasting. This is serious.

    October 14, 2022

    I’m also joining in this fasting and praying effort. Serious and critical. I pray for many more to hear and participate.

Nanci Chinen
October 13, 2022

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

October 13, 2022

Great news! May Dominion software and internet connections be exposed as well. Interesting how people still say “elections are secure” when people have already pled guilty in Arizona and now this in Michigan. Also 2000 mules. We have killed terrorists with less evidence than 2000 mules revealed! Keep shaking election fraud O God! May the spirit of the fear of the Lord rest on election officials. We are watching.

October 13, 2022

Father, God, your word tells us that “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them” 2 Kings 6:16
And “All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I WILL HELP YOU. Isaiah 41:11-13
I claim these words over Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, the True the Vote team and all American patriots fighting for election integrity and our great United States of America. In Jesus’ precious name I pray!

Dale Crossman
October 13, 2022

I have begun my fast for Christ. In his name, I ask for courage, protection, happiness and success for Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, the True the Vote team, and other investigators. I ask for God’s best for them. I request an intervention by Almighty God to bring him glory in the way he executes justice in the legal proceedings of Eugene Yu. I pray for steadfast faith and grace for election workers throughout America, and for the Lord’s work to restore election integrity. All for the glory of Christ Jesus our Lord!

Vicky Ballagh
October 13, 2022

Praying for safe and secure elections for our childrens lives.

Jane Schmitt
October 13, 2022

I will be fasting and praying

Etta Danielson
October 13, 2022

I am praying in agreement with IFA for this election and a prayer group I am with is also praying each week for our elections. We are also praying for those who are exposing the corruption.

October 13, 2022

Praying a Hedge of protection and a wall of Fire al around them . No evil shall befall them. Praying all election fraud is EXPOSE and Collapse. ALL IN THE NAME OF JESUS

October 13, 2022

I believe this word from Dutch Sheets is for this hour. The Lord is delivering a knock out punch in the State of Michigan, where this arrest took place. Hallelujah!

October 13, 2022

I will join you in fasting but i’m going to start today! I will be in prayer and fasting before he even gets to his court day! NC stands with you!

Jan Wenaas
October 13, 2022

Praying our county commissioners and election office will have the integrity and courage to halt use of Konnech software, ensure the hand count ballots are tallied correctly and that Poll Observers are treated with respect.

October 13, 2022

Praying they stop the pasteboard ballot drop boxes in every state, especially CA. They are not monitored or secure. Prayers that they find Newsom’s illegal ballots sent to every address. Prayers for our country and the world. In Jesus name Amen. Thank Him every minute of the day for His faithfulness to our country.

Susan CC
October 13, 2022

Earlier this morning, I looked up integrity, truth, time, hornets…in God’s Word to “craft” my response. I agreed with the prayer points in this report and in one final look at a reference, closed the tab. Yep, deleted. I got up and went to pray……I am now humbled, with a smile on my face.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the prayer You put on my heart…that Eugene Yu will reveal everything and everyone. Eugene Yu is Your hornet. His truthful testimony WILL DRIVE FROM HIDING everything in this deception. Truth will be known to all: to those who seek it and those who don’t. I pray again, that the blood of the Jesus Christ cover each life involved for justice and truth and thank You Father for our Savior. I thank You Father for our Advocate and pray Holy Spirit power in each step of these proceedings. Amen

Deuteronomy 7:20-21
Moreover, the LORD your God will send the hornet against them until even the survivors hiding from you have perished. Do not be terrified by them, for the LORD your God, who is among you, is a great and awesome God.

Catherine morelli
October 13, 2022

Thank you Catherine and Gregg for your courage and perseverance. Praying for you and all those heroes who are helping you!! Also praying that we will get rid of electronic ballots and go back to old fashioned paper ballots!!! May God Bless you all and continue to give you courage and wisdom to do what He has called you to do!!

Beverly Basile
October 13, 2022

Many years ago I began to pray for election integrity. I spoke out at political meetings stating this is an issue we need to be concerned about and address.

I believe God began to answer that prayer back then by preparing Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, the True the Vote team.
“For such a time as this.”

“Have I not commanded you to be strong and couragegous. Do not tremble or be afraid for the LORD thy God is with YOU wherever you may go.”

“If God be for me, who can be against me.”

Stand in the authority of the Most High. Covered in the shadow of his wings. Surrounded by warring and ministering angels.. Moses stood before Pharaoh and spoke God’s instructions. So can you.

Praying for you all.

October 13, 2022

Praying and thanking God to bring our country back to a Christian nation and ous constutional rights by our founding fathers. God will bring every nation to bow before Him. I am blessed every day.

October 13, 2022

Praying for the truth to be revealed and protection over all of these brave souls willing to stand up for the protection of our nation and for God’s sovereign hand over the upcoming midterm elections.

Joann C.
October 13, 2022

Father God…
We thank you that You hear our prayers for America and especially for election integrity. We thank you that you are raising up Esther’s and David’s in our mist who take on the battle of defeating the enemy. They are willing to put their own lives in harms way for Your TRUTH. We ask that you put a hedge of protection around Catherine Englebrecht, Gregg Phillips and the True to vote team! We plead the blood of Jesus over them and ask that you protect their families as well! May the Holy Spirit fill their mouths with the truth as they speak out for justice and the rule of our land to be followed according to our constitution as intended by our forefathers. We thank you that you are working behind the scenes and we put our faith and trust in You only! In the blessed name of Jesus we pray! Amen. 🇺🇸🛐✝️🕊

October 13, 2022

I pray that God will continue to open the eyes of Justice to the fraud that took place in the Elections, on national and local levels! I pray for strength and protection for the brave citizens who are fighting this fight for ALL of us at great peril to themselves!!! Please, God, wrap your everlasting arms of love and protection around every single person involved, on both sides, and bring Your goals to fulfillment. None of this could have happened without Your permission and without it being part of Your Plan. Your ways are above our ways. Please help us to look for You in everything that is happening and to fight, not as the world fights, but as Christians. Thank you for this light shining in the darkness of our dark hours. God bless America!!

October 13, 2022

I urge congress,or senate leaders to deport all Chinese in the united states for the reason of national security in evidence of this Chinese informant I Pray in JESUS name through the blood of our living GOD AMEN

    October 13, 2022

    I just want to point out that many Chinese are solid born again Christ followers. To deport ALL Chinese is extreme. You are too young to remember the Interment Camps during WW II
    . You have to understand that prison and death awaits those sent back. The bottom line is this: pray for conversion, pray for the Spirit of God to draw ppl to Himself. Pray for truth, righteousness, and the will of the Almighty to prevail. Your solution is not a solution.

Jeannie Peninger
October 13, 2022

Praise be to God. He hears us and moves on our behalf from the smallest to the greatest issue and who can stand against him? Be glorified in our elections Father! Let none interfere in setting your people in place and removing opposing forces from their positions. Let the Light of Jesus shine into those dark places and bring truth to the hearts and minds of even the most confused, so that the truth cannot be denied or hidden. Be glorified in America and in what we do and represent. We are your people and under your rule.

Sue, Hongsuk
October 13, 2022

I sincerely hope that this investigation will open the door of darkness into light not only in America, but Korean which is also distorted in election by Computer server and covered well in darkness. Please, pray for not only America but all Democratic nations with voting for election of official to be free from Chinese Corruptive power.

Pat M
October 13, 2022

Father, in Minnesota a premiere conservative news outlet has not reported on Konnech apparently due to some affiliation to it or principals of it. Keep Your eye on all targets for fraud, early voting and dropbox activity as well as the preparations leading up to the vote in each precinct and its reporting apparatus/software. We are wholly dependent, Father God, on Your leading to people with skills for knowing how and what to look to make our elections righteous.

We ask that around the U.S. people, especially election officials, would ask or be asked questions to probe more deeply into many election issues that have not previously surfaced.

October 13, 2022

Dear GOD – I am praying that this is the start of exposing all the fraud in the elections of 2020 and beyond. Please protect the True the Vote team as they discover the proof of the false election results and unveil those who are responsible (I’m sure this will be some eyeopener). May all those involved in the falsehood of the election systems be identified and brought forward. Many prayers for your intervention for the upcoming 2022 midterm elections in every State that election integrity is at its best. Any attempts to steal our votes or to harvest illegal votes will be caught and exposed.

kay randolph
October 13, 2022

Praying for revival in American Christian churches; for the LORD’S will to be shown in the midterm elections. In humility and repentance, we beg for Christ’s mercy and grace in ours lives and to our country.

    Pat M
    October 13, 2022

    I heard on a call last night 25 million church members do not vote and even 50% of registered Christians do not go to the polls. Jesus, put a fire under the belly of the church to understand voting is a privilege and duty of citizens. We cannot be salt and light into the system when we are sleeping.

Melanie Freeman
October 13, 2022

I have asked everyone to pray for a righteous election. We need godly people in office across the country. Pray for discernment because satan masquerades as an angel of light. Many people trying to get elected may speak of “their faith” for the first time simply to pull votes from Christians. Pray for voting integrity that only those who are legal will vote. Pray Psalm 140:8,11-13. And lastly, we need to confess our sins both individually and as a nation that God may heal our land and reap a great harvest of souls.

Amy Roberts
October 13, 2022

I prayed for all involved as God’s angels form a hedge of protection around them, having been given charge and commission over Catherine, Gregg, and the entire True the Vote team, that His angels will accompany, defend, preserve, protect, and provide safety night and day.

Mary Ellen
October 13, 2022

Thank you, Catherine Englebrecht, and all those with you in exposing the evil deeds of darkness. I pray God’s mighty strength to rise up in you when you grow weary, and for your feet to be as hinds feet in high places. I bind the enemy’s darts thrown at you in the Name of Jesus. No weapon formed against you shall prosper as the Blood of Jesus and the Most High God surround you in Truth and Wisdom and Protection. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding them all and show them what to do, when to do it and how to do it, in Jesus’ Name!

    Jan Geffers
    October 14, 2022

    Yes and Amen!
    And I call for Doors of Justice to OPEN for Catherine and the True the Vote team, even today, in the Mighty, Eternal, All-powerful Name of Jesus.

October 13, 2022

If it weren’t for the fact that we have the Lord God of the Universe on our side, this would be pretty scary stuff. My prayer is that justice, the Lord’s will, be done and those who pursue truth be protected.

October 13, 2022

…In Jesus name. We’re with you!

Brian lynch
October 13, 2022

It is interesting that this evidence is being discovered less tan a month before the election. Hmmm. Lord Jesus, You know what has happened, and are aware of the ramifications for the upcoming election. I pray for integrity, transparency, and honesty to prevail in the electoral process. I thank You and praise You in advance.

    K Hughes
    October 13, 2022

    Visit truethevote.org or truethevote.locals.com to learn more about when this evidence was discovered, and why we are just now seeing an arrest. I’m so thankful IFA has brought this before our many intercessors! Blessings.

Debbie teape
October 13, 2022

Father Your words say that Your eyes are scanning the earth and You see everything. Nothing gets past You. We pray for Your mishpat (justice) because it is perfect.
We ask You to command Your angels concerning everyone involved in True to Vote to guard them so they don’t even stumble.

Iris Dutton
October 13, 2022

YES! Praying with a team in Vermillion SD. Over every State. Praying for our County Supervisors to support election integrity and returning to hand counting at least parrallel until NE resolves issues with ES&S snd SoS office. Praying education will be done fraud exposed by True The Vote and Mike Lindell’s team. Thankful the TRUTH is coming forth.

John C
October 13, 2022

Here are five (5) stones, taken from the Bible, for Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, the True the Vote team, and others who have been part of investigating these larger issues. Hurl them at the enemy 😊

Isaiah 41:10
10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Proverbs 2:11
11 Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.

Psalms 20:1
1 May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.

Psalms 59:1
1 Deliver me from my enemies, O God; be my fortress against those who are attacking me.

Psalms 140:4
4 Keep me safe, LORD, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent, who devise ways to trip my feet.

Nicholas Davis
October 13, 2022

My family and friends will pray together now until Friday for you all. The good lord is working in all our life’s and we need him more than ever. May God protect and guide you all and give you the courage and strength to endure all that is upon you. 🙏🏻❤️

Linda k Rice
October 13, 2022

Lord our nation deserves all the chaos we are in, and we acknowledge that. We turned our backs on You many decades ago and have refused to heed the warnings. But the Remnant is crying out for mercy for us and justice against the enemies of our freedom. The Bride cries out for purity and power. We don’t know what to do. This scheme is a spider web of deceit which we can hardly imagine or plan against. Help Lord. We submit our needs to the work of the Harvest. We understand that Your doings are the priority and our needs secondary.

Albert St Cla
October 13, 2022

Freedom requires courage and these people are showing us the way, pray for wisdom to know what is right and courage to act on it

Joni Steveson
October 13, 2022

Dear Lord,
We ask that you place a hedge of protection around your children. Lord Jesus thank you for showing us where there has been deception. May you flourish the faith of those who follow you and know your voice. Continue to work in mighty and miraculous ways. We praise you. In Jesus Name.

Esmeralda H
October 13, 2022

Lord, You are sufficient to fighting our battles, You are our defender, protector, our creator. You alone can do all things, I lift this entire team to You, embrace them in knowledge and grace, I know You are able to do all things for them because You have NEVER lost a battle. Protect the families, bring unity amongst them together like never before, may Your angels be assigned to them day and night. I know You are already in place Lord, thank you Father, amen!

Dr. Alma
October 13, 2022

Father we pray for full exposure of non election integrity, that every type of data storage and manipulation, and data software connections of all systems be completely unsealed by Your all-knowing power to the truth seeking investigators. Bring forth all the lies and identify all the liars. Make the scrutiny of this case unleash all the criminal activities of this company and other associated election systems. Meanwhile surround
Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, and all the True the Vote team, and all who are part of the investigating team with a hedge of protection around them. We for righteous investigators and judge to bring forth justice. We also pray for the integrity of all our 2022 midterm elections in every county of every State. We decree that no fraudulent and illegal voting will take place. All attempts to steal our votes, to harvest illegal votes will be exposed and stopped. In Jesus’ name, amen.

October 13, 2022

Thank you to our great and mighty God evil is being exposed. Jesus your righteousness/justice is coming forth. We will continue to fix our eyes on you. The author of our faith! We hold up Katherine Gregg’s families and all their teams your mighty hands of protection.

Lonnie West
October 13, 2022

I encourage you to agree in prayer with prayers already posted; with those you truly agree with. They come from many directions, thus covering a lot of ground and are great for teaching us how to pray for our nation, a place so many of us have wanted to pray but who felt hopeless in knowing how.

God, in Your mercy and love, hear our prayers and be glorified.

Betty Beardsley
October 13, 2022

Heavenly Father, We thank and praise You for all that You are doing to make the Truth known. We ask for protection for everyone You are using to reveal the Truth to us. Protect all the whistleblowers, True the Vote team, the Patriot Groups, their families. the candidates who are speaking the Truth, and everyone involved in exposing the Truth. Father, now that so much Truth has been revealed we ask that the voters Hear the Truth & make wise decisions in the election in November.
Father, we also ask for Justice to prevail all across our nation and where elections have been stolen there will be changes made to correct this. This sounds impossible BUT nothing is too hard for YOU. YOUR WORD says the enemy must repay what he has stolen. We praise You and Thank You for hearing our prayers and delivering us from this evil in our nation.. AMEN

October 13, 2022

So far, articles about Yu and Konech hve to do with poll workers – stealing their data. “Election integrity”, that is the tampering of votes
is not the case. Perhaps further investigation will reveal this, however,
the company manages poll workers.

James Allen
October 13, 2022

Yes 🙌🏾 I will be praying 🙏🏽 and fasting Friday – this is GOD answering prayers for our country. Yes LORD protect the entire “True to vote team” and others who are moving in their gifting to bring out the truth of the elections and exposing any corruption or irregularities that need to be addressed and corrected. If YOU LORD truly want to know what the majority believed or support – then our election must be secured. Many us don’t accept Marxism CRT grooming and gender confusing our kids nor occultic practices or sexual perversion – release warrior guardian angels to minister along with your people in JESUS NAME 🔥😇🙇🏽‍♂️🙌🏾😇🇺🇸🔥

Allena Jordan
October 13, 2022

Father, first we want to thank You for exposing this crime. You are working, even in ways we sometimes don’t see or understand. Second, we ask that You would provide divine protection for True the Vote team, especially Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Philips. Lord, may the whole team sense Your presence over them and among them as this case unfolds.
We praise and glorify You in this particular matter. Hover over the judge and the prosecuting attorney. Open their eyes to see what You see, Father. All glory to Your Name. Thank You. Amen.

    October 13, 2022

    And, dear Lord Jesus, our Advocate, please also hover over Eugene Yu, to protect his mind and body, to give him courage to fear You, O Lord, and not the evil one who has deceived him to this point. Give him complete and truthful recall over every detail that comes to light in this arraignment tomorrow, and in any other legal proceedings to follow in his case. Above all, Lord, if it be Your will – and we know it is Your will that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance and the knowledge of the truth – and we also know that only You can open the eyes of the blind – please be glorified in the life of Eugene Yu, because You are the One who came to set the captives free. May the lives of Eugene Yu, and those who have directed him, be transformed, as You did with King Nebuchadnezzar.
    Nothing is too difficult for You!

Earl Ogata
October 13, 2022


Jolene Jashurek
October 13, 2022

I pray everyday for every fake, phony, illegal vote to be exposed. Along with who did it, how they did it, and how it was covered up. Praying for the truth to be exposed in such a way that it wakes up those who didn’t want to see. Praying for protection over those working so hard to expose the truth. Praying for a free and fair election next month. Praying for America to vote with their God conscience. That those who fear the Lord and will follow the constitution will be voted into office. And that no weapon formed against America will prosper.

Angela Caley
October 13, 2022

Our Country needs God’s intervention, Prayer is the only way to get this country back on track. Daily prayer asking for God to touch the minds and hearts of thoes in office; to make good decisions, putting God first.
Dear heavenly Father, We ask that please touch the minds and hearts of thoes in office who have the task of setting, making, and keeping the laws of this great country. We know that evil has erroded the hearts and minds of so many in our government and only by your grace can they be restored. We love you father and ask by your love and mercy reclaim thoes men and women who have lost teir way. Father we ask that you send us new replacements this election for thoes who have embraced Satan and his evil works. Have pitty on us your children and once again bless this country of the USA.

Eric Anthony
October 13, 2022

I pray for Mr. Yu, that he would be strengthened and saved by you; that he would be motivated to tell the truth. I pray for a Christian witness to him throughout the process to guide him to do what is right.

October 13, 2022


Carol J Devarenne
October 13, 2022

Thank you, IFA for encouraging us and letting us know exactly how to pray for our country. Election integrity partners with the why the United States of America was formed and has flourished like we have. How I pray that our country will return to biblical values and vote so. That those who are in an office as a servant to the people of America will do what is right in the sight of our Lord, first and foremost. And, if they are not doing what is right in the sight of our Lord, that they will be removed and replaced with a servant who will do what is right in the sight of the Lord, first and foremost. And, that the ones removed with have a chance to come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and that their lives will change and that their family and friends lives will change, and that they will serve the Lord with all their hearts.

Thank you, Lord for opening ears and eyes and softening hearts. Thank you for giving favor to Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, the True the Vote team, and others who have been part of investigating these larger issues. Thank you for protecting them and giving them everything they need to continue living obediently and caring so much to step out in faith to help to change the course of America. We want to honor you, Lord and live according to your word and be an example of your love to others. You are so wonderful, Lord and I praise you for all the good things you are doing for America. In the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!!

October 13, 2022

I pray for a legion of angels to surround Catherine, Greg, their families and fellow workers and a prayer wall of protection that cannot be penetrated. I continue to pray for election fraud to be revealed and praise God for answered prayers!

October 13, 2022

Thank You God for providing Your people for such a time as this. Thank You for their obedience. Continue Your perfect will , we ask , in Jesus’ Name.

October 13, 2022

I live close to this company and did a drive-by prayer for them to be exposed and brought to justice. Now, I’m praying protection for all those involved in bringing them to justice. May God bless them with his truth and protection.

Michelle Schonfeld
October 13, 2022

Praying Gods justice be done and He gets all the glory. For a swift exposure of the enemy and justice for Catherine and her team! I agree shields up!!!

Betsy West
October 13, 2022

To our King of Kings, we ask that you supernaturally allow Catherine, Gregg, and True the Vote to feel the Presence of the Lord as we stand as a guard around them with shields up. In Jesus Name.

Katharine Shepard
October 13, 2022

Father we thank you for exposing the truth regarding the election fraud in West Virginia and ask for a hedge of protection around Catheine Englebreht and others. Thar no weapon formed against them will prosper. And we harken legions of angels also to protect them. In Jesus Matchless Name!

Chris Wilkerson
October 13, 2022

Father God, help us in our time of need. Have mercy on us. We ask for your grace for this nation you established and for the lies we have believed that have nothing to do with who you are so please speak salvation over the USA that today is the day you place righteousness back in every governing body on every level in the merciful name of Jesus.
Thank you for hearing our cry for help in this time of great need.

Rose Marie Doyle
October 13, 2022

Dear Lord, raise up more prayer warriors to put the heat on the Liar and force the truth to come out as you promise, “There is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.”

Thank you that you hear our cries and are moving forward to accomplish your Word. Amen.

October 13, 2022

Father God in name of Jesus: expose darkness, put angels around this team, You appoint the judge to be a righteous judge by the power of your Mighty influence. Give him a fear & reverence for you & protect him from being bullied, threatened or bribed in Jesus name. May True Justice be swift & impact the November 2022 elections in Jesus name.

    October 13, 2022


      October 13, 2022

      Hallelujah Lord Jesus. We praise your holy name and know that you are at work, that you hear our prayers. Please Lord Jesus protect us all, especially Catherine and the team of hard workers who are trying to bring truth to our elections. Please Lord give this team a honorable and righteous judge. Give him or her the wisdom that comes only from YOU. In your most precious Name and by Your power alone we pray.

    October 13, 2022

    Heavenly Father, You are the chief Judge of righteousness, we ask that You indwell the one You have appointed to be judge in Eugene Yu’s arraignment tomorrow, and because You direct the heart of kings, that You also direct this judge’s heart that all his declarations and rulings be according to Your righteousness, in fear of You alone, and not man. You are able, and I thank You!


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