I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we thank You for the victory of conservative and godly values in this election. We pray that this would not be a flash-in-the-pan victory, but rather the beginning of a new biblical era for America.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

After capturing our minds and prayers for months, the 2024 elections are finally over. The people have spoken, the process our Founding Fathers put in place worked as it should have, and the results represent a massive shift in the direction of our country.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


President Trump has won the popular vote and the Electoral College. The Senate has switched from Democratic to Republican control, and it appears the Republican leadership will retain control of the House.

What does all this mean?

Some are calling this win a Referendum, some a Mandate. Regardless of your label, the American people have spoken: the nation was going in the wrong direction.

I believe the Lord is instructing the intercessory community to pray for two things: foundations and justice.

We need to pray for the basic foundations of how our government operates. Cutting our government waste could save our nation trillions of dollars per year — dollars that are currently being wasted through the ineffectiveness of employees and the virtual impossibility of firing those ineffective employees. The rooting out of employees committed to a progressive agenda is an absolute must! The new Trump administration will begin appointing 4,600 individuals responsible for leading 2+ million career employees. MUCH PRAYER AND INTERCESSION ARE NEEDED ON THIS!

House Speaker Johnson will be working very closely with the Trump administration to put forth an effective legislative agenda for the first 100 days. The process of electing the Senate majority Leader must now occur. The name that continues to surface is Senator Steve Daines (MT), who started the first Pro-Life Caucus in the Senate. Senators John Thune (SD), John Cornyn (TX) and Rick Scott (FL) are other possibilities.

We must also pray for justice. Over the last four years, the House of Representatives has completed many investigations (many led by Rep. Jim Jordan – OH), and committees have made many criminal referrals that the Justice Department never took up. The United States Attorney General is a CRITICAL position for President Trump to fill. The appointment of federal judges is critical (45 current openings), and this could include Supreme Court Justices.

Concerning the moral issues on the ballots across America:

  • On the issue of abortion, one of the greatest disappointments of the last few years was the Left’s ability to pass laws allowing abortions to continue. This happened again in multiple states (AZ, CO, MA, MO, NV, NY, and MT). However, FL, NE, and SD rejected the measure to a Constitutional amendment to abort, and Nebraska passed a ban after the first trimester. This trend continues to break the Heart of our Lord. The deceptions that abortion is somehow a right and that a baby is not alive until some arbitrary point of viability continues.
  • Multiple state ballot measures to ensure only US citizens can vote passed overwhelmingly, clearly expressing concerns over the open border (ID, IA, KY, MO, NC, OH, OK, SC, WI). Along these lines, NV voted to require voter ID. Open borders are clearly viewed as a threat to our republic.
  • The legalization of marijuana overwhelmingly failed in all three states (FL, SD, ND).
  • Some may recall the miraculous story of CA Prop 8, which defined marriage as one man and one woman. This has been state law since 2008. However, this Proposition was overwhelmingly repealed yesterday, broadening the definition of marriage.

Now, taking a look outside the US, there will be tremendous pressure on President Trump to solve the international crises: the war in Ukraine, Israel, etc. Multiple proxy wars could quickly escalate into larger conflicts.

The war in Ukraine is becoming increasingly complicated. North Korea has sent troops to fight alongside Russian troops. South Korea is considering sending troops to fight alongside Ukrainian troops. President Trump has said this war is not the America’s war, but the addition of North Korea to the scenario creates a potential for intervention.

The attack on Israel by Iranian proxies fluctuates between huge Israeli victories and saber-rattling by the Iranians. Iran knows the previous Trump Administration shut down their ability to fight a war, so the coming months will be critical to watch for a move before he takes office.

We can expect much instability internationally for the next few months before Inauguration Day.

We must pray and intercede that the Lord not only gives us a reprieve but a reset. Our nation was quickly marching to the Progressive beat, leading us toward Marxism. The American people have recognized the evil that comes with the mindset of an ever-evolving culture. We must pray for a reset to traditional, biblical values and a government that has true justice as it foundation.

What are YOU hearing from the Lord about this election? Share your thoughts, prayers, and reflections with us in the comments.

(Dave Kubal is IFA’s President/CEO. Photo Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

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a smith
December 27, 2024

The one most signal national issue has been and continues to be the freedom to speak. This was aptly addressed by Frederic Douglas who would have been horrified at the recent legislation, voted for by the entire democratic party and twelve republican senators, to silence any adverse comment about homosexual marriage. Any public statement of disapproval will be immediately prosecuted by the justice department and any wealthy or powerful individuals are encouraged to also bring suite, If this remains law it contradicts the American constitution. Freedom of speech is now officially ended and we join communist and dictatorial regimes in terrorist rule.

November 16, 2024

We must put on the full armor and pray that too for all our representatives, local, state, federal, as the next weeks/months will be a battle.

November 13, 2024

This is only the beginning, as believers we are the ekklesia and therefore we must continue to make a stand through prayer as this battle is not over. We the church, the ekklesia, have been asleep for too long and as a result satan almost destroyed our nation, let us be vigilant not only in prayer but allowing our voices to continue to be heard speaking the truth in love. Ephesians 4:15 This election was never about Trump vs Harris or Republican vs Democrats, but about the Kingdom of God vs the kingdom of darkness and God has called us to be the light of the world, Matthew 5:14/Ephesians 5:8 and when this light shines it drives away the darkness. This is evident that as we have been standing and praying for President Trump and our leaders, that the world has been watching and some have already started to back down and try to get an audience with President Trump and therefore many of these conflicts in the world will soon come to an end because at the end of the day, God is still on the throne.
Father, I decree and declare your Kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it in Heaven. I pray that you will continue awaken your church, ekklesia, and we will continue to seek Your face and counsel. We pray for the safety of President Trump and our leaders and that they will seek you for wisdom and counsel and that they will recognize that they have been put in place for such a time as this. In Jesus Name. Amen

Mindy Petersrn
November 12, 2024

It is clear that we voted & want our Christian & morals back! Let us pray for Damascus road experiences for those who do no know Jesus Christ my savior who loves each of us at does want a relationship with each of! Let us stand with our precious Babies & their confused Mothers to stop the Genicide of Abortion! That the Word of our God would be practiced in our homes schools & businesses! That we would love those who have fallen into emoral lifestyles that the Lord hates! I pray for President Trump & his family, his team, & us to trust in Jesus Christ to bring us back to a Nation build on Christian foundations
In Jesus Name Amen

Lilian Hosfeld
November 12, 2024

We as God’s ambassadors and anointed prayer warriors declare and pray in united faith that as we solemnly humbled ourselves in repentance that this great nation is on the way to spiritual restoration will have a ripple effect on global awakening; restoring peace, prosperity, and godly values will prevail on our upcoming President Trump, VP Vance to the State level fir His glory and honor. 2 Chron 7:14 assures us.

November 11, 2024

My children have rallied for righteousness in their land. As you have humbled yourselves and sought My Face, I have heard your cries and have answered your prayers.
Do not grow weary but pray that you can persevere as it will not be an easy road. Much prayer and sacrifice is needed to rid your country of the demonic spirits who have overtaken it. Pray, really pray.

James Grasse
November 11, 2024

As I prayed for our elections and our leaders, I used Hezekiah’s prayer in Isaiah 37:15-20, as a pattern for my appeal to the Lord for our country. I modified some of the words to fit our current day situation. v.15 and the people of God, v. 16 of all the nations of the world and states of our nation, v.17 see and hear all the blasphemes words of the Democrats, v.18 the governors of the states have laid waste their states and territories, v.20 save us from the hand of the Democrats that all the nations of the world and states of our nation . I also thanked the Lord for the Supreme Courts decision of Roe v Wade, and Dobbs v Jackson, and reminded the Lord that these decisions would not have been possible if He hadn’t placed Donald Trump in a position to make the appointments that he made,

Terri Russ
November 11, 2024

My prayer is for our children. That leadership will be able to set up a system for education not indoctrination. That our children will be protected from being exposed to sexual information.
Also praying for the new administration. That they would have the wisdom, strength and protection.

Donna Smith
November 11, 2024

Yes, I would like to have the America back that our for fathers fought and died for.. Yes I will pray God to protect Trump family from assassination attempts and guide the presidents steps and help him make wise decisions. Please help congress com together and support our president.

Andra Lance
November 11, 2024

I love how you put it in the above prayer… that this is the start of a New Biblical Era for the USA.

Lord, I believe as we stop compromising with evil, the deceived in America will see the good that has come of it. Lord, may we be a city on a hill to the nations of the world, shining forth Your light. Father, keep Your prayer warriors active, that we do not give You rest about our nation shining forth Your righteousness. We ask for integrity to invade ALL our government offices, whether local, state or federal. We proclaim that all demonic influence in our nation, at any level, cease and desist! …and that the kindness and justice of our God shine through our officials as they bring the confusion in the USA into righteous order. Lord, keep us all praying and doing Your will. In Jesus Name , Amen.

November 11, 2024

We must Alway pray and never give up. We must Fight, Fight, Fight🙏🏽Fight The 🔥Good Fight of Faith✝️

Clark E Koechel
November 11, 2024

We have only begun to fight! We pray for conservative leadership to stay the course charted by President Trump. Work hard to stem the progressive tide that has overtaken so much of the thinking of our citizens. Most importantly remember that we have but one King, master, Savior that is Jesus our Lord. Let each one of us answer the call from Him to do our part to build a nation built on the strong foundation of Christian values. Amen

Lawrence Kern
November 11, 2024

Intercessors: 1. Praying tor protection/safety on Pres Trump, JDVance, their families, all associated with them. Their security personnel. guards, secret service, their properties, homes, their coming and going. etc. Psalm 121, psalm 91. Plead the Blood over them all.
2) in our culture, society. Businesses, tech, pharma, education, media., The love of money be bound, eradicated, removed, uprooted, pulled down. Made void.
Thank you.

Valerie Katherine
November 10, 2024

We must stand, we must pray, we MUST take our place on the wall. As in the days of Nehemiah, remember ‘ the LORD who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.’

Luzmaria Moore
November 9, 2024

Gods people must keep our eyes and dependance on Jesus spiritually all has been placed under His authority. vigilant Prayer must continue. For the New elected President.

Tammie Fisher
November 9, 2024

Thank you, God, that the American people have spoken, which is Your great and powerful move! These Americans do not want the progressive intentions to continue! God, you spared President Trump this past summer and I believe You are at work in Trump’s heart, mind, soul and spirit. Let us pray pray pray for protection on Pres. elect and his VP, and his future work, and against the work of the enemy in people! In Jesus precious and powerful Name – Amen

Timothy Hoflund
November 9, 2024

While thanking The Lord for the general election outcomes I sense that the re-election of President Trump may well be most greatly for the benefit of Israel in that the USA can again be a faithful ally to and for Israel in these days. At the same time, the churches in America have a bit more time to repent without the oppression of severe persecution. We have again seen among state ballot issues that righteousness cannot be legislated, meaning that WE, God’s people must be faithful as Salt of the Earth and Light of the World if we are to see righteousness preserve and restore our culture, society, and government. We have been blessed with Divine intervention – and intermission of a sort – let us be faithful to pray for His will to be done in our land and may we ourselves be faithful to this extension of our Lord’s mercy to this nation.

skye alison
November 8, 2024

Thank you for this! Amen. I want to affirm your leadings are from the Lord. I am encouraged that there are many, many God fearing people and prayer warriors in America; and the DNA of our land is liberty — liberty which God has put in our hearts. However, WE HAVE NOT DONE A GOOD JOB OF DISCIPLING PEOPLE IN BIBLICAL FAITH AND WISDOM. Thus the great need for prayers focusing on the foundations and justice in our nation once again. The time is short. Keep praying and laboring till He comes.

Melanie Pratt
November 8, 2024

We must pray every day that our President and Vice President and their families will be protected. Also all of our leaders. We need to thank God every day for this victory and ask God to allow P. Trump to be able to fulfill his promises and be able to do all he wants to do to Make America Great Again.

Wendy Gilley
November 8, 2024

Lord God and Heavenly Father. I just thank you and PRAISE GOD
for the answered prayers from all over the world that Donald J. Trump
won the Election!! I feel that I can breath again and am so thankful
that you allowed this to happen. We also have the Senate and are very
close to owning the House too. Please let us gain the House and also
Nevada and Arizona. I have spent many days and nights in prayer and
tears for Our Great Country to turn around and I am so thankful that you
answered all our prayers. GOD BLESS AMERICA and ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!

Sue Goodman
November 8, 2024

My heart is burdened for the Trump and Vance families and those who serve alongside, for safety. I am praying for the defeat and cancellation of every scheme, plan for trickery, and evil plot against them. While Biden and Harris are speaking about a smooth transition, those who operate in the shadows are reported to have been planning for many months re ways to foil a Trump win. If you agree, pray with me.
Pastor Sue Goodman

November 8, 2024

My only comment is. Keep praying for President Trump and his administration and that more Christians will get out to vote. We can’t just sit back as has been stated that the battle for this nation and souls has just begun.

November 8, 2024

Hard to win an election when God exposes the illegal ways that dems are used to getting away with in elections. Everything you all accuse republicans of is scripted by the marxist and socialists who have positioned themselves in our education system and media to indoctrinate our children and us to their agenda. I heard it said as a joke that how you can tell a democrat is lying is when he/she opens their mouth. I have observed that dems will accuse the republicans of things that the dems themselves are doing. The dems of today only care about staying in power at any costs. They do not respect the constitution or God which will be their downfall for God is in control. For 4 years us God fearing people watched and prayed that the dems would repent and return to godly ways and yet they seemed to dig in their heels against God’s ways. Now the democratic voters are acting as though the end of times is upon us and refuse pray to God for guidance. They also complained that President Trump is dividing the country yet they the dems and the media have ignored who the truly guilty are; it is the same 3 mentioned above. Let all American citizens of every belief and color join in asking for God’s guidance for us and the USA. The only way is God’s way. I will join all those in praying for all those in government to govern in a godly way. Amen. 🙏😇🙏❤️

Sheila Miele
November 8, 2024

I believe that our country needs a cleansing and purification. Praying for wisdom on how this is done and leaderships’ obedience to follow the Lord’s lead in making us pure before Him again so that we can be most effective for Him in these next 4 years and beyond! Tearing down the modern version of the asherah poles and modern-day gnosticism as well as other forms of idolatry that people have chosen to worship instead of our Lord is very important. Renoucing the evil that has so deeply penetrated our culture and mainstream lifestyles and churches. Surrendering our hearts and minds to God and His leadership in repentance is crucial and understanding that there is a Standard of Truth to follow and clear right and wrong.

Patsy Johnson
November 8, 2024

I was a child during the 60’s so I couldn’t pray as an Intercessor like I do today. I heard about the revivals back then. So what happened? Why was prayer removed from the schools? America went down hill. Did not the body of Christ recognize this? So where were the Intercessors then? I believe the church did not pass the baton to the future generations. I could be wrong. In my church I don’t see any classes on teachings on how to become a warrior, watchman or Intercessors. There are 3 of us meeting 6 days a week for 1 hour interceding for all that the Lord lays upon our hearts. We are praying against the traditions of men/ religion. We 3 want to see change take place in our church. We want to pass the mantle/baton to the future generations. But it’s going to take more than 3 people. We have 4 years to make a difference. GOD’S mercy and grace are being poured upon the church. “If My people.” So my cry is come on GOD’S people let’s go to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to lead us since some Pastors can’t seem to crawl out of religion and the traditions of men. That is what I see taking place. God speaks to me thru dreams. Let’s not fail the next generation.

November 8, 2024

After the election results, I sensed a shift in intercession. David, you touched on it. Praying for safety for Israel and the Jews, the new administration, plots and schemes of the enemy, our nation. Pray Body of Christ!

Martha Lavallee
November 7, 2024

Yes inyense continued prayer and action are needed going forward. The 325,000 unaccompanied minors need to be gound snd helped! HHS needs to release the records. Details can be found at Judicial Watch.

November 7, 2024

God gave us mercy and grace, that we didn’t deserve. We cannot stop praying for this country, now, more than ever. We have had a “taste” of what happens when we become complacent. We cannot do that again.

Cindee Windus
November 7, 2024

The eyes of the Lord are on His people over this time of merciful reprieve to see if we will continue to show mercy, love justice and walk humbly with our God. We must produce the fruit of holiness from our repentance beyond words to a demonstration in our lives that will shine the glory of God to our nation and beyond to the nations. As we do this, which includes praying for our leaders, we will see not just revival but reformation.

November 7, 2024

I pray that more realize that ABORTION IS MURDER!!
That nobody has the right to kill the baby!!
That transgender is evil!!
That PRIDE is EVIL!!
We need to educate people

Patrick Upton
November 7, 2024

I just read Trumps idea to have a great celebration of 250 years of our founding. What a great idea! I think we all were wondering how can you possibly unite the American people again ?
What a fantastic idea!!! Pray into that as Trump has asked the Church to do

November 7, 2024

May we as Christ followers not get comfortable with the outcome of the election. I believe God is using this time for His remnants to worship Him, pray without ceasing, seek the lost, love 💗 your neighbors, speak biblical truth & win the lost souls for His kingdom.

Patrick Upton
November 7, 2024

I just read Trumps idea to have a great celebration of 250 years of our founding. What a great idea! I think we all were wondering how can you possibly unite the American people again ?
What a fantastic idea!!! Pray into that as Trump has asked the Church to do

November 7, 2024

The Lord has not told me this, however, I have pause. These people have shown for 4 yrs now, they say one thing and do another. They use distraction to pull the wool over the peoples eyes, while they conspire, attempt assassinations, and what ever they can do to cause chaos. I can’t help but feel they are planning something.

    Mary Beth S
    November 7, 2024

    Have you ever heard the old adage, “Man plans, and God laughs”? It seems to be rooted in Psa. 2!

Ann Shaw
November 7, 2024

Prayer is the critical move, dependence on our relationship with God and move with the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
Through the authority of Jesus we can accomplish God’s plan and purpose.

John Hart
November 7, 2024

Thank you, Father, for hearing our prayers for this election. We are so grateful that the stage has now been set for righteous laws to be enacted, and for our country to become financially sound and secure. But Lord, you have so much more in mind. This is your country. You’ve intended that we become a “city set on a hill”, a beacon of freedom in the world.– and we know that this will require more than godly government; it will take a Great Awakening and a Reformation. Lord we pray for revival in our country and around the world. We declare that millions will repent and turn to Christ, and we also pray that each convert will be discipled, as you said in Matthew 28:19 — “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded.”

So, Father raise up an army of evangelists to bring the message of the Gospel, but also raise up an army of anointed teachers to disciple the new converts. We call forth a host of godly men and women who have a Biblical worldview and are empowered to impart this to new converts as well as those who are ignorant of the power of your Word. Lord, we pray for a great awakening in government, education, entertainment, the media, business, arts & entertainment, and religion. We repent for our idolatry in all of these areas, and we ask that you would enable us to take back all of these areas for your glory. Amen

Darlene Estlow
November 7, 2024

Thank you, Father, for Trump’s victory. I pray you may continue working in our country that it may truly be not
just a reprieve but a reset. May our nation walk in godliness with you. Give much wisdom and guidance to Trump as he faces situations outside our nation. Give him wisdom and guidance as he appoints people for his cabinet. Continue to bless our nation and turn each heart from abortion to life. We praise your name.

Larry Sears
November 7, 2024

I pray for the truth to be revealed about the Jan 6 setup so that the nation can see it for the fraud that it was. Also for the innocent people wrongly convicted in that to be pardoned.

    November 8, 2024

    Amen. I have been praying for those still suffering in the DC jail and those
    wrongly convicted. Praying that Trump will pardon them right after he takes office!!

November 7, 2024

Tolerance, forgiveness, patience and prayer for people to have any veils of confusion or deception lifted and that they may replace anger in their hearts with love and understanding, to consider all angles, to remember that both Paul and Jesus were wrongly accused by both Romans and Pharisees because of their teachings of the Truth and the Way, and to also remember that none of us know each other’s heart or relationship with the Lord. Love is patient, love in kind.

Dientje Fortuna
November 7, 2024

I have heard that we are going into a time of transition. The Ekklesia is moving from war to harvest but during the transition we will function like those with Nehemiah, warriors and workers/harvesters carrying both weapons and tools. The Kingdom age is the future we have cried out for and God is answering. An exciting time for sure.

Mary Sexton
November 7, 2024

Taking back the 7 mountains of influence for the Lord in areas of Media, Arts & Entertainment, Government, Family, Education, Economy and Religion. Evil has dominated but we can push back and take control over these 7 mountains by putting in God’s people and using their talent & ideas. We have so many depressed, sad, isolated people. I feel the spirit of religion has taken the joy out of attending church. The people are so happy to bring items for potlucks, crock pot soups, cookie exchange, etc. They share recipes, meet others, etc. Many churches have stackable chairs & how fun it would be to clear & utilize the large space occasionally. Also increasing the fun in fall festivals to push back Halloween. On earth as it is in Heaven and Heaven is a place of joy & laughter. The joy of the Lord is our strength.

    November 7, 2024

    Amen Mary!!! So true!!! What a great post! 😁🙌🏻

November 7, 2024

A prayer the lord laid on my heart is that God would use President Trump & his administration to Make Jesus Christ Great Again.💕

November 7, 2024

God has saved us. We have a reprieve. But it’s not a time to be lax in our prayers. We have won the battle, but there is still a war to win. Let us learn our lessons from the Israelites of the Old Testament. They kept falling away and God always had to step in. Let us hold our victory and move forward prepared and ready for anything.

Kandace Chinn-Carbajal
November 7, 2024

I have never voted for a Republican Presidential candidate yet after much prayer and reflection, I knew that despite much of his past personal behavior and his mistakes, that if American democracy can be saved, I had to vote for Trump and I must have faith that God will guide him , teach him help him to repent of past behaviors & lead him to serve us and heal our polarized country! We can’t have a President that is not proud to say they are a Chrisitan, and when Harris shouted back to a Christian that they were at the wrong rally, I just thought that woman is not fit to lead our crumbling country, on any level, intellectually, morally, and she is not walking with Christ, this is evident! I live in Hollywood and everyone was for the Dems, and only myself and 1 friend voted for Trump! I felt in my soul other Americans were disgusted by the progressive Democrats that keep printing money and digging us deeper into debt, and just think we will believe there deluded lies! President Biden has been neurologically challenged for years! I felt a huge sense of oppression lift off my chest election night & the fact that Trump and his team won all of the Swing States is unprecedented and never have I seen a landslide election, Praise God, and Our Holy Mother, and all of The Saints, they heard us, and saw that America was sinking into oblivion and hope was very difficult to hang onto no matter how devote our faith is when our own President is working to destroy our economy and amplify polarization! I can breathe now, and feel hopeful and ironically my late husband, Phillip was a devoted Trump fan and donor, now I understand what he saw, the phenomenal work ethic and never say die perseverance! Wow! For once my beloved late husband was right & I know when I voted for President Trump, Phillip somehow knew or saw it up there in heaven! Amen President Trump will turn the sinking ship America Around! I no long feel the overwhelming sense of oppression I did with the insane Dems at the helm! I did not want Harris to be the first American President to me she is the antithesis of what the first female American President should be! I hope she finds Jesus and loses her arrogance! Let’s Go President Trump let’s revive America, and keep our eyes and morals on Christ! Amen! Thank you God , Thank you Holy Mother, for your mercy and grace! Let’s Make American Great Again, and Make America Pray Again, Everyday in Great times and bum times, yet let’s Remember the Great Times are from God, all the Blessings! Your Fellow New Trumpster, Kandace Chinn-Carbajal, Hollywood, CA

Barbara Remy
November 7, 2024

Continue to pray for a Repentance, a National Revival, and a Awaking of the Holy Spirit within all citizens and government leaders.

Jeff N
November 7, 2024

Don’t Let Down Your Guard. Pray for President Trump for his protection and his inauguration. I don’t believe the enemy is done attacking – pray for President Trump to preemptively create a defense for an attack on his felony offenses and an accusation of violating the 14th Amendment. Don’t be in fear but don’t stop praying and interceding! Turn to the Lord and repent while it is still day. Pray for supernatural grace and wisdom to handle any coming storms.

November 7, 2024

To EVERYTHING said today!
Q 😎👊💪☝️🙏

Don Peter
November 7, 2024

Now that the election is over, which took much of our prayer focus, even more importantly we must pray for the coming months, for the transition of power, for the appointment and hiring of the right people in positions of influence and power, and for a great spiritual revival among all people in our country. Government cannot solve our spiritual problems, even though it seems we have somewhat of a reprieve from catastrophe. We still have very challenging times ahead. We need the Lord’s mercy more than ever, and for repentant hearts.

AlethaKaren Bass
November 7, 2024

I had been praying for many months for our leaders to turn from injustice , sin & evil, to turn to God & doing what was right in our heavenly Father’s eyes. I asked that if they refused, that God would remove them from office at the next election. Election day 2024 was answered prayers! In the wee hours of the Wednesday after the election, I checked the outcomes every hour all night long, continuing to pray. On Wednesday morning, at 6am EST, I knew that God had heard our prayers. He knew our hearts. In recent years, being a believer, a Christian, was ridiculed more & more, seemingly causing Christians to get progressively quieter. The call to prayer on the Monday evening at 6pm from many Christian groups made the difference. Not only were believers praying earnestly but, just as I was, we were asking every believer we could reach to join us in prayer. From what I have heard, literally millions of Christians stormed the gates of heaven with prayer. God answered in a mighty, powerful way that even nonbelievers cannot deny! We must build on this momentum to share the gospel with those who don’t believe, to encourage nonbelievers to read their Bible, to allow scriptures to speak life changing truths to them. This is an opportunity we must not squander. We must bravely share our faith with others. We must also continue to pray without ceasing. Scripture says, “prayer availeth much.” On election day, we saw the response to prayer.. Therefore, we must be dedicated to continuing to pray, to change the direction our country was headed. Before we knew the outcome, I kept hearing in my heart, if the progressive, liberal prevailed, our country would be destroyed. PTL for faithful obedient believers & for a heavenly Father who loves us so much that he answers our prayers.

D.L. McClaskie
November 7, 2024

“I believe there’s prophetic significance in how some have begun calling President Trump and his diverse team ‘the Avengers’ – including figures like RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, and JD Vance. While I don’t know who originated this term, I believe it carries spiritual prophetic significance – not in terms of violence, but in terms of God using them to clean up deep-rooted, deep state corruption. This aligns perfectly with Romans 13’s teaching that governmental authorities can serve as ministers of God’s wrath (justice) against wrongdoing.

“For he [governing authorities] is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil,” (Romans 13:4).”

“I believe the Lord is using the Trump victory to show us He’s not done with America and its church here. Many, even in the church, had given up because of the lawlessness seen in the 2020 election and this victory will fuel faith and awaken His fire in the bones of many. Trump’s win is an undeniable miracle!”

Above are excerpts from: https://healingiswritten.com/2024/11/07/what-the-lord-has-been-saying-to-me-about-the-election-results-trump-and-teams-2024-victory/

Glory to God who is worthy to receive all glory and honor and blessing and power forever and ever amen!

P.S. My young adult son’s faith is being PROFOUNDLY affected by Trump’s win and the many other election results. He knows it’s a HUUUGGGEEE miracle from THE LORD and answer to the prayers of many. Thank You, Lord. <3

Laurie Rubin
November 7, 2024

Yes, the people have spoken!!
The election was not stolen👍

Now we have entered into stage 2,
Heading towards the January 6th electoral certification in the Congress of the electoral vote.

The current administration will not be willing to release power.
A wounded wild animal will often lash out.

KEEP PRAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DON’T get comfortable…..we have 2 months and some before Pres Trump is resident of the White House, with authority of the presidency!!!!!


They still want to throw Pres Trump in prison in the end of this month on false charges…….
While they still are in power.

KEEP PRAYING!!!!!!!!!!!’

November 7, 2024

I believe that through the immoral and ungodly acts of the Biden-Harris administration, that judgement impart, has come upon this nation. I believe that God has given this nation a reprieve from judgment and it is now up to us do do something about it, hence”If MY people who are called by MY name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face…. Then I will heal their land and forgive their sins (2Chron. 7:14). We all agree that our nation needs healing in our hearts and souls.

Louise Fugate
November 7, 2024

Lord, I pray that You will hold back, confuse, and change the agenda of the enemy to come in to set up their wicked schemes in the next 70 + days while we wait for Trump to take up his role under Your hand as the new President. Guide, guard, and protect him and all who stand with him. Thank You, our Dear Father in heaven, for giving us a chance to reset America with Your values and morals. We love You, Lord. Help us, as citizens, to seek Your wisdom and obey You. Help us to love and show mercy and grace, as You have done for us.

Beverly Steckler
November 7, 2024

Oh, King of the universe and everything in it, I praise and thank you for giving America another chance. May we never take your Grace and Mercy for granted. Forgive us and may we forgive those who have tried to lead us into communism and globalization, but at the same time be wary of these evils lurking to still destroy us. Protect us from all evil and let us not be naive to it but we beg for your wisdom and especially now, for wisdom for President Trump. Please Lord, make him especially wise to the jealousy of Rinos in the Republican Party who wish him harm. Wolves in Republican clothing. Let our new Speaker of the House be a mighty man for Your truth and will.
Thank You for all Your amazing blessings. We praise You!
In Jesus Name we pray, Amen

Sondra Guthrie
November 7, 2024

I have prayed along with so many others that God’s hand would sweep over USA from East to West, North to South! Ezekiel 36:26-28 “I will give you a new heart & put a new spirit in you; I will remove your heart of stone & give you a heart of flesh!
Also, prayed II Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & heal their land.” God has heard everyone’s prayers & answered loudly!
Now, let us continue to remember that the Lord is our strength & our shield; our heart trusts in Him, and we are helped❣️💕

Sharon Manifold
November 7, 2024

Father God, we thank you for your mercy and grace and we thank you for Donald J Trump. Lead him and guide him as we want your will to be accomplished in this nation and world. Make us a bright light to the nations of this world. We pray your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

November 7, 2024


Kathie Jackson
November 7, 2024

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Cover our Nation and spread the effects of the flames of your Love over All mankind. Help us to live in Unity with You as our Head and Guide , Amen

Suzette Johnsen
November 7, 2024

God be praised that He heard and answered the prayers of intercessors all across America and the nations of the world for mercy on the USA and for this space of grace. And, we are forever thankful for this tremendous victory! Now, we recognize the responsibility placed upon us to maintain the momentum of righteousness through the vessels He is choosing to lead this nation (not just in government but in all other areas of influence). Miracles have occurred, and more will occur, as He is the faithful, powerful God who showed up and showed off. And we will remain on the “wall” to see the manifestation of His “exceedingly above and beyond” on behalf of this nation. He has only just begun to demonstrate His strength. In His acceptable time, per Isaiah 49, and in His day of salvation He helped us and will preserve us.
The key too is that a win for America is a win for Israel, His beloved and covenant people. While we rejoice, we acknowledge that the nations of the world, who joined us in prayer for this election, had much spiritual discernment, sensed the criticality of this hour in history, and prayed for us. We link our shields together, per John 17 – AS ONE!

November 7, 2024

As I prayed and meditated on Revelations 14 and 15 all I could think of is revival is coming to the United States. I prayed that many will see the difference in Trump from the previous term and see Jesus in Him. So that through Him many will come to the Lord. The Harvest is coming! The harvest of souls for the Lord! Revival is coming! Here as in Heaven by Elevation Worship is my prayer for this nation. May Gods will be done here on earth as in heaven. In Jesus name♥️our redemption is near!Praise God!

    November 7, 2024

    See Jesus in Trump? Where? He’s a racist, an open white supremacist. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth will speak. Do you know that scripture verse? He calls latins garbage, he raped women. He openly said it was okay to grab them by their genitals. That is a fact. See Jesus in Trump? Do you think we are stupid. Here’s another scripture verse: You will know them by their fruits! One last scripture verse, Love the Lord God with all of your heart, your strength, and mind, and the second greatest LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. No, I don’t see Jesus in Trump at all. I do however see the devil!

November 7, 2024

My note this morning revolves around the need to KEEP PRAYING for Conservative men and women of the LORD to get in office since to get TRUMPS agenda accomplished we will need 218 Conservatives in the HOUSE. At this writing the HOUSE isn’t there yet, and of the remaining 20+ races or so, nearly all are in liberal States with Liberal Governors. The toss ups are predominantly Republicans,

Here is where we received our information this morning.



Lucy Courtney
November 7, 2024

God Bless America and President Trump. I am hearing that those in government at this time are planning NOT to certify President Trump and prevent him from taking office on January 20th. We need great prayer to prevent this from happening. Dear Jesus Your Will be Done!

November 7, 2024

I saw this morning a post that the Biden-Harris administration next week at Davos will hand over sovereignty of the US to the United Nations WHO which will potentially take away our powers as a free nation. We cannot allow this to happen. President Trump would never stand for it. We need to pray hard that God intervenes to protect us.

Dixie Koehn
November 7, 2024

My prayer is, our FATHER which
Art in heaven, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Betty Weinberger
November 7, 2024

I want to pray for those believers who are sad about the results of this election. It is so sad and frustrating and hard to believe that they would prefer someone who stands for abortion and transgender mutilation and censorship, etc. It is so sad that their hate for the person who won is so great it blinds them to the truth. I don’t think they are hearing the truth. I think their thoughts and sadness are because they are believing the lies in the media and are not even hearing about the bad things happening. Lord, please reveal the truth to them. They are fellow believers! Show each person who wants to share truth with them if and when and how to do it, or if they should just pray. And we pray for the lies and refusal to cover true news in the media to be exposed for all to see.

    November 7, 2024

    The fact that there are certain believers that are “sad”?…seems to call into question their understanding of the bible, perhaps the church they attend or simply their personal, daily walk with God (or the absence of it). But remembering that God told us that “in the last days, even those that believe in Him will be deceived” – seems to be more evident than ever. None of us are immune to deception but when 1 political embraces an anti-God platform & proclaiming Christians still support that party with no wavering, it makes me realize that many believers & churches still desperately need repentance & to simply wake up.
    I don’t say that in judgment – it’s just a sad, cold reality that many who proclaim to be believers…are not walking with or understanding God’s word as written. God has no “gray areas”.

Kathy Stewart
November 7, 2024

I believe that God is showing us great mercy. We are not called to relax but called to arms. We need more than ever to wait on God and intercede where He is calling us. This is a spiritual war that needs to be fought on our knees. Pray that the church continues to stay awake and take a stand for Jesus.

    November 7, 2024

    Yes we need to pray harder than ever now because spiritual warfare is definitely not over.

Maureen O'Connell
November 7, 2024

🙌 God is good. What we have here is a modern day miracle every bit as much as when God told David, a young shepherd boy that he would be king. And indeed he became king, who is still remembered today. He spared Trump’s life so he could lead America back to our traditional values.

November 7, 2024

It feels like God has delivered America from fire and brimstone because He found 10 righteous people here when we all cried out to Him!
Now may the church break out of the complacency we have fallen into, and work and pray for revival, and be set on fire by the Spirit. May we be bold in sharing our faith with friends and family and everyone, and use this broad , expansive reprieve of freedom not to feather our own nests, but to fulfill the great commission .

Michael Stafford
November 7, 2024

The Holy Spirit has lit me up every time I prayed for President Trump to be our leader and for righteousness to rule the world. my whole family is celebrating our victory for righteousness. God please bless us all.

Susan Swinney
November 7, 2024

I’ve been praying and will continue to pray for President Trump, this country, new leaders , and Israel 🙏🙏🙏

November 7, 2024

We must NOT neglect or be forgetful in the continuing praying for the unity of our nation, our churches and our people! We are seeing the results of initial prayers for the turning of our nation. There is still work to be done in interceding on behalf of ALL men to turn/return to our Godly beginnings!

November 7, 2024

Thank you Jesus!

judy hansen
November 7, 2024

As i was fervently praying for the election results desperately praying scriptures to the Father-
The Lord said to me are you going to pray after the election with the same fervency– I had to say
yes Lord -but help me to keep this within me-and stay close to your heart.
So we have to keep praying this is a mighty movement of prayer and revival to bring many
into the Kingdom.

Stanton Whitmore
November 7, 2024

I believe “ God’s man” is back in office. Everything just feels better already. How effective he shall be, is in part in hands of the Intercessors of America. We must be committed to pray for President Trump every day. We must pray for his protection, for wisdom ,for discernment, and for strength. We must pray that God’s vision for America will be carried in President Trump’s heart.

God is truly giving America a chance to be Great. We must not take this opportunity for granted. We must exercise great diligence in doing what we can to see God’s will being done in every arena of our country. Our God has told us in His Word, “the fear of the Lord is to hate evil”. Wherever, we recognize evil we must pray against it.

Praise you Lord! Thank you for your goodness and mercy!

November 7, 2024

The Lord is great! And greatly to be Praised!! I thank Him for His mercy on us.

Jolayn Christofferson
November 7, 2024

For God is a living God, and steadfast forever. HIS kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed, and HIS dominion shall endure to the end. Thank you for delivering, rescuing & protecting our nation & our new leader-President Trump elect through this Golden Age. YOU LORD worked wonders and delivered us from the power of the lions.All power and glory goes to you O KING.

Jolayn Christofferson
November 7, 2024

For God is a living God, and steadfast forever. HIS kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed, and HIS dominion shall endure to the end. Thank you for delivering, rescuing & protecting our nation & our new leader-President Trump elect through this Golden Age. YOU LORD worked wonders and delivered us from the power of the lions.All power and glory goes to you O KING.

Norman E Peterson
November 7, 2024

Jesus we love you and your face has turned upon us. Give us strength and the will to stand for your truth. Help us to be heard that the children are paramount in our concern. Help us take down the cabal that his been predatory in mutilating their minds and bodies with lies. Gently and firmly show this nation the selfish attitude we have all had and again, open wide that entrance to the narrow road that leads we fools to repentance and true life forever and ever.

Debra Mifsud
November 7, 2024

We Give thanks to the Lord [for Donald Trump’s President-elect and the win being too big to rig], for He is good!  His faithful love endures forever.  (Psalms 136:1 | NLT)

November 7, 2024

My vote was for the candidate who was going to follow the Constitution and restore our country as our founding fathers intended it to be. I even prayed over the voting areas in my district that no interference would occur. That our Lord God will install who he wanted in office and remove those that was not following the Constitution in all areas of our government. The Lord will use President Trump to usher the United States back into the golden era where the people had more purchasing power and able to fund God’s projects to prosper our churches to reach the masses of people who are in great need spiritually and financially.

Daniel Felice
November 7, 2024

I not only see instability internationally, but also in this nation. Sadly, I believe the left which allow millions of illegal aliens in will begin to push violence as what has happened in several cities. 1,000,000 alien have taken over 800,000 American citizens jobs because they are cheaper labor. This present administration, in my opinion, will push to allow more illegals in, allow strife as many blue states have tolerated serious crime with just a slap on the wrist. I think ther will be a depression, if not already in place that will create kayous throughout this nation. I do pray for a smooth transition, but I suspect a rocky road transition to January 20, 2025 and beyond. But Got has got this and I’m believing He will raise men and women of faith to help bridge these issues as part of the Trump administration. And Trump will ‘clean the swamp’.

Linda Johnson
November 7, 2024

Father, I just want to say thank you and you are Holy and you did not have to do all that you did before and during this election and you did not have to die fir us way back on Calvary, but you did! We are just soo thankful for your mercy and your grace. Now we embark on the journey to shift this nation back to you. It is your heart and we agree with your heart. This song is the song that the Lord awakened me to on Wed. Morning.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQW1rpl-1MM
Thank you Jesus, for your love, mercy and grace for what is behind us and what lies ahead of us as a multitude of decisions and appointments are made in order to turn our nation back to you and your Kingdom to come here as it is in Heaven.

Mary Beth Phillips
November 7, 2024

My daughter is a Doula. This morning just after 4am MT she supported new parents as their baby was born in Rapid City, SD. This baby was born into a city newly dedicated to Jesus which happened on October 1, 2024. Baby came into a state which just voted No on a constitutional amendment to reinstate and expand abortion and a state that rejected recreational marijuana and theft of private property using eminent domain to promote a Green New Deal.
This is a new day, a day the Lord has made and we are rejoicing in it. Hallelujah to the King of kings.
We recommit ourselves as watchmen on the walls, intercessors standing in the gap for our God. We will stand firm with God’s full armor on us and pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and pray to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom and take it to all the world in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Mitch Haynam
November 7, 2024

We as Christ followers cannot get complacent we must continue to pray, share the Gospel and hold our representatives accountable

Debora Warner
November 7, 2024

I am hearing that we need to reset/restore/renew our foundations with God and continue to be strongly proactive regarding the enemy’s agenda. The enemy has attempted to steal all 7 mountains of influence. There are Christ minded people close to the top of those mountains who need to be prayed into leadership.
We also need to keep in mind that satan is described in Revelation as being looked upon with wonder at how small and insignificant it truly is!!

Terri B
November 7, 2024

Dear Lord, You are an Awesome, Good and Holy God! You amaze me in what You do! You are Omniscient! You do everything on Your time! I thank You for that. If President Trump would have been re- elected in 2020, I don’t believe he would have accomplished what he will now! Thank You for exposing our government for what it is and change it to what You want it to be! Thank You Lord for the honor that we have to stand strong with You in these last days. I pray that everything You want accomplished be done, in the name of Jesus Christ our Precious Lord, Amen

Taylor Rushing
November 7, 2024

We as a nation have tuned our back on GOD. We’ve taken Him out of everything, schools, no praying in public off the walls of our Government buildings. But our God is a mercy full God and heard the cry of his people. Let’s not squander the blessings God has showed us as a nation. Continue to pray and seek his face. Continue to put God first in all that we do. Pray for our leaders because Satan will try even harder now to destroy, tear down and distract us. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself!

November 7, 2024

what I am hearing from God is that the election was only Step 1. It is now up to every Christian to show Americans how to live with less government in our lives, how to do the true work of the church that has been handed off to government for the past 50 years . The church has to step out of the brick and mortar buildings where so any have hidden out for so long, and be in the streets, practicing our faith in front of others. Jesus sent the disciples out into the world, he has given us another chance to do this in America. Stop arguing with the worldly world about hot button topics and just do unto others with graciousness and humility. Pray, pray, pray like crazy! It is a new day for America and we have a huge responsibility ahead of us to take part in it, even the Amish turned out to vote for less government intrusion in our lives. Praise God, we have been given another chance to be the brightest light in the world.

    November 7, 2024

    Christians actions lack love. You can’t go out and preach the gospel and not have love. I see arrogance, and what I don’t see is Christians setting examples of Christ’s love. It is a huge turn off. No one wants to see judgy hypocrites telling them about Jesus. You need to evaluate your heart. Jesus doesn’t need Trump, and he doesn’t need or want hypocritical Christians using his name, but not showing with walking the walk they talk. I’m a born again Catholic and I am repulsed with judgemental Christians who show up in the name of Jesus and not seeing the love of Jesus.

Lisa Rendon
November 7, 2024

Dear Dave,
While I’m deeply disapointed in the results of the election. One thing is for sure-God put his name on it.
In His Love,

Rob Russell
November 7, 2024

Thank you for putting everything in perspective. Thank you for daily prayer. I pray your words always suggest this countries growth in our Lord.

November 7, 2024

Watch and pray. The fight for godliness and the gospel continues

Myra Harris
November 7, 2024

Pray we do not get distracted and worship materialism when increase happens . Jesus is God not our stuff. Pray Micah 6:8 that we the body of Christ act justly, love mercy, and walk or live in humility with our Lord. Ask for USA revival, new marriages, new babies, families, and be disciples!

Ronda Orchard
November 7, 2024

The slaves are being set free. Make haste because the slave owners will change their minds. There’s no time to look back,no yearning for captivity. Eyes on the prize. Helping others where you are able … the enemy will face a wall of epic proportion and impassability.

The government is on the shoulders of Yeshua not man. He will deliver justice …

    November 7, 2024

    I agree with that. Too many people are expressing Trump is their savior. Too many identify with MAGA on hats, t-shirts, you name it. I see them worshiping Trump. This world is not God’s kingdom. I will not support or identify with a hateful, racist, rapist president. God doesn’t need a government like that to represent him.

      November 12, 2024

      God uses imperfect people to do his work. No one is worshipping Trump. We are praising God, not Trump. Did you vote for Kamala who had a Planned Parenthood van at her convention? Kamala who’s supporters chant “thank God for abortion”? Kamala who wants to use tax payers money for sex change operations on inmates? Kamala who wants to push gender confusion on children? Kamala, so incompetent and stupid, who allowed millions of women and children to be trafficked ( their blood is on her hands). Is that who you think God wants to represent Him?

Shellie Maheu
November 7, 2024

I just want to say may we continue to pray. We don’t realize just how close we really were to losing all of our freedom here because if Kamala Harris would have been put in office, that is exactly what she would’ve started doing is taking away all of our freedom here and this country was founded on freedom so praise God, praise you Jesus Christ that that did not happen!!! Thank you God for this mercy that you have given our country and I pray Lord, that this country will heal and unite and come back to you, Jesus Christ of Nazareth of the holy Bible and be a nation that is grateful and thankful and holy again to you we must keep praying and not become lazy on our prayer, because the enemy is not going to stop because everything is affected by something from the spiritual realm. It’s either led by God or Satan and his demons and we can believe this, Because the battle that we fight is unseen, but just because we cannot physically see it does not mean that it is not there. Maybe we keep on praying for our country and keep on praying for President Trump and his family because it’s not they that they wanna really take out, they want to take out the will of God of this country!!!!!

Cheri Galbraith
November 7, 2024

Once again, Mercy triumphed over judgement. Thank God! Tears of gratitude to the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness when America in many ways has not been faithful to Him.

November 7, 2024

I cried tears of joy and relief Wednesday morning when I saw the results of the election. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our cry for justice. Thank you, Lord, for IFA sounding the alarm, brave men and women carrying the torch, and Americans across the country voting biblically. Give us the wisdom and courage to continue in prayer and responsible living so that our nation can rise from the ashes of corruption and thrive to glorify Your Name.

November 7, 2024

The Lord spoke to my heart on the eve of the 5th of November that yes, DJT will win but we have to fight, fight, fight.
He said yes, celebrate but guard up to fight.
He said, they would attempt biological warfare but it would fail as the atmosphere is getting charged with prayers.
Let us not rest, the fight had just begun but God Wins.

November 7, 2024

Put the malice and divisiveness from both sides behind us and practice forgiveness as our Lord taught.

    November 12, 2024

    We must never compromise with evil in the name of forgiveness.

Jeanette Levellie
November 7, 2024
    Jeanette Levellie
    November 7, 2024

    The Lord said to me yesterday, ” The battle has only begun.”
    We each have a special role to play to win against Satan, whether singing worship songs to our Lord or wielding His Word as a sword.
    God will prevail! Jesus is Lord of all!

Nancy Krueger
November 7, 2024

Dear Lord; I pray that Repentance will sweep across this Nation and we will see our sins as you see them and we will turn back to you with our whole heart and turn and pray and seek your face and turn from our wicked ways, then you will hear from Heaven and forgive us and heal our land…..

Lydia B. Miller
November 7, 2024

To God be Honor, Glory and Praise!
He is our deliverer! This is America’s vindication.
Thank you Abba Father!
Thank God for His mery, love and compassion.

Teamwork! There was a strong robust grassroots effort ,for months , yrs. it did nt just happen. People came together and worked like crazy, and the Lord blessed their work,
thank you America
Keep praying……… our country is in dire need of healing, and protection from the enemy.

November 7, 2024

IT AIN’T OVER YET! Watch and pray.
Praise God for His mercy and answered prayers!
Yes, we need to pray for all of the things mentioned and more. Please look clearly at the current situation: the people have spoken, God has granted the popular vote and electoral college. But still to be seen is any official government acceptance of this. After the way they have treated him over the last 9 years or so, we should expect the political theatre to stop now? Do you notice how quiet they are? It is not because they have given in, it is because they are working on their strategy in the background. It is not over, we still need to praise God and invite Him to be at work in every aspect of this ELECTION PROCESS. They likely will cite the 14th Amendment.

November 7, 2024

We need to continue to pray for those in government especially President Trump as the battle has just began. There will be difficulties ahead. I believe God showed up and showed us what happens when we pray. Pray for a greater understanding for President Trump to see God is guiding his steps. So many things I feel the Lord is speaking to me. Will we heed the call or will we get comfortable. Now is not the time.

November 7, 2024

Let us continue to pray for our nation. Let us praise the Lord for His goodness. Our battle is the Lord’s, Let us continue a good work He has set before us!! 🙏❤️

Allena Jordan
November 7, 2024

A field (our nation and government) has been made available to God’s people. It is now time to break up the fallow ground, to plow, plant seeds, water, and grow “crops.” It is time to pray and work toward revival and spiritual awakening. The government itself needs cleaning out. Many of the people running some of the departments must be removed. Possibly we need to downsize many departments and send the work back to the states God knows all of this. We cannot sit back and rest. This is only the beginning. Let us seize the day. Let us work for the ight is coming when no man can work. Let us ride on victoriously for the Kingdom of God. God, we must hear from You directly regarding the next steps for each area. May Your church completely awaken and become the bride You intend her to be. All glory to Your Name. Amen.

Rita Burkholder
November 7, 2024

Dave, thank you for leading this great prayer movement and thank you for seeking the mind of God always. I have been lead to reply to you regarding prayer covering over mental health in the nation. Many are anxious and the realm of evil is desiring to have people commit suicide or lash out in violence. The enemy of our soul is desiring to continue to kill, steal and destroy the people of this nation. Matthew 6:19-24; I Peter 5:7; Proverbs 3:5-6 are scripture points to lead prayer.

November 7, 2024

My heart is full of thankfulness. However this is no time to cease praying…for our President, his cabinet, our country. Let us be diligent to recognize God’s incredible mercy, not squander it, but rather use this time to further the gospel. There are many people disheartened and fearful of a Trump administration due to the constant lies. Praying for an awakening. God’s kindness leads to repentance. Hedge of protection around President Trump, his family, and his team. In Jesus Name.

November 7, 2024

Yes, we are thankful to our Lord for the outcome of this election. Please do not become prideful. I have felt an uncertainty that the current administration will allow the elected administration to actually come into office. Let us pray that any attempts to not allow the president elect to come into office will be thwarted. I also ask that all the fear that this current administration has instilled in people in regard to the new administration will be released.

Dottie Kraemer
November 7, 2024

The Lord has said to my spirit that if Christian’s can change Washington DC they can defeat abortion if we pray and work together in our states to repeal laws and mandates that allow this murder of our future generations- I was reminded recently that Christian’s led the way in the civil war to eradicate slavery – many died for this cause – it’s our time to do the same and save the babies- it’s our time to stand for biblical values – with our strength shown this election cycle we can do this and more – I’m praying how I can be used and I challenge the rest of us to do the same – In the Power of Jesus Name, Amen

Cecil Kestner
November 7, 2024

In the midst of gratitude and awe of God’s amazing grace, let us remember with compassion and kindness those who are very scared by the results.

Linda Major
November 7, 2024

We MUST pray more now then ever. The enemy is not giving up. He could not stop God from having Pres. Trump elected. But he will try to take him out some other way. I fear for his life. I pray for protection, and PEACE in Pres. Trumps trim. May our Lord send His warrior angels to surround Pres. Trump. The Lord showed me that just like Elisha’s servant’s eyes were open to see the hill full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. His horses and chariots of fire are all around Pres. Trump. But we still MUST pray for him fervently.

Rita Burkholder
November 7, 2024

Pray, Pray, Pray. We cannot let up on prayer. This is a spiritual war. Battles have been won and some lost. I live in Missouri, it is so sad to me the way wording of the abortion amendment was so muddled as to confuse people on what a yes vote actually meant. It looked as if women’s health was at stake when it was simply a vote to kill unborn babies. I need prayer because my heart is broken at the passage of this amendment. In addition the sports betting amendment passed and more of my people will become even more addicted to gambling. Prayer changes things as we just saw in this presidential election. We must be fervent and effectual in prayer so that God continue to cleanse us as the United States of America.

    Katrina Feiend
    November 7, 2024

    I am so sorry, Rita.Praying for you, your people, and the state of Missouri.❤️🙏

    Mary Beth S
    November 7, 2024

    Yes, Rita! My home state is Missouri, and I too mourn these losses. Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered! May the body of Christ arise in MO, and take back dominion against these evil spiritual forces of darkness!

Shellie Maheu
November 7, 2024

Thank you LORD JESUS CHRIST for hearing our cries and answering our prayers. Thank you especially for defending the voiceless babies. I have been praying a long time for this country and for President Trumo. I pray LORD JESUS that you keep your biggest warrior angels encamped around President Trump, and his family, along with Vice President JD Vance and his family too. As you already know LORD GOD, the enemy is not ever going to stop. Help us to never ever ever cease from praying. This is definitely not the time to be lax on prayer.
LORD JESUS, I pray that you baptize President Trump in the fire of your HOLY SPIRIT, purge anything whatsoever out of him, that is not of you. I pray for President Trump’s salvation, because I do not know his heart for you LORD GOD. He is just like we all are in need of a savior, you JESUS CHRIST. I pray that you show President Trump your heart LORD GOD, and everything that breaks your heart, I pray will break his. I pray that President Trump will become a praying president, if he hasn’t already. I also pray for the people who are blinded by fear from lies that they have believed about President Trump for so long, to be freed from this selfish desires, and deception, and for them to give him a fair chance to show that he really means what he says, that he will be the President for all people for all walks of life. I pray that this country will heal, and come back together as a nation UNITED, and as a nation to totally devoted fully to you. May ALL of America repent and come back to you LORD GOD, as a whole nation, in the mighty matchless name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, our risen savior! AMEN

Hala Whitley
November 7, 2024

I would also like to tell each of you something unique that happened as I was pulling into the voting polls here in my county. I was truly concerned about this election and what the future holds for our nation as I went to vote. Just as I was pulling into the parking lot, a beautiful big, white dove descended into the parking lot. I know that this was a consolation from the Lord to me to tell me that there was peace and hope! That was a consolation and yesterday, I got CONFIRMATION! What an extraordinary Lord we serve!!!

November 7, 2024

I am sensing that we can not ease up off of the pedal!. Continue to Pray for President Trump that the Lord will surround him as the mountains surround Jerusalem. And that he would always acknowledge Your presence, oh Lord. Amen

Hala Whitley
November 7, 2024

First and foremost, I want to thank our Almighty Creator and Lord for this tremendous victory. This victory was won because of so many prayers reaching the throne room in heaven! I say Hallelujah to the Lamb who lives forever and ever! I truly believe that God has a great purpose for Trump once again. Truly divine intervention took place in a moment of time when a bullet could have taken Trump’s life. I have no doubt that God intervened, and he will use Trump for a greater purpose. God has protected him so far, and I truly believe that he will continue to do so in the days and months ahead. There is so much to fix however, that it is going to take some time. I like Trump’s slogan, “Peace through strength, and success through strength”. No truer words have ever been spoken. We all know that our strength comes from the Lord. May our nation truly repent and seek Godly values once again.

Michele S
November 7, 2024

There is always much to learn about ourselves by each person that our Lord chooses to place in positions of power. May we forever trust Him and His judgement.

November 7, 2024

A win is not a time to relax. We must pray more intensely now than before the election. The enemy is not lying down in defeat. His rage will intensify, so we must be vigilant.

Sharon Jorai
November 7, 2024

I was not alone in prayer for God to intercede in this election – to place His Hand on the ballot box and His Will be done. It felt like Our Father let the dark side rule for the last 4 years to show us the truth behind the curtain. They didn’t bother to hide their evil deeds from us. They thought they were above any repercussions.
We prayed and stood our ground in faith, we put our faith on the ballot just as Elijah stood against the priest of Baal…
We called on Our Father to intervene and He did.
He brought us together in prayer and we are stronger in our faith and dependence on His Word. The more they attacked, the more we prayed.
Their attacks made us stronger in our faith in God and our love for each other. They brought us together, instead of pulling us apart.
We serve a Mighty God. In Jesus’ Name.

Vaiinda McQueen
November 7, 2024

My husband and I went on a prayer campaign for four months for America and the election that was a journey into unusual levels of spiritual warfare. I’m not going to detail this except to say I came close to being in a fatal car accident one morning after a powerful season of prayer. We knew God was getting ready to do something big with this election.
The results of Chronicles type praying:
Thousands of Christians across the country technically got on their faces before God and cried out regarding abortion and the cloud over our country. We were facing radical governing forces that would permanently alter life in America and seriously affect the unborn. Prayer consumed those four months we stayed before God’s courtroom and plead for America. We repented for the nation and cried out for mercy and intervention. On Monday October 4 we joined with believers in prayer across the country to get to the finish line.
In His unfathomable mercy He heard our prayers and answered. We continue to seek Him for revival for the U.S. and continued intercession for the new govt.
Glory and Honor to His Name.

    Darlene Vassall
    November 7, 2024

    Praise Our Lord and Savior of the world for all people. He heard our cries and prayers for our nation and the nations. Prayer is invading the impossible the impossible happans through prayer. Yes, Lord may we all pray more . There is a time for all seasons. May His will be done . As we open our own hearts, minds, wills to do what He is calling us all to do . No weapon formed against us shall prosper. In thoughts words, deeds, actions. His angels protecting our nation and over President Trump, J.D.Vance and family for all who will be put in new positions . Thank you, Lord for your forgivness, grace, mercy, faithfulness blessings of His truths be poured out more and more upon us all.

Keith McGowan
November 7, 2024

I sense that we are being instructed to refrain from taking a victory lap for ourselves, and instead to hold up God and His Holy Spirit for interceding in our lives, and thoughts, and actions (voting). As my prayers have been answered, the victory we are celebrating is His – not ours. We should refrain from demonstrating pride in ourselves.

I sense that we are called to pray and to show compassion for our opponents in their dismay, and to thereby demonstrate to them (to their surprise and possible dismay) that their prognostications and fears of the coming change were unfounded and planted within them by the Evil One to create dissension.

I am confident that we are called to continue to pray for all of our leaders, and especially that God will work within President Trump to contain his ego, provide him with vision, and yield his leadership to God’s will, that this nation gifted to us by God might see a return and realignment to ways and presence and stature that are pleasing to our God Almighty.

    November 7, 2024

    Just his ego? What about his womanizing? What about his racism? Jesus is not Jesus to just white Americans. What about his violence towards women and saying guns should be pointed at his opponents heads? All of the nationalistic Christians sound like hypocritical, out of touch believers. You support a devil just because you want him to ban abortion. Should sin be banned too? You can not play God. You show up with no love in your heart. You show up arrogantly when you should show up humble, and with love! With truth of who this president really is.

      November 12, 2024

      You have obviously learned nothing and never will unless you open yourself up to understanding why so many people voted the way they did. Get out of the liberal, progressive bubble . Why are you so bitter towards other Christians ? None of us are perfect , but we’re not the enemy. You sound like a fool.

November 7, 2024

After the Jesus People movement in the 70’s brought many to a personal faith in Christ, the Church failed to disciple most of the new believers, so there are biblically illiterate people saying they are Christians, but who are woefully immature in the faith necessary to be salt and light in this culture.
Father God,
I pray in the name of Jesus that the marvelous victory in this election will NOT FAIL to bring transformation to our government, and the evangelism being carried out by Mario Murillo and others will bring reformation to the Church.
Thank You, God, for giving America another opportunity to serve You and fulfill Your plans and purposes for this nation.
So be it and Amen.

Dave Rodriguez
November 7, 2024

I hear protection over President Trump now and the next 4 years.

Janice Spraggins
November 7, 2024

Jesus’ message: “At last the fulfillment of the age has come.! It is time for God’s kingdom to be experienced in its fullness! (Mark 1:15).Amen
From this moment on, everything in this world is about to change; for the ruler of this dark world will be overthrown (John
12:31 KJV)

November 6, 2024

I love your thoughts and analysis, Dave! Good prayer points addressing multiple concerns with the transfer of power to the Trump administration. What comes to my mind is that we have been given a window of time by God’s grace and mercy. He has heard the millions praying for our nation including many intercessors from other nations, who understand the impact, of how what’s happening in the U.S. affects the entire world. And He has answered! I believe He is looking to see if the Church will arise and use this opportunity by being a voice and influence of the Kingdom of God/biblical values, in every one of the 7 mountains of influence: government, business, education, media, arts/entertainment, family, and science/technology. And also I believe He’s looking to see if we will get serious about sharing the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with every tongue, tribe, and nation. If we do not engage, the window will be shortened, and the Great Tribulation, and Judgement will come to the earth. We know that will come eventually according to God’s Word, but if we as the Church, are obedient to our call for the destiny of our nation, the U.S. will have the opportunity to get back on track and complete her mission to be a “Light on a hill”, sending forth missionaries with the gospel of the Kingdom and of the Lord Jesus Christ, until every tongue, tribe, and nation has heard the Good News, before the Great Tribulation, (rapture of the Church at some point), then the Judgement of the earth. So now is the time to persevere in prayer and advance the Kingdom! No more time for complacency and apathy!

Terrie O'Neal
November 6, 2024

I am hearing- run the country according the Constitution I gave to the founding fathers. Clean out all the people who are against the country I created (I meaning the Lord). Put Prayer back in the schools and the
Constitution on the school walls. Teach the children the Constitution. Retun to Me.
There are other things He has spoken – but this is sufficient for to nite. Sincerely, Terrie O’Neal 
A praying Constitutional Christian Patriot! Amen Amen and Amen!

Joyce wray
November 6, 2024

We need to watchman in our communities and hold our elected officials accountable and attend city council meetings. We have a group who meet and are in touch with our school boards this group for the first time held a candidate forum for council candidates.

A. L. Weisbrich
November 6, 2024

A focus on restoring God (& the 10 Commandments and freedom to pray, and mandate reciting of the pledge of allegiance to our country/Constitution in schools should be pursued/implemented!

Bridgett Williams
November 6, 2024

Very thankful for the Republican Victory for our Great America!!!
God is in control !! And we have been blessed with a President that LOVES AMERICA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Looking forward to lots of changes that will help and heal our country!

November 6, 2024

Interceding for Donald Trump that he will discern the Lord’s leading when filling important positions.
Interceding for the lost and the beed for us to be ready to diciple many.

Elizabeth Garcia
November 6, 2024

I up on Sunday morning to a voice saying” I am pushing you through”. This was for All His children. The time and a now to build. All seeds are about to produce.

November 6, 2024

First I want to thank the Lord for answering our prayers, and give Him praise… it was a great miracle and though feeling a bit defeated in 2020 after all the election fraud, God allowed the outcome. This I believe was to wake us up, as a body, to continue to press in with prayer and faith, despite not having the results we wanted and prayed for in 2020, but God had a plan and extended His mercy to us in the 2024 election results. We must continue to pray, pray and pray. We have a time to bring in the end time harvest and serve the Lord with all our hearts. We want to make it count this time we have, a reprieve. I also saw an eagle flying and soaring overhead today and I’ve only seen one once before in my area, I felt there was significance to that. Than I was impressed shortly after, American we have the eagle as our national seal, perhaps we will soar again the USA. Also, Isaiah 40:31 for we have waited on the Lord and our strength has been renewed. Amazing, the Lord is so amazing!!

Dana D
November 6, 2024

I’m trusting that God will bring Justice to America. In 2019 I received a prophetic painting titled, “Justice”. The painting depicts Lady Justice holding the scales up, an American flag, and a right arm holding a sword that is striking the earth in the background. May it be so. 🙏🏼

Elizabeth Martin
November 6, 2024

Before I share my thoughts abut the election I would like to express my deep gratitude for the 36 hour praying over Election Day. I was a poll worker and was strengthen on my way to the polls early Tuesday morning to take part in praying as I did the night before as I went to bed. After all the final tallies and work we do when the polls close it was again encouraging to take part in prayer and again during the night when I would awake. The last 30 minutes were so powerful as I woke up this morning. Thank you all for your sacrifice to lead us. It was a treasure to my heart.
This election is not only a reset for our country but a crucial moment in time for the church to repent and be shaken. We are called to be the image of Christ here that many will come to Him and be part of His kingdom that we are waiting for. God has given us more time to live this out more freely that the nations will know that He sent His Son to redeemed every man and woman. This is the prayer burden that has been on my heart since early 2020 and is now intensifying.
Thank you IFA for all you do to be God’s instruments in living out His heart for our country!

Jameshia B.
November 6, 2024

We have to pray like never before. We can’t get slack! Also, we need to preparing for the next candidates. Let’s make God proud by not being complacent and keeping our hands to the plow.

November 6, 2024

I am feeling the Holy Spirit saying not to rest on our laurels. We must keep praying, voting and working together against Satan’s plot against us and our country.
Let’s shore these leaders up with prayer!

Arizona John
November 6, 2024

The Lord has placed “3 Rs” on my mind: Reprieve, Repentance and Restoration. By reshaping the Republican Party and allowing this electoral victory, God has given the U.S. a temporary REPRIEVE from the judgment to come for defying His teachings and His will. Now it’s up to us as a nation to REPENT of that defiance and RESTORE Godly principles to our public life. That started by the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, but we must continue to fight against child sacrifice on the state level. Next the Supreme Court must restore marriage to the god-ordained institution it was originally by overturning the Obergefells decision, and return the power to make laws concerning marriage to the states. The states could enact civil union legislation (as California and other states had previously done) and leave the definition of ‘marriage’ to the churches. That way we could once again become a Godly nation without forcing or appearing to force individuals themselves to become Godly.

    November 7, 2024

    As a long time resident of Az I was so encouraged by the number of Christian voters as i worked through the process and at the polls but our democratic rivals are still winning elections. We need more prayer for our state and its future.

    November 7, 2024

    And allow the states to decide on womens reproductive rights! God gave us free will. That is what you should be seeking instead of coming in the name of Jesus as judge and forcing you faith and beliefs onto people. Jesus needs you to live the life of a believer by example.

      Mary Beth S
      November 8, 2024

      Cathy, I’m sorry that apparently you’ve not known very many believers, because though imperfect I’ve known many who are loving and set a good example . Or perhaps you discount the love and Godly examples of anyone who disagrees with you, simply because they disagree with you. I don’t know.

      You use the term “free will”, but then infer that YHVH is okay with whatever we choose. Actually, when we making moral choices, we are really only choosing between two options – one that brings blessing or one that brings a curse. All choices have consequences, either positive or negative. Another way to express our two options are choose life or choose death.
      Deut. 11:26-28a  “Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; a blessing, if you obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day: and a curse, if you will not obey the commandments of the LORD your God . . .
      Then in chapter 27, it clarifies behaviors that are obedient and bring blessing, and behaviors that are disobedient and bring curses. We would do well to read them on a regular basis. Jesus Himself spoke clearly that He did not come to abolish Torah, God’s instruction, but to give it it’s full meaning. His love regularly was expressed by taking people back to Torah, so they could choose wisely between “Choose life!” or “Choose death.” His desire has always been for us to “Choose life”, because He loves us so much.

November 6, 2024

Im so thankful to God for his mercy toward us . These are my thoughts :
We must continue to press in -in prayer and not let up. It’s very important to keep at it.
Don’t be arrogant about the win. God is showing us great mercy
.Unrighteous judges removed from office. Righteous judges to take their place.
Restoring of the ancient foundations preparing the way for the coming in of the great harvest

November 6, 2024

Praising God and thanking God for the intercessors. We must continue to pray and not become complacent again. Praying for protection of Donald Trump and his family along with J D Vance and his family. Special over all those who stand for righteousness in our government. Come against every plan and plot of the forces of evil to interrupt, twist and go against God’s laws. Let us thank God everyday for what He has blessed us with. Keep praying for souls. More peoples eyes and ears need to be open to the truth and set free. Thank you Jesus

Debbie L
November 6, 2024

Imho, I feel God is calling people to him one more time to repent and follow him. A revival of sorts.
God graced us with this election outcome and we should be very, very humble and thankful and give all praise to him!
Our new helm leaders need to keep God close to them and pray daily for his guidance going forward.
Lastly this…
Believers ultimate comfort is knowing it is God who is in control, not man. God knows and sees everything…especially what is in each person’s heart. This ongoing spiritual battle is between God and Satan and God wins. Humans throughout life choose to align with good and God, or evil and Satan. In the end we will all have our judgement day before God. Our eternal lives will be determined by God alone. Heaven or Hell. Keep God in your heart, mind, soul and focus along with your daily prayers to him. Dear heavily Father hear our prayers. for your will to be done in all we are encountering in today’s world. Amen
“How can I learn to trust that God is in control?” “God has resolved to do what He will do, and nothing and no one stands in His way. “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please” (Isaiah 46:10). This is our powerful, purposeful God who is in control of everything. That should bring us great comfort and help to alleviate our fears.” https://www.gotquestions.org/God-is-in-control.html

Sue Nofziger
November 6, 2024

I believe this result from so many prayers is so that we can have the peaceful nation needed to further spred the gospel, here and abroad. And as I have told many younger people, it’s your turn to have your own Jesus Revolution, and of course that started quite a while ago and continues in high scholls and colleges. Let’s pray Pres. Trump is surrounded by believers at every turn and for their wisdom.

November 6, 2024

Thank you so much dear God for rescuing our nation from a very destructive government. Please help us to get things back in order according to your will. I am so grateful to you for answering our prayers. Amen

Peter Shevchenko
November 6, 2024

This election is the answer to the prayer of the saints & that the revival and His Glory comes for His Harvest

November 6, 2024

Thank you, ever so much for keeping us in the loop during this process and other issues. The Senate leader needs to be a godly person, ready to keep God in the forefront. Our Constitution is our guide.

November 6, 2024

This is a fulfillment of 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land”
God heard our prayers and healing has begun in our land. PTL!

November 6, 2024

I am so thankful that God answered our prayers. I hear God saying to pray for President Trump mindset and heart. That he will continue to seek God for His wisdom! I hear God saying pray for unity of the people of the USA. We all must work together and live together. I hear God saying to pray for the people that will surround and support Mr. Trump.

November 6, 2024

You are absolutely right. We need to stay on guard, & be watchmen on the wall, not allowing the enemy to regain any ground. He knows his end is near and he’s going to be more active each day. We must not be complacent but stay steady in prayer, wearing our armor, Jesus Christ and wielding our swords in His name!

November 6, 2024

I thank The LORD for this great ministry and for its stedfast leadership. Thank you for the opportunity to share these thoughts.

We, as believers in Christ Jesus, must:

1. Pray for the safety of all those won, especially President Elect Donald Trump.

2. Choose, as never before, (by the help and power of The Spirit who lives within each of us) to live holy (separated unto GOD) daily lives in this lost world. Why? Because He first loved us and now we love Him and love our neighbor, and we are commanded to be His witnesses. After all, we the only ones who know Him, have personally experienced Him, and are now able to be authentic witnesses of His multifaceted and marvelous Grace & His penetrating and freeing Truth (Reality).

3. Give all the praise, honor, and glory to The LORD (not to men and women – yes, all of those who worked so tirelessly, especially Donald Trump, and we, too, were definitely used by GOD) for this miraculous and sweeping victory that took place.

4. Pray that our nation and each of us who are true believers will genuinely turn back to GOD and to His ways and His thoughts, which are in His Written Word.

5. Pray that as a nation we will know and uphold our US Constitution.

6. Recognize, value, and invest in, as “good stewards”, this incredible win that has been granted us by The LORD and through His mercy (for we did not deserve it) as an opportunity to joyfully labor in His Vineyard for His eternal purpose and glory while we still have time,

Gail Morris
November 6, 2024

The first thought that came to mind after Mr. trump’s victory win, was much gratitude, then praying God will lead him to the right decisions in running our country, guidance in who he chooses for leadership positions and most of all, if he hasn’t already accepted Jesus Christ as his savior, that the Holy Spirit will lead him to that decision. May God protect him and his family, Amen!

Phil C
November 6, 2024

Thank you Lord. There still may be a chance for our country yet, to turn somethings around, always according to God’s mercy and grace grateful for the turn but prayers must continue, what has been coming to my mind today is the scriptures in 1 chronicles 12:32 In that chapter there is a list of the men who were with David 200 men from Issachar who had understanding of the times. To know what they had to do. I see these men as wise advisors. So I pray that President Trump would choose godly people to fill his administration who will give him godly advices on what to do in these difficult days and honoring God. I must admit I am also very concerned about the next 2 months before the transfer of leadership. Who knows what the leaving administration is capable of doing. Praying it will be without complications. Yes for me also the abortion issue is alarming. I have never seen so many people so eager to kill babies. There are the Pro-life people and the they other group trying to justify their demands by calling it Right to choose instead of Pro- death. Of course that would be too revealing and offensive. Anyway. Much prayer is needed and so we pray 🙏

Judith B.
November 6, 2024

I am praying prayers of thanksgiving for so much, including for the courage and fortitude of Donald Trump. Kynan Bridges several months ago shared his vision that God has intended Donald Trump as PROTECTOR OF ANCIENT FOUNDATIONS. I copied that phrase, and it has sat by my computer through all of this campaign as a reminder that, no matter what happens, God is in charge. The mention of foundations reminded me of that. When there was an attempt on Trump’s life, I thought of the Biblical story of David—that what was intended for evil, God intends for good. Tonight I am grateful for the results of the election, and for the gift of this great country that we have all received. Thanks be to God—In the Name of Jesus Christ.

Kathleen Berg
November 6, 2024

3 somber perspectives He gave me:
1. STAY before Me. Pray that President Trump remembers his promise at ear piercing and seeks My wisdom to lead, to appoint, and to manage. These are critical days of new beginnings and change.
2. Bind evil plans to invoke legal process to remove President Trump. And lift up the USSC in the spirit to be righteousness judges, those with dirty hands and motivation be removed.
3. Ekklesia and leadership ask for My answers to reply to angry propositions and to still fearful anxiety. Pray hearts are converted as the Holy Spirit moves across the land with such power that signs, wonders and miracles are undisputedly God’s glory coming upon them.

Kyle Stevens
November 6, 2024

God’s words are “I give My pleasure over this…now, take Me more seriously in all that you do and honor Me always.” The real work begins now for all of us so let’s keep praying for our nation and our leaders🙏❤️🇺🇸

Darlene Francis
November 6, 2024

Most Americans want to see the Truth and proof of the lying and evil deeds from so many in Washington, to come to justice. May God have mercy on their souls but they must be held accountable for their evil deeds. And I believe God will show some of it publicly. It will give hope to other countries, hope to victims, and especially hope to the American people that there is justice and consequences for wrongdoing and it will also strengthen the resolve to do the right thing!
Trump said he would bring the 10 Commandments back into the schools! God is bringing our Nation back to its Godly roots. I believe our nation is the son of Israel. We were created for these times – to bring Godly hope to the broken, peace among nations, and generous hearts to help those in need. Not a false charity to scim monies from the top, but genuine “love thy neighbor” which we saw in amazing stories after Hurricane Helene. Then the total
Opposite was seen by Kamala and her paltry compassion for those suffering. It’s a stark contrast of what truly is Good vs. Evil! And Good (God) won!

November 6, 2024

GOD showed me our nation ,(L Liberty) with dirty skirts . We have to clean our nation up to be clean in His eyes again. Due to peoples prayers for our country we began this cleanup . It’s up to us to continue this cleanup by prayer & fasting. To show GOD we are sincere & truly want this relief as we keep our end of this covenant with HIM . As in the biblical writings sometimes we have to have our eyes opened by allowing trials to come upon us as any good father will reprimand his child . Some of us need to pull our share of this prayer load to increase the nation’s cleaning. This is one of the rights we have as a citizen here .As @ home pitch in to help keep us clean . Pull ur prayer load . Be vigilant in this . God will be more merciful to you & hear your needs also , thank you . I include myself in this also. Not pointing fingers if this resonates with you then you will know it. Ask Father what u need to pray for & He will lay it in ur mind.

Larry Aveey
November 6, 2024

I think our label ” abortion ” has become very very soft over the years. A new lable: pre-delivery murder may not be as simple, but it is accurate, Or the massacre of preborn lives.
Lord, help us to save your created ones. amen

Kathy Emahiser
November 6, 2024

Father, I truly thank you for this election victory. I pray that President Trump will constantly seek you for guidance and direction. May your hands rest on him and everyone who works with him. Strengthen and empower him to carry out the task of leading this country under your command and directions Father. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen. Thank you Father

Priscilla Meyenburg
November 6, 2024

Father God, I thank You for Your promises for this election. You said through profetic voices that You would see that this election would be represented by You through our prayers and fasting. A lot of the Americans finally understood we needed their votes to secure this election. The American people stood strong and the Rep. party worked out a secure plan to leviate any fraud or lessen the plans to cause a disruption of the final numbers, since the machines were watched by poll watchers. God the people are calling this election the greatest one in History. Now onto step two, the plans need this same calculation as we face the service on January 20th, and the dedication from America and its people as well as the representatives so we remain strong. Heavenly Father, we honor you and Your Wisdom for playing a big part of securing this 2024 Election for us. This is whar President Trump would say-Fight, Fight, Fight we will secure America back again and bring our King of Kings back into America, so our children will get to know Jesus.

November 6, 2024

God loves us , We are His children but He especially loves His little ones. God is giving us a real opportunity through MERCY to show HIM that HE is First in our lives. The whole world was praying, this is what His simple request is….PRAY…”Have a relationship with ME!” I love you and I am your Father! We cannot, cannot go back to forgetting HIM,,,,He must be First!

Anastasia Brafshaw
November 6, 2024

I hear the Lord reminding us the battle belongs to Him and we have come forward in prayer and we feel triumphant; but remember as the Body of Christ to remember to consider “our ways” as we intercede”…are our motives right with Him as the church ha pivoted left and right and we shall all be judged as we have meted out judgment toward others…it’s time to regather for repentance as we seek revival in the land and turn unto Him for He is the Auther and Finisher of our faith; without faith we cannot please God…we will overcome because we are resilient through His hand of mercy grace, and pure agape love! Praise Him! For the Victory!🥰🙏🏼✝️♥️

Marilyn Jones
November 6, 2024

Our only source of Hope and Salvation is Jesus Christ! I believe we should be fasting and praying for a great revival to come and bring conviction, purging, and return to our faith in God as a nation.!

November 6, 2024

I was confident about the results. I’m grateful to God for answering our prayers. The work must continue. I want to see our culture brought to one that honors God above all things. He already gave us the guidelines. We just need to follow them. I want God and the Bible to be discussed in every area of our society. I want God to be brought back into our schools. We were so wrong in removing him from the schools, giving opportunity for all kind of craziness to be taught. We can rest for a minute and then continue to elevate him.

    November 6, 2024

    Before prayer can be effective in our schools, we need to build our altars at home and with our family if we have one!!

November 6, 2024

God in his great mercy is giving the church one more chance to get it together. Get off the pews and out into the world, with the best news ever! Read His Word and get wisdom, not just from the pulpit. Immerse yourself in the things of God, meditate on his word day and night, love like YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT…and GO!

Diane Smith
November 6, 2024

My first thoughts as I prayed this morning was that many people will be scared with this outcome. There has been such negative and false rhetoric against President Trump that many democrats believed, and this brings fear. My prayer is that Christians respond to others with kindness and compassion. This is an opportunity for the church to rise up and put the love of Christ on display.

    November 6, 2024

    Diane, this has been on my heart so much. It’s a great opportunity for us to show love to others who are hurting.

Judi Miller
November 6, 2024

Though I am praising the Lord for the outcome of this election, I am still concerned for the hearts and minds of Americans. We are a country that is known for being the land of the free and therefore, there are many people who are not saved and don’t hold to biblical values. It saddened me how many Christ followers acted leading up to this election. (Which has not been loving or God honoring) and certainly does not point people to Christ. My prayer focus is to ask God to give me and other Christ followers opportunities to share the gospel and the eternal hope that we have in Jesus. Changed policies are good but we need to be ambassadors of Christ and point others to who Christ is. He is the one to change hearts which is more important than policies (which I agree are important to). Let’s be united as Americans and point others to Christ.

November 6, 2024

We need to intercede that the nation comes together. We are fractured in so many pieces (racially, politically, etc.) A nation divided will not stand.

November 6, 2024

Father, I thank you that You that You answered our prayers! Continue to keep us alert and praying to keep Your desires for this country up most in our prayers!

Linda Fox
November 6, 2024

Thank you IFA for all that you do My personal mandate now is to
be in fervent prayer for the unborn.

Roberta Paulsen
November 6, 2024

I believe we, as believers, need to continue to humble ourselves, seek His face, and pray for God to heal our land. I love that you have your finger on the pulse of what needs to be done on a governmental level and I appreciate you guiding us in all the prayers needed for what lies ahead. We, as the church, need to be Jesus to those who don’t think like us. We need to listen to their concerns, share the Lord in love, and pray for them. I’m praying Trump will offer the hand of friendship to the Democrats and say something that will show good will and a desire to work with them on behalf of their concerns. As much as I am pro-life I am continually hearing about concerns when the mother’s life is at risk. Many Democrats believe the pro life people don’t take that into account. There’s a lot of misinformation out there that breeds mistrust, hatred, and division. We have to fight that in prayer and in our walk.

    November 6, 2024

    The mainstream media is caused all of this misinformation chaos and division

Jerome H Jagla Jr
November 6, 2024

I am so pleased & relieved at the results of the election. Fundamental changes to evil policies are now, not only possible, but probable. Prayers for this result obviously had the effect we had prayed for. We can’t stop now. I will be praying for changes to all harmful practices & I will pray for the souls of those who put us into these difficulties, as well. Prayers & support for positive changes are most needed & thanksgiving prayers for our blessings must also be said.

Donna and Gerald Liput Liput
November 6, 2024


Mary Beth S
November 6, 2024

Thank you, Dave and Kris, and all of the IFA staff for faithfully leading the charge in this prayer strike!! I commend your leadership, and pray now for times of refreshing for you even in the process of gearing up for the ongoing battles ahead. Bless you richly!!
There are two main watershed issues that I believe the body of Christ must face head-on – and how we choose to respond to God’s leadership and instruction on these two issues will determine how long this reprieve might last for our nation – Israel and abortion.
To a great extent, the body of Christ in America has fallen prey to a relative newcomer in theology – replacement theology. Basically it teaches that “the church” has replaced Israel in God’s redemptive plan – and in His affections – and in His favor – and it even presumes to claim that YHVH’s covenants with Israel now belong to “the church”. Even a cursory but honest look at all of the prophets, and Ephesians 2, and especially Romans 9-11 reveals how bogus this errant theology is. It is even expressed in believers taking Scriptural promises given specifically to Israel and claiming them as their own. Some may be, but not necessarily all – and only on the basis of having been grafted into “spiritual Israel”. It should be done with caution, and in great humility and gratefulness. If YHVH can divorce Israel, His bride, then He can divorce “the church”, the bride of Christ. If He would or could break the eternal covenants He made with Israel, then why would we trust Him to keep the (re)New(ed) covenant expressed in Jeremiah 31. “The church” has not been any more faithful to God than Israel has been. The only covenants God has made are with Israel, and we can only have a covenant with Him through being grafted in to spiritual Israel. If what I have shared is new to you, you desperately need to delve deep into God’s Word. We need to reject and renounce replacement theology.
On the issue of abortion, I’ve commented often and strongly already. It is the taking of innocent life, and that is murder. Is forgiveness available – yes, to the truly repentant, no question!! However, the shedding of innocent blood brings blood-guilt upon the land and an associated curse. Abraham Lincoln understood this, and related it to the blood-guilt of our nation in regard to slavery, and I agree. So how much more it applies to the innocence of a baby in the womb? Our laws should not be antithetical to YHVH’s law. Torah clearly states, “Do not murder” – (it does not say kill!). It is essential that we operate in real compassion, not a false compassion that puts us in opposition to YHVH.
Whatever side of these watershed issues we fall on will have consequences – good or bad. May we choose wisely.

Donna Beth Norman
November 6, 2024

Amen!! This should be our wake up call to follow the Lord’s leadership and turn this nation back to God!!

November 6, 2024

I Lord is sovereign! I am very thankful for His mercy upon His people and the entire country! Some don’t realize this yet but they will also benefit from this change of direction the Lord has graciously given our country. It is a huge reminder, though, that as Christians and even as a nation, we need to continue to depend upon the Lord every day and we need to continue to be in prayer for our country and we should’ve been praying like this along time ago! We must continue to share the gospel with those we meet! We must pray for Trump every day for protection and for WISDOM!

Christa Lynn Reed
November 6, 2024

Our intercessory efforts are still in the initial stages. A major battle has been won, but the war continues to wage. Our prayers for Trump must be saturated with petitions for protection and divine discernment and wisdom. That he would be surrounded by Godly counsel, and seek God for insight and strategies. And never become heady with power, but with humility, always remember where his power comes from.

Jim Luse
November 6, 2024

The Lord has heard our cry and granted us a season of grace for the church to repent of ease in Zion. Intercessors now need to pray just as urgently for a greater awakening in the American church that will take us from potlucks to the prayer room.

Pamela Kay
November 6, 2024

I am Rejoicing Greatly in the Goodness of God !!!

Jean Du Bois
November 6, 2024

I felt that since God protected Donald Trump from 2 assassination attempts, he was the right choice for this country in this time. Now we can pray for God’s direction to President Trump for all the upcoming decisions that he will have to make and execute.

Kathy Bolam
November 6, 2024

Please be assured of my prayers for foundation and justice for America. Also I believe we need to pray protection for President Trump, his family and his administration.

Allan Parker
November 6, 2024

I agree wholeheartedly with the Justice and Foundations emphasis.

We will be in DC on Dec 4 to be in the Supreme Court when the oral argument occurs in the Tennessee transgender case. Would you like to join us?

Allan Parker, President. The Justice Foundation

November 6, 2024

This has been looking like the proverbial fight between good and evil. And to show God has his hands in this fight he moved Trumps head just in time to let us know he is managing this conflict.

When Gods hand was on Trump I knew Trump would be occupying the office again. Trumps movement was on purpose, not just an accident.
Even hard hart-ed democrats see something in this they can no longer ignore. God is actively involved and. Nothing they do to Trump works. God,s hands are on Trump and they can’t do anything to him.

Kim Chrestenson
November 6, 2024

Interesting that you mention government waste from ineffective employees first. As a government contractor I have experienced this 1st hand and hear from many other US government workers of the inability to fire US government workers who even have the audacity to not show up and take our tax dollars. Lord I ask for wisdom for the Trump administration to set a higher bar for retaining a government job and be able to easily fire without ramifications ineffective government employees and save this nation precious tax dollars stollen from us by these deadbeats. That US government employees will be proud to work hard to make America Great again!

November 6, 2024

Trump is not our Savior. He is useful but lawlessness will become unrestrained in many areas. The church is under judgement. We can not be only moral and legislate social, cultural morality. This is the time to deny ourselves , seek Gods heart, win souls and be holy. In the great revivals bars and brothels went out of business. The overwhelming love of God changed hearts, showing what was really the desire of the inward man. This is the only way to change a nation. Time is short and God will be the one who makes a difference. We need to be responsive to His daily asks of us and obey.

    November 6, 2024

    I don’t see anybody claiming that Trump is any kind of savior

      D C
      November 7, 2024

      Only one savior, Jesus Christ. We are called according to His purpose. Sinners saved by grace, not that we were deserving of forgiveness, but it is freely given through faith.

Conrad Dreczko
November 6, 2024

The Lord is not just wanting, “a reset to traditional, biblical values and a government that has true justice as it foundation.” But wanting a repented country; beginning both from the top & bottom and bringing back the bible to schools

Sharon Spenst
November 6, 2024

I am in a study of 1 Samuel right now and in chapter 7 the people repented, got rid of their idols and turned back to the Lord.
What I hear God saying is that we as a nation need to continue to repent, to rid ourselves of our idols, to turn back to God and to realize that these victories are about God showing us a lot of grace and mercy not giving us what we deserve.

    November 6, 2024

    You are right God wants us to get rid of all man made idols. Personally I believe alot of people made an idol out of Donald Trump., and God is not please with that. We must pray that he turn to God and confess Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord. Also to get rid of pride and humble himself under the almighty so God can exalte him. And also not lean on his own understanding, but in all his ways acknowledge Christ so that his path can be directed by Him

November 6, 2024

May this be a return to godly government not only in individual and corporate morality but also in structure.

What are the purposes of government? Protection against invasion from without and against crime within, and administration of justice; one might add sustaining “honest” (that is, uninflating or constant-value) money as part of justice for the citizenry.

May Mr. Trump’s second term as president bring peace to our land and to the whole earth, and may America once again be a symbol of godly hope for all mankind!

Laura Williams-Paone
November 6, 2024

I definitely hear in my spirit that this is a chance for the church to get it right. We must continue to pray and seek the Lord for wisdom and understanding and protection but we have an opportunity to show the world what Jesus tried to show us. Love the Lord our God with all our hearts mind and soul and love our neighbors as ourself

    Mrs D
    November 6, 2024

    AMEN, Laura, showing the world the indwelling LOVE JESUS has for the Father, is the SACROSANCT matter. Thank you for sharing.

November 6, 2024

I believe we need to continue to pray for the safety of our newly elected officials, especially Trump and Vance. They could be in more danger now than they were before the elections.

    Mary Beth S
    November 6, 2024

    Possibly, but our God, YHVH, is faithful to watch over and protect those He has called.

Richard Freeman
November 6, 2024

Now that we are seeing 2Chronicles 7:14 finally begin to be fulfilled we will unite and heal through the Love of His Word and each other. May we finally receive His full Authority to be His hands and feet on earth as His Eklessia, His Bride without spot or wrinkle by learning to walk and grow in the fullness of His Spirit. All Praise and Glory belong to the Godhead; Father Son and Holy Spirit

November 6, 2024

Back in 2019 we had Bishop Bill Hamon (founder of the prophetic movement) at our church. We were doing a declaration over CA and he said it was time to do so. During one of the run throughs for a multi generational dance/skit we were doing a young man was walking down the middle of the sanctuary with the CA flag when it flew off the pole. He grabbed it and kept on walking . I distinctively heard “CA is falling off its axis of corruption and aligning with the kingdom”. I’ve never forgotten that and declare that over my state faithfully.
The one thing that’s been highlighted to me and I brought this before the Lord at our last intercessors gathering last Friday was about the foundations of the 7 mountains. I’m declaring the Lord crumbles them all and raises up men and women of faith who will be able to rebuild them on a righteous foundation.

    November 6, 2024

    Praying for the unemployed employees of the entertainment biz in CA, many of whom are opposed to our election results. Also, shameful that only 22% of vote-eligible evangelicals turned out to vote, may they become educated to their citizen duty to vote for the best candidate that God has provided this nation. Thanking God that enough other Americans woke up to sweep this election. May God help us, and may the unbeliever leftists come to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. The ex-candidate’s message is “fight” rather than unifying around the election mandate to restore America, we need to pray for our fellow Americans.

Joyce Swingle
November 6, 2024

Thank you, Dave, for this prayer direction on foundations and justice. May the Lord reestablish through wise choices of leadership through the executive branch. May the Lord root out all those of the deep state whose agenda is obstructionist. May the Lord blow out the evil underpinnings of the DHS, including DOJ, FBI, CIA, Secret Service, court system and personnel, and all related. May the Lord similarly blow out the evil underpinnings of the IRS and restore limited, Godly governance.

May the Lord release the J6 innocent, In Jesus’ Name. Amen and Amen

Dr. Holly Priestley
November 6, 2024

I believe God is giving us a chance to bring change in our country and for a revival to begin. Just as, in the Southern Kingdom of Judah, God with held judgment when a Godly king came into power, we are now in that position. I have read books about 9/11 being a warning that was ignored. Now this reprieve because we prayed for it. We must pray for the administration — present and the January new administration and ask Adonai Elohaynu (The Lord our God) to give them wisdom and grace and for Him to lead. Pray for Ruach Haqodesh (Holy Spirit) to moved hearts to turn to God and for our country to seek salvation through Yahusha Hamasihiach (Salvation in the Messiah).

Ted Henry Knach
November 6, 2024

I agree with everything that Dave wrote in this article. Yes we need too be in much prayer for the future and survival of our nation for our children and grandchildren sake.
To God be the glory on the election results.
Blessings in Christ,

Kathleen Mulhair
November 6, 2024

Thank you for your concise recap of the outcome of the election, and clarifying where prayer is definitely needed.
Just one more thing – gratitude to be living in what may be the greatest country in the world.
May God bless you mightily!

Sandy Grogan
November 6, 2024

my prayer is that we who asked God for a way for our country to come back to our Christian roots will now serve Him and continue to cover all the government officials with protection as only He can do.

and that we enter into His service by followiing Him relationally and lovingly to live as Jesus taught us!
we need Gods protection and wisdom and armor to continue now the work He has placed in our hands

November 6, 2024

Serious question –

Millions prayed for Trump to win; millions prayed for Harris.

How did God calculate our prayers?
Did Trump prayers pray better?
More people prayed in support of Trump?
Are liberal evil and conservatives good?

I see Jesus as a radical (the “root”); rooted in complete truth , not one side or the other.

FYI> https://reimaginenetwork.ning.com/forum/topics/beware-modern-scribes-and-pharisees-and-sadducees-too

    Mary Beth S
    November 6, 2024

    God listens to our prayers, but He is not required to respond to any that do not align with His will and purposes. There are no elections in Heaven, and “the majority rules” does not apply. Only His election stands, and He is a majority of 3 in 1. I don’t presume to know the mind of God, but since the Word clearly states that He raises up and takes down leaders, I believe He has spoken clearly. Leaders are raised up to either bless or bring judgment, in response to how God’s people either obey or disobey.

November 6, 2024

Caution: Keep praying. The house is still in play. Do not walk off the field just yet. The Trifecta is at hand but not complete. We need the Lord to protect the House. Oh Lord, stir the saints to continue praying for a complete victory for Christ. In His Name for His glory. Oh Lord, please close down any evil that may be manipulating this final vote count. Oh Lord, help us still for a season more. All hail King Jesus!

November 6, 2024

Thank you for this article. It will help me to better pray in the upcoming months & years. Things I have been praying for already: That we will not become complacent now that the campaign is over. That God will continue to open all peoples hearts & minds to His truth & continue to draw them to Himself. That we as a nation continue to humble ourselves before Him and seek always to do His will. That we as a nation & individually seek His forgiveness and be an example to help return this country to a fully God centered nation again. That we continue to stand with Trump and support the new administration. That we not become discouraged or critical when things become chaotic and takes longer than we think it should to get our beloved nation righted. That we continue to pray against the many evil plans that endangers this nation & the world. That God continue to expose the evil actors in these horrible plans. That we NEVER forget that Trump is just a man, not our God. That we always remember that Trump, as a man, has good intentions but limited power. BUT God has ALL power and He is the ONLY source of comfort and reassurance for us. That Trump & Vance continue to humble themselves before Him, seek Him first in all their decisions and that each man continues to experience an ever deepening relationship with our Heavenly father. ALL GLORY TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER!!

November 6, 2024

Keep praying because the electors to the electoral college are not required by federal law to vote the same as the popular vote in their state. Some states do have that law but not all of them.

November 6, 2024

This was short response to he election: https://youtu.be/rgqZQO8fWkw?si=VldgCUDpvHWP9PDs

We are so grateful for the Lord hearing the prayers of the righteous.

November 6, 2024

Holy Spirit is saying about this victory that Christians must Steward this opportunity . How do we do that ? That’s why we seek to pray

November 6, 2024

Praying also for the devastated, disappointed, confused, angry, anxious, fearful, haters of Pres Trump. Those that got caught in the web of lies. Lord, quiet them w/Your love, forgive them, heal them, help them hear Your truth, love righteousness, and find themselves overcome by an odd (to them) peace. Be the lifter of their heads & change their expectancy of bad to a wait and see then an expectancy of good. Soften their hearts. Bring them to-> act justly, love mercy & walk humbly w/You. Bless them, save them & expand Your kingdom Lord, even through these.
And in Jesus’ Name we bind all chaos, anarchy, destruction, harm to people, infrastructure, the grid, gas, oil, food/water supplies & buildings. We say our land, streets, dams, bridges, water ways, transportation are safe & our school campuses & their people are untouchable by the enemy. We plead the precious blood of Jesus over all these & TY that it prevails every time! And also, that blood covering for Pres Trump, VP Vance & RFK Jr & every freedom, righteous, justice, truth, education, faith & purity fighter, & their fams.
TY You Lord for Your goodness & faithfulness to us & for continued reformation; that we return as a covenant people, pleasing to You.

    Mary Beth S
    November 6, 2024

    Absolutely beautiful prayer, Elaine – filled with compassion and mercy. I agree!

    November 6, 2024

    Elaine you rock! Amen!

    Mrs D
    November 6, 2024

    Elaine, thank you for this extensive and warm-hearted prayer.

Art Waldeck
November 6, 2024

I have been for Donald Trump for quite some time. As a senior citizen I can recall how our
Government worked in years past. Many years ago we were more of a Christian than we are today. We have become a greedy people thinking only of ourselves and very little desire to help our fellow man.

Our country needs to revert to days past when God was worshiped, and asked for guidance in our daily lives. I pray that we can return to those days, and I pray that President Trump can provide the leadership to bring our nation back to the Lord!

    November 6, 2024

    Don’t think that’s the goal of our new president, even if he acknowledges that God preserved him to lead this nation now. His work is to restore the integrity of America’s government and institutions. It’s the job of Christian ministers to teach God’s whole Word to lead people back to God, and all of God’s people have the ministry of reconciliation, to offer Christ to the unsaved and disciple the believers.

Marilyn D Alcorn
November 6, 2024

GOD is telling me that it is now the time for not just a biblical reset but a spiritual one! The Bible is set. It is pure truth but we as a people each of us have to come to GOD in spirit and in truth (See St John 4:24)! With the Biblical foundation intact it is now time for us to act.
In September 2023, I published a 2nd Edition of my book titled, U-Turn to Paradise. In the back of the book is a companion log that allows a means for the reader to track their spiritual progress they are making in their walk of faith. It is time for us to make the spiritual U-Turn to follow where JESUS went by being intentional in our everyday walk of faith in a practical way and in my book, I lay out the way to do just that step by step. Check it out on Amazon or other Christian Book Sellers online and it soon coming to Audible as well!!!

Blessings in the Service of the LORD

A=M=E=N, A=M=E=N!!!

November 6, 2024

As I told a friend today-a few years ago I ‘saw’ a great white flag or wave across America, starting on the east coast & going to the west. What is in the east? Washington DC.
I didn’t see red or blue. What does white symbolize? Peace, holiness & surrender to our great King of Kings & LORD of LORDS! Oh, we welcome You from Your heavenly home to come to earth & have Your way among us, bringing Your lovely peace to people & Your holiness that we so desire to live under.

November 6, 2024

I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for giving President Trump victory over the enemy. My prayer is that God will bind the hands of Biden and Harris so they cannot sign any executive orders or laws that would cause harm to America during their remaining days in office. I pray that those in our country who came here illegally would be rendered ineffective in carrying out any of their plans to steal,kill or destroy. I pray that God would provide extra super natural protection over President Trump, his family and J.D. Vance and his family to keep them from all harm. Most of all I pray God will revive all the prayer warriors who have fought so hard for so long to obtain this victory from God’s hand. May He refresh and renew us so we can continue to fight for the things that are important to our Heavenly Father. Amen.

November 6, 2024

This is a great article to help Christians pinpoint critical issues to keep covered in prayer. Lord, have mercy upon our nation. We want to see our land FREE of the killing of innocent babies. We need Your Spirit to pour and convict, but we also need to re-educate people in the truth of Your words and expose the lies from the pit of hell.
Help us to listen for Your voice in how each one of us is to be a vital part of this reformation in our nation. We continue to pray for the House of Rep. to be a large solidly Republican (no RINOS) majority.
May the 7-fold Spirit of the Lord rest upon President Trump and all of his cabinet. May they each walk in the holy fear of the Lord in decisions they implement. May America become godly again.
Last Friday we were at a meeting where Heather Johnston from JH Israel prayed that the Lord would wash our White House clean from top to bottom. We thank the Lord for this prayer being answered (spiritually and in every way).

November 6, 2024

I pray that this opportunity will not be wasted. Trump and those that work with him, cannot save a nation, only the Lord can do that. We need to do a humble, 2 Chronicles 7:14
New International Version
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land,– confession and humble ourselves before the Lord and ask for revival in this nation and to honor Yahweh in all our ways, thanking Him for the Messiah, and be led by the Holy Spirit, John M.

Kamal Saleem
November 6, 2024

This is Kamal Saleem.
I believe biblical fulfillment (appointed time) mandate from the Word of God are at hand! The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is upon the world (Acts, Joel, Isaiah, & Ephesians, the One New Man in Christ) as we have never seen before… God is balancing His appointed time moves on earth for the Gospel of Christ to go to ALL humanity. and specifically, to Muslims and Jews, the sons of Abraham. This move will in itself 1-strengthen the Church (Awaking) with boldness to complete the Great Commission. 2-to make straight a highway from the dry bone nations to the Kingdom of God. 3-putting things in spiritual perspective for the return of the great King Jesus into His rightful place in the city of the Great Kings.
There are so much more I could share… brother Dave Kubal have my cell number.
Kamal Saleem president of Koome Ministries
P.S, thank you for all you do for our Lord and this great nation of the USA

    Kirk and Mary Beth S
    November 6, 2024

    Kamal, we heard you speak at a gathering in VA many years ago. We heard you speak, then bought your book, “Blood of the Lambs”. The impact of both was monumental. We pray faithfully for all the sons of Abraham and the nations, and are so excited to see the One New Man emerging. Blessings to you and to Koome Ministries. So excited to see your posted comment! Would love for IFA to give you a platform to share!

Richard and Jane Huber
November 6, 2024

I accidentally tried to report a phishing site and hit unsubscribe to IFA. Please ignore if it comes through. We appreciate all that you do!!!

November 6, 2024

Rejoicing and giving thanks for the victory to return to God and the great mercy He has shown the Church and the Nation. Feel as He is touching my heart to look at the abortion laws that passed and the heart of why. I was raised by a single mother who did not know God and was abused by people taking advantage of her in order to get money to feed brother and me. I never saw anyone from the church period no offers of assistance of any kind. Most women seeking to terminate their babies don’t know God they are not being raised by parents who know God to teach Him to His/their children as we are commanded. They cannot give what they do not have. Feel like He is calling us to intercede in prayer for hearts but also to intercede in our actions. Faith without actions is dead. Offering assistance in support for mothers and children, child care programs and of course the love of Jesus so they can see Him and He is their provider. Each church has a responsibility to pray and intercede if we do not have room reach out to churches that do and bless them. To move past denominations which are not from God (not in Word) called to be one church recognize most of these women do not know God and are looking at bleak future under government welfare. These are His babies and I believe He is showing me He sees this as a heart issue (mercy again He sees hearts) in His daughters and sons they need to be taught the Good News to know Lord Jesus so they can come under Father’s care and provision and fulfill His call on their life’s. Think of how many church signs they pass on the way to Planned Parent Hood, none that I know of offer support if you are pregnant and seeking an abortion to come in we will help. I am feeling this strongly in regard to all the youth in America that don’t know Him wondering the streets at night no open doors at churches all areas where you see His children wandering away from Him. I was saved about 8 years ago from a death in His mercy. He brought to me why is my Name not being spoken in the streets or public squares a few years ago. I did not have answer He instructed me to start speaking His name to everyone. God bless you in Jesus name. Have seen evil spirts flee at His name as is written at His name a He then asked me why no one else was speaking His name as His Name is exalted above all other. He is our King, and all power is in His name so in order to get the spirits that are moving freely about this country we need to exalt/speak His name when we are in public. Pray this touches hearts please pray seek Him.
And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:18-20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
And again He said:
“And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.””
‭‭Mark‬ ‭16:17-18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    Mary Beth S
    November 6, 2024

    Powerful testimony, Leasha!! May you find ways to impact the legitimate needs you mentioned and know by experience, and find others gathering around you to fulfill the vision God has planted in your heart. There are Godly pregnancy counseling centers that offer both practical and spiritual help – may there be more and lots of volunteers in every community!! May the body of Christ arise to the call!

Sherry DeGroat
November 6, 2024

and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

November 6, 2024

Choice – this word has come up repeatedly all over the media this election. The nation repented on this Yom Kippur with the Million Women Esther event, and chose to turn back to God. ‘Choose you this day’ was fulfilled! God heard our cries.
A strong sense of humility, and responsibility, is what I felt after the victory speech. I am so grateful that my state of WI helped carry righteousness over the finish line. God has been gracious in this, now it is incumbent on us to continue praying and partner with Him in all sorts of active ways to bring His Kingdom to bear in our states and nation, for His glory. The battle is far from over…it is just beginning, and we must get ready to take our positions and not be discouraged, so that He can fight for us (2 Chron 20:17).

November 6, 2024

Oh Dave! It was a MONUMENTAL win for humbling ourselves and repenting and fervently praying ! Prayer and the cry of God’s people, wielding their God given mandate to rule and subdue the earth… Genesis 1:28 and Ephesians 3: 10!!!!!!! was rewarded by our Heavenly Father! He answered with a resounding yes!
Now the church must learn that if we leave a vacuum of prayerless and worldliness evil will come in, so we must never leave our alters with God we must be the church on our knees!

Laurie Germaine
November 6, 2024

I’m praying we don’t let this opportunity go to waste like we did last time we had a Republican majority in D.C. I’m from Montana, in which we enshrined abortion into our state constitution, but I’m hoping that through truth spoken in love, we can change the hearts of people to the extent that the abortion bill is moot. We need to teach people to honor and respect their bodies, honor and respect marriage, honor and respect life. As Answers in Genesis says, we have to fight at the foundational level, which is standing on the Word of God, rather than man’s word. But until we Christians start taking the Bible seriously again and letting Scripture transform our lives so that we stop looking, sounding, and acting like the world, I don’t see hearts changing. THAT is where I believe we need prayer, alongside our politicians who work in Washington D.C. Changed hearts change culture, and we need to change hearts for Jesus.

Joyce L Pedersen
November 6, 2024

This is a victory! But don’t stop praying! Now the real work begins, and it is daunting. Our nation was on the end of a cliff, but backing away from the cliff will take prayer, determination, wisdom, hard work and chosen people to bring about change. There are so many area that need fresh wind and fresh fire. We have been given a reprieve. We have been given another chance to choose God’s way. Thank you, Lord for Your grace and mercy on the USA.

Dianne Thorley
November 6, 2024

Thankful for the Lord answering our prayers and the people who voted. Kudos to the 500,000 Pennsylvanian Amish who voted en masse for President Trump!

We need to pray the Dems will not involve us in a war before 1/20/25

    November 6, 2024

    God, thank you for the believers coming together in unity for your glory! What a Holy thing we have experienced! May we continue to love and work together, hand-in-hand for the glory of God!

Helene Blount
November 6, 2024

We must not back off praying for our country. There is much to be accomplished in our government, and the hearts of the people. Keep persevering in prayer.

Toni Kushner
November 6, 2024

Stand in FAITH, WAIT for the Lord, He will bring PEACE and direction for the way we are to go, and WATCH for the GLORY of the LORD will be seen. God spoke these WORDS to me after the last election. God has given us a time to AWAKEN the CHURCH, we must repent for the Church and turn to HIM for healing 2Chronicles 7; 14-17, this will come physically and emotionally. God is fair and justice and has given to us a measure of time for the Church Universal to turn and RESET its heart to the Almighty. May we be a People who LOVE YOU WITH ALL OUR HEART. May our children and grandchildren be renewed in FAITH and the strength of the LORD to follow with all their hearts and not fall back into complacency. Guard over us Holy Spirit in renewed strength and power to fight the good fight of faith and be helpers to expand Your Kingdom for Your heart is “that non should perish” for the LORD will return, He has promised. PRAISE BE TO GOD!!

November 6, 2024

Every family, Man, Woman, boy, and girl is still the heartbeat of The United States. I am grateful for the election of President Trump, but my heart grieves that so many states have chosen to belittle the value of innocent human life. I am still extremely concerned for the restoration of family in our nation.
We need to continue to persevere in prayer, repentance, and lovingkindness, for The true King of Israel is still on the throne and we desire for Messiah Yeshua’s Kingship to come in fullness to the place of His throne in Zion, Israel.
He has promised it, and He will fulfill it.
Messiah will have His pure and spotless bride from Israel and those who would trust in Yeshua from the nations.

November 6, 2024

I’m thanking the Lord Almighty for President Trumps victory and for answering our prayers and the Lord thousands around the world. However, we must not stop beseeching Him as we move forward there’s much more we need to pray going forward. We need to continue to pray for protection over our godly leaders in all areas and levels of government over our Nation. We are not to let our guard down we have to be vigilant in prayer.. our government must turn back to its original plan as a Constitutional Republic and to a Nation that honors God and His biblical standards. One God you divisible with liberality and justice for all.
God in His infinite wisdom extended His mercy and grace in giving us a second chance. Praise You Lord!!!

    Mary Beth S
    November 6, 2024

    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the USA, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

November 6, 2024

Please pray for his protection, and any plots they have to disqualify him come to null.

November 6, 2024

Today as I turned my affection toward the Lord I heard in my spirit “we received quite a victory this morning, didn’t we??!

Val Whaley
November 6, 2024

That we remain thankful and continue in fervent prayer for President Trump, all his operatives, family, supporters, and our country, he needs divine protection and so do we.

November 6, 2024

We must pray pray pray for Pres Trump, as well as for all in leadership positions. Pray that the Conservatives will have the courage to stand strong for Biblical values. Pray that the Lord will bring down in total defeat any effort to hinder the positive direction we can go now. Pray for a real spiritual revival across the entire nation—-which also means pray for those in spiritual leadership. These next four years are our opportunity. God has blessed us.

November 6, 2024

Stay humbly before the Lord, stay obedient to what the Lord want each of us to do, and keep praying for our government and speak up in a calm way about important issues of our day with God’s truth and light leading us. And keep thanking and worshipping God for His mercy and grace on our nation who has in large part turned away from the Lord. And keep worshipping and praising Him because he is merciful and His kindness endures forever. Praying that I keep going before the Lord to be filled with joy and love. And that we boldly speak the gospel with grace, truth and love for all around us.

November 6, 2024

The Lord gives me Nehimiah 2. he says it is a time to build. It is a time to build again God’s righteousness, truth and justice into the very foundations of all our government agencies and institutions. To build again this foundation in all America in its institutions of law, medical, education, marriage and family, in the business community and in international trade. A time to build the wall of righteousness, truth and justice in one hand and the sword of the Lord with the authority of the Lord over all enemies with the other.

sheryl dawson
November 6, 2024

I completely agree with you. The church failed to step up against the abortion amendments — my heart weeps for the women who will be harmed here in AZ. Had Christians voted on Biblical values, this would not have happened. We need revival in the church for a reset of the nation based on our founding values.
Lord, awaken the churches throughout this nation to repent, and return to a Biblical worldview and values. Amen

Lylah Saunier
November 6, 2024

God is a God of righteousness and justice. I pray for righteous leaders for America and justice for those evil ones who are trying to destroy our country and cause great pain and suffering for so so many people.

Ethel Namatovu
November 6, 2024

Our Pastor at Delivered to Serve Ministry in Waltham MA, has been, and is teaching on Foundations. So it’s nice to read and confirm that it’s one of the things God wants us to pray and interceed on.

November 6, 2024

We were on our state call today and the Lord gave me a picture..
There was a fortified city, fortified with high wooden walls. We the army of God were on the outside trying to make an opening to penetrate the wall. This is what we have been doing the last 4 years through our prayers. Last night the Lord opened a door into the fortification, which is the enemy’s camp- concentrated in one location because he is finite. We lined up at the door and each chose to individually walk through the door. As each person entered, they were covered with a super hero outfit that increased their powers. This was necessary because they were entering the enemy’s camp. Not everyone chose to enter. Some stood at the door and were afraid when they looked through because of what they saw.
Implications for prayer:
– thanking the Lord for opening the door
– a calling to the intercessor for their intercessory assignments, with spiritual insight to break down and destroy what’s inside the enemy’s camp
-pray for the raising up of God’s people who have shown a passion for righteous in the public sector and are willing to fight (employment in the government perhaps)

November 6, 2024

In my prayer time this morning the Lord impressed to me that we have not completed the job yet. We as Christian believers must continue to pray for our leadership. We pray that God will place individuals that President Trump will have confidence in to help Direct the course of our nation, and that we will become The Godly Nation that God wants us to be. We must continue to pray we must not let up.

Troy Beam
November 6, 2024

The fourth branch of government MUST be shut down. All the agencies such as the IRS, FBI, DOJ, FBOP, CIA, DER, DoA, SNA, CDC, DHS, WHO etc. etc. need completely cleaned out. All the communist controlled Democrats and Rinos need to go. If any cancer is left in place it will eventually resurface. All evil and those who harbor it must be driven out (Num. 33:52) If not it will come back to bite us just like it did the children of Israel when they didn’t take them all out.
Also, we must quit taxing peoples incomes and properties. If you can tax a mans labor and his castle then in essence you are a slave to the system. Give us back our freedom of religion and freedom from taxation.
God bless the United States of America

Helen Bieker
November 6, 2024

SInce prayers have been my focus for the past month and before, I was so relieved by the outcome. My first self words were:” Great! the American people are smart, seeing through the Satanic words”. I am very hopeful now! All praise to our Loving Father !

Robin Atchinson
November 6, 2024

Pray that President Trump has the courage to right all the wrongs committed. That like-minded people will be put in positions of power. That we continue to look to God as our Savior and Helper. That the Church experiences a great revival that will light a fire in our nation and around the world.

Terry Thompson
November 6, 2024

Pray for divine wisdom for President Trump. That every move would be strategic in setting the course for our country.

November 6, 2024

I praise Jesus that Trump is back in. However, prayer is never done which is what I sense from our Father. The fight is not over and evil does not rest. Prayer for healing and restoration is what I sense the country needs.

November 6, 2024

I thank God for this victory which for me represents HOPE for our faith, for America, for our families, hope for our culture and all seven mountains of society and hope for innocence to be present again. But this is just the first baby step! We have to be like Elijah, swinging his sword even as God took him up to heaven in a fiery chariot! The work of re-building hasn’t even really begun! I’m deeply suspicious of the seeming quiet today and words about a peaceful transfer of power when just days ago, Biden and Raskin said the very opposite. The enemy is cunning. So, armor up soldiers and keep standing and taking ground! We’ve only just begun to reclaim our nation!

Leah B
November 6, 2024

I wept as I thanked God for victory, but more than victory I wept for God to not leave us the same as we are right now. For God to heal our ground (foundation) and heal families and people. For spiritual wickedness that has been controlling our nation for so long, to be pulled down to the ground and stomped on until it becomes dust. For minds to be healed, hearts to be softened, and for blinders to come off of our eyes and take stoppers out of our ears so that we can be tuned in to the Lord Jesus Christ with passion!

November 6, 2024

Praise God for divine intervention and the faithfulness of believers to be a force to be reckoned with in this historic election. Now, we MUST stand firm and pray continually for repentant and obedient hearts to come to Jesus. Our assignment has just begun! There are many and we will be busy! Praying for peace during transition of candidates. May each of them ask God for direction in their talk and walk! Thank you again, God, for hearing the countless prayers and cries of your people! 🛐✝️💟⚔️🙌🇺🇸☀️

Barbara Gray
November 6, 2024

I think God for this victory. While it is a means of curbing wickedness in our nation, I believe that our responsibility in prayer is to seek revival. We MUST pray that America changes spiritually if we want ant lasting good to come from this election. It’s God who gives us the power to gain true wealth. It’s God who protects and leads a nation into righteousness. While we should pray for divine wisdom for Trump and his transition team, let us not take our eyes off the prize, “the upward call in Christ Jesus.”

Lavigne Kirkpatrick
November 6, 2024

God is not done, ever! We need to pray without ceasing! Continue to prayer for a completion of the votes for the House of Representatives that they will be guarded and just.
Pray for the next days ahead for the protection of Trump, a peaceful transition and inauguration.
Pray for discernment and wisdom for those selected to assist in our government agencies and positions of leadership
We must have America Bless God and make Him Lord of America!

Tami Smith
November 6, 2024

God has answered our prayers for conserative leadership to be elected. We need to continue to take authority over evil deception in our media. Pray for people to know the truth and receive the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Pray that our newly elected leadership will be led by the Holy Spirit. Pray for peace for Israel.

Deb Harrison
November 6, 2024

Prayers for continued protection and safety of President Elect Trump, his family, staff and all involved in the transition. Prayers for physical health, strength and stamina in the day as they work for a successful and peaceful transition.

Jeanne Rogers
November 6, 2024

Everyone must continue to storm heaven with prayer and fasting for hearts and minds to be transformed and turn back or turn to God. The atrocities in the world lead by Satan who hates humanity, wants to create his own race of non-gender to emulate him since angels are genderless, and wants to be God, these will not go unanswered by our Father, Creator of all things in heaven and earth. Many disasters in the world are possibly natural but definitely enhanced by man. Spain’s dictator released the dams to destroy all in their paths, crops, trees, villages. No more irrigation for crops, mud slides all over in addition to rain! Wake up and look around! Pray, Pray, Pray

Ellen Huson
November 6, 2024

It almost seems too quiet . I am uneasy but trusting completely in God alone. It has been said that Trump may get elected but will not be inaugurated. I am praying for a peaceful transition of power and that no harm will come near President Trump or JD Vance and their families. Psalm 91, Psalm 68

Loretta Bumgardner
November 6, 2024

No assassination attempts on our President🙏🏼

Marcia Pedersen
November 6, 2024

God desires for Israel to have peace and safety. He also desires for us to continue to pray for protection for President elect Trump from the demonic forces that are trying to destroy the nation. We should pray for President elect Trump to have a strong desire to follow Christ closely and not let pride get in the way.

November 6, 2024

What am I hearing from the Lord? Don’t get comfortable. A season of reprieve/window of mercy is only an opportunity for the people of God to truly repent of compromise, to be purified of idolatry, covetousness, pride and greed, and to prepare the church (locally and globally) to stand because the bigger picture is far beyond the next 4 years. We cannot stop the gross darkness that is accelerated in the earth. Do NOT get comfortable! Keep your eyes set and hearts locked onto Jesus and HIS Kingdom. The bride is being made ready for her King. 🙏

    Mary Beth S
    November 6, 2024

    I agree, MandyLou!! What often follows victory, is letting down our guard and slipping back into apathy. The process of repentance and purification must continue. Oh that the fire of God burn bright and strong, without ceasing. The fire destroys and/or purifies. Our response to the conviction of Holy Spirit determines which. I want to remain in the fire until all my fetters are burned away like the 3 amigos in the Babylonian exile – then I can exit, not even smelling like smoke.

November 6, 2024

As I was praising God for this win, it came to me that really, the battle has just begun. When Trump was first elected as 45, there was much disfunction in the publican party. This can’t happen again. We need to pray for unity and keep our elected officials accountable. So, Lord, open the eyes of our elected officials for the US Government, to see our county as you do. Cause them to work together for the good of all. Surround President Trump with wise people who share the vision to turn our country back to righteousness. Amen.

November 6, 2024

I firmly believe the past four years has been a total wake up call! Our Lord in His mercy, has granted a period of time, to stand boldly! With heartfelt petition and prayer may we bind together to shine His Light, proclaim His Truth! Oh a Mighty pouring out of the Holy Spirit, to heal and unite our Land.

Kaye Watson
November 6, 2024

We should be thankful for the election results and pray that the President and congress do God’s will.

Eileen Laca
November 6, 2024

Like you I have been texting to family and friends to pray. Intercede-stand facing our all powerful God- between Him and evil humanity- and pray for forgiveness, protection, and revival. Pray for a peaceful transition, a shield of protection around all elected and their families. Pray with a grateful heart ! Praise Him.

Norman E Peterson
November 6, 2024

the war on children is apparent. The Department of Education is promoting doctors that are doing surgical procedures to cripple and destroy reproductive possibilities. The false doctrine of our nations heritage and the issuing of Transgender ideology in the guise of ‘equality’ and as urgent as the rights given to vote and attend schools of choice propoganda. It is a battle for eliminating our next generation.

The Reverend Jose C. Lopez- President
November 6, 2024

Press Release:
On behalf of The Latino Ministers of New Jersey For Justice,
On behalf of our President Rev. Jose C. Lopez,
We congratulate the newly elected officials of our US government.
President-elect DONALD J. TRUMP and Vice President JD VANCE.
Our Prayer after an election day in the United States USA.
God of all nations, Father of the human family, we thank you for the freedom we exercise and the many blessings of democracy we enjoy in these United States of America.
We ask for your protection and guidance for all who dedicate themselves to the common good, working for justice and peace here and around the world.
We lift up all our duly elected leaders and public servants, those who will serve us as president, as legislators and judges, members of the armed forces and law enforcement.
Heal us of our differences and unite us, O Lord, with a common purpose, dedication, and commitment to achieving freedom and justice
in the years ahead for all people, and especially the most vulnerable among us. Amen.
Holy God, we pray for truth and integrity in the media.
We pray for our leaders from both political parties and pray that they will bring about the necessary changes after the election.
Finally, we ask that you heal the deep political divide in our nation.
We pray all of this in Your name, Amen.
Romans 12:12 in the King James Version says, “Rejoicing in Hope; Patient in Tribulation; Constant in Prayer.”
Romans Chapter 12 Begins with the Question of How We Should Respond to God’s Mercy, He no longer owes us anything. The answer is a Life of Worship, Service to the Lord and OTHER BELIEVERS, REJECTING REVENGE AND OVERCOMING EVIL WITH GOOD, Amen.

Barbara Eileen Smith
November 6, 2024

We must (through all means necessary) educate the public about the goals of Communism and how many of them have been achieved through our current laws, regulations, policies, and institutions. (Our educational system from kindergarten through doctorate is socialist. How do I know? I taught public school for 24 years. We might as well be in China, folks!) People need to come together and organize on local and state levels to prevent the land grabs through water rights laws (ID, OH), rewilding programs (TN), and removing tax exempt status for church outreach programs (which forced churches to stop programs/sell land), (Taney County, MO). Amendment 3 passed in Missouri because the ads were blatant lies and they left out the part about having the power to remove children from their homes. Taking children away from families is one of the 45 goals of Communism.
Communism/Marxism weaponizes bureaucracies against its citizens. Our current bureaucratic government has more power than Congress, and only Congress should be making the laws according to our constitution. We need to make the Sorros owned mainstream media (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSM, FOX) obsolete by boycotts and follow alternative media outlets that speak the truth.
We almost lost our entire country to a socialist party that openly quotes The Communist Manifesto! I was shocked that they weren’t able to assassinate/cheat their way into office. It was by the Grace of God thatTrump/Vance won the election. This is only the first skirmish. We have major regulatory battles in the future. Remember who we are resisting, as we have rules and morals, but nothing is off the table for the Accuser (Satan).

November 6, 2024


Phil Miglioratti
November 6, 2024

I believe it is time to reset our prayers from reactionary (to culture) to responsive (Spirit-led, Scripture-fed).

Two suggestions:
1. Are You Weaponizing Your Prayers? @ https://reimaginenetwork.ning.com/forum/topics1/weaponizing-prayer-revenge-or-blessing
2. 5 Church-Killing Blindspots that Thwart our Prayers @ https://reimaginenetwork.ning.com/forum/topics/5-church-killing-blindspots-and-5-steps-to-pursue-transformation

Lewis James
November 6, 2024

1Timothy 2:1-4 Pray for authorities to be Godly, honest and just, so that they come to truth.
Romans 1:18 Pray that the wrath of God fall on news services and media companies who suppress the truth.
Romans 2:4 Pray that God’s goodness bring us all to repentance and revival.

Marjorie Wells
November 6, 2024

I wonder if the last, almost 4 years was God’s wake-up for the Church to become involved and take a stand for truth and righteousness? It is, as your article states, up to us to continue in intercession and be involved in ensuring that the “renewed” America becomes strong again and continues making Biblical values preeminent.

Heather Peterson
November 6, 2024

I’m hearing that NOW revival can sweep in!! And I’m praying for true manhood and womanhood be restored – and true parenthood, motherhood/fatherhood will be the only way to end abortion. Praying for all the confused, sad people today, that their eyes, will be opened and they will be blessed

November 6, 2024

I believe we need to pray needed changes to protect America will be able to be made quickly. Any damage being planned between now and January will be thwarted.

Victoria Sirak
November 6, 2024

I prayed that no demonic creature will sit behind the resolution desk in the Oval office changing laws and issuing executive orders that would benefit the evils ones agenda.I asked the Lord to disallow Harris kingship as she is a progressive puppet of Obama and Soros.

Craig Roles
November 6, 2024

I see this as a unique time in America… A time when unity can actually be pressed forward. With the increase in the Latino, Black and Muslim populations supporting Trump, and the increased exposure of the evil of the Leftists and mainstream media conglomerates, I believe we can help right many of the wrongs perpetuated upon our society… So, Justice is a big one in my opinion. Not from the thought of revenge, but from Godly justice. Just as God cannot and will not embrace and accept evil… neither should we.

And I love the idea of making our country strong. I remember how effective President Trump was in the early years of his first administration at getting jobs back to the US. And his impact upon the international scene. I would like to see him stand up, once more, for America and what we believe with the eyes of the world looking on.

We all have to play our part… and voting was the first step. Thank God we got out to vote. We must remember, as a society, and especially as Christians, how important this civic responsibility is and never forget this win and how we, as individual voters and citizens, can make an impact.

Kyp Shillam
November 6, 2024

Cornyn of Texas is not a true Republican. He is not an option.

Sharon Whitman
November 6, 2024

I believe the Christian’s not only prayed but got out there and voted
Sometimes GOD wants us to do our part also. Faith without works is dead

Jerry Remkiewicz
November 6, 2024

There is no doubt that prayers played a major factor in this election. Our Heavenly Father listened and answered our prayers. Why? Because he loves us. There is a famous prayer from a great Saint, who said: Pray,hope and don’t worry!

Marty Robinson
November 6, 2024

I always read any article that you write.
You have a decided gift in getting your point across!
Marxism is a word that represents a belief that denies God.
My prayers were all for God’s mercy.
The Lord advised that in order for mercy to be allowed,
I, as His representative in this world and this nation, had
to be merciful as well.
James 2:13 Amplified Bible.
For to him who shows no mercy, the judgment will be merciless.
But mercy full of glad confidence exults victoriously over judgment!

Because of God’s mercy for me, I am called to pray for the lost.
I think there are lots of people who qualify. Some situations
within my own family were very difficult for the entire 4 years
of the previous administration. The level of hatred for Trump
was a source of great sadness for me. This is not because I
worship Trump, but because of the harm that hating brings
to someone’s soul. But God showed up and delivered His mercy
Praise His Holy Name! One of the most vital prayers we are
privileged to pray is prayer for the lost. If we pray for our President
and our nation and for the misguided and lost who have opposed
and persecuted Trump for 4 years and always practice mercy,
I believe God will be very pleased. After all, that is what should
be our first priority: to please Him.

November 6, 2024

What I’ve heard from God is a mandate that his followers, Christians, can NO LONGER be complacent. We’ve been complacent far too long, just as in biblical times and looked where that got them – into slavery….

November 6, 2024

I believe the Lord our God has shown us great mercy in this outcome. Our nation needs to repent and return to her first Love, in gratitude and obedience.

Teri Smith
November 6, 2024

I believe we need to be praying for a revival which starts with each one of us. The only thing that will change our country is for people to know Jesus and hear the gospel. 🙏🏻 We had a five week prayer gathering in October and prayed for our Nation and the election using IFAs prayer guide. In a couple weeks we will begin using the Revival prayer guide. Such great resources Thank you for providing these terrific helps. .

    Carla Rigger
    November 6, 2024

    How do I get the revival prayer guide. I agree that this is a mandate for us Christians. To hold America, we must have a revival now. Pray for protection over all elected legislators. Pray that Trump makes good and wise and godly choices of gov’t appointees.

Donna Gideon
November 6, 2024

These elections wins were a glorious culmination of prayers both from the people and the leaders/incumbent leaders of America. I did, however, experience disappointment when our new President Trump, when thanking all those who worked hard to make this dream into a reality, did not thank Jesus first and give all the glory to God. Clearly something that we all must keep praying for.

    Carla Rigger
    November 6, 2024

    you are so right. God saved his life 3x at least. He has this ego and it is not yet humbled but God is still working on him. I believe Plan B of the Commies is to take down these men and women. FBI says it is preparing for a “mass casualty event” which we know could be a false flag of large proportions. Keep praying.

Matthew Mayers
November 6, 2024

Yes..I agree.. foundations and justice…as well …my pastor used to say when you get a victory…don’t put away your sword..like with Nehimah…a trowel and a sword…I felt two as well the protection of our president and all and for the millions that voted for Harris …we need a united country…revival sounds like the answer…love you guys so glad I m part you warriors….matt&Beth mayers

November 6, 2024

I believe in the sovereignty and providence of God Almighty. I have prayed Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Prophesies declare a time of tge way the world will be before Christ return. This shows me the time is delayed to meet God’s timing.
I also believe it is an opportunity for God’s children to repent and obey from leadership to the congregation.
It is also an opportunity for those in government to rise up and do what they said they will do. No .ore just taking but doing what ever it takes. We now will have the House and Senate. No more excuses. Clean house, shrink government and create laws to stop the insanity of the WOKE agenda. Prepare for two new SCOTUS to replace the two who will retire during this Admin

    Angela Crawford
    November 6, 2024

    Amen and amen! I might add now that the republicans have control they should finish the Contract with America….line item veto and term limits. No excuse this time!

Robert L. Mitchell,lll,D.D.S.,
November 6, 2024

We need to pray that Trump will be inaugurated. The Leftists and Globalists will not remain silent.
And we must remember that Jesus doesn’t fly in Air Force 1.

Pam Snowden
November 6, 2024

Father, we are so grateful for Your divine intervention in our nation. It is only by Your great mercy that we have been snatched from the fire. I agree with the prayers of my fellow believers here. I would add, that as You have given us at least four more years, may we not waste it on indulging our flesh but be about advancing the Kingdom of God. We ask for a mighty outpouring of Your Spirit upon this nation. Give us eyes to see the fields that are white unto harvest on the seven mountains of influence! Give us the strategies to take back territory we have lost over the years and advance to take new territory. You have a destiny for the United States. You set our borders and determined the number of our days. We desire to fulfill that destiny to be a light to the nations as we publish the Gospel. May we finish our course and do what You foreordained before the foundation of the earth. And may Jesus be exalted in the United State of America. No King but Jesus!! Amen

    Carla Rigger
    November 6, 2024

    Your prayer brought tears and affirmation to my spirit. This mandate is for us Christians. Pray for protection over this new gov’t. I agree with all you said and will share it. The Left will not give up so easily. They cheated to give millions of voters to her and that still failed, but Obama told Biden, “we still have time” (to do what?) at Kennedy’s funeral. We have 75 days till the Inauguration and the world is still on fire, and the WEF Luciferians are still in power. I believe God has more to reveal to us and the world, so keep praying, watching, and preparing. Thank you for your prayer. Let’s share it.

      Mary Beth S
      November 6, 2024

      I agree, Carla. But this is not a call to fear – it is a call to persevere! – in prayer and watchfulness, and obedience. I will not give up my place on the wall!

November 6, 2024

I hear . . . REPENT and come to Him with your WHOLE heart.

Jennifer Budds
November 6, 2024

While I’m happy that President Trump won, and the other branches are Republican strong, we must not take our eyes off of Jesus. He is the only hope and only savior. We cannot elevate or idolize any human or political party above God. We must be very aware of that possibility and be very careful to avoid it. Lord, we pray that you would forgive us of our sins, stir our hearts toward you, continue to bless our country, cover us with protection and bring justice against Satan’s schemes.

Steve Allen
November 6, 2024

I would just say this, don’t look to strongly for the “princes of the world” to solve so many of the problems that we still face in this country. Also don’t think for a moment that Satan will back down, at present he is just regrouping, he will attack again and that will be sooner than later.
This election is a great victory for this country and even the Church, but beware the victory. It is after great battles are won that the “old red dragon” will come around to seek someone to devour. This is indeed a spiritual battle, and we cannot, we must not let down our guard, “Having done all to stand, stand therefore”. We need “standers”, not sitters, this is no time to rest.
We must continue to pray, thanking God for His protection over President Trump, his family, and any who are close to him, as well as for the salvation of them all. We must pray that God give Trump discernment as to who he appoints, and what he appoints them to. We need to pray that God give him “wisdom” in all this, especially in dealing with world situations which are still at the boiling point.
So to all who may read this, who walk with their armor on, pray and continue to pray don’t let up. Get into a spirit of prayer and stay there. While we are seeing a ray of light right now, these are still dark days, but rejoice my brethren, WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, and HE has given it to us to shine in dark places.
Blessings to you all!

November 6, 2024

Thank you for the article and guide to prayer. I will be praying.

November 6, 2024

It is disconcerting like you mentioned about 7 states in addition to i think 7 other states have passed either constitutional amendments or laws for abortion. Where have we been, it is great Trump won. But where is the church that we can not make an articulate argument in defense of life? We have problems not like Trumps mean tweets and yet 14 states and counting are killing their children. Something is amiss. I remember back after the election in 2016 i was sitting in mens prayer at my church with two pastors and have few other men and this thought came to me in prayer. Something had changed and shifted in america and the church. We were not going back and needed to realize what God was wanting to do in this hour and thru Trump. And my church and it seems the larger church missed it. And now here we are and i think this whole year God was saying that this was a revelation 4 moment. To hear God’s voice and come up higher like John and hear His voice and for God to show us like John what shall be here after. A transition year and on 11/5 that transition ended. And i wonder if this year 5785 2025 is now revelation 5. Where John saw the scroll and no one could open it or look thereon. Except Jesus, and a scroll signifying revelation and Jesus revealing His plans to man. And this year to come is the year of the further unveiling of Jesus. An opening of the scroll.

C Gleason
November 6, 2024

The Lord impressed on my heart the following verse:

Righteous exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

We see sin everywhere in this nation now, based on the actions of the previous administration.

Another verse that was impressed on my heart was:

To him who knows what to do that is right and does not do it, to him it is sin.

So those responsible for open borders, homosexual right, transgender individuals in girls bathrooms and sports, etc. they know what is right and just, but chose to have administrative rules rewritten to go against Gods created order and against enacted legislation. To those persons it is sin against God and against this country since they pushed it on us a free citizens in their ungodly administrative culture.

Donna Lumpkin
November 6, 2024

Father, continue to protect Donald J Trump and JDVance from harm. There’s much anger and hate still in the air. Encamp your angels around them and their families. In The Name of Yeshua, Amen

Michael Childs
November 6, 2024

I am flummoxed why so many Christians exude joy over a Trump victory. A victory over the left, yes, but why do they bestow such praise on Trump in particular? I get it, he appointed conservatives on the Court after listening to instruction from policy think tanks, but surely any Republican would have made these appointments. Trump is a very flawed man from a moral perspective, yet voters on the contine to throw their weight behind this reprobate. They did have other choices in the party primary, but no, like lambs to the slaughter they chose this disgusting buffoon. What gives?

    Steve Allen
    November 6, 2024

    Hello Michael,
    Quite honestly I think you need to calm down a bit. Don’t you understand that it is God who raises up nations and leaders, to accomplish some part of His plan? Just as quickly that He raised them up, He can bring them down.
    I see you judged Trumps character, which may be warranted, you’ve called him names, but I don’t se that you said you are praying for him. Why is that? Maybe you should try that, and then you won’t be so upset.

    November 6, 2024

    Trump did more on behalf of Christian rights around the world during his first administration than any previous U.S. president has done. God uses whom he will to accomplish his will. And is it possible to think that he will not be used again for God’s purposes? We do not know Trump’s heart–only God knows. How do we know he has not come to repentance for his sin (like David or Noah)? But for God’s grace, there go I. As Christ followers, it is imperative to pray for our leaders as the Lord is the one who allows them to be in these positions of leadership. This was the will of the American people and an opportunity for us to continue to pray for repentance, reformation, and revival in our land. Praying for all of us.

      November 6, 2024

      Michael, We are all Flawed . I am flawed ,but I can change Not esily on my own , but with the help of our Heavenly Father ,it happens! . Let us pray without ceasing for Donald Trump. God has given him wisdom beyond my little mind, to deal with worldly situations. May our Heavenly Father pour His wisdom on Donald trump .amen

    November 6, 2024

    Did God not use numerous flawed men in the Bible to get his job done.
    I believe this was all the Lords plan.

Rich Swingle
November 6, 2024

Praying now for House results to be called quickly. Suspicions will rise the longer they take to count ballots for the remaining seats!

James Manley
November 6, 2024

Now that we have a President and Congress and Senate we cannot waste any time with my support them and President Trump must get busy right away bringing us back

November 6, 2024

My heart rejoiced in the early morning hours watching Trump claim the Presidency once again. I believe God has granted Christians an opportunity, as Jesus commanded “Go make disciples”.

The Lord has shown our nation mercy but there is work for not only the administration that will take office in January. God’s church needs to step up to share the gospel to a hurting and confused world looking to man for answers as well as show love in tangible ways to our fellow man.

Denny Finnegan
November 6, 2024

I agree with Dutch Sheets that the Lord does not just want “revival” but “reformation”. This is a part of the beginning of the “turn-around” of repentance. But Jesus instructed us in Luke 18:1ff to persevere in prayer unto completion, and Judges shows what happens when we do not “complete the conquest” of the promises. Now is the time for intercessors to strengthen our resolve even more and “complete the conquest” of God’s promises for “reformation” through intentional persevering prayer.

Timothy Rozeboom
November 6, 2024

I believe that Holy Spirit has prompted many in our country to get more involved in our communities. To function as the salt of the earth, we must get out of the salt shakers.
Huddling together in fear of evil impacting us is not what Jesus wants us to do.
As Christ followers, Holy Spirit desires to lead us from glory to glory and faith to faith.
His strength is available to those who choose to step out!!!!!!!

In closing, it states in proverbs that the righteous are as bold as a lion.

Lydia Hernandez
November 6, 2024

I believe this is not a time to let our guard down, the enemy will not give up easily. We still need to pray against the darkness that infiltrated many areas and get the right people in position as mentioned in the article. I pray that all leadership remain humble and continue to listen to “We the People” . We still need to be apart of the church, education system, media, justice and where ever the Lord will place us. We must pray against the ugly that has occurred and look and trust God with our future as He still knows what’s best

Patti O'Connor
November 6, 2024

I believe today is a short reprieve and the Lord will grant us that much time. However, until transition of power, there is still much work to be done and many prayers needed. The enemy will not take this defeat quietly and will use all his powers and lies to keep President Trump from taking office. We need to continue to pray for revival and reformation to unify our country, to bring us together again as one nation under the one true God and to pray against the schemes and attacks of the devil against Donald Trump and his family/legal team! Yes, we do need to pray for a return to the founding principles and for President Trump to make wise choices for key positions, but we cannot forget to pray for a peaceful transition period. Amen and amen!

Rose Marie Distefano
November 6, 2024

We have won the battle, but not the war. this country has been going in the wrong direction for a long time. President Trump’s first election started us on the way, but the rino republicans stabbed him in the back, and the result is what we have had the last 4 yrs. This country is teetering on the brink of a total socialist government, and if we don’t nip it in the bud now, Trump will only be pause. Our educational systems need to be overhauled and turned back over to the states. Federal government has no business in education. The same is true of health care. The people in this country are too diversified to follow one rule of order. We need to round up all illegal immigrants. Those who have a TRUE need to be in this country, we can work with them, but the rest need to be deported, especially those who have criminal backgrounds. We also need to thoroughly investigate the backgrounds of those we want to help, to make sure we have no terrorists.

Sally Humphries
November 6, 2024

The Socialist left will not be quiet in the coming months. I pray, however, that their violent patterns will be halted by our Lord.
May He lead our leaders to do His will.

Mary Beth Johnson
November 6, 2024

I feel we should also pray that we can have a change of government, not go into a new lockdown or Marshall law. The deep state said they would fight this.

Joseph Blanton
November 6, 2024

Until America stops sacrificing unborn children to the devil, Trump’s election to a second term will be a short lived reprieve. The right to “reproductive freedom” won big time in the election. Celebrate Trump’s victory? Perhaps. Mourning and sincere repentance is more appropriate. As long as abortion continues, the wrath of God will surely come.

    Janice Hesse
    November 6, 2024

    I think it’s time for a different discussion about abortion. Obviously, prolife’s voice was not relevant nor respected by the left for the last 50 years and 60 million souls perished because we didn’t communicate effectively. We must be new wineskin before the Lord, seeking a new and better avenue for protecting the unborn. It’s the churches mandate to change the rhetoric. How Lord do we communicate the importance of the soul of an unborn child? What avenue should we take that will dial down the distain that the proabortion group has for God’s people and God’s truth about the soul of a baby in the womb.
    Thank you for the win, Lord, now school us with strategies from Holy Spirit to ignite compassion for the unborn. Teach us Father God! Here we are Lord, send us! Amen!

    Mary Beth S
    November 6, 2024

    Amen, Joseph! I gave thanks and rejoiced in the results of the presidential election, also gave thanks and rejoiced in many congressional wins – but my thanksgiving and rejoicing although strong for FL, SD, NE gave way to mourning and bitter tears for the states that passed the abortion amendments. Two of those states are where my family lives, and they have been placed in the crosshairs of God’s judgment. The saddest thing to me, is that I don’t believe these amendments could have passed, especially in red states, if many of those who claim to be Christians and conservatives had not supported them. What does that say? The Word is clear that judgment begins with the household of God. I trust YHVH to judge – to render a verdict – in this matter, and then to act in His timing and manner to bring justice to the slaughtered millions of babies.

Elizabeth Dean
November 6, 2024

I am thanking and praising God for giving America mercy over judgement. We must pray for President Trump that God will protect him and give him wisdom and strength and that he would be sold out to the Lord.

Rich Swingle
November 6, 2024

Thanks for this excellent summary of what the election means! Praying accordingly! Praying for endurance in our prayers, as Dutch Sheets charged this morning!

Lynn Salmoria
November 6, 2024

First, I just want to praise the Lord. For watching so many people of God rally together finally in a way that was amazing.
I think the focus of our prayers shifted not just for a presidential candidate, but Four also fair and truthful Voting. I believe God protected our votes in a way that we could never have seen before. After 2020 I believe the enemy exposed his plans and now Because of that our prayers became more direct and more powerful. Which pleases God immensely. I believe with all my heart that God is saying to keep praying for President Trump to be protected and his family. This is early days for this historic sequel, which is amazing in the history of America, and we must pray now just as strong. And also continuing to pray for President Trump to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Precious are the days we’re in. It’s the greatest time we could ever be alive as the beloved. What an honor that we would get to pray outcomes in these days that we are living in . Praise God.

November 6, 2024

I heard the word, “REPRIEVE” this morning. It’s not over. Last night’s victory was an answer to impassioned prayers from around our nation over many years. We received mercy over judgment. Now the true work begins to heal a divided nation and reset our course. Lord, pardon our past and guide our future. “I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land…” (Ezekiel 22:30) He found you! Don’t stop praying.

Dorothy Haynes
November 6, 2024

Thank you Lord for hearing the prayers of your people. For years as believers in Jesus we your people have been crying out to the only hope we have and that is you. Almighty God. You saved President Trump’s life for a purpose and I believe winning this election is one of your purposes. However, our job as intercessors and believers is not over. We need to pray more now that ever before as we continue to put our trust in you to do what only you can do and that is deliver us from the problems this nation and our world is in.

Etta Danielson
November 6, 2024

I thank IFA for leading intercessors in prayer for this election and saving America. We need to continue praying for righteousness to be restored in our government and for God’s wisdom for our leaders.

November 6, 2024

I’m just going to repeat: Lord God, we thank You for the victory of conservative and godly values in this election. We pray that this would not be a flash-in-the-pan victory, but rather the beginning of a new biblical era for America.

It’s all God, and His mercy.

Paula Brumble
November 6, 2024

The Ekklesia still has much work to do. Don’t grow weary in doing good!

Cathy Taniguchi
November 6, 2024

I agree with everything here but I feel strongly that God is pressing on us to pray for a great awakening, an outpouring of His Spirit across this land and a revival within His Church. Our work has only just begun🙏🏼. As we’ve seen over the past century, we must have a Godly people to govern a righteous nation.

    Lynn Salmoria
    November 6, 2024

    And Ezekiel God asked for one man to pray for a nation. God has said on my heart for years that it wasn’t just the United States, that greatly, and even more important was to pray for God’s holy nation. Amen. Good truth.

Juliet Canha
November 6, 2024

Darkness has increased, and now, God is giving everyone in our nation the opportunity to come to the light. People will believe what they want to believe, but those who genuinely want to know the truth will find it. Abba, We ask You to protect President Trump and his soon to be administration. Help them to walk in humility and godly wisdom; in the mighty name of Jesus.

Mary Beth
November 6, 2024

Please continue to pray for protection of President Trump and his family. Please pray for a smooth transition of power in January – that the Lord will protect this country with a hedge of protection against all enemy schemes. Thank you .

Jocelyn Rodriguez
November 6, 2024

I woke up this morning with an overwhelming sense of peace. Not just in my home, but outside. Thank You, Abba Father, for giving America another opportunity to change!

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭29‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Sherri Dalton
November 6, 2024

The states that need a super majority to change their constitution are standing firm protecting life. However, those states which only need 50% +1 vote are losing the battle for life. This means people need a change of heart, something only God can do. So we pray for repentance and revival to sweep across our land!

Family Synergy Restoration
November 6, 2024

All praises to our LORD and that He heard our prayers for justice and righteousness! I had a vision of just how close American had come to a rendered judgment. I saw a person lying down on a flat table and I saw like a swinging sharp lever going back and forth. America were seconds away from getting our necks servered! God’s mercy was rendered today!

November 6, 2024

God showed me that He ‘allowed’ Biden to get in last time to wake up America. He told me that these last 4 years’ purpose was to wake up America & get her to fight like hell to save America. He also said that it was to prepare America to once again be Israel’s ally & to fully support Israel as God turns Israel to her Messiah & to the mission she has in the world. He told me He would put Trump back as president, but this time everything would work FOR Him (House & Senate, & Supreme Court) so that he could link arms w/ Israel & work together for God’s end time plan. And — it has been simply amazing to see Americans rise up from the ashes fighting! God used Kamala & all them to make us mad enough to fight for our country the way we haven’t for a long long time! Thank You, God for your great mercy toward us AND thank You for the grace to be able to rise up to the destiny You have waiting for us, in Jesus’ name!

Mary McKenna
November 6, 2024

I think we need another special prayer call. This time to give thanks to our merciful Father who answered our fervent prayers!

Kathy Sawvell
November 6, 2024

Psalm 18:37
We must push back our enemies until they are consumed.

November 6, 2024

Amen Dave. We must continue to stand strong for Israel as true Zionism is God’s plan to restore Israel and the Sheep Nations that bless Her. Our time for restoration is here. The Justice system needs a huge overhaul as does the CIA, FBI, etc, etc. The Lord has been good and faithful to us, and I humbly say I think He’s proud of the American people. Thank you and IFA for your great work. God bless you.

cherryl reed
November 6, 2024


Pamela Derrer
November 6, 2024

I believe Jesus is HAPPY. But we must continue to pray, fight Spiritual, there is still a GREAT battle going on for our young people. And the battle will intensify , not just physically, but emotionally, Spiritually. May our officials in office really seek God and ask Him for directions, His wisdom, and learn to obey God’s authority. Because this is about every Nation on earth. The whole world, we are actually ALL together, now. God bless you 💖 Amen

November 6, 2024

This election is a powerful indicator that God’s Kingdom has broken through, ushering in deep change in our institutions and revival throughout our nation. God, indeed, is with us and is ushering in a golden season of harvest in America and throughout the world.

November 6, 2024


Jackie McFadden
November 6, 2024

I agree with all of the above. There is much work to be done. The fact that almost half of this nation voted for Harris is alarming. By God’s grace, she and her agenda did not win, for the most part. It’s tragic for those states where babies are not protected. I am praying that John Cornyn will NOT be the head of the Senate. He is not strong enough on the issues we hold dear.

    Maynard Beck Sr
    November 7, 2024

    I don’t know which “issues” you are speaking about, but to me the most important is the life of the unborn. May I refer to the Congressional record?
    WASHINGTON –Today, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) voted for both the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Sen. Cornyn spoke about this legislation yesterday on the Senate floor. Excerpts are below, and video can be found here.

    On the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act:

    “Voting for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act is how each member of this chamber can go on-record to say they are against killing innocent babies.”

    “There’s one goal with this legislation and one goal only: to give every baby a fighting chance.”

    “In a rational world, we wouldn’t be having this discussion, but would rather unanimously be condemning this practice for the evil that it is. I’m proud to be an original cosponsor of the bill and once again to vote to stop the practice of infanticide and protect babies who survive abortions alive.”

    On the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act:

    “Passing this legislation wouldn’t make the United States an extreme outlier when it comes to abortion practices. In fact, it would put us in line with international norms.”

    “Currently, only seven countries in the world allow elective abortions after 20 weeks. One of them, of course, is the United States, and the other countries on the list should make all of us second-guess allowing abortions beyond 20 weeks. China, Vietnam, North Korea, countries with a history of human rights violations are hardly the model that we should aspire to.”

    “It’s time to give every baby a chance to live and stop doctors from performing abortions on infants that feel pain.”

    On the Senate Pro-Life Caucus:

    “Our friend from Montana, Senator Daines, established the first-ever Senate Pro-Life Caucus to fight for the rights of our most vulnerable citizens.”

    “I appreciate our colleagues, Senator Sasse, Senator Graham, Senator Daines, for their leadership on this legislation and for consistently fighting for the most vulnerable among us.”

    “I will be a proud vote yes on both of these bills: yes to protecting newborn babies, yes to equal medical care for all infants, and yes to a fighting chance for all babies.”


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