Pray for America’s continued upward path to making our country truly one that follows after God’s heart with His understanding.
Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart. (Ps 119:34)
If you were like me, you woke up the day after the election with disappointment. Even though the pundits were predicting Democrats to gain 28 House seats, I was praying for and expecting a miracle similar to the one God did when President Trump won the 2016 election. And yet, as we rubbed the sleep from our eyes we see that legislators favoring abortion, limited religious freedom, a two-state solution to Israel, etc. have gained control of the House. The House majority is now led by those who have promised to resist, investigate, and even impeach the President (and Judge Kavanaugh). The retirement of 42 Republican representatives provided an opportunity that allowed this to happen.
As I analyzed the demographics of the seats that flipped from Republican to Democrat, a clear trend emerged: suburbs. Without fail, these flipped seats were in the suburbs of Miami, Kansas City, Chicago, and other cities. Only about 5% of the seats needed to flip and this is what we saw in suburb after suburb.
It would be interesting to know the state of the Church in these suburbs. Are pastors preaching from the pulpit the need for their congregations to be involved in guiding government? Are there engaged and engaging believers speaking to people about the need to pray for those in authority as we are encouraged in 1 Timothy 2. The liberal influence has only grown in the suburbs.
On the Senate side of the Capitol, the Republican majority grew. Though Democrats outvoted Republicans by 7% in the overall election (indicating small pockets with huge Democratic voting bases) the Senate Republicans’ majority grew. This has the potential to set up two years of tremendous gridlock. This needs to be in our prayers! Thankfully, one of the Senate’s major roles in our government is to shape the judiciary, and they are poised to be even more effective at this now. In the previous two years they have appointed more than 80 judges, including two Supreme Court Justices, and have the potential to appoint another 180, transforming 25% of the judiciary through life appointments of conservative judges. Majority Leader McConnell has stated that this is his singular objective.
It was very encouraging to see candidates who were fighting the inflow of millions of dollars from outside groups prevail. Andrew Gillum, trained and funded by the George Soros organization, was defeated by Ron DeSantis in Florida and Ted Cruz beat Beto O’Rourke, despite his receiving millions from left-wing philanthropic activists.
As we consider our invitation to join God in shaping history through prayer and fasting, we need to recognize that this is a marathon and not a sprint. We cannot give up praying for the hand of God to move in our nation and we cannot give up listening to the Spirit about how we can actively walk in obedience with Him. (By David Kubal, President and CEO of Intercessors For America)
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Glory be to God
I thank all of you for your wonderful prayers and I agree with all of them. God bless you and the USA and President Donald Trump.
Thank you for this insight, Felicia. You are right. Forty-five Republicans retiring all at once, what is up with that? Also God allowed “113 women” to now be in the House of Representatives. That is 1/4 of the seats. I don’t think that is a coincidence. Overall, I believe that Republicans and Democrats in the body of Christ can lovingly pray and dialogue with each other if they are willing to do it. I would like to repeat part of Betty B’s prayer from November 4: “Heavenly Father, Thank you for drawing the body of Christ together during this time. Your children are coming together in unity asking You to rule and reign in the USA. Father, we ask for Thy kingdom to come and Thy will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus stated that He wanted the believers to be one as You and He are one. John 17:21 says…May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them as You have loved Me. Jesus restates that same TRUTH again in John 17:23. Father, I pray that we will have ears to hear what You have whispered to Your Bride! For the sake of His great name. Amen.
Predominantly to expand upon Leila’s comments about the harvest being ripe concomitant with little “expected” change, our highest “calling” is to be conformed to the image of Christ JESUS. When we look more like the world than like JESUS, it’s no wonder that the general population looks elsewhere. One critical area of prayer is in our own lives to ask the Father, “What do You want to do through me in this particular (perhaps challenging) situation so that the world will know Your nature & SEE Your ways, Your plans and Your purposes. How do You want to CHANGE ME?” Many times when I face a situation in which I may be struggling, Holy Spirit prompts me to examine my motives and whether my desire would best honor Him. Too often I have found selfishness, pride and/or an “all about me” attitude! Until we model Christ-likeness and boldness in that state of humility, esteeming others more highly than we do ourselves, returning GOOD for evil and speaking life into the lives of others who are struggling with a need for a sense of purpose and value, we will not address their lack. The world needs to SEE our actions not simply hear our words. We need to be living examples of the miracles GOD does on a moment-by-moment basis in each of our lives to build His nature IN us, being BRIGHT lights that direct all to the wonder and majesty of our Father. YAY! For the postings of Mr. Piro & Ms. Penner. We, as the body ARE changing! And, as we change, we may expect that change to bring greater change into the lives of others as well—all to GOD’s glory.
Amen, such a good word! Let the change begin in me.
OT God explains He did not completely clear out the enemy from the land. Upon disappointing midterm results, that was my comfort. One day God will indeed flex His mighty right arm of righteousness, nations will know that our God, He is God almighty. What a mascot lambs/Christians, but our victor is the Lion of Judah! Until now we’ve never played hard ball, acquiescing, cowering, giving up piece by piece; what does that look like today? Keep praying His most Holy Word, keep looking up, Holy Ghost fire is your wall of fire you + your family + office staff Zachariah 2:5 knowing greater are they that are with you than against you.
Bless you for writing this and for giving a deeper, clearer perspective – it helps me to deepen in praise and trust. Thanks so much!
Amen. Thank you for that uplifting perspective.
I still am going to pray hard because a lot of people voted for women who do not have the country’s best at heart, or who have even broken immigration laws, just because they wanted a woman.
Praying that eyes and ears will be opened through the Holy Spirit.
Heads up Intercessors: In two counties in Florida, the left are seeking to unseat Rick Scott from the race he just won, also DeSantes for Gov. is also at risk. They still haven’t call the race in Arizona for McSally.
Our Lord God, we ask that you would not allow wicked men and women to thwart the election in Florida and Arizona. I ask that you would make this crooked road straight before Rick Scott as he takes this to court, my justice be served for the sake of Florida. We ask that no wickedness thwarts McSally and the Arizona people also, dear Lord. Bring all darkness to light, dear Lord. In Jesus name, Amen
My heart is burdened to say that until the church takes seriously the Great Commission, and goes out into the fields (which the Lord says are ripe for harvest) to win souls, we won’t see much change on the political scene. As believers we can not sit on the side lines. Get out and win souls, then disciple them, and you’ll see politics take a change for the better. Our goal should be evangelism and discipleship. When hearts turns to Christ, political views will naturally align with scripture, as people grow in faith. Let’s pray for more workers to go into the harvest field, and let’s be among them to go, and be ready to share the Good News in season and out. Regarding the mid-term elections, I’m very grateful to God for all He has done, and is doing even now behind the scenes to answer prayers. Thank you to Intercessors of America for keeping us informed on prayer needs. To God be the glory! Amen
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, I went to bed Tuesday night praising You for the election and woke up in the morning praising You again. America was founded with Godly principles and Godly men who read Your Word and look to You for guidance. We continue to look to You for guidance and whatever the outcome or result, we will praise you.
Thank You that we can still say God bless America.
In Jesus’ name, amen
We are well able to take this land! The Lord delights to see His people stand up for His ways, we will not lose heart, we will endure through our prayers, intercession and persistence – through our faith in the Captain of our Salvation! The walls of defense of evil ways will be demolished. Fear not the darkness and deception of the enemy. Our God will never leave us nor forsake us. The enemy will try to silence our voice, but keep speaking the Word of God, in love, over our country. Let us be strong, courageous and consistent. The battle belongs to the Lord!
Watching Hannity, Levine, Lou Dobbs, Ann Coulter…all of them were tremendously pleased with the outcome of the election. Perhaps they don’t know it, but might we be the “why” things went so much better than they expected? Did not record amount of people go out and vote this midterm, like it was a Presidential run? The guy opposing Ted Cruz was given 85 million dollars, are we not part of the reason this did not work. And Florida, they were hitting Florida with everything, to include perhaps making a Hurricane more deadly through artificial means, no matter the death and destruction. Did this prevail, NO. So, realize the Lord has worked through our prayers, not cuz he needs us, but cuz he is training us for our role eternally. We need the Justice system in America to be fixed so that when treason and treachery is
revealed, the perpetrators are rightly prosecuted. Now that will be a focus. Lastly, 45 Republicans retired, the biggest wave going home in the last 100 years or so…they ran from the huge battle on the hill. In the worst political climate ever, brave souls put their lives on the line to run for these seats. So the Republicans that are the new ones may be of better stuff. This also is very good…remember a lot of Republicans were fighting the President also. “Praise You Lord, you know the beginning from the end, help your children to not become weary in the doing of good, even when we do not see clearly that our fasting and praying has helped. You are at work, we still have a country which means you are still applying Grace. Praise you, our Captain and King. May your will be done in America, and may America bless You. In Jesus name, Amen