I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, we pray for these women who courageously stood up for the unborn.
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Two elderly pro-life activists have been convicted and may face prison.

From TrendingPolitics. In a shocking verdict, two elderly women, Jean Marshall, 73, of Kingston, Mass., and Joan Bell, 74, of Montague, NJ, along with Jonathan Darnel, 41, of Arlington, Va., were convicted for their involvement in obstructing access to an abortion clinic in Washington, D.C.

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The incident, which took place on October 22, 2020, has now culminated in a potential decade-long prison sentence for the elderly women. The defendants each face up to a maximum of 11 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a fine of up to $350,000. …

The trial claimed that the defendants had conspired to create a blockade at the clinic, preventing both the provision and receipt of reproductive health services. …

The immediate detention of the elderly activists has created a debate on social media. Julie Kelly expressed her disbelief on Twitter, stating, ā€œMy God. A DC jury just convicted 2 70+ year-old pro-life activists and a DC judge immediately ordered them into custody.ā€ …

Share your prayers for these two women below.

(Excerpt from TrendingPolitics. Photo Credit: Maria Oswalt on Unsplash)

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Tina M Mosier
September 22, 2023

Dear Lord, we come before the throne. to seek your guidance, and bring our petition before you and ask that you will be done in these ladies’ lives; we are in a world of violence and anger that are aimed at the good you have in this world. Father, I pray that your hand stretches at the evil plans men have for these two ladies and that your power of protection be present as they face the scrutiny of evil men. In the name of your son, Christ Jesus, intervene in these lives, as well as all others who fight against the killing of innocent babies. Dear God, these babies are yours, and you have set us to lead the paths to protect them; give us strength to do so.
I pray in Christ name, Amen.

Angela D.
September 21, 2023

Father, You set the captives free; and You open the prison doors of those who are bound. These elderly ladies and the 41 year old man who was with them are innocent of the charges that have been brought against them. Let all of them be completely vindicated. Let credible witnesses step forward to tell the truth that these two ladies and the man with them did nothing wrong. Thank You, Father, for sending Your assisting angels to help them speedily in the mighty name of Jesus.

Priscilla Meyenburg
September 20, 2023

We cry out for the aborting of our children in this land, and we speak and decree life for the unborn in Jesus name! This government administration is abusing their power! We decree that those who abuse and misuse their power shall be restrained by God. Two 70 year old women who have been praying for these abortion action to cease are being accused of ā€œfor their involvement in obstructing access to an abortion clinic in Washington, D.C. Father we need release for these two women. They did not get a truthful court hearing it was made up of hired judges of the left wing side of government of this failing administration. We prophesy that these elected officials, judges, lawmakers shall be limited to the fair application of law, not a prove our point of we will show you fear. Father it seems to me that they are abusing their power for personal gain or injustice of control. We bind the demonic influence driving government abuse of authority in the name of Jesus. We say all falsely calculated efforts by high- level leaders shall be struck down as they are trying to harm these elderly women. God they were just standing, doing nothing racially. We bind the work of liars who spread unjust defamation, we say they should be held accountable, pushing for 11 years in prison, as well as 350,000 dollar fine. God these ladies were just making statements to protect the babies from being aborted. God we are asking for true justice for these women. Jesus as we read Ecclesiastes 5-8 we see the abuse of government power is not new, Jesus restrain these verdicts for these women so they can be set free. They were not rioting, they just had signs with words save the babies. Restrain these abusive judges and prosecutors who are for abortions and they are evil in all of their judgments for believers. This sickness the deep state has show a deep hatred and are very extreme in their judgments. God we ask for a clearance of these harshly set verdicts for two elderly women who were just trying to protect children from murder. God do what you do best and set these women free. Shake the judges and jury who serve evilness. Jesus these women were courageously in their stand against Satan and the people who Satan uses for his destruction scheme. We thank you Jesus for all you do, I ask in Jesus name to send a release on both of them. šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøāœļø

Susan CC
September 20, 2023

Isaiah 22:22, Job 12:14
Dear Abba Father, Your Word says, what You open no one can shut, and what You shut no one can open. What You tear down cannot be rebuilt and the one You imprison cannot be released. Please hear our prayers for Jean Marshall, Joan Bell and Jonathan Darnel. I am praying opening and shutting, tearing down and building up, binding and loosingā€¦.You know the beginning and the end of this mockery and it is just that, a mockery of justice. I pray You will have Your way with each individual involved and I ask that they will know this intimately. I am praying in the Name of Jesus Christ, in the Spirit of Truth and know it is all for Your Glory, Lord. Amen

Mary E Jewell
September 20, 2023

Dear LORD God of the heavens and earth, You have created mankind in “Your Own Image.” These days, when many of the multitudes in our land are now bowing their knees to Baal and they fall for the lie, just like Adam and Eve did in the garden. Eve chose the serpent because the snake lured her into his grip to eat the evil fruit that was not to be eaten. But Adam was then lured into Eve’s temptation and received it and ate it. You, LORD, know the way of salvation because You make a way for mankind to live under Your wings in the Holy Place, of those whom You had created. So I pray that You, LORD, will set up an invisible wall where those who fall for Baal that our current political leaders have fallen for the lie too, and how they can butcher these babies in the slaughter houses across our country. And then they sell the parts from “the pure tiny bodies,” like gamblers, who keeps on stealing and for profits, auctioning off who gets what and who other gets whats? They defend themselves in their evil deeds and then passes along to the ones who are gullible and fall for it. And our present nation’s political system does not have a conscience, and YOU, LORD, will separate the sheep from the goats. Even though I am in my own personal situation, and felt it now for many months, I am fighting for the way of the LORD’s Army, to wake up the people who are living the lie and pray for them to receive the truth. And I bless those who follow the LORD Who reigns over the whole world. In the Name of our LORD Jesus Christ, Amen

Jeanne Sophia
September 20, 2023

May the truth be revealed, may God’s Love and Justice be applied!


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