I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You for shining light on the misdeeds of Pfizer, and we thank You for using Dr. Malone to clarify the problems highlighted by Project Veritas. Bring justice to this situation, God!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dr. Malone’s expertise paints the recent Project Veritas videos in a new light. Let’s pray for truth and justice.

From The Epoch Times. Dr. Robert Malone said he was “entirely emotional” after seeing Project Veritas’s undercover video in which a research director of Pfizer claimed the company’s scientists are talking about mutating the SARS-CoV-2 virus to “preemptively develop new vaccines.”

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Dr. Jordon Walker, who was or is a Pfizer employee, stated in the video, “One of the things we are exploring is, why don’t we just mutate it ourselves so we could create—preemptively develop new vaccines?” He added later, “We’re going to consider that, with more discussions.”

Malone told NTD Business that Walker’s statement acknowledges something quite significant.

“The buried lead in all of this is that it is an implicit acknowledgement that Pfizer is not able to produce the product that would be necessary to get out ahead of this virus and allow people to be protected using a vaccine,” he said.

“What is being said is an implicit acknowledgment that the products aren’t working, and they can’t make them work without going to extraordinary measures of these genetic manipulations, which they hope might solve their problem of getting out ahead of the virus evolution.”

‘Profoundly Disturbing’

In the undercover video, Walker told the Project Veritas journalist: “Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone. The way it [the experiment] would work is that we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them.”

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine uses messenger RNA (mRNA) technology. Malone, a pioneer in mRNA technology development in vaccines, shared his understanding on Walker’s statement from a technical perspective.

“He’s talking about modifying domains of the virus,” Malone said. “And he’s talking about serial passaging in monkeys … and serial passage, this infecting one monkey and then taking virus from that monkey and putting it into another into another into another, demonstrates—this is what bothers me the most—it demonstrates an immunologic naivete at Pfizer. Remember, this is a senior Pfizer executive responsible for strategic planning.”

“What they seem to believe is that they can generate mutant viruses … and then somehow obtain viruses that are more pathogenic, or more infectious, that are escaping vaccination,” Malone added. “And then once they’ve developed those, then they can potentially develop a vaccine against those. So what they’re what they’re really talking about is attempting to accelerate in a more controlled environment using monkeys instead of humans—which have very different immune systems—so that they can anticipate the evolution the virus is going to take.”

Malone said that the situation is like a “self-licking ice cream cone, where they create the problem and the solution at the same time and then sell us the solution once the problem either manifests or somehow inadvertently ends up in the general population, such as happened in Wuhan.

“This is profoundly disturbing. Even just the fact that this gentleman would joke about this is profoundly disturbing.”

Pfizer’s Response

Following the release of the Project Veritas video on Jan. 25, Pfizer ignored multiple queries from The Epoch Times and other outlets before it issued a statement on Jan. 27, in which it denied having “conducted gain of function or directed evolution research” in the “ongoing development of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.” …

‘Directed Evolution’ Versus ‘Gain-of-Function’

Walker, in the initial undercover video, denied that the kind of research he was referring to would be characterized as “gain-of-function,” and instead called it “directed evolution.” …

But for Malone, the terms refer to similar or the same things.

“This is really parsing of words or substituting one set of words for another that really are equivalent—or if they’re not equivalent they are so close to each other as to be irrelevant,” Malone said. …

What do you think of the Project Veritas video, and what do you think of Dr. Malone’s response? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Christine Berger
February 2, 2023

Pure wickedness! Pray God’s people. Not enough to just read Intercessors information. We are responsible once we read these articles that IFA reports on. We are accountable to pray.

February 1, 2023

FATHER GOD please use this information to put Pfizer out of business! They are advocating mutating the covid disease to make a vaccine that works. Please shut them down! I believe they want another pandemic and I bind satan in Pfizer and these evil scientists trying to “create” another disease in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Donald Vader
February 1, 2023

I pray that more people will come to an awakening a revelation of the truth about the vaccines that less would be harmed and would come to Jesus and that those responsible that God would remove the veil from their hearts and see the truth and turn to Jesus and we give you thanks and praise for the truth to be revealed in the name of Jesus… Amen

February 1, 2023

And knowing these things the government is still mandating vaccines. We are being deprived of needed services because these mandates are still being pushed. What kind of government requires people to be vaccinated with meds that destroy us and keep us as Guinea pigs with a sinful and harmful practice by companies that don’t care? POWER AND GREED. Father, please help us. Please put out of business those that would harm others knowingly. I know when we stand before You they will get their just rewards, but it is now that the innocents are being destroyed – harmed – and maimed. Change them if they allow. BUT remove that power and greed from them as they are removed from their positions. Help us oh LORD. We thank you in advance. In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ. Amen

Laura K
February 1, 2023

Insane and disgusting. These men and women are playing god but there is only one God of all power and that is Jesus Christ our Lord.

Rise up O Lord and defeat the enemies of our souls and bring about righteousness and justice.


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