I Prayed have prayed
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Dr. Dobson urges intercessors everywhere to pray for President Trump. IFA is compiling a list of names of people who are committed to praying for President Trump in 2018. Click here to join our list. The entire list will be shared with the President.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all peopleā€”for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim 2:1-4)


On Friday, January 5, 2018, Dr. James Dobson joined IFA on our First Friday Prayer Conference Call to pray for President Donald Trump. This was not political. Dr. Dobson is asking believers to devote a day, of our own choosing, to spend fasting and praying for President Trump.

Dr. Dobson prayed the central verses of Intercessors for Americaā€”1 Timothy 2:1-4, as well as Proverbs 21:1. He shared with us that President Trump has asked for prayer and responds with sincere gratitude when he is told that people pray for him. Click here to share a prayer directly with President Trump. Let him know that you are praying for him!

Here are the prayer points from Dr. Dobsonā€™s prayer:

  1. Lord, speak to President Trumpā€™s heart.
  2. Draw him relentlessly to you.
  3. Give him wisdom and strength to handle his daily responsibilities.
  4. Give him wisdom in international relations, especially regarding North Korea, Iran, and Israel.
  5. Protect this nation and his family from danger.
  6. Bless our churches, schools, farms, businesses, military, and institutions.
  7. Pray for this generation of children who have been subjected to wickedness that we have never seen in our history.
  8. Pray for our country, founded on the Bibleā€”may God lead us in perilous days, revitalize the Church, fill our hearts with love, and soften the hearts of people for spiritual renewal.
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September 27, 2018

Rev Jack Brooks. I’m in agreement with you. I need to see Jesus in Trump,not what he is speaking and etc. now. And with Kavanaugh I pray the Lords will be done with him and I pray for his accuser, as a victim myself it is very hard to speak up. May the Lord’s will be done.

Robert Satterfield
January 26, 2018

All 8 of the above I pray for. Please Hevenly Father, in the name of your Son Yeshua, bless our Nation and install a pure clean heart in our leader President Trump.?

Belay Woldemaraim
January 17, 2018

I am praying for President Donald Trump daily. Because God spoke to me that before the election 2016. He can win the election to take the position, but he is going to face the giant through out his presidency.
Now that is what is happen right now. As god spoke to me before the election, and I am praying for him daily for Devine guidance, wisdom and knowledge.

Betty wilson
January 17, 2018

I pray regularly for the president and those in authority, for their safety, for wisdom from God, for discernment, for truth, for wrongs to be uncovered and dealt with righteously. A group of us also meet every Friday to pray together for all of you. We thank the Lord for what He is doing in our nation!

Sharon Roach
January 15, 2018

I pray for President Trump everyday. I pray for the wisdom of Solomon. I pray Psalm 91 and Isaiah 54:17 over him and his family and our military. You were hand picked and anointed by God to do battle for the soul of America. Continue the good fight. Thank for exposing the evil in America in politics, media, entertainment, pedogate,etc. Drain the swamp and bring all the evil down. Expose the corruption at all levels of America. Thank you for obeying the call of God on your life. Thank you to our precious First Lady for the excellent job she does as well. Her class, kind heart, and even her fashion style is a breath of fresh air, plus she is PROUD to be an American. May God continue to bless, and protect you and your family. Here is to 4 more years. Hoping to see Ivanka becoming the first female president. Love to all the Trump family. Sincerely, Mitchell and Sharon Roach and family, 138 Shangrila Dr., Choudrant, LA. 71227

Chuck F
January 15, 2018

I pray this for you and yours daily:
Starting with you Mr. President, that those in positions of authority are righteous, made righteous or replaced by those who are righteous and that they are annointed with F.O.G.G.,
Fire, Shalom and Holy roaring Boldness. That they are annionted with a Seer annointing and that Abba/father would assign legions of angels to you and yours to guide,guard and minister to you. I ask that the hand of the MOST HIGH continually be upon you to annoint you with;
Favor, Stature, Power, Revelation !!! Finally the blessings of Deuteronomy 28:1-14 and Deuteromoy 6:24-27
P.S. He always hears and answers our every prayer Amen.

Janice Hoelscher
January 15, 2018

I prayed for Pres.Obama, his family, his cabinet and Congress. My prayer was/is that the Lord’s will be done through the person. I am not praying for any harm be done but there be enlightenment.

    L C Hall
    January 15, 2018

    Good. I am so glad to hear it. I had a Christian friend (leader of a Bible study I attended at the time) who said she was praying ‘against’ Obama, and I don’t care what politics a person adheres to, that didn’t sit well with me.

L C Hall
January 15, 2018

All of these prayers make me so very, very sad. I am willing to bet that most of the people who are so fervently praying for President Trump here, did not pray these same fervent and loving prayers for President Obama. The difference I see – and I am a Christian, not a troll – is that so many Christians are praying ‘for’ President Trump, whereas they prayed ‘against’ President Obama. Both presidents were equally put in place by God. He loves them both with the same love. The same love. Absolutely identical. My heart weeps.

    January 16, 2018

    Your accusation is not true. Many of us pray for the President (whom ever he is) as the Bible instructs us to do. Please join us in praying for our President.

      L C Hall
      January 16, 2018

      It wasnā€™t an accusation. It was a simple question.

    January 16, 2018

    Many people did pray for the former president. It was hard to be happy about his presidency, since he made so many decisions contrary to what most of us Christians believe. Not to mention he lied and operated his administration underhandedly. God does love him too but he chooses to worship a false god and lie about that. He is now leading a group to undermine this president and overthrow his presidency. Is that a value you believe in?

      L C Hall
      January 17, 2018

      I am deeply saddened in prayer and tears – and yes, I have given this much weeping prayer- even asking who to vote for. I will pray for the president because the Bible commands me to, but I do not respect him. I cannot respect an adulterer, and one who uses such bad and vulgar language continually. And I do mean continually. Just listen to any recent rally speech, it is peppered with hells and damns. Does that sort of person command your respect as a Christian? Do you speak that way around your children? Does someone who a decade ago bragged about sexually assaulting women command your respect? And if you counter with – ‘Yeah, but that was 10 years ago and he repented.’ Other men have lately had their careers fall down around them in tatters for things they did way more than ten years ago – and repented. Billy Bush, the young man who recorded that Access Hollywood tape lost his job over it – even though it was ten years ago, while Trump went on to be elected president.

      Also, I have not seen the fruits of repentance in him. He brags about not needing forgiveness. Just Google it. Seriously. It’s not the mainstream media lying – it’s all there in his own words.

      I’ve heard it said that ‘God has raised him up for such a time as this,” Well, God raises all sorts of people up for various times in history. Hitlers, and Caligulas and others. God raised up Obama and then Bush before him.

      I’ve prayed so carefully about this, I’ve searched for answers and no, I cannot and will not vote for him again. But I will pray. And that should be enough. That is what’s called for in this missive by Dobson – not support. Prayer. Prayer for this broken country.

Mary Larson
January 14, 2018

Father God in Jesus Name, thank you for our President Trump…fearless in the face of evil and yet soothes us with humility and grace during what must be the most trying yet rewarding time of his life! Lord, please protect and guide with your divine wisdom and understanding! We call the host of angels and command them to pull down every stronghold that exalts itself against our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Jesus Name, smash, trash and bushwhack the devil! Make the devil toast and give Isis a crisis in Jesus Name! Uncover, uncover,uncover, every hidden agenda that sells to kill and destroy! I pray Your kingdom come…Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven regarding the White House!! We give all the glory and the praise to Almighty God…our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…!

Sandra Campbell
January 14, 2018

We pray for Our precious President Trump. God chose him & we are so thankful. ??ā¤ļøāœļø??

Donna Carrico
January 14, 2018

I pray for President Trump. He is a baby Christian and my prayer is that he will grow more every day. I pray he will follow Godā€™s leading. I pray for his safety and that of his family, Vice President Mike Pence and his family as well as all who are leaders in our country. God Bless all of them. I pray a hedge be around them and our country that the devil and all his demons cannot cross over.

Doris Sayler
January 14, 2018

I try to pray for President Trump and America everyday ! I thank God for giving America a Christian Man to lead America! I Thank Good for President Trump. ,Vice President Pence and their Families! I ask Good to keep them save !

January 14, 2018


    L C Hall
    January 14, 2018

    Did you pray for Obama with the same fervency and love? God brought him to power too.

Tammy harman
January 13, 2018

Pray as we all should that he has repentance and ask forgiveness for his sins and change through Christ. if we want to be saved we needed forgiveness of sins and humble heart pray God humbles him to realize he is just a mere man in need of the father forgiveness it is important that we all apologies for our sins and try to become more like Christ Please pray Trump gets a message like this keep this in our prayers for Mr Donald Trump. Thanks for your sacrifice for us all do for the Father so you can be pleasing in his eyes for every knee shall bow every tongue confess of Jesus Christ and are need for forgivness. Tammy prays Love all , laying down are lives , as God servants is the beginning of wisdom for God Loves all people wishes no man to perish ,!!

Callie McGee
January 13, 2018

God has allowed President Trump to be our leader at this time.I pray we all will remember God’s ways are higher than ours. His thoughts are not our thoughts. We all need mercy and not justice.

Jeannie L Neihoff
January 13, 2018

This is a call of prayer, not a calling him out. Please pray encouraging words and cover him and our nation under the blood. I pray Lord you would restore our nation and give continued wisdom for President Trump whom has been set forth in our nation for such a time as this.

Linda H
January 12, 2018

Yes, itā€™s important to pray for him , but itā€™s also important to follow the biblical model and call him out for his lying, his vulgarity, his adultery and greed and grotesque racism. We must follow the example of Jesus who prayed and cried over Jerusalem, yes, but who also told the Pharisees exactly who they were and what was wrong with them. We must also follow the model, too, of the OT prophets, Isaiah, for example, who did not shrink from calling a spade a spade. THAT is a biblical model too.

    January 16, 2018

    President Trump has good intentions and wants to do good things for us. Instead of looking at the lying news media, you should ask the Lord to show you the heart of our President of the United States of America. He may not say the right things all the time but his heart is after the Lord and he is surrounded by many strong believers. Man looks at the outside but God sees the heart of man.

Marilyn Johnson
January 12, 2018

I pray for President Donald Trump every day and for his family and loyal cabinet members. I pray that the Lord will put a hedge of protection around him and his lovely family and his loyal cabinet members, that he will hear the Voice of God and obey when he hears. I thank God every day for a President and leader of our country who is honest, sincere and genuinely committed to making our country great again! God bless President Trump and keep him safe from all harm & danger!

January 12, 2018

I pray that the assignments and word curses against Trump and his family be broken in Jesus name. I put the blood and cross of Jesus between those assignments and Trump. I break all spells, incantations, and vexes put upon the President, his family, and friends, and loyal cabinet members. I pray that no weapon forged against Trump shall prosper and every tongue rising against him will be condemned. Lord, you prepare a table in the presence of his enemies.

January 12, 2018

Father, I pray for our leaders all of those whom You have placed in office to lead this country in a way that would bring us in unity back to You, our Lord and Savior. I pray that Satan would be bond on earth as he is in heaven, and He would have no power in the working of our government. Father put a guard on President Trump’ s mounth so that only words of edification will proceed from Him. Give Him peace, strength, and all he needs to lead this country. All these and more in Jesus Holy Name.

Phyllis dano
January 12, 2018

I,too, have been praying for this administration since Donald trump was elected. He is our last chance for our nation. If he fails, itā€™s our fault for not praying.

Betty Kay Price
January 12, 2018

I am praying for Donald Trump among others in our govt. daily. I have been doing this since before he was elected. Thank you for making this a priority and public.

Olivia Belk
January 12, 2018

My prayer is that President Trump believe in the true God of the Bible and believe in his Son Jesus Christ. I will continue to pray for his salvation. Once that happen he will change his heart and the language come out of his mouth will be righteous. God is with our President. God knows and hear your prayers. Amen

    Peter Vidrine
    January 15, 2018

    I’m glad God imbued you with the skill to know is saved as who isn’t.

    Someone needs to be God until Christ returns… I guess that’s you?

    Cheryl Watson
    January 21, 2018

    It is always right and good to pray for salvation. Be encouraged, Olivia, and God bless you

Rev. Dorothy Moore
January 12, 2018

God’s will be done in our country and in the leadership of our President and congress.

Rev. Dorothy Moore
January 12, 2018

Prayiing daily for the President.

Barbara Capps
January 12, 2018

I am committed to pray for our country and our President daily In Jesus Name!! Amen..

Sandra Owen
January 12, 2018

Father,I ask that You give President Trump The wisdom of Solomon. And that he would make only wise choices and decisions. I ask that You would give him the heart of David to follow hard after You, to hear You every time You speak to him and to be quick to obey. That he would guard his tongue and his heart. I ask that you would give him the integrity and values of Ronald Reagan and even greater. If he doesn’t have his spiritual language yet, I ask that You give it to him and let him use it frequently. I ask for Your protection for him, his entire family and all those that You have given to be a part of his administration. Let him take refuge under Your wings and cover him with Your feathers. In Jesus Name, Amen.

January 12, 2018

Father God,
Thank You that Your Hands are on President Trump. Thank You that he is the one who You have called to lead our country during this time. We thank You that You are protecting him, his family, our leaders and their families, and our nation. Continue to give him Your wisdom and Godly counsel for the many decisions he is making on a daily basis. Give him Your strength, energy, peace, and guidance. We pray that You will continue to bring revival to our country, and around the world. We thank You that You work in and through the prayers of Your people. We thank You that You do above and beyond all that we ask, think, or imagine according to Your power that works within us. We ask this in Jesus Name, amen and amen.

Scott Davis
January 12, 2018

Yes, prayer is the answer.

Helen ?
January 12, 2018

I pray daily for our President, our nation and Israel. I count it a privilege and a duty to seek Gods face on behalf of our nation. Blessed is the nation whoā€™s God is the Lord. Revive Us Lord. Call us out of darkness and shine your light in our hearts.

Marie Sue Thomas
January 12, 2018


Rev. Jack Brooks
January 12, 2018

I don’t want to prevent the impeachment of Donald Trump, if in fact he cooperated with a foreign power to influence the outcome of the election. What I want is for the truth to come out, and for justice to prevail. If that keeps him from being imprached, good. If that results in him being removed from office, good.

    January 13, 2018

    I pray that Christians open their eyes, hearts and mind to the truth not only in the media and political stage but look through a Biblical lens at the issues and problems facing our nation. Don’t take sides and spew political talking points investigate facts yourself pray and ask the Lord for DISCERNMENT in these times of deception…trying to destroy our nation from within. If America is transformed into just another nation found in the world…where is truth,hope, and love going to come from for those struggling with oppression and horrific natural and political events?!?

Edna Canino
January 12, 2018

I join in this prayer.

January 12, 2018

Lord Jesus, what Satan meant for evil and disharmony, please turn for good. Keep our country full of love and peace. Thank you for the discerning comments i have read from our African,El Salvador and Haitian brothers and sisters. Help us all live together in agape love, forgiving and moving forward toward self improvement, so we all can be better stewards of God’s resources, Lord, guard our President’s mouth and actions to only reflect Your love.

Sara Seal
January 11, 2018

Has anyone spoke to President Trump about the Holy Spirit and being filled and
Praying in tongueā€™s?

January 11, 2018

I pray for Mr Trump. Mike Pence and their families almost daily. I know in my heart that if they are to succeed and survive, it will be by God’s grace and protection. I pray God would give them the wisdom of Solomon and the heart and courage of David.

Faye Fife
January 11, 2018

I am praying for President Trump in obedience to the Word of God to pray for our leaders.

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