UPDATE: We still need readers in the following states: Washington, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Montana, North Dakota, Georgia, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, & Delaware, as well as Washington, DC; Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands. If you have completed the reading for one of these states, let us know so we can check off your state as complete. If you can invite others to participate in these states, share this article!
As intercessors all over the nation have pressed into the Lord during this pandemic pause, many have heard that it is time to fit ourselves with the armor of God. We are inviting you to the Day of the Sword–a nationwide Bible reading event that you can join from your home. We are reading aloud the Word of God completely in one day (April 27), with readers in every state. We know when the Word is read it doesn’t come back void. Here are the details:
Monday, April 27, 2020 – The Day of the Sword
Psalm 19:1-4 tells us
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.”
Pastor Arthur Hunt of Arkansas has developed a program called The Cleanse USA – God’s Way – which makes it easy for the Body of Christ to work in unity, pick up our sword that is the Word of God and read the entire Bible cover to cover over our nation – state by state – very, very quickly.
We think that is a great idea for this time and are asking you to consider participating in this effort on Monday, April 27, 2020.
EASY AS 1 – 2 – 3:
Pastor Hunt has painstakingly portioned the Word among the 50 states, 2 Territories and the District of Columbia. If you are working alone, it will take you approximately 90 minutes to read for your state, but this is why it is so good and pleasing to God when His people work together (Psalm 133:1). If you gather a small team of 5 to 7 people, it only takes 15-20 minutes per person! (Editor’s note: I did this in the fall with the author. I was so blessed! I read fast, even aloud, so it took a little over 1 hour. The Lord ministered to me personally while I was reading. It was a great blessing.)
- SIGN UP TO READ FOR YOUR HOME, CITY, STATE & NATION: Visit The Cleanse USA website here to get your state’s reading passages, and commit to read God’s word aloud on Monday, April 27, 2020 before sundown.
You do not have to sign up to participate! Click the link above, click on your state, and read the passages assigned. - RECRUIT FRIENDS & FAMILY: Multiply your efforts by encouraging family and friends to participate. Ask 3 people to help you, then ask them to each ask one more person. The more who agree to read, the more quickly we are all covered! Consider praying together before you begin! Many people are more open to spiritual activities during this quarantine.
- COMPLETE THE READING: Working individually or as a team, read your state’s portion. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to stand in the gap for the nation, and the world, with our arms raised in praise and in worship. THEN REPORT BACK: Let us know when you have completed the reading and what state you are from here on the comments of this article, on The Cleanse USA Facebook Page, or by emailing [email protected].
We have participated in this effort several times since January of 2019 and have never been disappointed. It creates a great sense of purpose and unity within the community of people who engage. Our nation needs this more than effort.
Be sure to share this announcement with others. The more hands, and mouths, on deck the better right now. Dressed in His armor, we are still called to take up our shield of faith and pick up our Sword. Both of which require action on our part.
The heavens declare the Glory of God. May Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
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Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. As a 501(c)3 organization, it's through your support that all this possible.

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[…] the National Day of Prayer, I participated in a call for the Bible to be read aloud in one day across our nation. Each state was given a section to read. I didn’t know if anyone else in my state was […]
Is “The Day of the Sword” a movie? Sounds pretty cool, like “Game of Thrones”.
Can we read the part where Jesus was involved? Or, are we limited to the Jewish Hate God? Asking for a friend.
I declared and decreed His Word on Monday 4-27-20 1Samuel 25-31; 2 Samuel 1-9 and my friend read 1 Samuel 19-24. It was an amazing experience. I know His Word went out into the atmosphere with power and joy and healing and revelation.
Late receiving this. Read the WORD daily. Great idea. Pray it lasts when we return to daily business. Can never be normal again!Y
I was not able to access this info until now. Too late, but I am so impressed with the people who are reading and searching for information and, most of all, seeking God’s face and praying to Him for answers to our most recent medical dilemma.
Thank you
Our intercessors from Grace Fellowship in Timonium, Maryland, were greatly encouraged and blessed by our participation last night. The verses we read were so very appropriate for us as we are called the ‘watchman’ by our pastor and we have been praying about becoming a ‘house of prayer for all nations’. We often use the prayer points from IFA for our times together.
Praying that the frequency and power of The Word is opening the heavens and preparing the atmosphere for the great outpouring of The New Wine!
I covered for Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. I read their portions–II and III John, Jude, and all of Revelation. It led to prayer, too. I prayed that God would bind and rebuke the principalities, powers, spiritual wickedness in high places and the rulers of the darkness of this world that have jurisdiction over our Capitol. May God grant us a revival and an outpouring of His Spirit in repentance, humility and the fear of the Lord!
I have read Florida’s chapters Psalm 72 thru 107. Lord hear our prayers. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to read your word for Florida. The sword of the Spirit is your word.
Just finished reading Galatians Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and 1st Thessalonians having spread it out across the day. It was a blessing to read and pray for America. God bless America 🙏♥️🙏
I finished my prayer watch from McKinney Tx. My scripture portion was 1 Corinthians. A huge blessing and a privilege to pray in unity with the body of Christ in one accord asking ABBA mercy for all the sin and for all type of idos to be unrooted from men’s heart and for God to put a heart of flesh, a heart that desires Him over all.
Hawaii has read Genesis 27 – Exodus 7.
From Virginia completed Ezekiel 22-38 before sundown.
Oklahoma has finished our part of scripture reading!
I read the Scripture readings for AZ
Just finished reading out the Bible passages for California. It was a wonderful opportunity to be a part of this Day of the Sword.
I completed the readings for Washington DC and Puerto Rico.
For New Hampshire, Deuteronomy 5 -27 has been read.
I just finished reading Ezekiel 25 through 28 is part of a group of friends who have been reading the Virginia portion today! 🙂
It was a wonderful pleasure and privilege to share in the Word around the nation throughout the Body of Christ !
Reading completed in Missouri.
[…] Many states have completed their portion of scripture for the Day of the Sword. (Read the original article and explanation here.) […]
I finished reading the portion for Pennsylvania–Daniel, Hosea, Joel. What a blessing! I was by myself at home and was blessed and challenged and found numerous portions that lent themselves to prayer-for our nation, leaders, the church, family, myself, etc. It wasn’t just a Bible reading time, but a prayer time as well. My prayer is that not one portion of the Bible will left unread today, and that it will be read in its entirety more than once, numerous times, between all of us that are participating. Further, my God’s Word not return unto Him void, but accomplish that for which it has gone forth!
I am doing my reading in WI and several friends in MN have done their reading too. My daughter in SC said she was going to read there too.
Father, You are the source of all healing. No doctor can make our body mend. We seek Your face today as we read the WORD and pray for our nation and the world. Father, we have sinned against You in so many ways through our thoughts, words, and deeds as well as not doing the things we should do in obedience to YOU. Cleanse our nation from abortion, gay marriage, pedophilia, porn, illegal drugs, immorality, killings, robbery, and other types of sin too numerous to mention. THE BLOOD OF JESUS HAS PAID THE PRICE IN FULL. May many people turn their live over to YOU at this time and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. We praise You and thnak You Jesus for the sacrifice You made to redeem our lives from the pit of hell. Amen and Amen.
REPENTANCE is called for
Absolutely and in total agreement. Unfortunately for a wide variety of things!
My prayer group prayed this morning for PA!!!!
Thank you so much Robin!!!
Group of seven read Indiana portion of scripture. We were blessed to be part of this. God bless America and may we truly be One Nation Under God!
Finished my reading for the state of Texas
Thank you Gloria so much for doing that. Did you all have a team working together to complete all the readings for TX? Thanks!
Colorado had a number of teams who just decided to read the entire thing early and allow all other readings to happen as extra Word going out. We dearly loved and enjoyed engaging in this act of faith and obedience. I really did appreciate what one person commented, “more important is obedience to the Word than the reading of it.” Let us all come into agreement with our actions and our words. Amen!
Amen! To all of that. In Hebrew the word “shema” covers both hearing and obeying – with the assumption that if His word is heard, it will be obeyed. So our prayer is ALSO that it is heard as it goes forth and is also obeyed…
Prayer completed for Michigan
WONDERFUL! Thanks for standing in the gap for your state and for our nation at this exceptional time in history!
May God bless you and keep you, shine His face upon you and give you peace!
Father please Bless our nation as we all read your Word today
Amen and thank you so much for helping! This is making my heart so happy and helping me feel so much better. You all are amazing!
Hey Shelly, California is locked and loaded for our readings and will proclaim the goodness and mercy of of Yeshua Moshiach with a shout of praise.
AMEN AND GO GO GO CALIFORNIA!!! 🙂 Thank you Linda – let us know when it is done so that we can check California off the map as completed!
Thank you and I will be in intercession today with you all on today’s ” Day of the Sword”, April the 27th, 2920
I will be praying today at 1 pm in Michigan
Thank you Melissa & Peggy!!! Thanks for helping.
Father, please bless the reading of Your Word. We who love You and are Your faithful Servant’s confess the sins of Colorado and of our Nation. We pray You will see the hearts of Your people and cover us with Your Spirit and umbrella us with Your mercy.
Thank you Gary and AMEN! We have received word that Colorado finished their section bright and early this morning. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Can I do NY & Vt simultaneously?
Gerianne! Absolutely – 100% you don’t have to read at a specific time…we just wanted to get people to do it today during the day. In fact, it’s portioned out so that if we concentrated our efforts nationally and do this again to read at a specific hour – we could cover the whole nation in one hour. Again – not that we want to do this fast and recklessly or anything, but we should understand that we can pull our sword out quickly to fight, or rather ask Him to fight for us, when we need to also!
Oregon State. I will be doing this.
Oh thank you so much Teresa because I had OR down as one of our states where we were hoping someone would raise their hands! Thank you so much – just let us know when you have finished it! Have a blessed day!
Thank you. I finished reading aloud all of the listed chapters , Deut. 28-Joshua 10, at 2:10 pm PT.—-Blessings, Tere
I am in Bradenton, FL
My husband and I will be doing this.
Thank you so much Marcie! I hope it blessed you all and you find new little nuggets in your portion that stand out like never before!
I have a team in PA
Marcie & Elaine! Thank you so much…this is wonderful to hear. I had PA down on my list wondering if someone was on it – so thanks for being ON IT!
We have completed the reading for PA. It was a blessing. Many portions are favorites and meaningful.
Elaine – I am SO happy to hear that it blessed you to do this. I love doing this. It makes me just so happy – the Word is alive and being breathed all over our nation. Thanks for helping it go forth!!! – Shelley
With the greatest respect: Reading GOD’s Word while very, very important–IT IS OBEYING THE WORD THAT WE READ which is essential if we would see GOD’s answers to our many prayers.
I totally agree. In every possible way with this!
Today, May GOD pour out HIS Holy Spirit on people as they take time to quietly read the sacred scriptures and may HE cause HIS Word to sink deeply into their hearts, so that lives may be transformed by the power of HIS Presence. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Micah 6:8
HE hath shown thee, O man, what is good: and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Amen Mari!
Wonderful idea!
We are so excited and can’t wait to see what comes from it! 🙂 Thank you!
Iowa will join you tomorrow!
Also Iowa has been given the awesome task of inviting the nations of the world to join Iowans in repentance on July 14 of each year connecting with 2 Chronicles 7:14. We are uniting around the world on July 14, 2020, to read God’s word together as ONE beginning at 7:14 am in each of the 24 time zones. The reading of His word on this day and time will say we are humbling ourselves before Our Heavenly Father as we pray and seek His face and turn from our sin-filled ways, asking Him to hear our cry, forgive our sin, and heal our land.
Visit: You will find a “Letter of Invitation to the Nations” on this page and contact information.
Because each time zone has from one to twenty nations involved, we just ask for each individual to find scripture he/she/they believe would be valuable to be read over his/her/their nation and read from 7:14am to 8:14am on 7/14/2020. A wave of continual reading of God’s word over the nations for 24 hours!
Oh wonderful Dianne! Thank you for reading and thanks for this other information too! How terrific!
Go Iowa Go!
I guess I can do this tomorrow for Kansas City MO
Thank you so much Rochelle – as far as I’m aware right now (9am cst) no one has raised their hand for MO so thank you and hope to hear back as to how it went!
This is Awesome!!
I am so glad this made you happy! Let us know how it goes and if other people were interested in helping you (and where you are located if you do the reading so we can keep track!!) THANKS!
I tried to send this email to the address given (for N.C.–Larry Pane) and it refused to send. I will call if no reply is forthcoming here, but decided I’d ask my question here first just in case I’m not the only one with the same question.
I’m interested in the Day of the Sword but not sure I understand. I am N.C., and I see that John 6-Acts 3 are assigned in portions to my state. I’m thinking I’d be committing to a portion (not to all of the portions) if I were to participate. Is that correct? The invitation on the IFA web page said you don’t have to sign up. ???If we don’t sign up…how does anyone know which portions need to be read?
Thank you for your reply.
fran idziak
What an excellent way to bring unity in the body. The Sword of the Day.
Stuart FL has been holding Bible Reading Marathons each year. 2020 is our 20th year! 90 hours of NON-STOP reading at Memorial Park, day and night, over 5 days, with over 365 readers,reading 15 minutes, each at their chosen time. Bible Pathway, Murfressboro TN originated the BRM.
We use the version closest to the version that created our nation,open public access, without publisher controls.
“Thou hast magnified the WORD above all they name”
Psalm 138:2
“For the WORD of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,
HEB 4:12
Hi Fran!
That is the whole portion of scripture for your state. But as you can see it is subdivided into smaller reading sections so the idea is for you to reach out to a few people to help you with the whole portion and engage other people at the same time! This allows us to both read His word outloud as our sword and encourage others to pick their sword up as well.
Does that help clarify? You don’t have to sign up. If you do, then if they do a national opportunity for reading again they could more easily notify you.
So happy NC is raring to go!!!
Thank you! So I don’t need to tell anyone or read into a conference call line or anything like that–I just commit to see that our NC passages all get read om Monday before sundown–correct?
That’s right. You can either read through all of that by yourself – or ask friends and family there in NC to read with you in the shorter passages OR BOTH. We just are asking people to read their state assignments so we can be sure the whole Word gets covered.
Then when you are done please just email and let us know. I tested the email again and it seemed to work so if you are having trouble with it again just post back here to let us know and will mark NC DONE! Thank you so much for helping!
Hi Fran. This will be my 1st time also. I will read for Ohio and when I checked out the passages for this State, it involved 25 chapters. So I decided to involve other friends to ensure they all get read. Hopefully many others will be reading in each state, as well. We do this at the city hall every year with all the churches in the city who want to participate. I think it’s just the New Testament, from sun up to sundown. We sign up for a time slot, show up, and read for 20 minutes. It’s awesome. Be blessed.
Karen – that is absolutely perfect and exactly how it is meant to be done. You can do it alone but just from personal experience it is a great small group project. Thanks for letting us know that OH will be covered and let us know when it’s done so we can check it off on our map! Have a blessed day!
Hi Fran, I saw this Sunday night. If you are on FB, I’ll connect.
I signed up. Plan to prepare myself by repenting for personal, state and national iniquities and asking the a lord to speak to me as I declare His word aloud. I will read, pause, listen and take notes expecting Holy Spirit’s guidance, revelation and strategies. This will take most of the day but we’ll worth the time in the presence of our Most High God! His word is alive and He is worthy to be praised
Hi Helen! Thank you so much for signing up – can you let us know (here) what state you are reading for so others can see – if you don’t mind? We are trying to keep track and THANK YOU for taking the time to do this. It has been such a rich and rewarding experience in the past when our little group has done this…we are excited to see what happens when so many more are engaged! Thanks again!
I am in a rural area near Crestview, Florida. I will be reading and proclaiming all the references for Florida and I will email when finished. I am on several prayer calls & webcasts seeking God for a mighty revival worldwide. To be in His presence is my delight.
Doing a night watch tonight 6-9 with GZI Mon 9-midnite, Wed 12-3 am & Thurs 3am-6 and tonight I will start a 3 day fast.
Global prayer with ICEJ Wed and Thurs reading through Psalms with readers from several nations in their native language.
We cannot give our Holy God enough praise and worship for He is worthy to receive the glory.
I am so looking forward to The Cleanse USA as we declare His living, creative word over our states with humble and repentant hearts.
I have reading Isaiah 58 since Friday.
That is SO wonderful to hear and so encouraging!!!! I love Isaiah 58 also…thank you for helping with this effort too with so many other things that you have underway. Good reminders for us all to take some watches in the middle of the night and keep alert!!!
Amen. Do something new in our day Lord. As people read Your Word aloud, speak. And cause us the listen. Listen. Listen. And respond.
“I read fast”?
This is the precious WORD of the One who created the whole universe.
The point in reading the scripture surely is to hear GOD’s voice to our hearts, not just to read “fast”?
Does GOD talk fast?
JESUS is the WORD. HIS Word is HIS Person. Would you hurry GOD?
Read carefully and listen to HIM closely –something that cannot be done “fast”.
Lord please help more people come to You and Your Holy Word. Please give people a desire to read the gospel. May Your words enter their hearts and minds and may they turn towards You. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
AMEN Ken! Thank you!