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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray that You would bless and protect President Trump and lead him to grow as a godly and righteous leader of our nation.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

We encourage you to watch President Trump’s speech at an Evangelicals for Trump event in Miami. Are you passionate about praying for President Trump and for our nation? Check out the One Voice Prayer Movement.

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January 9, 2020

Declaring 2 Chronicles 7:14 over those called by His name. Praying that believers seek His face, humble ourselves and turn to Him for our wisdom, unity of believers in the faith of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach). By His Holy Spirit we can repent, forgive, bless and not curse, and be His Light to the world.

January 8, 2020

Lord God almighty maker of heaven and Earth! Make know that’s no matter how much we pray you will or not save us from disasterous consequence of unrepentant sin! Like ignoring the fact that:
Our government spending spread across 128 million households (per the Census Bureau), that yields $293,750 in spending for every household. that is almost $300,000 FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD!! The only way that is possible is for pervasive corruption in both the government and people being addicted to spending without care of knowing how horribly disastrous it WILL end! Unless we repent of our addiction to the Joy of the World the Flesh and even the devil and find our best Joy in Prayer by the grace of God to sacrifice for each other! So to truly be crucified like Jesus who sacrificed all for us!

Sharon S
January 8, 2020

May we as Intercessors not bow down to praying about gossip and things
of which we know not the truth. I pray that any trolls on this prayer forum be revealed and transformed through Christ Jesus. Amen!

    January 8, 2020

    Yes and amen. Jesus, stop all the lies coming against Trump. And reveal the truth of his doing more for Christians than any other president. If Trump has not been elected to office we Christians might be locked away in prison by now. Father, bless Trump for protecting us and for his standing with Israel.

Caroline Epp
January 7, 2020

Father I pray for your divine protection over President Trump from sexual sin with Paula White-Cain. Father speak to both of their hearts about this. Place a shield of protection around both of them from any wicked ways. May they conduct themselves worthy of the gospel of Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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    Doug Brown
    January 19, 2020

    Amen. Before reading Caroline’s prayer, it occurred to me that there could be sexual temptation between them. I agree in prayer asking you, Lord God, to keep them from this temptation. Father, let them place a hedge of protection around their interactions to keep them from sin, so that you will be honored and so that they will live lives that glorify you and your Son, Jesus Christ.

January 7, 2020

It appears as though my pastor, Jentzen Franklin, is in this photo. Jentzen calls for a 21 day fast at three beginning of every year. This year’s fast began Sunday. We should all fast something (even if it cannot be good) for the next 21 days On behalf of Trump and our country. …..God, Continue to show Yourself strong on behalf of Trump and his staff. Cover them in Your blood and cover all of us who pray for Trump in the blood of Jesus. Lord, please bring even more pastors to pray blessings on our President. Bring even more people to IFA to pray. Jesus, increase our numbers and increase the influence of IFA. Amen

Caroline Eagan
January 7, 2020

Psalms 133:1, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”!
This scripture came thru the prayer gathering today also. The Lord is pleased when we come together to seek Him and His wisdom!!!

Pamela Williams
January 7, 2020

I was there and it was the most awesome experience . The work our Mighty Creator is doing through our great President is just great . It’s just like our God whatever HE does is well done. As we continue to pray for our President , nation and repent of the sins and evil the past administrations had committed and perpetuate into other nations our Elohim will do is part and make America great again.

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