I Prayed have prayed
Father, reveal truth and justice to our nation. Guide us with Your wisdom and discernment.
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A Michigan judge decided Monday that supporters of President Donald Trump may publicly release and discuss information theyā€™ve collected from an analysis of voting machines and data in Antrim County. . . .

After a lawsuit brought by Antrim County resident William Bailey, Circuit Judge Kevin Elsenheimer, a former Republican lawmaker, allowed Allied Securities Operation Group and Bailey to take forensic images of the countyā€™s 22 tabulators and review other election-related material.Ā . . .

On Sunday, attorneys representing six Michigan Republicans who are challenging the stateā€™s election results asked the U.S. Supreme Court to allow them to file new evidence under seal ā€” meaning itā€™s not released to the public ā€” including a ā€œforensic examinationā€ of voting machines in Antrim County, according to a letter obtained by The Detroit News.

ā€œThis evidence is crucial to a just resolution of the cases pending before this court,ā€ the Michigan Republicansā€™ attorneys wrote to the U.S. Supreme Court. ā€œThe petitioners stand ready to provide the evidence to the court under the procedures it deems appropriate.ā€

Click Here and Scroll down to the bottom of this article to view the Revised Preliminary Summary

(Excerpt from Citizen Free Press. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Share your prayers for this release. . .

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E Wong
December 15, 2020

God, these voting machines/software belong in corrupt countries where they came from. Let there be enough sense to send them back to Venezuela & China! Such blatant forms of iniquity will not be tolerated! This land is holy because of the righteousness of Jesus. We expel these machines and send them in a basket back to its origin, Shinar! Put a leaden cover on the WICKEDNESS from Nov 3 from infecting Georgia’s Jan 5 election.

Zech 5:5-11
“5 Then the angel who talked with me came forward and said to me, ā€œLift your eyes and see what this is that is going out.ā€ 6 And I said, ā€œWhat is it?ā€ He said, ā€œThis is the basket that is going out.ā€ And he said, ā€œThis is their iniquity in all the land.ā€ 7 And behold, the leaden cover was lifted, and there was a woman sitting in the basket! 8 And he said, ā€œThis is Wickedness.ā€ And he thrust her back into the basket, and thrust down the leaden weight on its opening. 9 Then I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, two women coming forward! The wind was in their wings. They had wings like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between earth and heaven. 10 Then I said to the angel who talked with me, ā€œWhere are they taking the basket?ā€ 11 He said to me, ā€œTo the land of Shinar, to build a house for it. And when this is prepared, they will set the basket down there on its base.ā€

December 15, 2020

As reported in the Epoch Time on Dec. 13, Dominion Voting System is clearly affiliated with foreign powers who work very hard to undermine the electoral integrity in America.

Sidney Powell raised the option that President Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order on Foreign Election Interference to deal with the widespread electoral frauds in this election. This was what she said:

In September 2018, Trump signed an executive order that says ā€œnot later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election.ā€

Powell also noted that Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has only a few days left until he is to prepare his report to the president, according to the September 2018 executive order. Itā€™s not clear whenā€”or ifā€”Ratcliffe will issue the report, as no public confirmation has been given so far. Little mention has been made of the executive order since it was issued more than two years ago.

Here is a link to Sidney Powell’s interview with JAN JEKIELEK of American Thoughts Leaders. Have a read.


Father God,
America is at the crossroads in this critical moment. The electoral frauds uncovered so far in this election tell us how bad the situation is and how entrenched it has been in our nation. It is not something which can be fixed in a short time given that each of the three branches of government, the White House, the Congress and the Supreme Court has their own problems and interests. They seem to have forgotten that they are chosen by you to steward the nation, as such, they must serve you with all their heart, all their mind and all their soul. They must act justly, show mercy and walk humbly with you. So far, they are not doing that.

Father God, let me pray for the Supreme Court justices, I pray that they will fear God, stand firm on truth and justice, recognize their own inadequacy and seek the will of God when pondering the various litigations of electoral frauds in this election.

Father God, let me pray for the Congressional leaders, I pray that they will fear God and honor biblical values in their rulings, laws, and decisions.

Father God, let me pray for President Trumpā€™s key advisers, I pray that they will fear God and that God would be glorified through their actions.

Father God, let me pray for President Trump, I pray that he will get the wisdom from you to handle the many issues arising from electoral frauds in this election; also give him the power and courage to act righteously and timely to stop electoral frauds in their tracks. If he has to invoke the 2018 Executive Order on Foreign Election Interference to ensure free and fair election for the nation in future generations, enable him, empower him, embolden him and surround him with good people to get the job done once and for all.

I pray these in the glorious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

December 15, 2020

Please see update on Dominion audit. See article below. We need to pray into this.

Amistad is running with this new bombshell regarding Dominion in Michican and demanding evidence to be preserved in 5 swing states. Praise God!

Lord God, as You move swiftly on behalf of Your children and Kingdom, catch the enemy off guard and render them defenseless.


    December 15, 2020

    We need to pray about the AG’s response to the expert report in Antrim county. The media are already getting ready to “debunk” it. Mr Biden’s speech yesterday was telling- preprogramming the masses that there is nothing more to say and anything that President Trump is a liar. Lord we come before your throne. Please move in power and deliver your people and please expose the truth.

      December 15, 2020

      I am thinking about a new prayer point. I would like to pray for Mr. Biden. I would like to pray that he have a mighty encounter with our Lord, Jesus Christ. I pray that this encounter brings Mr. Biden to his knees……….and that this encounter troubles his heart about the election results………that he sees and is saddened by the voter fraud evidence going on……..That Mr. Biden comes forward and admits IF he did wrong doing and his part in it……………and that he choose to HELP in exposing GODā€™s Truth of the matter to reveal and correct the COMPLETE election fraud with the help, guidance and wisdom of our Lord Jesus. In the name of Jesus I pray and Stand on His Word. Thank you Father for hearing this prayer. Amen.

      I also pray Psalm 91 over myself and others who pray this prayer. In the name of Jesus, you have heard my prayers. Thank you. Amen.

      December 15, 2020

      Standing in agreement regarding the AG’s response to the expert in Antrim County.

      Lord, cover this report with the precious blood of Jesus. Let no man undo what You have done. Bring forth a new army of prayer warriors, cover them, and cover the intercessors that have been and are currently praying for justice. Bring those that have been discouraged back into the fight!

      Continue to take the enemy by surprise, blow after blow, confuse them, frustrate them, have the enemy come against their own. Paralyze the enemy, Lord where they are unable to function in any useful way. Let All the enemies efforts backfire and backfire indeed! Cause massive confusion in the enemies’ ranks. Let that Jericho wall come crumbling down! Praise You, Lord! Amen.

        December 15, 2020

        Lord we also bring Maricopa county AZ before your throne, which is also going to do a forensic audit. Lord reveal what is hidden in the darkness. Thank you that the barley loaf is rolling down the hill. Please protect the machines and forensic audit reports. We also bring Fulton county GA before your throne. We ask that you would make a way for the results and the machines to be independently verified. In Jesus’ name. Amen

December 15, 2020

I thank You, Lord, for revealing truth! Now I pray that You will provoke the media to get the truth out so everyone must know. Bring truth totally out and not fall to the ground and be hidden again! Please, Father, bring this cheating, lying and stealing be brought to justice. I pray that the people who are responsible will have no hiding place and that they must face the fact of their crimes. Perhaps in the revelation they will come to repentance.
Protect the good witnesses and their families, and if harm has been done I ask that you will vindicate them and return four times what they have lost. I ask that the evidence will be protected and help the attorneys to effectively use it.
I believe that the evil people will stop at nothing to carry out their evil plans, even great harm. I pray that they will be stopped in their tracks. May they fall into the snares that they have set for others. May their own words convict them. Through their conviction may they know that You are God of Miracles.

Dave K
December 14, 2020

I am praying the right judges will listen to the testimonies, be reasonable and come forward, make the right decision to uphold the constitution and the American people, and to make a ruling that this election was unlawfully rigged in Bidens favor. I pray Gods favor and blessings on President Trump and that he will be victorious and be our President for the next four years. Amen, and Amen!

December 14, 2020

This should be more than enough evidence to prove beyond any reasonable doubt in any court of law, that the 2020 elections was 100% illegally rigged by corrupt Joe Biden and the Communist, Socialist Democrats using Dominion software.

This software was created for the sole purpose to rig elections and was used by the corrupt Democrats.

Not to mention all the evidence of Mail In Ballot Fraud. People voting multiple times. Hundreds of thousands of dead people voting. Video proof of illegal counted votes.

This is absolutely a no-brainer. It is the most easiest case to prove, of massive, widespread voter fraud in all of U.S. history and Judges and Courts are MIA.

Supreme Court, and other state judges, have so far decided to turn their backs on America and American voters. They have turned a blind eye to truth and justice.

They have cowardly and miserably failed do their job. They are a complete and total failure. They are a National Disgrace.

They have refused to consider the overwhelming amount of creditable evidence and ignored the law and their responsibilities.

They are afraid of the truth and they do not have the courage or moral integrity to do the right thing.

This can’t help but, lead one to believe that they are also involved with and part of this criminal enterprise.

Please God, convict the hearts of these judges, Justices and courts to do what is right for the American people.

If they do, Donald Trump will remain the Presidency of the United States.

In Jesus name Amen.

    December 14, 2020

    Amen. Standing in agreement to your prayer regarding the judges. I came to the same conclusion. I watched today’s Arizona hearing and it was difficult to stomach, because the left’s lawyer was bragging about all the cases that were dismissed in regards to Election fraud in Arizona. I couldn’t finish watching it.

    I find it very difficult to believe that all these cases were judged honestly and fairly due to the evidence and sworn testimonies that has been brought to light.

    I also heard many of the witnesses in the first Arizona hearing from poll workers to IT professionals giving very poignant and credible testimonies. By the end of the hearing, the oversight committee was unanimously aghast by the testimonies and were on fire to do something about it.

    Lord God, I pray You guide these next several cases to the right judges that have the integrity to judge these cases fairly. Keep these cases away from the corrupt and biased judges. In Your name, we pray. Let every backroom deal be exposed. Amen.

      December 15, 2020

      God bless you EAN. We we all continue to to pray and ask God to intervene and bring justice. Thanks for encouraging. God bless.

December 14, 2020

I both asked and had a sense that something was going to break today – this is huge. Of course there will be the usual naysayers on the left that will pull out every lie in their arsenal as to why “this doesn’t matter”. Oh sure – sort of like when hundreds of thousands of supporters showed up repeatedly at Trump rallies in support of the president. As so many of the public fools & media flunkies who consider themselves wise said “it doesn’t matter – they’re all (president supporters) idiots”. No – we are not! When you defraud a nation, God sees it. Every move a holy God sees! Election fraud NOT ONLY defrauds the individual(s) who actually won but it defrauds a nation of citizens. God is not to be discarded to the roadside as if He, the Almighty isn’t watching.
This hopefully will open the door for further FBI & DOJ review – it should and Lord, we boldly ask for that immediately – that there would BE NO DELAYS.
But many probably also praying realize this. This small but important revelation means but one thing. 29 states, multiple more cities / towns or other will now have serious and completely credible doubts hanging over their entire elections at every level. It also means that elections from the past “have the potential to be in doubt”. That is good. You know, where questionable people at every level of gov’t were elected to positions and the citizens of every state said “Really – how did that happen”? I never voted for that person and they got in office. How did that happen? And people of God – you know that fraud, from Dominion has been ongoing. We are not talking about just this years election but years back.

All of sudden, the Talibs, Omars, Presslers, Pelosis, Swalwells, governors, mayors, etc, etc. – The list is endless. So keep praying & interceeding because there is about to be more war in the heavenlies brought to earth. Because hell does not want to give up even though hell already lost. We must be firm in the call to continue to pray at all hours in order to achieve the high ground God wants us to ascend to.

Intercessors – thank you. Be encouraged. Jericho March – thank you for your faithfulness to what God led you to do. GOD ALMIGHTY – we are humbled before you in thanks. We continue to ask you to let the your sword of truth, integrity and honesty fall on the USA. We ask that the dominoes of complete exposure would fall on the fraud and illegal election activities – every bit of it………..until it becomes evident that the most serious election crimes in the history of our nation have been ongoing and committed to the citizens of our nation. Lord – DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING. Let them have no defense. Let what they have done penetrate deep into marrow of our justice system, causing both investigations and a cleansing. We pray that these investigations be followed by disclosure, prosecution & justice so that it will resonate throughout our land – causing people of all walks of life to call upon you. We ask that it would create and restore of holy fear of God Almighty. We know that many Hearts will fail because of the deeds they have done.

You are a great & mighty God and there is none like you Lord. We are in awe of you Lord. We fear you Lord. May that reverent fear spread through our government officials again, our businesses & the people of the land.
In your holy name we ask this – amen.

    December 14, 2020

    I agree 100%. I pray that God put an end to the corruption which disenfranchises the God-Fearing, Patriotic American Citizen. This I Pray in The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Susan Lucille
December 14, 2020

Father may this evidence be placed firmly into the hands of those with current cases pending, supporting their claims and serving as solid evidence.

Lord let the cases be heard in Jesusā€™ name,


Rosemary Barkley
December 14, 2020

I am so appalled and sorrowful for our Nation Under God which seems to have lost all its power to react to this horrific proof of Election Fraud. God be with us.

Is there any remedy at this point? God please help me (us) to understand why we are in this position. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    December 14, 2020

    Do not be discouraged. Every step is a huge spiritual battle and we needed this forensic report. The enemy is fighting tooth and nail every step of the way. The Lord is hearing and answering prayer and is in control. Antrim County, though it is a small county could be used by the Lord in a Gideon moment. May that loaf of bread roll down the hill and deal with the enemy: Judges 7 v 13.

    “And when Gideon was come, behold, there was a man that told a dream unto his fellow, and said, Behold, I dreamed a dream, and, lo, a cake of barley bread tumbled into the host of Midian, and came unto a tent, and smote it that it fell, and overturned it, that the tent lay along.”

    Lord may this dominion report start the barley loaf rolling down the hill. In Jesus name. Amen

December 14, 2020

This is huge! I really needed this today.

Thank you, Lord for this information coming to light! I repent for my discouragement these past couple of days. Thank you for hearing our prayers. May this report be widely known in the US and worldwide. Allow Dominion to be investigated from it’s core, so there can be no doubt that Dominion was used for ill gotten gain. Allow this company to be exposed to a level where not even the false media outlets can keep it from being public knowledge. Expose all the backroom dealings.

Let there be public outrage. Allow many on the left to turn to You. Help them recognize how badly they have been lied to and brainwashed. Have their disgust in media manipulation turn to repentance as they seek Your presence.

Let it expose an avalanche of more evidence that not even the most corrupt of judges can twist into haughtily dismissing. Let the avalanche of real evidence and exposure come to light so fast that it catches the enemy off guard indeed. Let it cause confusion in their ranks. Have the enemy become so frustrated they come against each other so complete disorganization and massive failures pile on top of the other.

Continue to expose the lies and corruption of the enemy. Expose the corrupt politicians, lawyers, judges, journalists, fake news outlets, social media outlets, etc. that have fought hard to keep America from the truth and are so very quick to mock those seeking righteousness.

Bind the mouths of the liars and bind the hand of the evil doers. Have the witnesses that have had their cases be dismissed by corrupt judges be vindicated. Bless President Trump and his team be vindicated and vindicated indeed.

Thank you for the Jericho March on December 12th and other such events for the courage of your soldiers on the ground. Thank you for the intercessors on this platform and others worldwide that are praying for justice.

I pray you continue to comfort, protect and guide your intercessors. I plead the precious blood of Jesus Christ over their households as well as the households and all those that are fighting for justice.

I pray the enemy (whether earthly or in the spiritual realm) to be deaf and dumb to all of our prayers so they will not be able to instigate counter attacks. Turn this around, Oh Lord. Let your soldiers move from their defensive stance to offensive and keep pushing forward.

I plead the precious blood of Jesus over this prayer. Praise You Lord for You are worthy. Amen and Amen.

    Cristina Conlon
    December 14, 2020

    I stand in agreement with this prayer in theMighty Name of Jesus.

    Mary Diecidue
    December 15, 2020

    I stand in agreement with this great prayer…….Thank you Lord for hearing our cry!!!!!May your will be done …… Defeat the evil that was done ==== God Bless America!!!! God Bless President Trump with another four years…….May our Lord be glorified!!!!!

December 14, 2020

Praise the Lord. I pray this case will be heard and tried by SCOTUS. The victory is the Lordā€™s and we Praise and adore Him who fights for us and for truth and freedom in the USA. and I pray this will open the door for many similar requests. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™

December 14, 2020

This is an answer to prayers intercessors. It is disturbing yet most of us knew the truth before it would be revealed. It also tells me that SCOTUS rejected the TX lawsuit too soon – because the TX suit basically stated that what happens election wise in other states affects the entire nation. I’m NOT talking about Dominion which we know is nothing more than a Las Vegas rigged slot machine for dishonest politics. I’m talking about the “fallout and after-effects” of fraudulent elections. No matter how little or big, it eventually will affect everything. Its called the slippery slope – SCOTUS needs to learn that certain things must be tackled.
The Dominion programmers, software suppliers and anyone associated with this right now are in full spin mode. And full protective mode. It also means that FEAR will grip them – a holy fear.
It means Satan has gone into overdrive again to try and protect the territory he “thought” was his. While I hope it doesn’t happen, I think we should expect it will get ugly again.

Lord God Almighty – during the weekend, I believe many of us were asking you for some breakthrough. Something that would reflect You are hearing our cries for help. I know that I kept thinking about Dominion systems . We humbly thank you for this truth coming forward. Now we ask again for you to protect those involved in further exams of these systems. Let no one’s attempts to alter or erase these systems remotely be successful. Place your holy angels to stand guard over them at all hours in every location. Where systems have been “hidden” Lord that need to be found – guide the right people, people who long for truth, justice and honesty — allow them to find them. Let those who have willingly played along in these schemes and plots be found. Allow your holy fear to descend on them and show them they have no way out except the road to confession and forthrightness.
And for GA, there needs to be some kind of executive action to stop the further use of Dominion machines in the voting AND THAT INCLUDES THE RUNOFF. We pray for this Lord God & ask your mighty hand for a miracle.
Let no defense or lawsuit of Dominion systems brought forth to protect what was discovered – let NONE of them have merit or standing and DO NOT ALLOW THEM to be successful in delay or misguiding the courts or the representatives of the state of MI.
And we pray that those who knew about the MI Dominion system and willingly agreed to use them – we ask, declare and decree that they will be charged, prosecuted, fined & removed from any further positions that allow them to be involved in election technology or in government. Any official(s) that were a part of this scheme of hell – allow them to be exposed in the name of Jesus.
We ask this in your holy name…amen.

December 14, 2020

Praise the Lord. Since praying for President Trump, I have discerned that every step is a spiritual battle for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities. Intercessors must pray without ceasing through every case currently pending and going up to the Supreme Court. The enemy seeks to march towards Israel, that is what I sensed in prayer. This is about the church and Israel. Lord thank you for this report. Please show what are the next steps. Lord please continue to expose what is hidden in the darkness. Grant victory in the Supreme Court on important Constitutional issues. Lord you are the highest Judge in the land and we come boldly because of the cross. Thank you that you are not biased against us, thank you that you do not interrupt our submissions or prayers and thank you that you do not mock our petitions. Thank you Lord that we can get a fair hearing before you. Lord overrule the Judges in the land who do not adhere to your principles of justice. Thank you Lord and praise your name.

    Cristina Conlon
    December 14, 2020

    In Total agreement with the Intercessor as perYour Word in Mathew 18:18 ā€œTruly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” in Jesus Name.


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