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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would stop this blatant attack on former President Trump and his associates. Expose the truth in this situation, God, and bring justice where it is needed.
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The unrestrained attack on former President Trump continues. We must pray for truth and justice where both are sorely needed.

From Fox News. The Department of Justice has issued a flurry of over 30 subpoenas to aides of former President Donald Trump, a source familiar with the federal investigation confirmed to Fox News.

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The Justice Department also seized phones from two top Trump advisers in the investigation, which aims to probe Trump’s unsubstantiated claims of a rigged 2020 presidential election.

The dozens of new subpoenas mark a rapid escalation in pressure applied to the Trump camp by the DOJ.

The Justice Department is investigating allegations of phony Electoral College certifications from 2020 that declared Republicans were the electors voting for Trump and Mike Pence when in fact Democrats had won and voted for President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Timothy Parlatore, an attorney for Trump confidant and former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, confirmed that Kerik received a subpoena last Tuesday to appear before a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Sept. 23. …

What do you think of this? Share your prayers for truth, justice, and former President Trump and his associates below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Darlene Estlow
September 16, 2022

Father, bring the evil into the light; expose it so it can become light as Ephesians says. Let truth reign and evil lose.

Betty Ford
September 15, 2022

I am praying in faith that God is going to bring the truth to light and those who are of the devil will be exposed an defeated in their efforts. No weapon formed against a born again believer in Jesus will prosper . Any tongue that would rise against the Christian will be defeated in Jesus’ Holy Name.

September 15, 2022

What I think is what everyone else knows. The DOJ has been weaponized and is in full tyranny mode. Right now, they resemble Roman Emperor Caligula in their approach to “rid themselves of political opponents”. Their goal is to stop real Pres. Trump through any means possible – which means 99.99% of what they are doing is illegal. But they don’t care – this has been the plan since Trump was inaugurated in 1/17. These people simply don’t care – they are completely given over to corruption, so any/all criminal means is legit to them. We have to remind ourselves of a very important fact – they are “using the law” in order to break the law. They have the power & the Biden administration is counting on people’s ignorance of their legal rights to bulldoze people. They use fear, power, financial devastation, deprivation, etc. to wear people down.
*Please – Let’s be faithful, in unity, to pray continually for Pres. Trump, his family, everyone that represents him legally or was involved in his administration, etc. These people NEED OUR PRAYERS. Continue to pray for the truth to come forward, that hearts and minds would change from supporting & pushing lies to confessing truth, that courage would rise up to slay the giants and that God would intervene in miraculous ways that we have never seen. Let’s continue to pray for confusion, self-indictment, verbal “slip-ups”, infighting, frustration, etc. to be the “norm” among the people ‘assigned to attack’ for purposes of political gain or character assassination & destruction. Let us also pray for God’s perfect justice to fall on the enemy camp and that God would begin removal of individuals who willingly chose the path of “attacking the innocent”, knowing full well what they were doing was / is wrong & criminal.

Barbara Janicki
September 15, 2022

These corrupt politicians and the corrupt media, woke corporations and global elite that support and cover for them, must believe that if they could get Trump out of the way, there would be no opposition to their plan to destroy the U.S., take power and join forces with China in a global world rule, which if we look at how China “governs” its citizens, does not bode well for anyone except the few rich elites who are doing this to the rest of us. That’s what they believe BUT is it true? or would we along with millions of other freedom loving Americans, continue the fight to reclaim our country, our Constitution and our God given freedoms? This is bigger than one person – they are trying to make it about Trump – but it has never been about him – he was just the one who put policies into place that benefited us and our country – they want our country ruined, he was making it stronger. We all have to get involved, stand up and speak out where we are, can they silence an entire country? We need to take a page from the playbooks of the pilgrims, the pioneers and the patriots, – perhaps corrupt politicians (who are “history deniers and rewriters”) have forgotten to factor in the indomitable, American spirit of the individual, who in the past has risen to every challenge and triumphed over adversity, evil and injustice every time. Why should it be any different now? They have counted us out. Let that be their fatal mistake. There are more that love this country than not. Let the silent majority be silent no more. They think they can control the majority like China does, with propaganda, lies, deception – time to prove them wrong. If they can do this to Trump, they can certainly do this to any private citizen. We should not be afraid of our own government – they work for us. remember “government of the people, by the people, for the people”? time to get that back . . . http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

September 15, 2022

If you desire truth and justice, lock him up!

September 15, 2022

Father God , creator of heaven and earth, you who swallowed up King Pharaoh and all his evil armies in the Red Sea.
You will defeat this wicked people with all their investigations. Satan will not prevail. Rise and let the enemies be scattered..
lord bring down your salvation to our country and let truth prevail.
We praise you Jesus Christ for bringing your salvation and blessing to all who are being investigated. Father speak on their. Behalf.
We praise you Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.

Carol Pignatelli
September 15, 2022

Father, you have called President Trump for such a time as this, wake up the self
righteous christians, renew their minds in your word. Expose the media for speaking
lies constantly on regular news channels!
They the people are being led to slaughter and allowing America to be destroyed!
You will save America and our christian values and the nations too. We plead the blood of Jesus over our government!

Brian lynch
September 15, 2022

More of the same nonsense from the communists in D.C. Anything that thet do is a sham. Those of us who see things for what they truly are need to cry out to the Lord about this injustice. Lord, I pray for honesty and integrity to prevail, especially where the Justice Department is investigating the disputed, questionable 2020 election results. Lord Jesus, we need sanity and decency to return to D.C. By Your great grace, bring this to pass. Root out and expose the evil for what it truly is. In Jesus’ mighty name.

Linda Hudgins
September 15, 2022

Father God we as for your rightness in our land, this is your land we call forth order in our land. We call the goat ruling to a halt and break their authority and over this land in the USA.

September 15, 2022

“Unsubstantiated claims of a rigged election”???
There is so much proven substance of voter fraud and election corruption it is overwhelming and sickening.
LORD Jesus, truth and justice are the foundation of Your throne and You have been given all authority in Heaven and on Earth. We keep our eyes on You, the author and perfector of our faith. We put our trust and faith and hope in You that YOUR truth will prevail and all corruption will be dealt with according to YOUR justice.
I lift up every person who has been persecuted and mistreated because they support President Trump and the ideal of making America great again.
I pray for Your favor, healing, and restoration to rest upon them and their families.
I pray that You return America to the vision this nation was founded upon. Protect and uphold our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and may we be one nation under God.
Help Your people remain strong and steadfast in the midst of adversity. I plead for the blood You shed on the Cross to cover us. Amen.

September 15, 2022

Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, God the Holy Spirit, please protect President Trump, his associates, and their families from trouble and surround them with songs of deliverance. (Ps. 32:7).

Please make haste to help them, O Lord our Salvation, (Ps.38:22.)

And please turn all the evil schemes of satan and his White House/DOJ/FBI proxies against only themselves instead.

“Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.” ~ Prov. 26:27

“The Lord is known by His acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands.” ~ Psalm 9:16

In Lord Jesus’ Mighty Name, amen!

“The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is His name.” ~ Exodus 15:3

    September 15, 2022

    Thank you for the scripture references! God promises His word will not return to Him void.

      September 15, 2022

      You’re very welcome, Rochelle, and you are right, indeed!

      God bless!

Connie Segeleon
September 15, 2022

Dear Gracious God, I come before you in prayer that all those in leadership spreading untruths be brought to light and Justice prevail. Through you this is possible. You tell us to pray for our leaders, I am praying that they turn from the evil one and turn to you. Amen

Connie Segeleon
September 15, 2022

Dear Gracious God, please stop those in leadership from causing harm. Open their hearts to your ways. Please stop the evil that is present. Amen

Kelly Marie Nixon
September 15, 2022

Dear Jesus, Please Help!!

September 15, 2022

You, LORD God of hosts, are God of Israel [& the whole world].
Rouse yourself to punish all the nations;
spare none of those who treacherously plot evil. Psalm 59:5


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