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Father, we pray for greater oversight in our government. We ask You to prevent taxpayer funds from paying for radical indoctrination in our schools.
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Two DOE programs creation bolster our “security and prosperity” are instead funding anti-American and anti-Israeli schools and professors.

From The Daily Wire. A pair of Department of Education programs meant to boost national security are funding college departments that employ anti-American professors associated with campus anti-Semitism.

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The National Resource Centers (NRC) Program and Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships program aim to bolster “the security and prosperity of the United States” by training future diplomats and foreign language experts. But these grants often go to university departments housing radical professors whose ideologies clash with that of the United States diplomatic corps.

According to an analysis from OpenTheBooks, Columbia University used its radical professor Dr. Joseph Massad as a selling point in a successful grant application to the Department of Education. Massad called Hamas’ October 7 attack “a stunning victory of the Palestinian resistance.” According to the Middle East Forum, students said Massad “takes a categorically anti-U.S. tack at every possible opportunity,” and lists “the West’s various cultural crimes ad nauseam.” …

Between 2020 and 2024, Columbia received $2.8 million under the FLAS program alone, making it the second-highest recipient of Middle East FLAS funding, OpenTheBooks found. It also received numerous NRC grants, including one ongoing grant intended to shape how the Middle East is taught in American schools.

The top overall grant recipient was Indiana University, which employs professor Abdulkader Sinno, the faculty advisor for a group that protested Jewish students on campus and accused Israel of “Genecide” [sic] and “colonialism.” Sinno was suspended for the Spring and Summer 2024 semesters after violating the rules to host an event for the radical Palestinian Solidarity Committee. …

Georgetown University, long a breeding ground for U.S. diplomats, was the third-highest recipient of Middle East FLAS grants. The director of its Center for Contemporary Arab Studies in the School of Foreign Service is Fida Adely, who sits on the national advisory board of the Faculty for Justice in Palestine, the sister group of Students for Justice in Palestine, which has been banned from some campuses for supporting terrorism and promoting anti-Semitism. …

In 2019, the Department of Education wrote to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to say that the money it received under the NRC program was not being used for its intended purpose. …

The Department found “very little serious instruction preparing individuals to understand the geopolitical challenges to U.S. national security and economic needs but quite a considerable emphasis on advancing ideological priorities.” …

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(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: M.M.Dwyer – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=139159916)

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October 21, 2024

Abba Father, change hard and evil hearts and corrupted minds to reflect Your love and mercy for all people and to repent of following after war and hate to solve the conflicts that Jesus died to bring life and reconciliation. May people wake up and see that You are not a respecter of people, but that people must fear and respect You as the One and only creator of life, love and liberty. May people understand that it is “not by power, or by might, but it is by My Spirit, says the LORD”. Bring repentance from the ruins of human divisiveness and division and bring beauty from the ashes. May these people in these human institutions humble themselves and seek You, acknowledging that by leaning on their own understanding and opinions, they have defied You and Your perfect will. May people’s minds be transformed and renewed in Christ to know You and Your rule and reign which is established forever and sealed by Your word and Spirit in heaven. May Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. For the glory of Christ. Amen


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