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I Prayed have prayed
Father, encourage our hearts with Your truth today. Let us be securely rooted in You.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

It’s natural to fret when our prayers seem to go unheard or unanswered. For example, each of us has likely prayed for a person to recover from an illness, only to find the one we’ve prayed for does not get better, and perhaps even dies. Prayers for our nation and its leadership can, likewise, seem to go unanswered.


We wonder if God is at work, especially when we don’t see clear evidence. Yet his Word and his Spirit confirm again and again that he is working and that our prayers do matter. Often we don’t see how until much later.

Scripture and godly wisdom encourage us to keep on praying:

Another angel, with a golden incense burner…was given a large amount of incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar in front of the throne. (Revelation 8:3)

Charles Haddon Spurgeon comments:

Many Christians think their prayers are not heard because they are such poor things. But it is certain that every true prayer gets into the golden censer before the eternal throne of God. God has made provision for ensuring the acceptance of his people’s prayers.

The “incense” offered “with the prayers of all the saints” makes our poor prayers acceptable to God—not the merit of our prayers but the power of Christ’s prevailing intercession. Jesus Christ has been appointed to the office of high priest so that he may take our supplications and present them before the throne of the Most High. No true prayer from the heart of a true child of God will miss the mark; all will reach the heavenly target.

Here is a mystery. How is it possible that billions of prayers from millions of saints speaking thousands of languages over several millennia can possibly all reach the heavenly target? How finite our thinking! How limitless our God! For his pleasure he has set more than 100 billion galaxies in the universe. As a master designer he has fashioned the human body with more than 37 trillion cells. With mind-boggling creativity, he has populated the earth with more than 5 million species of insects. His mysteries abound. He is not limited. He is infinite!

I recall an older saint reciting a recent vision. He knew of my long involvement with Intercessors for America. He said the Lord showed him a storehouse in heaven—a barn-like structure with a long central corridor. Flanking the corridor were large doors, the kind one might find in a horse barn. Each was secured by a strong brace. The doors were bulging toward the corridor from the great pressure of whatever lay behind them. “Beyond these doors,” he said, “are the prayers of the saints. The doors are about to give way. Accumulated prayers are about to explode from the eerie quiet with unbelievable force.” He continued, “You may think people’s prayers don’t matter, but they do. During your time and mine on earth, we may have the privilege of seeing these prayers poured out.”

A golden altar, a storehouse in heaven—windows into the heavenly realm. These are for our instruction and encouragement—to press on, to not give up, to have faith that our prayers absolutely make a difference, if not today, in days yet to come.

Therefore, strengthen your tired hands and weakened knees, and make straight paths for your feet…” (Hebrews 12:12-13).

Our prayers really do matter!

John D. Beckett served as chairman of the Board of Directors from 1988 to June 2010 and as president of Intercessors for America from 1976 to 1988. He is an original board member. He is also the chairman of R.W. Beckett Corp, a worldwide leader in the manufacturing and sales of engineered components for residential and commercial heating. A 1960 graduate from M.I.T., he joined his father in the small family-owned business in 1963 and became president in 1965 after his father’s death. The company, with its affiliates, currently has sales exceeding $100 million and more than 700 employees. Mr. Beckett also is a founding board member of The King’s College in New York City, serves on the Board of Campus Crusade for Christ, International, and is a director of Graphic Packaging Corporation, a NYSE-listed manufacturing company. He has long been active in church and community-related activities and an advocate for integrating faith into the workplace. He has written two books about the subject, Loving Monday: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul (published in 1998 and currently available in 14 languages) and Mastering Monday: A Guide to Integrating Faith and Work (published in 2006). He has been named “Christian Businessman of the Year” by Christian Broadcasting Network (1999) and manufacturing “Entrepreneur of the Year” by Ernst & Young (2003). Mr. Beckett has also received an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Spring Arbor University (2002) and The King’s College (2008). He and his wife, Wendy, reside in Elyria, OH and have six children and fifteen grandchildren. Visit beckettcorp.com. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

Share your prayers in the comments below!

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David McIntosh
February 2, 2021

Prayer is as important as breathing air.
Your prayers and your relationship with your Father in Heaven through your Lord Jesus Christ completely affect you, yourself and those around.
It cannot be called anything else.
If you want to improve your prayer-life, use a journal to write down your petitions and go back to your old petitions to see what God has answered. Give thanks and use this feedback to give you strength and encouragement.
Similarly, your attitude affects your prayer, spend time going through the laws in the Bible, repenting any breach done by you or your ancestors — this will help clear the air between you and God.

God bless you all, and may you grow your relationship with God (and it will bless you back)!

January 23, 2021

that depends onwho you pray to god alone

January 22, 2021

Prayer changes things!!! First, let God change me and you. Get rid of all that hinders, so we may run the race set before us! Sin is all around us, but remember dear children of the Most High, thru the precious blood of the Lamb we have conquered the penalty of sin. Next, sin has no power over us unless we decide to yield to it. Truth from James says to resist the devil, submit to God and the devil will flee from us. The Holy Spirit will empower us to say yes to God and no to sin each day as we commit ourselves anew. Just think, one day we will be free from the presence of sin!! How glorious that will be when we are at our true home in heaven!! Let us recall how the prayer of Moses for the people changed God’s mind, for the people were stiff-necked and God was sorry He had made man. Moses’ prayer spared God’s people. Let us recall the prayer of Job for his well-meaning judgmental friends. Prayer makes a whole lot of difference in our lives and to God Almighty. Prayer and fasting are very strong weapons against the principalities and the powers of darkness in our age. PRAISE to our God holds much power and gets the devil fleeing! In these evil times where things are getting turned upside down, where hate seems to be growing and unthinkable behavior exists, only revival can change our world! Let us not give up nor get weary. These times call for intense prayer and we must keep on, keeping on with it. The Lord will strengthen us and help us in this. He hears the cries from our heart’s and He is faithful to answer our prayers. We are united in Christ Jesus and together we stand with this purpose. God bless you, dear saints. The Lord bless each of you in His grace–may His favor be upon each of you. His perfect peace be your’s.

Andre Maduro
January 22, 2021

Yes our prayers do matter. We often tend to want to move God to do something, but we should let God be God. We keep on praying and God works in His time. We might not even see the fruits of our prayer, maybe God will answer the prayers we said now for the past elections in 50 years time. God knows what He is doing and when it’s the time to answer our prayers. All we need to do is stay obedient to Him and keep on praying.
Maybe we pray for the current president and vice-president to convert but it might happen years from now, maybe even on their dead bed.
We never know now, why he allowed for Joe Biden to become president. Pray, pray and pray and we will see their fruits in due season, when it’s Gods time to answer them. Do not fear, for He has overcome the world.

January 22, 2021

God quiet are hearts turn our eyes toward you, deliver us for your fame and our growing confidence and awe of your mighty power.

January 22, 2021

I have read the responses to this prayer and the thought came to me that some of us are still thinking that we have not been able to change things by our prayers. I caution each of us to be aware of our need to control things by our actions, even the action of praying. It is becoming more clear daily that we need to get down from the throne, God is on the throne, not us, never us. God is breaking down all the strongholds that his people have set up and giving us this period of discipline so that we can see with clarity His power, not ours. Hebrews 12: 3-11, especially verse 7, has reminded me “It is for discipline that you have to endure” and verse 10 “…he disciplines us our good, that we may share his holiness.” Never fear, God is working and He hears the fervent petitions of believers.
His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
In Jesus Holy name, Amen

    Susan C
    January 22, 2021

    Yes and Amen sister!

    Debbie Chetelat
    January 22, 2021

    Yes, God is accomplishing His purposes for His glory! Our job is to be obedient to His Word.

January 21, 2021

I really don’t believe we are supposed to pray for the people who are tearing down America making us into a communist country where we will be condemned just like the 53,000,000 babies who have been killed already. Our forefathers didn’t sit around praying for people who were killing us. Yes pray for righteousness forgiveness but please don’t waste your time on the devil’s death squad. Pray for America to know the truth that will set us free.the lord went to the temple and let them know that in his house it was holy pure and untainted. Pray for those who are worthy to be prayed for. Pray for the righteous to be preserved for his honor.

    Elizabeth Murphy
    January 22, 2021

    We are commanded to pray for our enemies. Not for their success but for changing of their hearts and turning to God’s will.

January 21, 2021

Yes, yes, prayer matters. I, too, am disappointed with the administration we are living with at this time. But I know He is listening and watching. As years have gone by I,too, have questioned when or why haven’t my prayers been answered. One day I heard him say, “Look in your rearview mirror.” (My job for several years kept me on the road.) When I look back-often many years, He was with me and He answered-often I was far more blessed with His answer. Yes, I plan to continue as an Intercessor-this administration needs us and we need one another here at IFA. I am so blessed I found you.

January 21, 2021

“Let us be securely rooted in You.”

Colossians 2:7 NLT
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

God uses many Scripture references to teach us about praying and living out life here on earth. Many make references to trees, leaves, roots, weather, right soil, water, and Jesus.

Trees experience drought stress when they lack an adequate source of water.

Jeremiah 17:5-8
This is what the Lord says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, in an uninhibited salty land. But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.”

These trees securely planted by a source of water don’t experience drought stress. Their leaves stay green, they produce beautiful fruit and they stand out amongst the other trees that lack their source and supply.

What fruit are we to produce as we stay near to our source and supply, Jesus Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit?

Galatians 5:22-26

Psalm 1:1-6 also speaks to us about bearing fruit each season and prospering in all we do.

Praying for all prayer warriors and IFA to draw near to Jesus our source and supply, bearing much fruit in ALL seasons, prospering in all we do. Amen and Amen

January 21, 2021

The Lord God is our strength
He will make our feet like deer’s feet
He will make us walk on our high hills
(Habakkuk 3:19)

I pray the worship song linked below will encourage everyone’s hearts.


Susan C
January 21, 2021

I am more in agreement with Mr. Beckett’s message than anything I have recently read. Here is another mystery. If the total of everyone who ever lived, is currently living, and will live, were to pour out their hearts to God at one time…He would perfectly hear each and every word. God is undefinable, indescribable, beyond definition as there is not sufficient language…in all the languages worldwide. He even keeps our tears in His bottle, which I very much love as I leak when the Spirit is moving in me.

Yes sir, our prayers really do matter!

January 21, 2021

I love to pray. I love to listen for God to direct me. I am getting better and better every day.
I know that everything I pray about is heard and not forgotten. My fears are gone. I am realizing that it is more time to be standing up and taking action. We are not here on earth just to talk to God. We are put here to use our body and physical capabilities, to save and deliver this world from evil. If we pray and truly believe that praying is all we are meant to do, then pray and rest in the lord is all we need to do. I feel that we are going through times that call for physical action. We need to also speak the truth to the world. Get out and lead. I am not calling on anyone to do what they don’t feel God is telling them to do.
Maybe we will be all heroes and get much more victories than we could ever dream of. We only need to step out in faith. We may not be being having victories over the past 50 years because we have not taken action.
God bless all of you who pray and believe. God bless America.

Krista Hilley
January 21, 2021

Barb, right now many are praying for you because we feel your hurt and discouragement but we have an advocate – Jesus Christ who is who was and who is to come. Satan is the prince of this world but we have One that is greater than he that is in the world. Keep reading your Bible and looking at the author and finisher of your faith.

Jesus Christ is Lord of lords and King of kings!!

Susan Robertson
January 21, 2021

Thank you for this article. It was very encouraging. I believe that every prayer is heard and every prayer is answered. None go unanswered. “Wait” is an answer. “No” is an answer. These may not be the answers we desire but they are answers none the less. Keep praying and stand firm. No matter the circumstances, do not waiver but rather stand firm on His Word. His thoughts and His ways are much higher than ours. He hears and answers every prayer we pray in His own wisest way. Wait on God. His answers unfold in His timetable and not ours. He never, ever fails!!

Aurora Beauchamp
January 21, 2021

Thanks for the massage

January 21, 2021

“Love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Love your neighbor as yourself. All the commandments of God hang on these principles.” Whether Old Testament or New Testament, God never changes his standards.

We have watched as vicious words and physical attacks of our neighbors and their properties occurred during 2020. Not all but many governors and mayors told the police to stand down as citizens and businesses we attacked and vandalized, until it came to their homes. The same happened in Washington D.C. a church was burned but nothing was criticized until the Our Capital was vandalized. Where were the censures then? Whether Democrat or Republican, Black Lives Matter or ANTIFA there has been vindictive and retaliation unleashed on our neighbors. Shop owners and fellow citizens were called vigilantes when they were deputized to enable defense of their city’s businesses and homes, but it was considered self-defense when national guard were deputized to defend the crowd in Washington D.C. for the 2021 inauguration.

It is not God alone who sees what selfish standards and we not loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Our nation and many other nations recognize the double standards.

It is time for Congressmen and Congress ladies, governors and mayors, and our citizens to take a knee to repent of their hostilities, unfair standards and complacency. As God put it, turn from our wicked ways.

Father God, we repent for not loving our neighbors as ourselves. Help us turn from our double standards and to adhere to the standards you gave us to follow. Help us to glorify your name by living and being the children you asked us to be.

January 21, 2021

Our prayers certainly do matter. God’s answer to our prayers may not be exactly what we might want them to be. The three most popular answers to prayer is: yes, no, and wait. But God is always faithful answering our prayers.

January 21, 2021

The prayers of a righteous man availeth much. Prayer certainly does make a difference. The ingredience of effective prayer is thanksgiving and a strong faith and trust.

January 21, 2021

I am reposting my prayer here. We must not grow weary for in due season we will reap a harvest of answered prayers.

Praying for our nation’s government leaders is about using our personal relationship, influence with the Lord, and the spiritual authority granted to us on behalf of the elected, appointed, and even the fraudulent leaders who stole their positions. God is not mocked nor are we deceived. How do we pray? First we bind – We bind principalities and powers, who have played right into the hands and wrath of God. What they intended for evil, God intended for good, to raise up the Church of America in holiness and righteousness.

Above all, we pray that God would be gloried in the United States of America, that His majesty, power, and holy righteousness would rule over our nation beginning with us the Church. We pray that we would stay connected to the Vine as our first priority, knowing that apart from Him we can do nothing. Without love we are nothing.

We pray, Jesus reduce us to love to gently rebuke and restore those who have gone astray, knowing that we are all capable of the same errors. It’s time for us to put away childish things, anger tantrums, faithless actions that jeopardize the image and obstruct the will of God, and to grow up in Christ. The world is looking to us for hope. Hold fast to our faith. Prepare us as the pure and holy Bride of Christ, reflecting Your image.

Help us to hold fast to Your Word. You have said in 2 Chronicles 20:15-22: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s… Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in His prophets and you will be successful…Give thanks to the Lord, for His love endures forever… As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the enemy who were invading them and they were defeated.” We shall have faith in You God and give thanks to You Lord and praise You for Your wondrous deeds, and so shall You set ambushes against our enemies.

LORD humble the nation’s leaders. Not only are they accountable to the American people, they are ultimately accountable to You. We pray for our government leaders to repent and experience the salvation of their souls through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. While they are still in office, forbade them from doing any evil, let nothing be hidden from the public. Protect us, our children and the unborn from any harm from their hands, and protect our ally, Israel.

We pray for the nation’s leaders to have the Fear of the LORD for it is the beginning of wisdom. We pray for the leaders to know what is right in God’s sight and do it. We pray that every person in authority learn to fear God and take care to live lives pleasing to Him who is above all.

We pray for God’s will and pleasure to be done in America – to uphold and obey all that the Bible teaches, for truth to be revealed, for righteousness to be upheld, for holiness to be pursued, and for wickedness and all forms of ungodly character and values to be removed from our churches, our families, and from this nation.

We pray that truth, godly values and morals will be divinely revealed and upheld in our nation, that all public servants will adhere to the truth – including what happened in the November 2020 elections addressing all evidence of voter fraud. That all those complicit and guilty of fraud will accept responsibility, be impeached for their complicity, and serve time for their crimes, and foreign nations be sanctioned for their interference. We pray that God will protect the nation from threats inside and out. We pray for all of God’s duly appointed leaders to take up their rightful positions and be faithful servants.

We pray for the preservation of American’s rights and liberties, including our right to free speech and the right to free expression of faith. We pray that the government will uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, and adhere closely to the Word of God that it was based on. We pray for truth and integrity in our social media. For those who have spread lies to be judged and punished.

We pray for the safety of the citizens, and for God to protect law enforcement, medical and healthcare workers, as well as first responders so they can do their tasks properly. We pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 that if we Your people, humble ourselves and pray, turn from our wicked ways and repent that You would heal our nation from from all forms of wickedness and from all plagues like COVID-19.

We pray all these things in Jesus’ name.

    Kathleen L Rinck
    January 21, 2021

    Thank you for reposting. I did not see this before. I’ll print it and pray it at least weekly. It seems, though, that for the last several months many of us prayed fervently for these things…but it was not to be.

      January 21, 2021

      Thank you for responding. We must keep up the faith.

      Please view this video. It will greatly encourage you.

      Beautiful means in perfect time.

      Also, I was at the dentist today and the TV had CNN on. I was surprised to hear that Biden’s press secretary when asked if he would move forward with fully funding Planned Parenthood, the press secretary said, “Well he’s a devout Catholic and he went to mass this morning.”
      Sounds like our prayers are already working.

        January 21, 2021

        Being the pessimist I am, that response wasn’t an answer. If he was against abortion then he would have spoken up against it. But continued prayer is the way for us to address the issue. God is still shows us miracles.

Linda Bennett
January 21, 2021

Sorry, Barb…slready prayed. This is a big part of praying for our nation!

Nancy Bryda
January 21, 2021

Our prayers do matter.I decree that the persecution that is coming at Christians and patriotic Americans now is and will passionately empower us to read the word, decree as lead by the spirit, step out and do what the LOrd leads in government activity, vote biblical values and trust in our LOrd and savior more deeply. The devil does not win in our American government because Jesus is Lord over America and that includes our government. Even though I consider the present administration illegal, I will still pray for them for salvation and for repentance, for biblically aligned laws to come forth and for Jesus Christ to minister mercy and judgement as needed. The Lion and the lamb is Lord over our govermental leaders. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. I decree the fear of God to hover over our DC chambers as the LOrd judges and makes war in this season. The ekklesia is aligned with king Jesus for his destiny purposed over America. No KIng but Jesus.We are not double minded or tossed to and fro but are steady and looking only to the author and finisher of our faith. Father I ask you to release angels to execute this prayer over our government in the natural. we are standing in faith Jesus.

January 21, 2021

Thank you for Hebrews 12:12-13!!!

Joyce Neeley
January 21, 2021

Thank you for sharing! 🙏Praying 🙏

January 21, 2021

Thank you for this reminder that any and all prayers help and are heard and are contained in heaven…. when I look back at all the answered prayers in my life, big and small,,,,I am assured that God hears and in due time and according to His will and purposes these prayers too will be answered. IFA has helped me to grow in my desire and practice to pray. Thank you

Regina Ford
January 21, 2021

Wonderful! I had the privilege of teaching from JohnBeckett’s book at Sunday School 3 years ago. Loving Monday
Our prayers are heard!! Christ answers yes and amen. Thank you High Priest Jesus Christ for always interceding for your family

Linda Bennett
January 21, 2021

It’s so easy to get discouraged when we don’t get the answers we want to sincere prayers, when things just don’t go the way we ‘know’ they should. Maybe that’s why the apostle Paul had the life of setbacks that he did. He is an example of hope, love and encouragement in the midst of the most terrible of times. We need now, more than ever, to trust God. He has not changed. He knows where we are and He has not abandoned us. We Christians need to stay on our knees no matter what and we need to stay in the Word. The past 4 years have been a blessed reprieve. It is God who sustained Donald Trump and it is God who will sustain us. He is not finished!

Karen Secrest
January 21, 2021

And the Spirit of the Living God came upon me and He said, “if you will follow My leading through the Word you Will see Signs and Wonders and Changes you have prayed for up to this day. This is My Promise to the body: by this time next month..February 1 a whole new season begins with even changes in the atmosphere you can feel. But then there Will be other issues to contend with. The enemy never goes away si you must stay alert and change your ways of combat to overcome. I AM still in control so you have nothing to despair about.Love not hate ALWAYS WINS. Seek My way of doing things. I AM watching over every single event that affects men everywhere. STOP Struggling. You’re merely pulling the net tighter. If you loosen up a bit, I Will come in and show the way to be Fishers of Men which is our goal.

And now may the glow of God’s Holy One engulf you completely and give you Peace.

January 21, 2021

LORD, my God, thank You for the lives of all who pray and for their prayers; offered in faith in our Father’s wisdom; offered in gratitude for our Savior’s sacrifice; offered in humble dependence on our indwelling Holy Spirit who daily guides us toward maturity and Heaven. Thank You for hearing Your children, Lord.

Barb Gaze
January 21, 2021

What about the millions who have prayed that live in oppressive countries for decades? I’m sure there are Christians in those places who pray constantly to no avail. After this election, I’m not sure there is a God. Maybe the commies are right…we speak to our invisible friend who doesn’t really exist. I know our beloved President Trump worked tirelessly for 4 years day in and day out fighting the onslaught of evil slung at him. I don’t know if he could have taken it for another 4 years…he shined the light on the evil in this country…our miracle may be our own selves.

    January 21, 2021

    Please don’t lose heart! I know I felt deeply discouraged when others have been elected in the past who practiced evil, yet this is the way of the world which lays comfortably in the arms of satan’s embrace. Please don’t let a root of bitterness grow up to straggle your heart – this is a greater victory – that evil would overwhelm your faith. Cherish instead the history of how God has dealt with His people Israel – so many examples, yet I will give just one now – When the vast majority rejected Jesus, Rome utterly destroyed the nation within a generation of His ministry. Were there not many believers praying among the rebellious, the confused, the wicked? God is in control! Even when His justice is delayed – in our minds – His plans are exactly on track in His sovereign will. Please don’t lose heart in your bitter disappointment. I’ll be praying for you, Barb, to see God’s Hand at work among we who pray. Even now many more are calling on God in more fervent prayer. Throughout history, the Church was grown stronger in times of distress and persecution. You were born for such a time as this for God never makes mistakes. You are vitally needed now to fulfill the role God planned for you and you alone before the foundation of the earth. Take hope in that thought!

      Barb Gaze
      January 21, 2021

      That is the typical canned response…I did believe what you believe but we are now part of the world that is permeated with evil. There is no reason for this to happen. We have been an example to the world and given them hope…we can no longer be that beacon.

        CHERYL M ORR
        January 21, 2021

        My heart is true towards you – not canned – still praying for you.

        January 21, 2021

        Ya know Barb I have struggled deeply with the issue of unanswered prayer, at least the way I wanted it answered. Cried out to God asking Him where was He? But last night I went to services and it struck me, maybe we have to go through this to get where we want to be. How many times do we not appreciate something until after we lose it? Heck, maybe this is even a test of our faithfulness. We don’t know. But look back on your life. Has God abandoned you in the past? I keep thinking of the Israelites and how many times they disappointed God but He showed His mercy to them time and time again. We must pray for forgiveness for where our country has gone, Pray for wisdom and guidance. And be strong in our faith and trust in our Lord. Keep the faith, sister. Because when it comes down to the bottom line that’s all we have.

    Julia Kercher
    January 21, 2021

    This is far from over. There is a lot happening behind the scenes. God does His best work in the darkness. He promised that if His people humble themselves and pray, He will heal their land. And He will. He is calling on us now to wait upon Him and to not lose hope. We are like the disciples on Day 2. Wait for it. He is not finished.

    January 21, 2021

    I, too, am praying for Barb and the many, like me, who are challenged by trying to resolve the conflict between what seems to be present “reality” with future hope. Thank you, Barb, for sharing your doubts. I am encouraged in my heart by IFA being available to us to share with one another.

    Linda Bennett
    January 21, 2021

    Barb, read Psalm 73. It was written for us in times like these. Your comment has brought many of us to pray for you. I hope you feel the power of these prayers.

      Barb Gaze
      January 21, 2021

      All, thanks for your replies. Please, do not pray for me…pray for this country and what is ahead…I’d like to think that God knows that Pres Trump couldn’t handle the constant barrage for another 4 years. Maybe this is the way to get us, WE THE PEOPLE< up off our complacent butts and do something for ourselves. We need to pray for strength, wisdom and hope that he will stand beside us in the ultimate battle for the soul of this nation. Civil disobedience to an illegitimate administration controlled by Satan.

    Kathleen L Rinck
    January 21, 2021

    I feel like you do. Praying daily for month on end….for nothing! Trump answered God’s call to serve our country, giving up EVERYTHING. He only took $1 a year for his salary. He lost his reputation. He did so much, and now Biden is wiping it all away already. Trump’s accomplishments for our country and for the world could fill volumes, but let’s just take one thing: defunding Planned Parenthood. He was the most pro-life president we ever had. If God is punishing us for our national sin of abortion, how can we ever hope to abolish it now? I haven’t lost faith in the existence of God, but I’m very, very disappointed and wonder about the efficacy of our prayers.


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