I Prayed have prayed
Father, give us an ever-increasing awareness of the precious Holy Spirit's presence in our lives.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

“Dad, Harrison called and invited me to swim at his house. Should I go?”

“Of course!”

“But Dad, Peter called and invited me to ride bikes at the trails. Should I go?”

“Sure, I know you love to ride in the trails.”

“But Dad, should I swim or ride bikes?”

“Son, it’s up to you. It’s your choice.”

“But I want to do the right thing.”

“Neither one of them is wrong, son.”

“But I want you to tell me: Should I swim or ride bikes?”

“I told you, son, you can choose. Swimming with Harrison will be great, and riding with Peter will be great. What do you want to do?”

“I want to do what you want me to do. Please tell me your will.”

[Three hours later]

“Son, you’re still here? Now it’s late; why didn’t you go?”

“Father, you didn’t tell me which one to do?”

.  .  .

If I were this father, I would feel upset, perhaps angry. But the overwhelming emotion would be a resounding, wrenching sadness. I didn’t raise my son to be timid or fickle, and I certainly didn’t train him to be fearful or indecisive. After all this time together, how can he not understand how much I love him and want him to live his life to the fullest? It is as if he doesn’t even know me.

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Do not grieve the Holy Spirit
~ Paul to the Church at Ephesus, 4:30

I’ve been thinking a good deal about this verse since I wrote my last piece on a companion passage: Do not quench the Spirit. The idea that we can extinguish the movement and actions of the Holy Spirit of God is impossible to imagine — And yet, we can. However, the idea that my actions can cause The Spirit to grieve is far more unimaginable. How many times have I been like this bound-up boy and grieved The Spirit?

I have an all-too-easy time imagining God being angry with me, disappointed in me, or not speaking to me. The truth is, I often feel that way. But the thought of the Spirit of God grieved with me is impossible to consider.

My thoughts can readily imagine His majesty, power, splendor, and light. My reflections can steadily ponder His glory, wisdom, mercy, and grace. But grief? And worse yet, grief caused by me?

Scripture is clear that when Jesus laid aside His Divinity, He put on the fullness of our humanity, which includes our messy emotions. Isaiah calls Him a man of sorrows. While looking upon the city of Jerusalem and beholding their unbelief, he was deeply moved and wept. While standing at the grave of His friend Lazarus and beholding their unbelief, he was deeply moved and wept. When he prayed in Gethsemane on the night of His arrest, He was in such travail that droplets of blood mingled with his sweat — the first trickle of the water and blood that would soon flow on the cross.

Even still, how can I grieve the Holy Spirit today? When I embark on a carnal riff, shaking my fist to heaven while thundering my case, it’s easy to envision Him sternly waiting for my tantrum to pass like a robed Judge behind the bench. But like the father of the infantile boy, how often does He grieve at the misshapen character I continually cling to?

Love your neighbor as yourself
~ The Second Most Important Commandment As Stated By Jesus, Mark 12:31

I have openly shared that these past four years have been the most challenging of my life. When people ask me how they can pray, I quickly say, “Pray for Jill, she has to live with me.” If I am being honest, this supreme command of Christ should be flipped for me: Love yourself as you love your neighbor.

I love other people well. It’s me I have a problem with.

When discouragement, despair, and disillusionment set in, the cascade of insults roll off my tongue and into the mirror all too freely. I become Don Rickles without the warmth or the laughs. If I ever heard my son speak of himself the way I can speak of myself, I would be far more saddened than the scenario of swimming or bikes.

Do not fear or be dismayed
~ Deuteronomy 31:8

The Old Testament continually joins “Fear not” with “Be not dismayed.” We confidently remind one another not to be afraid. In fact, the Bible says, “Do not be afraid” over 70 times. But how often do we urge someone not to be dismayed? What does it mean to be dismayed?

Before I learned the Hebrew meaning of dismay, I assumed it was a lesser bedfellow to fear, something like to be discouraged. But this word’s meaning is far more arresting and aptly describes large swathes of my last four years. To be dismayed is a surprisingly troubling description of an even more worrisome condition.

To be dismayed in this context means to be broken, so broken you are shattered — Shattered to the extent you feel your sense of self has been abolished.

Why am I publicly rendering my heart to extract a concentrated essence of these emotions? When these harsh self-criticisms tumble freely from my lips, it’s not merely because I have an ingrained Italian temper. I now realize the launch pad for my negative self-talk is far deeper than I thought — And it’s a launch pad the Lord wants to remove from within all of us.

We should always read scripture within its surrounding context, and in the case of do not grieve the Holy Spirit, the preceding and proceeding passages give us more than a clue of what grieves Him:

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification, according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.
~ Ephesians 4:29-31

While our indecision and inaction may grieve Him, our spoken bitter words indeed grieve him.

Scripture reveals the power our words have. The Book of James is a master class on our custom-built flamethrowers, also known as the tongue. The tongue is a small fire that can start a course-changing inferno. It is a tiny rudder able to redirect a massive ship. If we can not tame our tongue, it can be the poison that renders our religion worthless.

For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, then he is a perfect man.
~ James 3:2

James admits we all stumble in countless ways, but we can only be perfect by not speaking careless words. The charge for me to put away clamor and slander is a poetic punch in the mouth.

Lord, I don’t only want to bite my tongue or tame it. I invite You to touch that place deep within me from where these flames are launched. May it be that I never grieve you again.

“Hey Dad, I’m going to ride bikes.”

What did you think of this article? Share your reflections, prayers, and scriptures below.

Keith Guinta blogs at www.winepatch.org. He is a husband and father, and he has been a worship leader and church planter. Photo Credit: Pexels from Pixabay.

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Rich Swingle
February 6, 2025

Keith, thanks so much for your transparency here. Praying for all of us in this season where flame throwing tongues (and social media posts) are dividing so many. May we be Spirit led and decisive!

January 30, 2025

Wow! Hits the innermost being, gently, yet decisively to bring home an important lesson to speak of….Lord, take control of my thoughts and tongue. I submit this to You!

Elia Guarneri
January 30, 2025

I have grieved Him a lot of times too. But always I pray for forgiveness. No one is perfect, but that is not an excuse for hurting the One who cares for you the most. Listen attentively for His voice and let Him direct your path. I have a coworker who gives me rides back to my house when she works that night and in two weeks she is forced to retire because of health issues. I want her to continue to work. She is one of the reasons that the Holy Spirit uses in my life to direct me to Him. He sends people in your life to change the direction of your life to Him. Please Pray for her, her name is Tina. Please pray for her health to improve and for her whole family to come to Christ. Pray for her daughter Brianna to be healed, Her son Brain to come to Christ as well.

January 29, 2025

This article was so apropos to my life story—I thank you for pointing out the incidental points that I lived without the Holy Spirit. I now try to tap into the H. Sp. whenever I’m faced with indecision. Oh, how I wish I had been in touch with the H. S. when I was choosing my husband. Though I’ve honored my commitment to my wedding vows for 57 years, if I had been in touch with the H. Sp. when I chose my life partner, I would be either unmarried or more careful about my choice.

January 29, 2025

What a beautiful and powerful reminder to look within ourselves. May it be. Thank You Lord that our worth is in You.

Ann NMN Shaw
January 29, 2025

Hallelujah, I also think that Roman’s 8:1 helps. Therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Amen

christine stott
January 28, 2025

Such a great article, being an Italian myself who grew up with a father with a critical spirit which daily demolished my opinion and view of myself….undoing this has been impossible for 63 years, and reading your beautiful, well worded article helps me view this situation from Father God’s perspective. Thank you so much for being so frank and revealing. He has spoken through you today!

Sheila Price
January 28, 2025

As I was reading Matthew 22″37-40 one day, and came to the last part… ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’, Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit and said… ‘you cannot know how to love your neighbor until you know how to love yourself.’… that opened up a who new world of thinking… and I’ve been a a quest for understanding His Love and how to love myself SO THAT I can know how to love my neighbor. It’s not a love as the world teaches love, being all about ‘self’ and not from a Biblical worldview at all. I’ve come to receive His Love for me and am learning to love myself… and that is making me able to love others the way The Father does.

B Winstrom
January 28, 2025

What a wonderful message for those that sometimes set too high of expectations for ourselves.

Deborah Graham
January 28, 2025

Thank you IFA for allowing me to read the words of Keith Guinta. I have come to the end of myself and was hoping to hear words from you to set me back on God’s path for me. Broken is a good word to describe how I feel. In the last year I have lost too many horses to mention, and last week I added my riding mare to this list and my precious barn cat Brother James. Every time I turn around another animal in my care is at death’s door. My quest had been to learn how to be a prayer warrior and I have been praying with many prayer groups for a number of years now. I refuse to quit, and my most intense prayers have been for the children held in sex traffic. I feel like I must be doing something wrong as one horse after another dies. Thank you for your words of encouragement and how to avoid grieving the Holy Spirit. He is faithful and. I will be listening for His still small voice. God Bless You.

    Mary Beth S
    January 28, 2025

    Deborah, I pray you will be encouraged and embraced by the Lord. I found the book of Job was a great comfort during times when tragedy without a known cause or origin struck me. May hope in the immutable character of our God be your anchor.

Missy Dice
January 28, 2025

I LOVE THIS ARTICLE AND TEACHING!!!!!! 😳🩹🔥🔥🔥🔥 Refine us, ABBA 🙏🏽 …Your children and those coming into Your Kingdom soon!! Hover over us, Holy Spirit!!! Going deeper!!!

Sharon Yahres
January 28, 2025

Thank you so much for this article. I have come to know and appreciate the Holy Spirit, so much more. In the past sometimes ignored and underestimated him. He actually has a sense of humor and is always there and will be forever there.

Kathy Harmon
January 28, 2025

Father, I ask that those who have left You would constantly be reminded to “not grieve Holy Spirit”. We ask for the conviction of Holy Spirit & a yielding to Him, and a mass return to You by those who have been deceived or wounded, in Jesus’ name. We thank You for not just revival across our nation, but genuine renewal & TRANSFORMATION into the image of Christ, in Jesus’ name!

Erin Avila
January 28, 2025

I relate so much to this article. Thank you so much for laying it out for others to read. May our Father be glorified by your obedience. I pray His Spirit ministers to us, convicting and changing us to be more like Yeshua! I also struggle with the negative self-talk, but I have been encouraged to “fast” negative thoughts, this really helps me to overcome. And by the power of His blood, I pray we all overcome!

January 28, 2025

Good and honest article. Have you tried writing out God’s promises and reading them to yourself every day?
God is Love. That’s what He says. No one can love us better than God loves us. We cannot love ourselves better than God loves us. When I worship Him, when I submit every thought and action to Him, I feel His love for me and it helps me to love myself better.

Mary Beth S
January 28, 2025

Dismayed? Been there, done that! Brokenness is a horrible place to be, and yet a place from which we can be “re-constructed” to a more beautiful state. When in brokenness, Yeshua visited me in a vision. I was a broken, and I mean smashed to smithereens, piece of glassware – unrecognizable. With tears streaming down His face, He beheld my broken state, but then painstakingly began the process of “putting me back together”. As He did, every fracture healed by His tender hand, was gilded with gold thread. I was a gorgeous vase, but even in an incomplete condition, He filled me repeatedly with water and flowers, as the process continued. From tearful to a huge smile, the process altered Him as it altered me. He is the Master Craftsman – nothing is too hard for Him!!

    January 29, 2025

    What a beautiful, wonderful reflection on what you have suffered! Thank you.

January 28, 2025

Soo good thank you for sharing. We all need these reminders. Lord restore your Eklesia to hear and to abide and walk in Your destiny for each of us. Amen

katherine L. Kerr
January 28, 2025

It caused me to contemplate my words & actions. I pray the Lord reveal to me anything I have said that might cause him sorrow,so I may repent and change znything that needs changed by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Susana Jones
January 28, 2025

Excellent article Mr. Guinea. Very thought provoking.
Please Holy Spirit, help me not to grieve you in ANY way. Lest I destroy the Testimony of who you are. In Jesus’ name.

Juan Ordonez
January 28, 2025

May God continue blessing your understanding and thanks for sharing your insights! This gives honor to the Holy Spirit, and guides us to understand better the scirptures.

Melba Busse
January 28, 2025

This message was just what I needed to hear this morning, Thank you.

January 28, 2025

I like the prayer at the end. For me the letter was toolong. I had to skip through as I have megga megga amounts of emails to go through daily I also like the “I prayed and the number”. That’s your reward. For writing the letter encoring people to pray simply very nice 👍 and I smiled at the numbers!

Allena Jordan
January 28, 2025

Father, thank You for this word from You through Keith. We’ve been praying that You would expose the bad and the ugly, but “over there.” Yet, kind and gracious, Father, Holy Spirit gently , yet boldly, convicts me of the sin out of my mouth, that tongue that spews all kinds of fire and fiery darts. It is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. So, Father, You’ve shown and told us what to do, how to speak, and that we should be self-controlled. Holy Spirit, please come upon me in this particular matter. May I come with a psalm, a hymn, a spiritual song, an encouraging word that is helpful. May I be a blessing to those around me, especially my husband. Bless the Lord, O my soul; bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name. Bless Keith, Lord. May none of us be dismayed. Joshua 1: 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Amen.

Lisa G
January 28, 2025

Thank you for the encouragement in your article. I didn’t realize what dismayed meant as well. I’m certainly guilty of grieving Holy Spirit in this way, and have made it a point to remind myself that self-hatred is not aligning myself with God’s Word. I don’t have trouble being compassionate with others and their mistakes, but when it comes to mine, well, it’s definitely more difficult to extend that same compassion for myself.
I hear you about the words we speak, too.
I love your style of writing and appreciate the nuggets of wisdom you have shared! Blessings.

January 28, 2025

The Lord caused me to reread this piece Keith. Thank you.
It revealed my ungodly response of withdrawing from 2 difficult women whose behaviour angers me. I’m with them in body but not in Spirit.
Lord, like Keith I invite you to ‘touch that deep place within me from where these flames are launched.’ I never want to grieve you again Holy Spirit.
Keith, thank you for your beautifully crafted writing style – a joy to read. I like the name of your wife too!
Yours faithfully in Him Gill Alp (Mrs)

Beverly Allen
January 28, 2025

This article reminded me of how unbelief takes several forms in the minds of men. In this case the author describes grief, worry, indecision, guilt, dismay, speaking careless words, religion (different from relationship), negative self talk,carnal riffs……there are a lot of ways to fall into unbelief……….and usually one doesn’t even know they are in unbelief until they’ve realized or not that they have used other forms of unbelief, such as reasoning, mental ascent, analysis is paralysis thinking, to bring them to understand they need to be washed by the Word. There is no substitute for the Word. The Word only will decontaminate the mind will and emotions. Not reasoning nor mental ascent or analyzing the issue from a hundred different angles……..read and meditate the Word and let the dunamis power of the HS wash your mind and thoughts clean of unbelief. Nothing can wash away my fears…….nothing but the blood of Jesus……….the Bible teaches us about love with relationships……..not just with Jesus……..but with ourselves and with others ………..amen……..thanks…..great article………keep them coming……….

Connie Culbertson
January 28, 2025

Completely confused

    January 28, 2025

    Praying you will have the discernment from the Holy Spirit.

January 28, 2025

Thank you so much for this article. The Lord has often dealt with me over the years, especially in the last 6 months. Thank you


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