I Prayed 934 have prayed
God, we desire freedom. We pray that efforts to squelch truth and free speech would cease.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki stated that anything that would contradict World Health Organization recommendations would be removed from the platform.

Pray for the media. IFAā€™s Prayer Guide: Praying for Media and Truth is available for download. Click below.

Wojcicki said, ā€œWe have actually seen a 75 percent increase in the news coming from authoritative sources since the beginning of 2020. So, we have seen a lot of demand there. But then we also ā€”ā€

Stelter interrupted, ā€œWhat does that mean? That means an increase in video views for those?ā€

Wojcicki continued, ā€œYes. And so we talk about that as raising authoritative information. But then we also talk about removing information that is problematic, you know. Of course, anything that is medically unsubstantiated. So people saying, like, take vitamin C, you know, take turmeric, like, those are ā€” will cure you. Those are the examples of things that would be a violation of our policy. Anything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations would be a violation of our policy. And so remove is another really important part of our policy.ā€. .

Wojcickiā€™s statement apparently goes further, as the statement from YouTube to the BBC said the platform would consider ā€œcontent that disputes the existence or transmission of COVID-19, as described by the WHOā€ to be in violation of YouTubeā€™s policies, but Wojcicki now broadens that prohibition to include ā€œanything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations.ā€

YouTube removed videos of Brazilian president Jair Messias Bolsonaro in which he extolled the virtues of hydroxychloroquine, saying it was the best treatment for COVID-19. Axios reported on April 7, ā€œYouTube is also aggressively enforcing existing medical misinformation policies that prohibit promoting false cures or encouraging people not to see a doctor. And it expanded that policy to bar promoting actions that go against recommendations from national health authorities. It was on that basis that the company took down posts by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who has downplayed the virus and the importance of social distancing and other precautions.ā€

(Excerpt from Daily Wire. Article by Hank Berrien.)

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Question:  Have you experienced content from any social media platform being removed or censored? Share in the comments below!

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April 25, 2020

I have had multiple content removed from social media.
Facebook removed a post from a local medical doctor that reflected insight and normal handling of viruses from a medical standpoint, along with new information obtained from the USA. I was fortunate that it came from a group, so they directed me to the original post. It was still on the doctors page, so I was able to share it.
Two other videos were removed from my page. Both were very funny, and portrayed the confusion people Weā€™re experiencing from the media reporting conflicting reports. Three times I was able to go back to the original page and retrieve it, but then finally it was completely removed from the original page. I found it on U tube, but then that was deleted as well. Facebook and u-tube often allow very questionable content. To censure this is very telling. There was nothing dangerous in any of the videos. During these stressful times, the videos help release the tension, ease fear, see the absurdity and unite people. Perhaps thatā€™s why they were removed?
A friend has also shared links to information from IFA , and those have been removed
Pretty telling.
The stay at home orders force us to communicate through the internet, but then those avenues are being censured. My Guess is that they are probably even monitored to test our resolve.
While it is natural to be frustrated & angry at mans attempt to silence people and even Gods voice, I hope to remain humble and see God work around mans clever devices.
God save us!
He will.

    April 25, 2020

    Also, nothing is free in this world. So to use these platforms, we must be giving them something they want more than money.

    Dan Jahn
    April 25, 2020

    100% agreeā€¦beginning signs of governmental bullying and attempts to push everything towards a one-world government. Stand by! Itā€™s coming 666

Gary S. Lurch
April 23, 2020

The United Nations should be shut down completely until they recognize GOD! As for youtube they are fools to take orders from Satan!

    Dan Jahn
    April 25, 2020

    Actually Facebook, Google, Utube, and most other big tech companies are weapons of the enemy to push his narrative

William Tobey
April 23, 2020

YouTube is so full of all sorts of videos that are untrue. Why in this instance are they censoring anything that is not approved by WHO? In studying who WHO is one should be very careful about believing anything they say. It is NOT, I repeat NOT a scientifically based organization it is a political agenda organization!

April 23, 2020

After the 2015 Paris bombing, I attempted to post my personal experience of 911 as a Flight Attendant to Facebook. It would not stick to my wall. An algorithm was already in place. A friend said she would see the post, then it would be gone. I tried several times then finally posted ā€œThis is what happened to meā€ and added bits of my story as comments below.

Billie S Landers.
April 23, 2020

Yes, absolutely. We only have a small percent of listeners as most cannot get our messages. We even send them via messenger and only some can open them.

    April 25, 2020

    Messenger is owned my Facebook, so itā€™s all the same. There is no privacy

M. J. McFalls
April 23, 2020

Oh Lord Father of All Creation,
YOU have made your plants and elements in those plants to HEAL US!
I thank you Father for your creation that is perfect to come against all the harm that Satan wants to throw at the human race
YouTubeā€™s censorship is just one in Satanā€™s bag of tricks. We know this.
Father please give the people around the world the platform to get the true information about your healing plants and elements and alternative means of healing.
Father, we are rightly distrustful of CDC and Fauchi and WHO etc. Please give us clear paths of wisdom that help us to make good choices when faced with the CCP/Corona/Covid19/China virus!
Let us be able to bypass the onslaught on misinformation that could potentially harm us more Let us be able to bypass the censorship of the big internet companies that do not have our best interests in mind and only are really puppets of the Deep State and Big Pharma.
Lord we thank you that you know all things and if we ask for wisdom you always grant it freely to us.
Show us all , ALL PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD the way to healing and avoiding this terrible Virus.
Help us to not be SHEEP that will be lead astray from good knowledge and health.
Thank you Jesus that YOU ARE THE GOOD SHEPHERD we are counting on you Lord to protect and defend and heal from this Satanic Evil.
In Jesusā€™ name. AMEN

    April 23, 2020

    ā€œif we ask for wisdom you always grant it freely to us.ā€ We are asking, Father! Thank you that you give us freely.

April 23, 2020

Also Lord, please provide a platform for streaming video that allow freedom of speech. I pray believers will seek out companies to support, by using their services, that adhere to your truths . If it exists already, lead us to it. Thank you!

    April 23, 2020

    Let there be light!

      April 23, 2020

      Accidentally selected ā€œreport commentā€:(

    April 23, 2020

    There is Brighteon.com, an alternative to Youtube, that has lots of interesting videos. Hope that helps!


April 23, 2020

Lord God, please expose Youtubeā€™s underlying motives, hereā€¦.Please reveal this organizationā€™s connection to and interest in censuring videos that contradict the WHO.

Please expose clearly any corruption in Youtube, and any other American organization supporting the WHO.

Holy Spirit please reveal any special connection the WHO may have to Chinaā€™s Communist Government. Expose any prior knowledge they had of what happened in the Wuhan lab, and may have withheld, causing harm to the world.

We ask for truth from You, and justice to come forth.

April 23, 2020

Is there a way to contact you tube and complain? If they have a problem with alternatives to WHO then they could add or require a statement like the FDA does on supplements instead of removing completely

    April 23, 2020

    Doubting youtube is interested in anything other than squelching medical solutions to covid19. Youtube is aligned with WHO efforts to drive us to the vaccine. If thereā€™s a pill we can take (and there is) they canā€™t force the vaccine. Thatā€™s where the power and the money is. Sad but true.
    We should be sharing with everyone we know the truth about hydroxychloriquine (better known as Plaquenil) + Zpack + zinc. If we get the virus we should demand this combination. The very videos YouTube has removed show doctors praising its benefits on hundreds of their patients.
    How wonderful of God that we already have the medicine to fight this killer virus. How typical of our shrewd enemy to attempt to block us from what can save our lives.

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