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Father, we recognize the influence that a company like Disney has over our culture and children. We pray that You would change the hearts of the people in charge of Disney. Bring them back to You and make them a Christian company, Lord, so that they will not lead our kids astray.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

For the past decade, Disney has been pushing a progressive agenda. Recently, they have decided to fight back after Texas Governor Abbot declared transgender surgeries to be child abuse.

From Faithwire. During a company-wide staff meeting on Monday, Walt Disney Company executives reportedly announced the company is planning to fight the state of Texas over its order to investigate transgender medical procedures on children as child abuse….

Ben Shapiro, the editor emeritus of The Daily Wire tweeted a warning to parents on Tuesday….


As CBN’s Faithwire reported last August, Gov. Abbott announced that performing sex reassignment surgeries on minors is a form of child abuse after receiving a report from Jaime Masters, commissioner of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.

Masters, Abbott said in a statement, examined “whether genital mutilation of a child for purposes of gender transitioning through reassignment surgery constitutes child abuse.”

In her letter to Abbott, Masters affirmed it is child abuse….


As CBN News reported late last month, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton released a formal opinion saying performing certain “sex-change” procedures on children, and prescribing puberty-blockers to them, is “child abuse” under Texas law….


Meanwhile, LGBTQ advocates and some Disney employees threatened a walkout Tuesday to protest against Disney CEO Bob Chapek. They accuse him of being slow to publicly criticize recent Florida legislation that leaves the sexual education of young children up to their parents.

Union leaders for the tens of thousands of unionized workers at Disney theme parks in Florida and California said they saw no momentum among their members for a walkout, and advised them not to do so because it would defy contractual obligations, The Associated Press reported….

Union leaders said contracts prohibit work stoppages or disruptions….

Disney, whose movies and properties have shaped generations of children around the world, has spoken out several times in recent years about contentious social and political situations.


While some of their fellow employees were planning on walking off the job, some conservative Disney employees have made their views known by posting an anonymous open letter online.

The employees write that Disney has “come to be an increasingly uncomfortable place to work for those of us whose political and religious views are not explicitly progressive.”

Instead of asking the company to make political statements on proposed laws, the letter simply asks the company to stay out of politics and remain neutral.

“When Disney takes sides in political debates, they deprive the world of a shared love we all have in common. TWDC is uniquely situated to provide experiences and entertainment that can bridge our national divide and bring us all together,” the letter said….

Share your prayers for the youth of our country in the comments.

(Excerpt from Faithwire. Photo Credit: Travis Gergen on Unsplash)

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Lori Meed
March 28, 2022

Firstly, can I say that Disney was never a Godly entity. Walt Disney – a man of great vision and creativity – was an occultist who had his brain kept in cryogenicis for his return. While the company began in a time of greater innocence, it’s roots were never pure. Bad root, bad fruit. Father, forgive us, as believers, for looking to any firm of entertainment for Godly values. Heal our homes! Put entertainment in it’s rightful place in our culture removing it as an idol. Break every ungodly bind that US culture has with all things Disney and pour out a revival that transforms the very roots of the nation.

Darlene Estlow
March 28, 2022

Father, I pray for the employees of Disney that do not go along with the political activism in Disney. Give them courage. Draw them to you and let them speak out. Thank you for this letter. Change hearts of those at Disney and let them come to you. Forgive us for straying from you to embrace evil in our country. Protect our children.

Sharon Watt
March 28, 2022

No more Disney for me and I live in Florida!!!

    March 28, 2022

    Agreed, Sharon. You can’t trust any of their products not to have messages indoctrinating children in aberrant sex.

    Poor Walt Disney must be rolling in his grave.

Beverly Rush
March 28, 2022

In the name of the Lord I confront the spirit of child abuse in all it’s demonic forms including abortion, sexual and emotional abuse, mutilation, trafficking, biased education, and irresponsible parenting, manipulation, bullying, abandonment, neglect, lack of discipline, divorce, over use of technical devices and anything else associated with hurting childen,. Jesus said, Let the children come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom Heaven. Our children are the Lord’s and we the church must protect them. We must rise in one voice. I claim Psalm 91 over childen and future children. I ask God to forgive us for neglecting to “train up child in the way should go”. We are guilty and ashamed before you for our parental sins. Help us return to yours ways as a nation.. Teach us to defend and protect our childen from our perverted society which has lost it way. We have lost our moorings as a nation when we gave in legalize abortion and we have lost our way ever since. We allowed our courts to remove the inalienable rights of the unborn. We have allowed their humanity to be misrepresented as a way to legalized abortion for generations. We opened to door to hell to the brutal removal of our children from the womb. God forgive us!
Additionally, we have failed to be reproductively responsible and sexually pure which has brought evil on our childen.. If we do not correct our selves and allow God to correct us. Our society will continue to witness increasing human depravity.

Repent, turn back, and be reformed for the sake of our children!


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