I Prayed have prayed
Lord, let our nation’s leaders be granted wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. May those who seek to pervert justice be removed from their positions of authority.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

US Attorney General Merrick Garland should resign.

House Republicans obtained whistleblower documents showing the FBI used the counterterrorism unit to add “threat tags” to parents raising concerns about CRT to school boards.

This contradicts Merrick Garland’s sworn October testimony before Congress.

Garland testified the DOJ and its components were NOT using counterterrorism statutes and resources to target parents who protest at school board meetings.

The whistleblower provided an FBI email dated October 20 — ONE DAY before Garland testified before Congress – sent “on behalf of” the FBI’s Assistant Director for the Counterterrorism Division and the Assistant Director for the Criminal Division.

“The email directed FBI personnel to apply a new threat tag to all “investigations and assessments of threats specifically directed against school board administrators, board members, teachers and staff,” the House Republicans said in a letter referencing the email provided by the whistleblower.

Garland lied under oath.

“This is the smoking gun,” Christopher Ruffo said. “Attorney General Garland provided zero evidence that parents are engaging in credible threats or acts of violence. And yet, he mobilized the FBI Counterterrorism Division to use counterterrorism tools for investigating, tracking, and tagging parents.”

These documents directly contradict Merrick Garland’s sworn testimony. . . .

Pray: Lord, let our nation’s leaders be granted wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. May those who seek to pervert justice be removed from their positions of authority. 

Your turn: Do you think US Attorney General Merrick Garland should resign? Let us know in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Gateway Pundit. Article written by Christina Laila. Photo by Istock)

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Deborah Foster
November 18, 2021

He should be treated like anyone else that lies before Congress. He should be tried and convicted.

Rose Distefano
November 18, 2021

Resigning should not be an option; what he did is criminal and should be prosecuted. We continue to allow these lies to go on and do nothing. Trump’s biggest failure was not to fire every dept. and get honorable and ethical people in our government I CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THIS TO HAPPEN. HELP US LORD


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