I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that You deliver our nation. Help our hearts to turn back to You.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

In the next few weeks surrounding the national election, we can expect to see increased demonic activity and spiritual warfare. It’s not because the enemy is getting the upper hand or the saints are not prevailing. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. The reason for the increased chaos in the second heaven is because we are going through a national deliverance.

Demonic spirits, regional strongholds, and national principalities are being exposed, uprooted, and expelled – and they are mad about their eviction. As seen throughout biblical history, they are putting up a fight and wanting to cause a scene as they know their reign is coming to an end. The ongoing collective repentance, praise, and intercession across this nation is having an impact and we are entering into a breakthrough season of liberation!

There are already threats of enemy forces stirring up violence and rioting following the election. But we don’t have to wait and wonder about the aftermath. We have the spiritual authority to divert enemy schemes, subvert opposing plots, and diminish demonic destruction by DIRECTING THE SPIRITUAL TRAFFIC in this hour.

Just as Jesus had command over demonic forces and redirected their destructive plans, we have the same authority to limit the manifestations and distractions AS THEY LEAVE. Let’s follow His example by speaking to the storms, silencing the voices, and establishing Kingdom rule in our land in the coming weeks:

And He awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” (Mark 4:39-40)

We raise our voices above the demonic storms and winds of witchcraft over this nation and say, “Peace, Be Still!” We declare the supremacy of the One who created the winds and the waves and reigns forevermore as the Prince of Peace. Knowing their power is beneath us, we speak in faith to the storms and declare that we will not be hindered in getting to the other side of our victory! We declare calm and stillness over the waves as the GOD OF PEACE CRUSHES satan beneath our feet!

But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be silent and come out of him!” And when the demon had thrown him down in their midst, he came out of him, having done him no harm. (Luke 4:35)

We declare the peace of God will rule and reign in this time of deliverance. We declare every demonic spirit must be silent and do no harm to person or property as they are being expelled from our communities, regions, and nation. We say, BE SILENT and LEAVE without delay, distraction, or destruction, in Jesus’ name.

(*For a PDF version of these prayer directives, go to wandaalger.me/Prayer Guides. Click on DIRECTING SPIRITUAL TRAFFIC DURING OUR NATIONAL DELIVERANCE.)

And when Jesus saw that a crowd came running together, He rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, “You mute and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him and never enter him again.” (Mark 9:25)

Through the authority of Christ, we place a muzzle on the mouths of those fueled by demonic agendas and place a restraining order on their activity. We declare there will be no sideshows, spotlights, or celebrity attention given to their eviction and that no media outlets will draw a crowd to their tantrums. They WILL NOT take center stage in this hour of deliverance. Rather, the national collective will SEE and HEAR about the healing of our nation and the victory of our Lord and Savior through the mouths of those set free and set on fire for You!

And whenever the unclean spirits saw Him, they fell down before Him and cried out, “You are the Son of God.” (Mark 3:11)

We declare that every demonic spirit and opposing force will ultimately acknowledge the supremacy of Christ and the reality of His Kingdom, even as they leave. We join with heaven in declaring that every knee must bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and His Word remains true forever. We declare that even the enemies of God must acknowledge His Lordship and submit to His rule.

But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to Me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.” (Matthew 16:23)

We declare our minds and hearts are submitted to the Father’s plans and His Kingdom purposes for our nation. We ask for Your plumbline of truth to rightly divide between flesh and spirit so that we can stand together in unity. Strengthen our resolve to recognize stumbling blocks and stand against the schemes of man and the temptations of the flesh. We pledge allegiance to the Father of Lights to establish our steps, direct our paths, and sanctify our journey for the glory of the King of all Kings!

As blood-bought believers who have been granted heaven’s authority to rule and reign on the earth, we stand AS ONE to declare that this nation is ONE NATION UNDER GOD. We will not be divided, but stand together to see freedom come to the captives, liberty to those in bondage, and heaven’s justice to the poor. We declare that these next few months will be GLORIOUS and filled with TESTIMONIES of breakthrough and deliverance for all who have called on Your name. For the glory of God, the Father, through His Son, Jesus Christ – AMEN!  

Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America and written for Charisma, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and The Christian Post. She is an author of numerous books, including “Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God.” Follow her blog at wandaalger.me. (Photo Credit:Unsplash .)

What encouraged you most from this teaching? Let us know in the comments below!

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Barbara Lisa
November 3, 2020

Excellent and powerful article!
We need to cover our nation ,leaders and churches with prayer.

Carrie Wingfield
November 2, 2020

We have the ultimate authority in Jesus. We can command the demons to be quiet and not speak and to leave quietly. There doesn’t have to be screaming by the person praying or the one receiving freedom. We can also in a soft authoritative voice command the demons to not come back. All in the name of Jesus.
I learned this when others prayed deliverance prayers over me. I thought we had to make a scene to show the demons our authority. When this man and his wife prayed for me his voice was barely above a whisper. The demons recognize Jesus with us and in us and therefore the authority given to us by Jesus.

November 2, 2020

We pray no weapon shall be able to form against the police stations or police in Washington DC; No weapons shall be able to bring harm to President, Vice President, his Cabinet and all their families.
No weapon can form against your servants who serve in Congress. No harm will come to the election process: voter fraud, election fraud, tampering with the electoral college or any computers or other equipment to cause a false records, no stuffing or hiding votes or any other way to touch the integrity of voting process. That truth and integrity will be well guarded.
We pray for resolve and wisdom of voters to be guided by your righteous hands, Our Father God. Thank you for your intercessors, Jesus and the Holy Spirit interceding for us.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, so let you Holy Spirit liberate us from lock downs orders that was place in manner that was overreaching draconian. Remove lying lips from authority that planned against your good plans for our good health. We trust your plans are for our good and nothing can close the doors you open or open the doors you close. We declare that every creature that breath shall praise the LORD. Hallelujah! Let your children openly and freely pray, sing and gather to worship. That no ungodly force will be able to stop your children from prospering. Please LORD, rebuke the devourer.

November 2, 2020


November 2, 2020

ce qui m a le plus encouragé c est cet effet de force dans l unité et la realite de ma place dans le corps de Christ. La Realite de Jésus Christ et de son Regne. Comme qq chose qui descend du ciel vers la terre.

Peter Idusogie
November 1, 2020

Thank you for your prophetic prayers of intercession from a position of knowing who you are in Christ Jesus. I just went on the air in face book under my name. I declared Donald Trump the winner of the 2020 elections. I was also the person that had to tell the evangelicals and pentacostals and non denomination Church Obama will be President for two terms. I work for God and not any particular party. God is sending Trump back because of the obedience to the Kingdom Agenda by the President and because he loathes the Fake News already declaring Biden the winner. He is aware of all the witchcraft and ritualistic activities done on dark altars to topple Trump. The prayer of the righteous has provoked his anger. Trump emerges victorious. Go to facebook and put my name and send it out. God Bless You

Abigale Barnabas
November 1, 2020

Jesus, I thank You for hearing and answering the prayers of Your Saints, those that love You and love others. Although we are trusting in You and Your power to bind the evil powers that are working in the sons of disobedience, I was once in disobedience and You have delivered me and many others.
Lord as You quiet the storm we know that those evil forces have not left those who Satan is using as he once used me. Lord, may we be given a revival time and be dedicated to “set the captives free” that are worshipping idols and demons in our country, and even in our own families at times. May we not only be humble examples of obedience to Your Word, but pour out Your love that covers a multitude of sins. Let Your love flow through us with compassion and understanding and patience and forbearance to bring others to freedom with Your Truth that makes us Free. This is a Nation professing Freedom IN JESUS CHRIST.
Lord, please fill us with virtue and understanding that Your yoke is easy and that You go before us and that it is not by power nor by might, but by Your Spirit that Your perfect will be done. May we not lean to our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge You and You will guide us into Your Righteousness as a Nation under Your Father, God. Let us deny ourselves and selfish ambition and pleasures for Your will to be done that we truly are a Nation united under God. We bless You, Heavenly Father, and love You with all our might surrendering unto You our lives to do Your Will, Your perfect Will. Be blessed and glorified Lord in all that You do. All Glory and Honor, and Power, and Majesty be given unto You. In the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen. (I was set free with thanksgiving to a Pastor that taught Truth. The book, not for sale, the Holy Spirit guided him to write that helped me is free on http://www.thetruthindeliverance.com, and http://www.theadministrationoftruth.com.)

November 1, 2020

Very beautiful prayer. May many come to know Him in these times. May we draw closer to Him each day.

    November 1, 2020

    Jesus gave his people the authority to rebuke demonic sources.

Nema Ngur
November 1, 2020

Very targeted and powerful prayers ! Thank you Warrior

Tony Sanchez
November 1, 2020

The Body of Jesus Christ is very powerful when we all pray in agreement with God and we are able to overcome the enemy. When we don’t pray, we we come into agreement with the works of the enemy simply by our silence.

Kim Pascarella
November 1, 2020

I agree with this fellow believer in the name of Jesus. We thank You, Father, for accomplishing all that concerns us. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You for protecting us as we look to You for our help. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Lois Taritas
November 1, 2020

Thank you Wanda
Great great insight.
I have read all your prophetic articles and they give me prayer power and when weFight along side of the Lord! We go from strength to strength and rest with God.

November 1, 2020

So powerful! Thank you for these prayers we stand on in the Power of Jesus Christ,Our Savior the Son of The Living God. Will share with many!

October 31, 2020

Wanda Alger’s article provided excellent artillery for taking dominion by using prayers based on scriptural examples. Our intercessory network found her article most helpful. Thank you!

Leshia Burt
October 31, 2020

Aaahhhhh! That was a blessing to know that the demonic reaction is because our prayers and intercession IS dismantling satan’s plots, plans, schemes, and UNDERBELLY! This article brought refreshing to me in this long, intense battle! I PRESS IN to see the VICTORY OF GOD! IN JESUS NAME AMEN!

October 31, 2020

Amen agreeing praying into this

October 31, 2020

Thank you for your prayer, I don’t know what to pray, or how to pray in these evil days!

October 31, 2020

Hallajuah! amen!!

Carol Johansing
October 31, 2020

God is so powerful and sometimes we forget that when we are facing the enemy. Thank you for redirecting my thoughts and for proclaiming the mighty sovereign God who has power over any threat (or apparent threat).

Paul Wesley Bowen
October 31, 2020

I pray the following … first against the evil spirits and powers Matthew 16:19, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind (declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth must be what is already bound in heaven; and whatever you loose (declare lawful) on earth must be what is already loosed in heaven.” Second, against those who are following or have willing given themselves over to Satan’s service, if possible, release them from the strongman they have surrendered to, knowingly or unknowingly, but if they refuse that salvation, then I pray over them Psalm 78:49 AMPC “He let loose upon them the fierceness of His anger, His wrath and indignation and distress, by sending [a mission of] angels of calamity and woe among them.”

Gwyne Clippinger Pearson
October 31, 2020

We pray especially to ask You, Lord, to forgive us, for we are as the church in Laodicea,we are lukewarm. We need Your Spirit to cause us to truly repent and turn from our wicked ways. Forgive those in the churches who have had abortions, who have remained silent. Forgive pastors who have not spoken against abortion. Forgive us for electing leaders who have not fought against abortion. Please forgive us and please intervene in this election, so that through our prayers of repentance,through Your mercy and grace, our nation will not accept abortion, Roe vs Wade will be overturned, and we can be a light brighter still for those nations in greater darkness, until You come to meet the Bride in the clouds when You catch us up in the air. Until the Rapture happens, let us be Your light in this darkness until You remove the restrainer and Jacob’s Trouble begins, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

October 31, 2020

This has been my deepest prayer for America during these recent days that “what the enemy had planned would be turned for good”. That the blind would receive sight, the lame (in faith) would rise and their hearts now controlled by the god of this world would be set free to know the One true God and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. God is directing us to pray in authority and without fear. Praise God and thank you Wanda for this word you have shared.

Linda Dieter
October 31, 2020

I keep remembering how Jesus said that He could call legions of angels…Then in Ephesians 6 we are reminded that we are not fighting flesh and blood but powers and principalities in heavenly places. That we can call forth angelic beings to help us fight these battles. Spurgean calls them angelic armies. I love when Elisha sees the warrior angels as they were surrounded by their enemies. God opens Elisha’s servants eyes and he sees those angel armies. The enemy turns around and flees and are destroyed …

    October 31, 2020

    I agree wholeheartedly and love Wanda’s writings – Gold 💖🔥🙏🏻🕊

October 31, 2020

I appreciate these specific targeting prayers that IFA puts out that we can agree together with strategically. Printing off and praying. God is with us. Let our voices be heard!

Lorraine Domingo
October 31, 2020

Amen and Amen.

Anita Weber
October 31, 2020

A reminder of the authority we have in prayer and intercession

Nancy Graf
October 31, 2020

I stand in agreement with you and lock my shield with you and other believers that the enemy can not penetrate.

Kathleen Wolf
October 31, 2020

I love His Word and His Authority! I love the Lord and His generosity to Us! That He would share His inheritance with us Glory be to His Majesty!

Rev Ken Steigler
October 31, 2020

Thank you Wanda for speaking and articulating the specific language necessary to remove, demolish and bind the forces we cannot see but sense in our spirits as intercessors. We have seen great confusion, frustration with communication in families, mistrust in community, anger that all things are not right with the government and feelings of betrayal with the church afraid to speak up with the truth. Even noticed reluctance to gather on zoom, facebook and other social media connections for prayer- sense of isolation. Forces of darkness and powers of curses blocking, hindering and isolating people making them more vulnerable to miscommunication. Thank you Wanda for your steadfast pursuit of righteous! You have been in our prayers ever since the Workshop in September, even in the night when God has called me to pray protection for you & Bob. Blessings, Rev Ken

Karin Spanner
October 31, 2020

Powerful prayer, which I have shared with our entire group of intercessors. I will continue to pray this prayer in the future. May God be glorified

Michael Guidera
October 31, 2020

Amen Wanda! Praise our God on high about to unleash the power of all our prayers to loose the grip the enemy has over our nation. No more injustice, no more deception, no more tyranny. Demonic principalities, your time is up, you have been identified and now are being stripped of your power over us. You must release your grip over this nation by the powers invested in us through the blood of the lamb and our testimony. We give you Father all the glory for the liberation of our nation.

October 31, 2020

Lord, Heavenly Father and King. We pray for NJ and for You to block all evil in the coming election. We pray for The Center for Garden State Families as we attempt to be a beacon of light in this dark state. We pray against The Reproductive Freedom Act which Governor Murphy is pushing. It is a bill of death for the innocent baby in the womb. We pray for many to read this 50 page bill and to be forced to their knees to pray for our legislators and to speak up in outrage against this bill of death. We ask for the light of your truth to be shed upon them and forlegislators’ consciences to be pierced. Oh Lord, deliver this state once founded on Judeo Christian principles. Protect the pathway of each ballot which is cast and may all who are registered be motivated to vote before Tuesday. We pray against the LGBTQ and Sex Education curriculum and learning standards. Reveal to parents their right to opt out of the Sex Ed curriculum and raise many to voice their concerns about the fact that parents cannot opt out of the LGBTQ contributions curriculum. Protect each child in public education from this attempt to sexualize our children.Use this lockdown to reveal to parents what they can do to protect their children as they see what they are learning.

October 31, 2020

Amen and amen in the name of JESUS CHRIST OUR ONLY LORD AND SAVIOR! Hallelujah!!

Teresa King
October 31, 2020

I prayed those prayers out loud & felt the power of God flow thru me- although I pray continuously this was different. Thank you for your guidance & I will share this now

Noemi Moyet
October 31, 2020

Father God, your name be glorified throughout the earth, your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Right now, I declare that the plans of the enemy are destroyed, made null and void, in the might and powerful name of Jesus . Let every undercover agenda, conspiracy, satanic network or plan rising in our country and through political leadership be cursed to the root, in Jesus name. I declare peace, unity, salvation, deliverance, and healing in this nation and throughout the world, in the name of Jesus.

October 31, 2020

Amen!! This the Authority that our Father God has given us! It was procured through His blood!Thank you Lord Jesus! Move upon us in Jesus’ Name! In the name of Jesus, Release the anointing of remembrance over your people Lord! Help us never to surrender the reigns of government again! Let us boldly occupy this place until you return in Jesus’ Name!

October 31, 2020

Glory be to Our Lord Jesus Christ who has dominion over all things! May these prayers along with the scriptures be shared and prayed by many bringing unity and strength for the victory belongs to Him! Lord God, hear our praise and hear our prayers as we speak with one voice declaring Your sovereignty, Power and Glory over this Nation and all over the world! Make Yourself seen, heard and feared as we cry out for Your abundant grace and mercy! You, Lord are the One TRUE GOD! We humbly bow, confessing our sin, repenting and seeking Your forgiveness! Make us Holy as You are Holy. Transform these hearts if stones into hearts of flesh as in Ezekiel! Prepare us and lead us into the everlasting, eternal hope! Jesus, May Your kingdom come and Your will be done! We pray in Your Name!

October 31, 2020

We are not to dwell on what man does but on God! Not of the flesh but of the spirit. This was all so uplifting! God bless! Thank you!

virginia webb
October 31, 2020

that no media outlets will draw a crowd to their tantrums. love all this but this was a new thought Yes praying

Lisa Williams
October 31, 2020

Thank you for sharing. I could feel the power and authority of the Lord being released as the Lord had me decree these declarations in agreement with you. Amen and so be it! To God be the glory!

Jill Marshall
October 31, 2020

I love real spiritual warfare! Thank you for leading God’s people to use the real spiritual weapons against our real enemy.

Crystal Clark
October 31, 2020

The power of praying in Jesus name Satan and his demons must retreat fall and submit to the authority of God our Father

    Janice Blumberg
    October 31, 2020

    Oh, how I love all that I read this evening!

October 31, 2020

“Let them know that this is Your hand; YOU O LORD have done it” Psalm 109:27

Brenda Hamilton
October 31, 2020

Excellent and on point

Rebecca Collins
October 31, 2020

This is a Holy Spirit prayer for our nation. The very cry of our Father’s heart. We pray this prayer in Jesus name with Thanksgiving for His blood that sets us free from the bondages of the enemy🙏 Make our nation strong in You again standing on Your Word! Amen! I love your prayer. What an encouragement!

Michelle Martin
October 31, 2020

Powerful thank you for giving direction how to pray as . Information
that I’ve been looking for & wasn’t taught so wonderful that you are
helping all who want to pray fervently & effectively. God bless 🕊.

Lydia B. Miller
October 31, 2020

Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world!
Greater is He in President Trump that he that is in the world!
Greater is He in this election than he that is in this world!
If God is for us, His people, then who can be against us!
The battle belongs to the Lord, we are called to walk along side of Him and to engage in the war, as though we are winning. Those who believe and stand strong against the enemy , will win! Repentance is taking place in human hearts and we will see a huge revival, it is happening right before our eyes. A huge battle is being fought in prayer. The light of Jesus is increasing and exposing the evil plans and schemes….God is raising up an army to push back the plans of the enemy for America. In Jesus Powerful name we annihilate voter fraud, all plans of the enemy defeated! The armies of Heaven are in engaging in this political and spiritual war. Jesus is winning, a sound of victory is much louder than the sound of enemy, because “The Lion of Judah is roaring! Come let’s worship the king who is fighting a battle for us!

    November 1, 2020

    Let the trumpet sound! A new sound will be heard! A loud roar will silence the enemy! Victory is the Lord’s!

Lawrence Unger
October 31, 2020

As a believer I remain steadfast in praying audibly these words and scriptures, believing with great expectation in the power of His living Word and all that it will accomplish. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

Judy Caccavale
October 31, 2020

Th most encouraging thing here is the affirmation that the demons are not more powerful but that God is always! Amen. Thank you.

October 31, 2020

Thank you for this reminder !
Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.
The battle belongs to the Lord !
Suit up pray up and take a stand as He leads. He will give us everything we need to be victorious in Christ Jesus.

Pat M
October 31, 2020

Jesus, Himself, addressed the demonic in Matthew 16 in Caeserea Philippi when He stood at the demonic cave and asked Peter and the disciples “who do you say I am?” He showed us to go to the pit of hell in our nation and declare who Our God is and “the gates of hell will not prevail.” This is where the keys of the Kingdom of God/heaven were given.

Father, we take our authority and power given to us, to do greater exploits than Jesus! Today the whole world is against You and us. We stand up and declare You are our Judge; our Lawgiver, and our King. You rule and reign forever! We bind the strongman over usA and loose angel armies to assist leaders who are laboring to bring our nation back to Your Kingdom from which we have grossly strayed. Thank You Jesus for demonstrating this principle in such a stunning story.

    October 31, 2020

    What a glorious prayer and to know God is working through his body to pray a d take authority over the powers and principalities coming against this nation. No weapon formed against us will prosper!Every evil plot and scheme that the enemy has designed to come in to kill, steal and destroy will fail in Jesus Name! Jesus is Lord over the USA.

October 31, 2020

Thank you, Wanda, for this insightful article and powerful prayer points‼️
May God’s people be united in proclaiming His sovereignty every day.

Vina M Elias
October 31, 2020

I was encouraged and uplifted as I read through all the articles and agree whole heartedly with every thing spoken and stand in agreement and prayer, I interceed on behalf of our nation and call forth The Spirit Of The Living God Of Light to shine forth in glory over our nation so other may see and glorify God for who and what He Is


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