Dems Shut Down Protections for Abortion Survivors in Senate
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Dems Shut Down Protections for Abortion Survivors in Senate
Although a bill to protect babies who survive abortion made it through the House, it failed in the Senate as every single Democrat voted against it.
From CBN. Every single Senate Democrat voted against a measure on Wednesday that would have required life-saving treatment for babies who have been born alive after surviving an abortion.
Have you taken your place on the wall?
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act failed because three-fifths of the Senate majority, or 60 votes, were not acquired. The motion to move the bill forward, a process known as cloture, failed with a vote of 52-47. …
As CBN News reported, The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would require doctors and healthcare workers to provide the same medical care to infants surviving abortions as infants born during normal childbirth.
Currently, there is federal legislation to ensure babies surviving an abortion get medical assistance, but there is no criminal enforcement to punish those who refuse to provide lifesaving care, Life News reports.
Republican Sen. James Lankford (OK), Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL), and Sen. Jim Banks (R-IN) introduced the bill just days before March for Life, the nation’s largest annual pro-life demonstration.
“No child should be denied medical care simply because they are ‘unwanted.’ Today, if an abortion procedure fails and a child is born alive, doctors can just ignore the crying baby on the table and watch them slowly die of neglect. That’s not an abortion, that’s infanticide,” said Senator Lankford. …
Just because a baby can’t defend herself, doesn’t mean she’s disposable—it means she’s vulnerable. My bill would have protected the lives of the most vulnerable.
— Sen. James Lankford (@SenatorLankford) January 22, 2025
Majority Leader John Thune (R-SD) is one of the bill’s many co-sponsors.
“This shouldn’t be a controversial bill,” he said before the vote. “We should all be able to agree that a baby born alive after an attempted abortion must be protected. And yet, I fully expect today that my Democratic colleagues will vote not on this legislation.” …
A baby born alive after an attempted abortion should be entitled to the same protection and medical care that any other newborn baby is entitled to.
This shouldn’t be a controversial bill.
— Leader John Thune (@LeaderJohnThune) January 22, 2025
House Republicans passed their version of the bill when they retook control in 2023 and reintroduced it earlier this month. …
Share your prayers for every Senator to see the value of life and the unborn below.
(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: EL Evangelista/Pexels)
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Lord, please lift the demonic spirits of complacency and convenience off of humanity- that this evil blood sacrifice against children and humanity will be broken off of us. Lord, restore courage and strength of character to our legislators, that their conscience would be guided by a moral compass built upon conviction of your holy spirit’s presence in their minds and hearts.
What Democrat Senators voted against this bill?
Father God,
Open their hearts and minds to the truth of every senator who voted against this bill. I pray that your love would draw them to you and that they will be able to recognize your absolute truth in Jesus’ name. Unify us with your love and let your love reign and undo wickedness in our land.
It shouldn’t matter if the baby is wanted or unwanted. They should get the neonatal care they need. There are couples that want to adopt these children even if they have special needs. Many of them have waited for years for the opportunity to adopt a baby. They would receive the child with joy.
Some say a baby is not a baby until it is born. What is the excuse then of Senators who do not want care for a baby who survives abortion? Is that baby still not human in their eyes? I pray God would convict their hearts of murder and move to protect all human life from conception.
You need to get those Rinos to vote for it. There had to have been some Republicans who didn’t vote for it.
How could we trust you as leaders as you vote no to save born alive human beings just in baby size. Its horrible enough to live in a state that puts abortion aka murdering unborn children and even worse to know all stand for death. I pray God’s mercy and message of repentance. That He would open your eyes and break the barriers around your hearts so you may see His truth and turn from these wicked ways.
It is not just shocking but horrifying and unconscionable that ALL of the Democrats voted for infanticide, in the case of these most defenseless babies. I pray our Lord opens these blind eyes,, not just the senators, but those who support them to be their representatives.
It is absolutely breath taking that ALL of the Democrats voted against the wonder of an infant who miraculously survives and abortion. Shouldn’t this adamant try for survival be recognized as one worthy of the protection?
THANK YOU, SENATORS JAMES LANKFORD, KATIE BRITT AND JIM BANKS! To show my gratitude, I would like to send each of you a free copy of my biography of GIANNA: ABORTED AND LIVED TO TELL ABOUT IT. Gianna Jessen. was born alive during a saline abortion at 7 months. The book was published in 1995 by Focus on the Family.
Honestly……this backs up to Bill Clinton twice vetoing a ban on partial birth abortion. At that time, that action fulfilled Jesus’ words saying, “when you see the abomination that causes desolation, (let the reader understand)”
This began the fun;fillment of Daniel’s prophecy and the “overspreading of abominations” that we have witnessed in our nation ever since. Our law making body was the wing of the temple where this abomination was established and we are watching the unfolding of all He said would happen before His return. We c a but lift high our heads as redemption draws nigh, and trust that He will wipe away all tears…….as this will hurt,
If it’s been determined by a federal court that a baby born in the US automatically becomes a US citizen at birth and is protected by the 14th amendment then it would stand to reason that it would apply to all babies including those that survive an abortion as well. Correct?
Oh my God Stuart Sipes! I say that with reverence. What a perfectly true statement. Yes sir, CORRECT!
Maybe that’s the way to pursue the matter if Dems refuse to prosecute for infanticide: the right to life for also for those born alive, to attack the abortion holocaust from before and after and a massive education campaign to make abortion an unthinkable and unconscionable choice.
Can we get a list of those who voted against?
Every single Democrat voted against….every one.
” …52 Republicans supporting the measure, and all 47 Democrats opposed it. The bill needed 60 votes for cloture…”
I’m not a fan of Wikipedia, but here is a current list of senators with party affiliation.
Every single Democrat voted against the bill.
In the firsy parargraph, it said EVERY single democrat voted no.
The senate needs to pass this bill!! I pray to God that the Democrats Senators’ eyes will be open that abortion is simple and plain murder!! Father God please protect the innocent lives of these unborn and born babies affected by abortion.
Who can watch a child die and not give them help. Lord soften their hearts.
How soon will heathen Biden pass on and face the Lord? Fast not soon enough!
Add Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Durbin, etc. to the list.
Makes me think of these verses in Proverbs 6 that mention how the Lord hates the shedding of innocent blood:
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Proverbs 6:16-19 (KJV)
Praying in agreement, Kathleen. Lord, as you hate the shedding of innocent blood, we seek your face. We repent on behalf of the leaders who’ve been voted into office. That our vote counts for life and not death. That this outcome will have the opposite outcome. That many innocent lives will be preserved in the moments ahead. In Your Name.
“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.
“So therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.” So he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.
Genesis 50:20-21
Lord, we repent on behalf of our nations and plead the blood of Christ for their repentance; we ask You for mercy to remove this scourge, to give us us strength and strategies to attack it every way possible with truth, tenacity, prayer and fasting. In Melech Yeshua’s (King Jesus’) mightiest of the mighty name I pray.
Be alert and aware and discerning. The Bible begins with Nimrod ( anti-Christ figure) and the human leaders desiring to be like God in Babylon. The Bible ends with the same in Revelation, men desiring and manipulating to be “as gods”.
Men writing code into alter human DNA , I believe is the final “abomination of desolation”. God’s name is written within the human DNA. We are the Temple of God’s Holy Spirit. We are told by the Messiah , after His resurrection, that we as humans are the physical Temple of God until that day of restoration of all things . It is no surprise the adversary would want humans to play God and “ alter & destroy” human DNA and our “Made in His Image” life blood DNA.
Think about Daniel 2. The last kingdom as Jesus comes, the toes of the giant, “ iron and clay” that do not mix and are not unified. We humans are jars of clay, iron ( technology, graphite, ) We are now putting in these injections into the source of human body “ blood”, with iron and man written MNRA dna altering codes.
I voted for Pres Trump both times. His is doing much good for the people. I Pray for him and know God is using him, but he’s a man., fallible, influenced by those closest to him and he is listening to corrupt counsel on this issue. We are in the last toes ( clay & iron) kingdom. Read Daniel. Pray about this. Pray for President. There are technocrat dark horses( wolves in repackaged sheep’s clothing) that have his ear. God is the CREATOR, the Eternal one, not humans creating AI or uploading brains to the cloud somewhere, and rewriting human DNA. God is the only God. Even as humans aspire continually to be as God, think. What is the number that represents man “6” and the perfection of that number ? 666.
Oh God give Your people discernment. Maranatha!
50 amens for your insightful words.
Men are not only playing God..but are pursuing blood sacrifice with zeal. Wondering how many are being bribed
Unbelievable!!! that a baby should be left to die after surviving an abortion attempt..where is the heart of these people? They would be more likely to help an injured animal than a human infant!!
Well said!!!
All those who walk away from a baby that survives an abortion will stand before God and be judged. I find it unbelievable that anyone could leave a baby to die like that even if you believe in abortion. The average citizen can not refuse to help anyone in need of assistance, then why can those with training just walk away. May God have mercy on their souls. So Fetterman is pro abortion the democrat who claims that the democratic party is to radical so sad 😢 that democrats are continuing to support child sacrifice. May God touch their hearts and minds that they may repent. Trust in God. 🙏😇🙏
“Take care that you do not despise one of these little ones; for, I tell you, in heaven their angels continually see the face of my Father in heaven.”
May the Democrats learn before it is too late that this sin is an abomination to our Father, that He will judge those who harm what is created in His image.
It broke my heart to learn that Democratic senators voted against The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Praying for wisdom from God for everyone who holds a governmental position.
How horrible this is. Im crying.
Heavenly Father,
I thank you for my many blessings and I love you and worship You only and always!
I pray today for the born alive abortion babies Lord Jesus. I pray this bill will pass for the sake of these babies.
Thank You Lord Jesus.
I’m amazed. 85% of congressmembers claim to be Christians. It’s too bad that their faith is not reflected in their actions in legislation. It appears that the youth across America are in revival. I pray that they are led to take congressional seats and reveal their love of God in their legislative actions.
Yes, Steven….Amen and amen!
Deception is rampant. Men are worshipping at the altar of manna and at the feet of the gods of convenience and apathy
All these nay sayers on saving that unwanted child will stand before God one day and answer for their votes. What if it was their own child’s child or grandchild’s child? They would fight to save it. God please save our children. Has the world forgotten that there is birth control out there or are you so ignorant and stupid, or lazy to use it? God help this world.
I have just been reminded of Ezekiel 37:
The Lord took Ezekiel to a valley full of dry bones and He said, “Son of man, can these bones come to life?”
Ezekiel replied, “O Lord GOD, only You know.”
The Lord then said to Ezekiel, “Prophesy concerning these bones and tell them, Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! The Lord GOD says to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh grow upon you and cover you with skin. I will put breath within you so that you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
Dear Heavenly Father, You are My God in whom I trust. You know me, I am no prophet but I believe You connected Your Word with my heartbreak over this tragic report. And in regard to the men and women who refuse to support humanity, even to the merest degree…the dry bones not only in the Senate but in the House, and in every layer of leadership, I pray Your Mighty Word. Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! Father, cause breath to enter them and bring them to life. Father, attach tendons to them and make flesh grow upon them and cover them with skin. Father, put Your Holy Spirit within them so that they will come to life. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, all will know that You are the LORD and conduct themselves based upon Your Word! I am praying for the sake of Your Holy Name and for the lives of the unborn. Amen
What is wrong with people who voted against providing care for an infant that survived an abortion? This SHOULD NOT be a Democrat or Republican issue but a HUMAN LIFE ISSUE! I pray that doctors, nurses, Democrats, ANYONE who does not see that ALL LIFE has value would have troubling nightmares and visions of those crying babies being aborted and repent of their cold and insensitive hearts!!
Democrats— The party of Death, Degeneracy and Destruction. Baby and infant murderers.
Praying for conversion of hearts of democrats who don’t see the value of an infant’s life. Most of all pray for the conversion of doctors and all medical staff involved in abortiona. If these people stop performing abortions perhaps the numbers would drop and eventually stop abortions from occurring.
Leader Thune nailed it.
YHVH, I first want to thank You for those who stood for life, both in the House and in the Senate – may Your shalom and blessing rest upon each and every one of them!! We ask You to strengthen their resolve, and give them strategies to continue the battle for life. Raise the hands that hang down, and strengthen their feeble knees!
We ask that the stronghold of this death cult and blood-lust be broken over our nation. No more infanticide, neither pre-born nor born!! We would desire, as do You, that all held in the grasp of this covenant with death be freed, delivered, saved and transformed into staunch supporters of life – draw them, O Lord! Deal with the unrepentant as You see fit.
Amen!!! 50
Obviously it took more than sick democrats, it took some wicked republicans as well for it to fail. Lord change hearts! Change our nation!
I believe all Republicans voted for this bill. They need some Democrats to join them.
Just as Donald Trump always says, “We are dealing with some very sick people, very sick people indeed.” And, he’s so right. Sadly. This turns my stomach and breaks my heart for the grip of darkness on this nation. The devil is a liar!
Lord may the Democrat senators that voted against saving the innocent babies have a change of heart…May each one of the senators have a Damascus Road experience with you like Saul did and see the Truth. Open thier eyes and hearts Lord Jesus.
Matthew 25;40-43
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
Dear Lord Jesus,
In Your name, I pray that each of these Senators who voted against this bill repent of their sin and change his/her mind as to how he/she voted. I pray that each Senator would fall to his/her knees and beg forgiveness from You, in the mighty and holy name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
You FOUL spirit of murder, loose every one of these Democrats senators, in the name of Jesus the Christ!
Lord Jesus, bring conviction to their hearts and remove the veil from their minds and the scales from their eyes. I pray this scripture below over every one of these senators:
Job 33:14-18 CSB
[14] For God speaks time and again, but a person may not notice it. [15] In a dream, a vision in the night, when deep sleep comes over people as they slumber on their beds, [16] he uncovers their ears and terrifies them with warnings, [17] in order to turn a person from his actions and suppress the pride of a person. [18] God spares his soul from the Pit, his life from crossing the river of death.
Yes, we are in spiritual warfare, binding and loosing!!!!!!
Dearest Heavenly Father: We know how much YOU love the babies. How you formed each of them and us after your image and had great and wonderful plans for these babies. That while man may see them as expendable or disposable, you saw them as fellow worshippers who deserved a place in your kingdom. We pray Father that you will visit and trouble even the sleep of each of those that said No. That they themselves will be so convicted in their spirits that they seek a re-vote themselves to right the wrong they have done. That a majority of them will repent and come back to you themselves and forever be changed. We ask this prayer in the Mighty Mighty Name of Jesus. To you Father be all Glory, Honor, Power and Praise for you alone are worthy to be Praised.
May those democrat senators who voted against saving those babies who survived abortion stand before God’s judgment one day!
They will!
All of them should be accused of being accomplices to murder if those babies die.