President Trump’s recent executive order laying out his “America-First Healthcare Plan” makes clear his continued commitment to the long-standing, bipartisan consensus that we should protect people with pre-existing conditions.
Unfortunately, the previous administration’s attempt to make good on that consensus — Obamacare — has failed to deliver on its promises. Contrary to the prevailing media narrative, federal health insurance enrollment protections for pre-existing conditions long predate Obamacare. Bipartisan legislation passed nearly 25 years ago protects people with preexisting conditions and prior health coverage from having to wait for their condition to be covered when they move to a new job. . . .
Obamacare attempted to deliver additional protections for people with pre-existing conditions in need of health-insurance coverage. The reality is, however, the law’s prohibitive costs placed coverage outside the reach of everyday Americans, including countless with preexisting conditions.
(Editor’s note: My husband is self-employed. We were happy with our medical insurance coverage . . . until Obamacare. Our policy, which we liked, was deemed illegal because I was a woman of child-bearing age and it didn’t offer maternity coverage, which we didn’t want. Our premiums have multiplied exponentially and our choices have shrunk to one year only one insurance company participated in the Obamacare in my state. Our deductibles are so high that the cost of medical care is generally completely prohibitive. One example: My daughter fell down a flight of stairs when her knee dislocated. The cost of an MRI? $1500. Cash out of pocket because we are healthy people who don’t meet the very high deductible. The result? We do not go to the doctor. Obamacare has been a disaster for us. I could tell many other stories of how it has harmed us and others we know.)
After premiums doubled and even tripled in some states once Obamacare regulations took effect, individual-market coverage became unaffordable and unusable for millions of middle-class and self-employed Americans earning too much to qualify for subsidies. A 60-year-old couple living in Hannibal, Missouri, who earn $70,000 a year faces a $37,000 annual premium for the lowest-cost silver plan — over half their income — and that’s before a staggering $12,000 deductible. For them, there are no protections if they have a preexisting condition. Sadly, Obamacare has failed to protect them. It’s time the national debate over Obamacare finally confronts this reality. One can support maintaining formal preexisting protections in the individual market — as President Trump has done repeatedly and has done again in his recent executive order — while honestly confronting the law’s poor track record in making those protections meaningful for real people. The data bear this out. From 2016 to 2018, 2.5 million unsubsidized enrollees left the individual market. Census data in turn show that the number of uninsured with incomes greater than 400 percent of the federal poverty line — the cutoff point to qualify for federal tax credits — increased by 1.1 million in 2018. . . .
The pandemic has underscored just how unaffordable and unattractive Obamacare remains to most Americans. Over the last six months, millions have lost their jobs and with them their health-care coverage. Each and every one of these individuals who held job-based coverage is eligible for enrollment, and many states opened enrollment to anyone who is uninsured. Still, relatively few have opted for Obamacare thus far. Americans were promised Obamacare would protect them against discrimination on the basis of pre-existing conditions. But when the price of unsubsidized coverage would bankrupt the average middle-class family, the promise of protection rings hollow. By contrast, no one has done more to protect real people with real preexisting conditions than President Trump. He has not abided by the old, worn-out playbook of simply increasing taxes and spending more taxpayer dollars. Rather, he has addressed the underlying factors that limit access to care and make health care unaffordable in the first place. Under his watch, premiums have gone down for three consecutive years across, Medicare Advantage, and Part D health plans, while options have expanded for Americans who rely on these plans.
Moreover, his policies are driving toward a new age of transparency and interoperability where patients have the information they need — including the price of care and their medical records — to make the best health-care decisions with their doctor or to shop for new health-insurance coverage. This information will move us toward a system that increases provider competition and rewards lower-cost care. And that just scratches the surface. The president’s antagonists are free to oppose his health-care agenda, marked by almost four years of increased patient control, fewer government mandates, and robust competition — an agenda that has delivered results. They are even free to defend the dubious legacy of Obamacare. But they should do so on the basis of fact, not fiction.
SEEMA VERMA is administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
(Excerpt from National Review. Article by Seema Verma. Photo Credit: White House Flickr.)
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I pray this Shadow Government be revealed and this OBAMACARE be removed it is a lie and is set up for CORRUPTION to benefit! I also Pray that we are given Wisdom to help those in need with pre existing conditions.
Deuteronomy 1.16-18
The ACA (Obamacare) was built on the foundation of lies. Obama pretended to give us something better while all along, he knew what it was – nothing but deception for the masses to force us down the road to socialized medicine.
In order to understand it, citizens need to understand Obama’s background and belief system. While claiming publicly to be of Christian faith (for votes), he was anything but that. His long practiced Muslim beliefs gave “him permission” to lie to achieve what he seemed the greater goal of moving America towards socialism / communism. The man is one of the most polished liars to ever be in office. While extolling the virtues of socialism, he used our system of capitalism to enrich himself and family – through misuse and multiple schemes while being protected by his role of president.
We have to continue to pray for complete exposure of the layers of criminal actions and fraud perpetrated on the people of America. It won’t be pleasant to watch it unfold but it is absolutely necessary in order to restore trust in our government again and the rule of law.
Thank you for this article. I had not understood this whole dilemma, so this really helped. I think that’s the case with most people. This article will help to educate many on this topic as we share this! I hope many will share this article!
I had a friend thaat made to much money to be enrolled- because he lived in a decent apt. they felt if he lived in a lower income housing unite he would be eligable. he lived where he was for three years with no proublem, but once he got sick he need to move to a less expensive place to get coverage. They wanted 400 a month and he could not afford that, needless to say because he did not move he did not get insurance and 4 months latter he died.
To get free insurance you had to be poor- not low income who then became ill.
I worked in the medical field verifying coverage and the insurance plans already established the preexisting coverage: this Obama care was to rip off the American people.those who didn’t have insurance plans the state had medicaid,co assistance, those that didn’t have insurance but wanted to pay cash they were given treatment with the Medicare guidelines a discount. It was a lie because of the political correctness groups want to dictate a mandatory coverage at the neck of the people of this nation. We pray that the American people become free of this burdensome chains placed by obomacare.