Republicans are describing the Democratic Party’s agenda as an attempt to, in effect, lock in one-party rule in the U.S. government — a far cry from President Joe Biden’s promises of a new spirit of bipartisanship in Washington.
Democratic leaders in the 117th Congress have Washington D.C. statehood, federal election reform, Puerto Rican statehood, a path to U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants and more on their agenda.
There has been a record surge of migrants arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border after the Biden administration unilaterally, through executive orders, changed many border enforcement and immigration policies implemented under the Trump administration. Illegal border crossings are also on the rise. Shortly after he was inaugurated, Biden released his own immigration reform plan that would provide a path to citizenship for all illegal immigrants living in the U.S. . . .
“Democrats are doing whatever they can to force their socialist agenda on the American people,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Michael McAdams told Just the News. . . .
McAdams was referring to H.R. 1, the For the People Act, which Democrats passed in the House and want to pass in the Senate. Under the legislation, Super PACs would be required to publicly disclose their donors, and the bill would “match small donations (up to $200) to participating congressional candidates at a 6-1 ratio.”
The bill creates a nonpartisan redistricting commission, and it requires automatic voter registration with an opt-out provision for individuals. The legislation also makes Election Day a holiday for federal employees and prohibits states from placing any restrictions on a voter’s ability to cast mail-in ballots. . . .
Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, chair of the House Republican Conference, said Democrats in Congress have abandoned bipartisanship, pointing to their unilateral passage of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, a COVID-19 stimulus bill, using budget reconciliation to avoid needing votes from Republicans. Democrats are considering using the same strategy for a massive $2 trillion infrastructure plan that could also include climate change and health care provisions.
The legislation might also include a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) tax system that would charge drivers based on the amount of miles they drive as one of the funding mechanisms for the proposal. . . .
“They want to change the system to benefit themselves and they want to have instead of a referee they want the FEC to be a prosecutor,” McConnell said on Tuesday. “So this is not about anything other than trying to help the Democrats win elections in perpetuity.”
“President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, and the Democrats have avoided even the pretense of bipartisan negotiation and are instead ramming their disastrous agenda into law,” Cheney told Just the News in a statement. “The consequences for our country will be severe. We know their policies will undermine our security, weaken our economy, and destroy jobs. That’s why we must not only stand up to their bad ideas, but explain to the American people why our conservative vision that empowers people and champions freedom is the best path forward.”
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(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by Nicholas Ballasy. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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I am amazed! When I read this post, I see the same thing being done by the Republicans. We are the Church, The Body of Christ, and are being more concerned about the things of this world than what we are supposed to. God never told us to get involved in the things of this world. We spend so much time being concerned about a ‘stolen election’, that we have left Jesus out. Jesus’ problem was with the ‘religious’ leaders of his day. He never conversed with the leaders of Rome until he was arrested. Even then, his words were short. We are so consumed by the ‘lefts and the rights’ that we are no longer staying on the straight path we are told to be on. That’s the world’s way. We are not of this world. God ‘out socialized’ any socialist. We are so upset that Donald Trump is no longer President that we forget that God is Sovereign. We act like God can’t handle His business. He is in control of the entire universe. Do we not believe that God is OMNIPOTENT and no one can take anything from Him? People are dying by the thousands daily, others are hungry and homeless, can’t afford medicines and are being neglected by a government that is being paid to look out for them. Some of us, as Followers of Christ, are upset about the stimulus checks. Suggestion: send yours back or give it to someone who really needs it. We are to be salt and light. How can we, when we are blending in to the world’s system. God’s got this.
Al mighty Father,I have no clue why a man in declining mental health is the president of our nation.
You were not taken by surprise.
I have no clue as to what is in the minds of our current “leaders.”
You see and know wicked plans and strategies before they are even conceived.
I have no clue why the adversary has so much authority in this time.
You alone grant this influence.
Before Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave, He said to Martha, “Didn’t I tell you that if you keep trusting, you will see the glory of God?” Jesus then prayed to You Father before shouting, “Lazarus! Come out!” Father, the dead are walking among us. I can see them everywhere. I am praying You would call them out…Joe Biden, come out! Kamala Harris, come out! Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, come out! We want to see Your Glory for our good so I pray trusting in You Alone. In the Name of The Father, The Son, and TheHoly Spirit. Amen.
It’s ALL about control! “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools!!” God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth is in control and they are so deceived! God’s people are supposed to stand against this though! If not us, then who? Our weapons are mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds! We just can’t lose this one, the stakes are too high and our children and grandchildren deserve better!
Believer’s silence, over the years, is about to cost us our nation! It’s time to be bold, courageous and involved! Politicians get voted in on their false promises, make themselves rich, and then do anything and everything they need to do to stay in office! They want to pass H.R.1 so they can stay in forever!! If ever believers started being “the squeaky wheel,” it’s now! We can’t be silent on this. We will lose everything!
We need to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power now. Our struggle is not just against the Democratic agenda, but against the rulers, authorities, the powers in this darkness over the United States, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. We, as individuals, have to pray daily against all the legislation being thrown at us that will undermine our country. Remember, Greater is He that is in us, that he that is in the world system.
The current administration is trying so hard to destroy this nation. Biden is a pathological liar, the likes of Adolf Hitler. What he is attempting to do isn’t any different than Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. Before long, Kamala Harris, the ambitious Assistant Dictator, will be taking over as Fuhrer. Then we will truly be in big trouble. Lord, if we ever needed You to intervene, it is now! Please, by Your great love for us, thwart the plan of the enemy as he works through these deluded people. Please, don’t let satan steal, kill or destroy where our nation and world are concerned. Your Divine Intervention is the only hope that we have. Please, let Your will be done! In Jesus’ name we pray.
I agree! And add, please God help us keep our joy in You. The joy of the Lord is our strength.
Absolutely. This is where our focus needs to stay, on our Lord, who never changes. Politics are temporary at best, and are subject to change.
“For we will not trust the weapons of the world,we know they will never save us.0nly your our Savior will save us.All who hate us you will put to shame.In Jesus name, Amen
Ps.44:6-7 TPT
Lord we ask for our protection to keep the country you have so lovingly given us. You have given us the ability to worship in law abiding communities, we ask that you stop any movements to destroy these protections in its tracks.
“Destroy oh Lord and divide their tongues, for (we) have seen violence and strife in the cities.” Psalm 55:9.
In Jesus name, Amen!
Call to pray, intercede and fast—This is the time, Now!
Please watch section 2 of the Regent University Election Integrity conference that Michelle Bachman, Dean, put on this last week. HR1 will officially make US a one party country. Although it’s unconstitutional, this law would over-ride any and all election laws established by states.
Please watch this part 2 that excellently covers HR1 and forward to others.
Lord, we so desperately need you now – this week. We are helpless without you, we cry out to you in Jesus’ name to stop this legislation in the US Senate this week.
Scriptures in Isaiah, Proverbs, Job, Psalms, Ezekiel say the wicked cannot / will not stand, so we plead the blood of Jesus over this!
My heart breaks to think of this legislation passing this week. Then Satan will laugh at us and point his finger at the Church and mock You, Your name, and trample us under like dust.
Help us Oh God of Israel, Abraham, Issac and Jacob!
We need you to act to confound this legislation and all those bringing it forward, Oh Lord!
We know we have all of Heaven with us and it looks impossible to us to withstand this evil about to end us and our country, but we say..
Heb 6:18-20 – “19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, 20 where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.”
Righteousness, Holiness, and Salvation are our banner and we submit all of ourselves to you and completely repent of our sins.
Acts 3:19 “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,”
We stand on your Word, your promises and the name of Jesus because we know we have not fulfilled all Your purposes to finish the harvest of souls before you come to rapture the Church!
Come quickly, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit to wake up the remnant and prepare hearts before you fall with full power!
Hosanna, Hallejulah!
Thank you for sharing that link. I have so appreciated Michelle Bachman’s courage and boldness throughout the years. Prayers continue to allow our great nation to experience a repentance and realignment!
Dear Heavenly Father, as you told us through your prophet Daniel, “Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand” (Daniel 12:10). I thank you Lord, for opening my eyes as you have. Though raised in a Christian home and baptized many decades ago, I had strayed so far later in life. I still remember the day, late last spring, when America was erupting in violent riots and attacks against the police and so many other aspects of our culture, and I sat watching this unfold on TV, stunned; at that moment I picked up a Bible (the same one I have owned since a child) and prayed for you to give me some kind of wisdom about the unfolding event. I randomly opened the Bible and put my finger on a verse and read, and the words I read stunned me. As it says in Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” I realized then that this fit the current situation to a T. These wicked people call everything good evil and everything evil somehow good. I realized then and there I had strayed far and it was time for me to return to You and Your path, and at the same time, I also realized that, despite my wayward journey, You had never left me, and were there to give me clear guidance; I had but to sincerely ask. Since that day I feel my eyes have opened wider and my wisdom has grown thanks to Your guidance. Lord, I know I am not alone in this experience and these feelings, and although I sense you have directly told me to “watch and wait” as things unfold, I do so wish to be be involved in pushing back against the lies and the darker evil deeds they hide. Lord, like millions of others, I pray the day comes soon when You will direct us to act in Your name. Till then, as You have commanded, I will continue to watch and wait. I know more revelations are to come. In Jesus precious name I pray O’ Lord, Amen.
DannyNC, Thank you for your powerful testimony. And thank you for sharing your word from the Lord with us here.
God bless!
Your prayer was straight and to the point. Scripture verse to follow, actions the Lord wants us to follow and your questions like mine when do we act upon this evil in our land? Thank you very much for taking the time to help me and others to understand. We are living in very difficult and evil times.
I try to begin every day now with a prayer that I may do something positive for good and for God’s purpose, even if it something as simple as sharing a prayer or perspective.
I do the
same and all God to show me where I can be best used for his purpose and will for my life.
Thank you Danny for sharing your heart and your experience. For many it seems God is waiting. So many prayers put forth, yet not much happening in the natural. After reading your comment, I wonder how many others like you, have turned back to God? Is this an essential part of His plan for our Nation? Must we see evil take control to awake the nation? What is our role as intercessors during this time? What about our attitude toward the situation? Something to ponder.
Indeed, I feel there is a new great awakening (not to be confused with the false teachings of wokeness) taking place in our nation and the lines have never been clearer.
Father let your mighty hand be upon our nation to turn our hearts back to what is right & true. Let ungodly leaders who insist on voting to pass legislation that is contrary to your Word be removed from their position of power & replaced by men & women who walk in the fear of the Lord & refuse to compromise with this world’s standards. Cut off the wolf spirit that now intimidates & works to close the mouths of those you have appointed. We bind up every demonic prinicipality & command it to leave this nation’s capital & return from whence it has come from. We loose angelic hosts to be stationed in strategic locations to prevent their reentrance in Jesus Name Amen. Sever ungodly soul ties & attachments & set those who have been held captive free from all the works of darkness in Jesus Name Amen.