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Lord, guide us with Your Spirit of discernment and truth. Help us navigate these issues with your grace.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett came under fire Wednesday from Senate Democrats who labeled her a threat to abortion, immigration and workers’ rights. . . .

They made similar complaints about both of President Trump’s prior Supreme Court picks, Justices Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh, whom they accused of being anti-worker and anti-women.

The Senate’s Republican majority has lined up enough votes to confirm Judge Barrett, which is expected to happen by the end of the month. But Democrats are working feverishly to delay the process and discredit the nominee.

Stepping back from anti-women rhetoric, Democrats zeroed in on Judge Barrett’s Catholic faith as a flaw and pushed that message in the press. . . .

Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, wrote the Justice Department a letter accusing Judge Barrett of not disclosing a 2006 anti-abortion article that the senator claimed had an unspecified connection to the nominee.

Sen. Tammy Duckworth, Illinois Democrat, pointed to a 2006 newspaper ad by the St. Joseph County Right to Life organization, which Judge Barrett allegedly supported, saying it asked people “to pray to end abortion.”

Judge Barrett will have the opportunity to defend her judicial record — and her religious beliefs — during four days of confirmation hearings scheduled to begin Monday.

A Morning Consult/Politico poll conducted Oct. 2 through Oct. 4 found that 46% of respondents said the Senate should confirm Judge Barrett as soon as possible. That’s up 9% since Mr. Trump officially nominated her for the high court’s vacancy last month following Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death.

Republicans have pushed back against the attacks on Judge Barrett’s religion, saying the Constitution prohibits discrimination on the basis of faith.

“The Constitution is clear: SCOTUS nominees should never be required to pass a religious test. So why do the media & my friends on the Left continue to attack Judge Barrett’s religious faith?” tweeted Sen. Joni Ernst, a member of the Judiciary Committee.

“Judge Barrett should be evaluated on her qualifications & character, not her faith,” the Iowa Republican added. “I am committed to evaluating Judge Barrett on the basis of her qualifications & character, not her religious faith.”

Senate Democrats also have raised issues with how the judge would rule on cases involving abortion restrictions, workers’ rights and immigration. . . .

“She would uphold the restrictions that states have imposed — in fact, more than 450 such restrictions over the past decade — on access to abortion and reproductive rights services. There are about 17 cases that are one step away from consideration in the Supreme Court, ranging from the 15-week abortion ban from Mississippi to waiting periods in Indiana,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut Democrat and a member of the Judiciary Committee.

Mrs. Feinstein said Judge Barrett’s record as an appeals court judge threatens immigration policy, noting she voted to uphold the Trump administration’s public charge rule that set tougher standards to receive a green card.

“These policies strike at the heart of our country’s immigrant heritage and would reject the welcome we’ve extended to the ‘huddled masses yearning to be free’ for centuries,” Mrs. Feinstein said.

Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Sherrod Brown of Ohio took issue with Judge Barrett’s participation in a 7th Circuit ruling in which the full court ruled against a 58-year-old man who sued a company for age discrimination when he was denied a job opportunity because he had more years of experience than required. The employer, instead, hired a 29 year old.

Mr. Brown said Judge Barrett would be a “special interest judge” that “will always side with corporations over workers.”

“These cases don’t make big headlines, but they affect millions of workers’ lives,” he said.

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Article by Alex Swoyer. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Mel Teoh
October 13, 2020

Father God:
I pray that for all the democrats who are against Judge Barret in the beginning but in the end YOU will bless Judge Barrett with their votes for her as she loves You and try to live according to Your way to live and she stand for the law and constitution.
Please forgive all these Democrats as they are just doing their jobs, allow them to draw close to You so that they can do their job with integrity to hold the truth for all not only their own.

In Jesus name we pray. Your will be done. Amen.

October 13, 2020

The problem with our Senate is most of them followed Jean Paul Sartre in the 60’s and his existentialism became part of America’s generation of thinking.

It is shameful for the Democrats not to see how there party was molded by such thinkers as Marx and Sartre into a socialistic democratic party. If we go back and visited this time frame of thinkers as they influenced the 1960’s we can see how our country changed in what freedom meant tot he 60 revolution. Free sex, drugs, free to express anyway meaning doesn’t matter who gets hurt.

So I invite all you readers to read about existentialims and the problem it caused in America.

    Barbara Hesch
    October 14, 2020

    Let’s not forget that the Clinton’s were born out of the 60’s revolution and they are proof of the change we experienced when they rose to power.

      October 14, 2020

      Hi Thanks for your response. I think as prayful people it is our responsibility to start educating people about this 60’s change. So many people I know think this way of life w/o God and of course influenced. God bless and a prayer for you too! amen!

Eileen Holland
October 13, 2020

I pray for Amy today, tomorrow and the next…..Lord keep your hand upon her, and hold her her tightly, as she ia up against such opposition, YOU are greater and stronger then all of this, there are no words, me even praying this is such an understatement! You are our creator…YOUR WILL BE DONE!

    October 13, 2020

    Lord, thank you that she is filled with Christ and they are unable to trap her in her words. Be her strength every hour. Speak your words through her, Lord. May the power of your love within her radiate out to each of the senators. Grant her favor so that they will wonder about her peace that passes understanding and be drawn unto you. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Dave Strathmann
October 13, 2020

Lord, we pray you give Judge Barrett an anointed tongue today. We also pray that you confound the minds and voices of her accusers and expose their deception and accusations for what they are.

Beverly Patterson
October 12, 2020

I pray all members of our Senate will have wisdom and integrity, as they debate this conformation hearing, Lord your will be done in Jesus name amen.

October 12, 2020

Dear Father, please give peace and blessings to Amy Coney Barrett and her family. Please bring shame to those who try to ruin her reputation because of their hatred for President Trump. Please lift up Mrs Barrett and may her light shine for you before all people. In Jesus’ name, Amen

October 12, 2020

Senator Chuck Grassley R-IA.
Senator John Cornyn R-TX.
Senator Michael S. Lee R-UT. …
Senator Ted Cruz R-TX.
Senator Ben Sasse R-NE.
Senator Joshua D. Hawley R-MO. …
Senator Thom Tillis R-NC.
Senator Joni Ernst R-IA.
Senator Feinstein, Senator Graham
Senator Leahy, Senator Durbin
Senator Whitehouse, Senator Blackburn
Sen. Klobuchar,Sen. Coons
Sen. Blumenthal,Sen. Hirono
Sen. Booker, Senator Harris, Senator Crapo, Senator Kennedy. Father God, I am reminded of what another article said, “You have never looked into the eyes of someone God doesn’t love.” Lord, each of these Senators is a person you created. You don’t see color or political party or take note of outward appearances; you look at the heart. You are filled with love and compassion for each of them. You desire their highest good no matter what they say or how they behave. Help us to be like you, Lord. We can’t be like you on our own. For each of these 22 Senators, I pray a deeper understanding of the real YOU, the wonderful you that we all know and love. Enable them to see clearly that you are not mean and unloving and a taker, but that you are kind and good and a giver. You don’t want to take away anything that is good for our nation. That is not in your nature. Open their eyes to see clearly your character, your purposes for their lives, and your plans for government of our nation. When they look into Judge Barrett’s eyes each day, they would feel loved and valued and KNOW that you created them and loved them from all eternity. Thank you. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    October 13, 2020

    Amen and God bless us so our eyes are not double minded but clearly show the light of Jesus. Holy Spirit, infill us so that we are overflowing and have no room for unforgiveness and bitterness.
    Through Jesus name blood, Amen

October 12, 2020

Abba Father, You are righteous and holy, please protect and fight for Amy Barrett. Uphold her with Your righteous right hand and give her favor. I pray that You will work and win her place on the Supreme Court. You created courts and want them to judge wisely, and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. She is your child and fears you. I ask that this confirmation will go quickly.

estella vergara
October 12, 2020

my prayers are for what is right and that all evil will fall. God is never wrong and I believe that our good Lord has this all under control I pray for all of these in senate and in Congress that they will have a revelation about who they are and how far off track they have become. I pray that God will give them dreams and visions that will shake them up. Prayer works and with God all things are possible. Deuteronomy 20:3-4
isaiah 54:17 our God is greater than any enemy.

Teresa Capo
October 12, 2020

Thanking God for His Word set in her,(Amy’s heart), His Word and promises, that can’t be denied. Praying for His hovering over her through these hearings; infilling of wisdom, strenghthing of spirit and encouragement from the power that rose from the grave be Amy Coney Barretts, as she stands before Him during this appointed time. Amen

October 12, 2020

Father God, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, I pray that Your divine protection, justice and righteousness will prevail over this confirmation process of Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

October 12, 2020

Dear Lord, please make a way for Judge Barrett to get confirmed to the Supreme Court. Please thwart the attempts of the Democrats to pull their shenanigans to attempt to block her nomination. We thank and praise You in advance for making a way for this to happen.

Barbara Raugh
October 12, 2020

Thank You, O Lord, that the entire world is witnessing this process of electing a supreme court justice. Thank You that those who know and understand the best are taking the time to ask for Your Perfect Will in this entire situation. You, O Lord, are still in charge. May You bring glory to Yourself in this situation. Amen

October 12, 2020

I believe that she is God’s choice for this country. I pray that God‘s will be done.
No matter what baseless arguments are set forth, let us thank God that He is victorious in establishing her appointment with a landslide majority ruling in her favor, the same for President Trump, and other open government seats, and even those seats occupied by evil leaders, that those leaders would be removed by God’s justice and replaced by godly leaders by God’s grace for America. In Jesus name amen.

Cynthia H
October 12, 2020

Heavenly Father,
I lift up the name of Amy Coney Barrett to your throneroom today. We know that satan our enemy is fighting her confirmation to the highest court of the U.S.A. I ask that you protect her heart against all the negative words that come out of her accusers’ mouths. “No weapon forged against her will prevail, and she will refute every tongue that accuses her. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is her vindication from “Me,” says the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17 In Jesus’ name!

anita mcdonald
October 12, 2020

Father God we join together today to pray for Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be surrounded by Your Presence. We bind every demonic influence and every power of darkness over this situation today in the NAME OF JESUS! We pray for the Judiciary Committee and every one on this Committee to hear the voice of righteousness. We pray for Judge Amy to have supernatural peace, wisdom and discernment to answer each question. May she answer based on what the Constitution states about LIFE liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ALL. Thank you Lord for a shield of favor around her. WE praise YOU MIGHT GOD for what YOU going to do throughout this process in Jesus Name.

Danielle Hidalgo
October 12, 2020

According to Luke 21:15 you will give skillful words and wisdom which none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute. Fill Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s mouth with those words by your Spirit silencing the enemy and every accusation. Strengthen her during these hearings and turn even her enemies to friends. Let her light shine in all that she does. I ask these things in the mighty name of Jesus.

    Brenda Dormann
    October 12, 2020

    Amen agreeing with all the prayers and presenting the appointment of Judge Amybefore the JUDGE of the whole earth. Thy will be done oh LORD in the mighty name of JESHUA

October 12, 2020

Good Morning America Good Morning Father God, today I pray for the appointed Judge Barrett, Give her the strength
to fight back for what is right in your eyes Lord, I believe that you Put Trump in office to fix our broken society. We need
a Judge like Barrett who believes in you, and what America stands for JUSTICE. TRUTH, and IN GOD WE TRUST. We need her lord more now then ever. let her be the ESTHER we have needed to help us bring back you to our lives jobs schools and homs. Pluck out the evil lord. In Jesus name AMEN

Jim Lorch
October 12, 2020

Lord I pray for Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Lord You teach us to pray with the authority You have given us. So now Lord I proclaim that those filled with evil in our Congress and Senate will have their eyes opened to the truth of Your word. That they will be powerless and not bear false witness against Judge Amy Coney Barrett. That if they attempt to speak evil lies, their words become garbled and make no sense. As a result they are not united and have no case against Judge Amy Coney Barrett and she is confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States to serve our nation honorably by doing Your will.

Father pray this in Jesus mighty name.

Nancy P.
October 12, 2020

Father! Judge Amy Coney Barrett loves You, she loves Your statutes, she loves Your creations, the most innocent among Your creation, the unborn! Please Father, defend her and put her enemies (the enemies in our own camp) to silence once and for all, as only You can. Confound the ‘wise’ with Your wisdom, confuse their words and their actions, especially Kamala Harris. Let Judge Amy shine for You, give her courage and wise words to answer those who hate You and Your ways and have her confirmed in Jesus Name amen. Thank You Father!!

October 12, 2020

Abba, Father, you are high and lifted up, shining in the light of your glory! We sing Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty! We beseech you, Abba, to arise from your throne and quench every fiery dart aimed at Amy Coney Barrett. We lift up our shields of faith along with you to defend her. Fight for Amy and protect her, her family, and her extended family throughout this process and beyond. She is our Esther appointed by our King Jesus – Vashti has been removed. Justice Amy has been raised up for such an hour as this. Strengthen her up in her inner man with might. May your beauty shine through her. Give her favor. Do not allow the wicked Haman to destroy her and your people. The name Amy means deeply loved, beloved. You have crowned her as your beloved. She loves you. As she goes before you with a banquet prepared for you and before Haman, express your love to her. We ask as the hearings continue (the second banquet where the prideful Haman’s intentions are revealed) for this evil spirit to be sent to the gallows prepared for your people and the unborn. May your church arise and give us a voice and spiritual weapons to defend ourselves on the day scheduled for our destruction. In the meantime we humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways and join in fasting and prayer as in the days of Esther and Mordecai until the day of nomination and the day of coronation for your anointed ones. We will give you all the glory! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

    Olivia Belk
    October 12, 2020

    Thank you for that prayer. Always pray GOD word back k to him. Olivia

    Gola Lewis
    October 12, 2020

    Praying now! America and the world needs this cancellation on abortion and lots of other rights for citizens! God bless America, President Trump and our true government, Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu and his true government!

    October 12, 2020

    The Word of God is truly living and active. Hallelujah!


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