I Prayed have prayed
Lord, the economy is often on our minds in America. Socialism can sound alluring, but I know it is built on faulty premises. Our hope needs to be in You not the state. May Your love and wisdom prevail in this land.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

More Democrats are admitting that there’s wasteful spending in the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill passed by the Senate over the weekend. As we’ve reported, only 9 percent of the legislation appears to be directed toward actual COVID health spending. The rest, as GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy demonstrated, is saved for progressive special interests. . . .

Increasingly, Democrats can’t explain it. In a debate with “Shark Tank’s” Kevin O’Leary on CNBC on Tuesday, Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-NY) actually found himself agreeing that there is “some waste” in the bill.

“There’s some waste in there, there’s no question there’s some waste in there,” Suozzi said. He just disagreed as to how much waste. . . .

. . .He’s not the only Democrat to have misgivings about the bill. He’s not even the only New York Democrat. Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-NY) told CNN that “there will be one line that will probably be somewhat embarrassing.” He said he’s “not comfortable” with it.

Two House Democrats voted with Republicans against the American Rescue Plan, including Rep. Jared Golden (ME). He explained why.

“During challenging times, the country needs its elected leaders to work together to meet the most urgent needs in their communities. This bill addresses urgent needs, and then buries them under a mountain of unnecessary or untimely spending,” the congressman said in a statement. “In reviewing the bill in its full scope, less than 20 percent of the total spending addresses core COVID challenges that are immediately pressing: funding for vaccine distribution and testing, and emergency federal unemployment programs. I support these portions of the bill wholeheartedly and believe we should do more for the people hardest hit by the pandemic by continuing to extend unemployment programs until economic indicators show they are no longer necessary.”  . . .

What do you think about the Covid Relief Bill? Discuss in the comments. . .

(Excerpt from Town Hall. Article by Cortney O’Brien. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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gerald berube
March 13, 2021

Why is it that those responsible for burning private property, violent crimes towards the innocent in some democratic states didn’t get arrested. They were free to do as they pleased without a penalty and the state got a bail out from the so called covid relief bill while those who invaded the white house are jailed – etc.
Why is there a double standard. We can now say crime does pay to the selected bullies. The laws of the land applies to all and those from the homeless to the politicians are all answerable to them.

Sue Blair
March 13, 2021

I think the bill is a disgusting disgrace!

Beverly Irvin
March 12, 2021

We who are Christains need to read Ps.37.
Do not fret because of evildoers of iniquity.
Fopr they shall be cut down like the grass,
And wither as the green herb. Ps. 37:1-2

March 12, 2021

What I personally felt was anger and sadness that certain elected officials that mainly are concentrated in a certain party… could care less about America and the people. They spend money we don’t have and do not apologize for it. They are not held accountable. (for the record, being booted out of office is a very mild form of accountability but it’s not debilitating to them personally). Certain lifer politicians have figured out how to avoid jail time by creating a system that ensures they are protected no matter what they do. That is a broken system and as long as citizens don’t make a stink about it, it will continue. As long as politicians get caught and prosecuted (rarely) but only go to Club Med to do their time (if any), then things will continue as is. As long as government officials crush regular people who reveal their swamp activity, then citizens quit believing that many within government actually care about them.
I’m not trying to be a fatalist but unless there is a severe housecleaning by God Almighty and citizens who care about our nation, not much will change. We are witnessing now what happens when a certain group of legislators (term used lightly) assumes they can do anything they want to. Corruption unchecked leads to the further demise of any nation. *God, help us to rise against this sickness we see in our government. We have people who think they are in charge not being held accountable. They actually believe in their own lies and do not care about our nation or the people. We ask You Lord to deal with them. We ask for mercy and strength. And we ask for justice against those who use Your name to justify what they do. In Jesus name amen.

    Susan CC
    March 13, 2021

    We ask for mercy, strength and justice. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

March 12, 2021

This bill was not passed for COVID relief. It was nothing more than a Power Play that demonstrates the Democrats goal to dictate to the American people and to reward their partners in crime and to salvage relationships with others like the Unions who have lost millions of jobs as this country remains on this path.

In my opinion they view themselves as exhibiting strength but I view it as the epitome of weakness. Rewarding cities and states who have no control over their finances, criminal elements, economy, etc is a clear picture of manipulation and extortion. Democrats should be called the “godfather” of politics-they are operating like a criminal organization. (Some Republicans do participate.) For example-their primary goal is economic gain at the expense of our democracy while hiding their enterprises behind Executive Orders or threatening opposing officials and their families. If they are opening borders and ports are they not active participants in Drug trafficking, alien smuggling, counterfeit pharmaceuticals, money trafficking, etc.
Bottom line-this COVID Bill was nothing but BRIBERY.

My hope remains in God. I can read in Isaiah 29:20-For the ruthless shall come to nothing, and all who watch to do evil shall be cut off. Romans 6:23-For the wages of sin are death…” Philippians 2:3-Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Please God forgive us of our apathy, have mercy on us and on our children and grandchildren. Send a great Revival we passionately pray. In Jesus name.

    Susan CC
    March 13, 2021

    Forgive our apathy, have mercy on our families, revive us ALL, yes and amen!

Peggy Pittman
March 12, 2021

Praying that somehow, now that this monsterous legislation has passed, those who know they have been elected to do what is truly best for America will step up and successfully work against those who are working to promote themselves and their own selfish interests. Please, Dear Lord God, intervene for us. Amen.

Anne Faucett
March 12, 2021

Father we are under Your judgment Help us as the body of Christ glorify You in midst shinning as a light salting our environment. Let us not grow weary or discourage but always looking to You whom only our help can come.

Susan CC
March 12, 2021

This “bill” is an affront on so many levels. I know this, you know this, but truly damning is, those who created it know this. Political affiliation matters little when “bills” are so obviously, not. This “bill” is Goliath, screaming insult and offense at most of Americans. Our undeserving leaders are wasting every resource (at their disposal) but I pray, write emails, and pray some more. I am the persistent widow.

“In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ “For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’”

And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

Yes, the Son of Man will find faith on the earth. You too are the persistent widow. Our hope is in the Lord who will renew our strength….we will run and not grow weary!

Luke 18:1-8
Isaiah 40

    March 13, 2021

    This post shot straight into my spirit. I live in a blue state and feel like my voice falls on deaf ears. But God! I can shift my perspective and I too can be like the persistent widow.


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