I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask You to restore our government. Use the incoming administration to bring us back to what our Founders envisioned.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

We previously ran an abridged version of this article by IFA Contributing Writer Keith Guinta in December to encourage intercessors to sign up for our 21-day devotional. Now, with the devotional already underway and in its first phase, we want to once again invite every intercessor to join us in praying and fasting for the new administration!

Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly. Summon the elders and all who live in the land to the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord
~ Joel 1:14

Intercessors for America invites you to join us for 21 days of fasting and prayer for this new chapter of our nation. What better way to start 2025 than to call upon the Lord and plead for a protected Inauguration, a peaceful transition, and providential authority for this new administration.

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The first seven days of intercessory focus will be on exposing, dismantling, and removing the oppressive and corrupt rot that our Founding Fathers strove to avoid.  The second prayer phase will be for discernment, understanding, and preparation for the new dawn that breaks forth.  The final seven days will be spent entreating and petitioning the Lord to guide this administration and We The People as we reclaim, restore, and rebuild our governing bodies with foundational truth, honesty, virtue, and nobility.

The November 2020 election results rightly left countless millions distraught and filled with dread for the future of our country.  Out of that dread and lament, a national prayer movement launched, which possibly would not have formed otherwise. Four years of faithful, fervent, and travailing prayer sustained us through these long, darkening four years and has now delivered these miraculous election results of 2024.

When the Lord hears a nation’s prayers, it is fitting to thank Him with the same zeal we beseech Him with.

He answered their prayers because they trusted Him.
~ I Chronicles 5:20

And we must continue to trust Him. As much as the November results were the end of one grueling race, the Inauguration on January 20 will sound the starting gun of the next, far more demanding race.  This next race will require measures of stamina, resilience, and ingenuity not seen in our lifetime.

This newly formed administration will have four short years to deracinate the systemic roots of corruption in Washington, D.C., restore to prominence the biblical principles upon which this nation was established, and, with all excellence, reclaim the form and spirit of governance our Founders gave to us. These heroes of history derived this lasting blueprint through rigorous learning, keen discernment of human nature, and the ardent study of scripture.

Today, the form of our republic, found mainly in The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, remains a firewall against a full-scale invasion of globalist oligarchical tyranny. But the spirit of our republic, which is Christianity, has been muffled, muzzled, and removed from its rightful place in the public square.  If the form of our republic is untethered from its animating spirit, the eroding tides of secular paganism and cultural Marxism will eventually recast a malformed landscape our Founders would fail to recognize, and Our Heavenly Father could never bless.

The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount.  The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul.  I don’t think we emphasize that enough these days.  If we don’t have a proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State.
~ Harry Truman, at the Attorney General’s Conference, 1950

These last four years under the Biden administration, as prepared for by the eight years of the Obama administration, was a dry-run of the Totalitarian State of America. Big Tech in the hands of evil men can scrub the internet, obfuscate our search engines, and rewrite history — But they can never erase our memory.  Therefore, we will never forget.

Let those who love the Lord hate evil.
Psalm 97:10

We will never forget the non-scientific, tyrannical abuses inflicted on We The People during SARS-COV-2.  We will never forget the mandates, the lockdowns, the lying, and the firing.  We will never forget when our cities were looted and set on fire, and law enforcement was ordered to let it happen.

We will never forget President Biden shouting at us from the blood-red stage in Philadelphia.  With clenched fists and gnashing teeth, he declared to the world that law-abiding American citizens were domestic terrorists, white supremacists, and the greatest threat to this country.  We will never forget each door battered down, each political opponent falsely imprisoned, and every life destroyed by the FBI —the new Federal Bureau of Injustice.

We will never forget the limp, cowardly surrender of Afghanistan that stranded thousands of Americans, handed 80 billion dollars worth of military assets to our enemies, and cost the lives of 13 U.S. service members who were needlessly killed. We will never forget the easing of sanctions against Iran that led to the funding of the October 7 attack and this administration’s unwillingness to broker a peace deal in Kiev.

We will never forget the systematic removal of our southern border that resulted in an invasion of tens of millions of illegal immigrants that now surpasses the era of Ellis Island.  We will never forget the 350,000 children that have crossed our border and disappeared these past four years.  We will never forget the demon’s screeching mirth at the countless victims of rape, trafficking, and torture, all under the purview of HHS.

We will never forget the nearly four million abortions these past four years, nor will we forget the mobile abortion unit that was killing babies outside the Democratic National Convention.

We will never forget being watched, scored, and punished by ESG, DEI, and CRT. We will never forget those who fought to hyper-sexualize our children and, in the twisted name of healthcare, had them sterilized, castrated, and mutilated.

We will never forget Lahaina, Springfield, and Asheville.  We will never forget the Twitter Files, Hunter’s laptop, and the Pfizer files.  We will never forget how the DOJ was a punishing weapon against political opponents. We will never forget what subjugation to the NIH, the WHO, and the UN Climate catastrophists has done to cloud our Bill of Rights.

If you see the extortion of the poor or the perversion of justice and fairness in the government, do not be astonished by the matter.
~ Ecclesiastes 5:8

The Realignment Phase

Apart from God, the natural lifespan of government is decline, decay, and death.  To cease this predictable devolvement into entropy, one must employ the supernatural. Benevolent governments must employ great men and women of noble character and virtue who cherish and revere their calling as bestowed to them by God for the intent of human flourishing.

And so, this second phase of our heavenward pleading will be for discerning the times, shoring up the cracks in our foundations, and installing those called into their official positions.

He therefore is the truest friend to the liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue, and who, so far as his power and influence extend, will not suffer a man to be chose into any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man.  The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy this gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people.
~ Samuel Adams

The form of government alone is wholly unsuited to endow any lasting good for its citizenry.  But when the spirit of that government, in the traits of wisdom, integrity, and scripture-shaped thought, resides in the officials who serve, the form becomes life-giving and life-sustaining.

The blessing of this phase is that we do not require our nation’s best and brightest to lock themselves away for five months in the Philadelphia State House to imagine a new, unifying structure. Our form is firmly established, tried, and true and only needs to be repositioned as the centerpiece on the table of governance.

The three pillars of our Constitution are reliable: the Principle of Representation, the Separation of Powers, and the Bill of Rights. Our prayers are for fierce protection and unwavering adherence to what has already been given, not just to America but for the world.

Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.
~ Daniel Webster

The Building Phase

Just days after Mitt Romney lost to Barack Obama in 2012, Donald Trump trademarked the slogan, Make America Great Again.  He wasn’t sure he would run, but he was sure why Romney lost.

Inculcated by the education system and propagated by the media, disdain for America’s past and distaste for America’s present is an infectious blight that should never be given credence.  Everyone is aware that these torturous thoughts of self-hatred only breed the destructive actions of self-harm.  Hence, the list of Never Forgets above. These actions, guided by policy, are only permitted by a patient who despises themselves.

Make America Great Again is not only a catchy phrase; it is a unifying call to love our nation, pledge to make it better, and gratefully guard our life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  And for the believer, these are enhanced by our delight in the goodness of God and desire to honor Him in all we do.

Whereas we all came to these parts of America with the same end and aim, namely, to advance the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to enjoy the liberties of the Gospel thereof with purities and peace, and for preserving and propagating the truth and liberties of the Gospel.
~ John Winthrop, the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony,1643.

And so, we fast and pray that this uniquely formed nation will reawaken to her heavenly roots.  May the Lord grant favor, wisdom, protection, and authority to our President and the incoming administration.  May corruption be eliminated, assessments be discerning, and the rebuilding all be according to Your will.  And may your people be the salt, light, and leaven to spread the love of Christ across this land.

Share your prayers for our nation below.

Keith Guinta blogs at www.winepatch.org. He is a husband and father, and he has been a worship leader and church planter. Photo Credit: Isabella Fischer on Unsplash.

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Patty DeGroot
January 9, 2025

I loved this article! I thank Keith Guita for writing. He is a gifted writer! I am going to hold onto the Scripture verses & the quotes by the founding fathers! How blessed I am to live in America at this hopeful time in American history! The best is yet to come!

Gary D
January 7, 2025

Amazing article! Thank you for reminding us of our evil past, seeing God’s hand awakening His church, and encouraging us to rebuild our broken walls in our nation.

January 6, 2025

The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul. I don’t think we emphasize that enough these days. If we don’t have a proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State.
~ Harry Truman, at the Attorney General’s Conference, 1950.
Are these documents really Christian? The Treaty of Tripoli was signed on November 4, 1796 in Tripoli and January 3, 1797 in Algiers: The treaty was unanimously approved by the Fifth Congress and signed by President John Adams. It says”…the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” Natural law and man’s reasoning seemed to go into the thinking of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. LORD forgive us as a Church and Nation for not continuing on with the Biblical governments that characterized the colonies before the Revolutionary War. LORD only your absolute justice will prevail and not man’s which has brought us to this cross roads!

    Patty DeGroot
    January 9, 2025

    I have taken the Biblical Citizenship Class with David Barton & Rick Green a couple times. This 8 week video presentation has straightened out my thinking about the Founding Fathers and I have a new appreciation for them.
    Visit BiblicalCitizens.com to learn more! There are “Constitution Alive!” classes going on all over the country! I am sure there is a class in your area if you are interested in developing a new love for our U.S. Constitution! Happy New Year!

Le Anne
January 5, 2025

We stand firm in faith. Do not look to the left or right.

Linda Rice
January 4, 2025

The health of the Church is being ignored.

Angela Nicholas
January 4, 2025

Amen ❤️🙏🔥🕊️🌏❤️🩸🎯❤️
It’s time for the entire world to hold fast to the Word because He will return soon . Take as many people as you can to heaven with you as humanly possible.. God bless.

Karen Keating
January 4, 2025

Lord Jesus – Your arms are forever open and welcoming to ALL. As a nation, we Must open Our hearts and minds to be as You and Forgive! The atrocities we’ve experienced may guide us but must not overshadow us. Let Your Glorious Light in our lives, Remind Us that it is Only through you that ‘All things will be made new’ and ‘if God is for us, who can be against us?’ You SAW satan fall.. we Will see the ugliness of 4 years fall away! In Jesus Holy beautiful Name, I pray.

January 4, 2025

Please God forgive us your servants our sins and guide us to surrender to your will. Trust in God.

Mary Beth S
January 4, 2025

YHVH, we ask that You continue to “expose, dismantle, and remove the oppressive and corrupt rot that our Founding Fathers strove to avoid” – to tear down the structures and remove the foundations of all that is unGodly in our government and institutions. Please grant “discernment, understanding, and preparation for the new dawn that breaks forth” – lead and guide those entrusted with the rebuilding process with Biblical wisdom and insight. We “entreat and petition You Lord to guide this administration and We The People as we reclaim, restore, and rebuild our governing bodies with foundational truth, honesty, virtue, and nobility”. In this way, we believe that our spiritual destiny as a nation may be fulfilled – all glory to You, and You alone!

Barbara Vlaha
January 4, 2025

Thanks Keith! Great article! As heart wrenching as it is to remember the injustices of the last 4 years, it is good for spurring us on in prayer, for we also remember how incredibly merciful, faithful, and loving our Heavenly Father has been to us. And will continue to be as we give ourselves wholeheartedly to Him.
“I also tell you this: If two of you agree down here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them.” Mathew 18:19-20

Susan Eddlemon
January 4, 2025

Praying from Psalm 35, one of King David’s prayers against his enemies, will prove to be effective against those who are currently plotting evil against our country at this very moment.

Susan Eddlemon
January 4, 2025

There is no form of government, no code of laws, and no system of Justice that by itself will keep a country upright…. It is only when righteous and godly people are put into place in positions of leadership in that system that it will benefit a people or a nation.

January 4, 2025

Praying constantly for righteousness to prevail in America!
Praying constantly for a mass revival in the USA!! Many, many people giving their hearts, their minds, their lives to Jesus!
Praying constantly for the minds of the young people to know they were created in the image of God, male or female. Praying God’s truth will establish them from the confusing dictates of Satan!!!
Praying constantly for the nation of Israel to be surrounded with a legion of angels, sent by God Almighty!
Praying constantly that pregnant women would allow their baby to live, choosing life over death!
Praying constantly for President Trump to be protected, along with his family, and the entourage that surrounds him. Praying the Lord will destroy the demonic agendas that have risen up in especially the last 4 years.
Praying constantly against any plans to prevent President Trump’s from being inaugurated.
Praying constantly for President Trump’s salvation. For God’s wisdom, discernment to lead him on paths of righteousness. For him to surround himself with wise men and women who fear God.
I have joined with thousands of others that are praying together, repenting of our sins, that God’s justice would come to America.
Praying constantly in the Name of Jesus, the Name above every name.
Heal our land Lord Jesus.
We are constantly crying out, in desperation, to our Jesus. Our only Hope!!!!

Rich Swingle
January 4, 2025

I’ve been so blessed by all the prayer initiatives that have led to the new administration, and it’s been a joy and privilege to be a part of this capstone 21-day fast, praying for the transition!

Keith, your wonderful article is the perfect way to kick off each of the three weeks!

Lord, hear our prayers, and use the next four years to bring Revival and Awakening like the world has never seen before!!!

Graydon Pennell
January 4, 2025

This outstanding article by Keith Guita is spot on with respect to our current times in this country that was supernaturally created by the Lord God Almighty in accordance with His perfect will and our incredible benefit as a nation of people who have the responsibility to understand what God did for us and for the world and the Kingdom of God. This article is worth reading, studying, sharing, and acting upon in a way that honors God, our Founding Fathers, and our future success as a country for the glory of God. A truly profound article with much powerful truth for us to act upon. Praise the Lord and God bless America!

January 4, 2025

We must never forget the land of the USA was claimed for the spread of the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST at Cape Henry, Virginia. Historically when we do that things go well here.


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IFA President
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