Two small clusters of deaths after COVID-19 vaccination have been reported among nursing homes in Kentucky and Arkansas.
In Kentucky, four seniors died the same day of their vaccination on Dec. 30, 2020. Three of the four who passed away reportedly already had had coronavirus prior to getting vaccinated.
In Arkansas, four seniors died at a long term care facility about a week after their vaccination. All tested positive for COVID-19 after vaccination. . . .
Kentucky Nursing Home Deaths
According to VAERS reports, the Kentucky deaths occurred on Dec. 30 after vaccinations with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. An ill 88-year-old woman who was “14 + days post covid” was given the Pfizer-BioNTech shot while she was “unresponsive in [her] room.” She died within an hour and a half (914961-1). An 88-year-old who was “15 days post covid” got the shot, was monitored for 15 minutes afterward, and passed away within 90 minutes (914994-1). A third report says an 88-year-old woman who was “14 + days post covid” vomited four minutes after receiving her shot, became short of breath, and passed away that night (915562-1). And an 85-year-old woman vaccinated at 5 p.m. was “found unresponsive” less than two hours later and died shortly after (915682-1). . . .
Scientists differ on whether people who have had coronavirus, like the Kentucky patients, should receive the COVID-19 vaccination at all. The CDC insists it’s safe for people who have recovered from COVID-19 to get vaccinated and that there’s no minimum interval recommended between infection and vaccination.
“Vaccination should be offered to persons regardless of history of prior symptomatic or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 [the virus that causes COVID-19] infection,” it states.
But other scientists say vaccinating people who are already considered immune after a natural COVID-19 infection wastes valuable doses of vaccines when there are shortages. And neither Pfizer’s nor Moderna’s studies showed any benefit to vaccinating previously infected patients.
The Kentucky patients were vaccinated shortly after the CDC disseminated false information on this point. . . .
In the webinar, the CDC’s Dr. Sarah Oliver falsely stated, “Data from both clinical trials suggests that people with prior infection are still likely to benefit from vaccination.”
Under pressure from Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), who first flagged the CDC’s incorrect information in December, the agency recently issued a correction but used wording that still falsely implies studies showed that the vaccines helped people previously infected with COVID-19. . . .
The CDC confirms that it’s monitoring reports that people who’ve already had COVID-19 seem to be suffering significantly more frequent or more severe reactions after vaccination, or “reactogenicity,” than those who didn’t have COVID-19.
“CDC is aware of reports of increased reactogenicity (such as fever, chills, and muscle aches) in persons who have had COVID-19,” said a spokesman.
Arkansas Nursing Home Deaths
Four nursing home deaths in Arkansas occurred after vaccination with the Moderna-manufactured vaccine. All four patients tested positive for COVID-19 after vaccination, according to the VAERS reports. . . .
A 65-year-old man (921547-1) who received the Moderna vaccine on Jan. 2, 2021, died two days later, with the VAERS report noting that he had COVID-19. Three other Arkansas seniors died about a week after receiving the Moderna vaccine on Dec. 22, 2020. The person reporting the death of an 82-year-old man (917117-1) six days after his shot said he was vaccinated in an attempt to “mitigate his risk” and that “this was unsuccessful and [the] patient died.” The VAERS report notes, “After vaccination, patient tested positive for COVID-19.”
Two elderly women, ages 90 (917790-1) and 78 (917793-1), were vaccinated the same day as the 65-year-old man and also tested positive for COVID-19 about a week after their shots and died. According to the unnamed person who reported the 90-year-old’s death, “the vaccine did not have enough time to prevent COVID 19” and “There is no evidence that the vaccination caused patient’s death. It simply didn’t have time to save her life.” The person who reported the 78-year-old’s death claimed she died “as a result of COVID-19 and her underlying health conditions and not as a result of the vaccine.” . . .
Frail Patients
Separately, the CDC is monitoring the impact of the vaccines on already-frail patients such as the chronically ill in nursing homes.
In Norway, alarm bells sounded when 23 people died shortly after vaccination. After investigating 13 of the deaths, Norway’s medical agency has concluded side effects that are common with the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, such as fever, nausea, and diarrhea, “may have contributed to fatal outcomes in some of the frail patients.” . . .
A World Health Organization (WHO) expert panel disagrees. It says the deaths “are in line with the expected, all-cause mortality rates and causes of death in the sub-population of frail, elderly individuals, and the available information does not confirm a contributory role for the vaccine in the reported fatal events.” . . .
In the United States, VAERS reports contain numerous other cases of elderly, frail people who’d had COVID-19, got vaccinated, and died.
A 96-year-old Ohio woman tested positive for COVID-19 in November, got the Pfizer vaccine on Dec. 28, 2020, in a rehab facility after a fall, and died that afternoon (915920-1).
A 94-year-old Michigan man at a senior living facility who had COVID-19 and other illnesses received the Moderna vaccine on Jan. 2, 2021, and died of cardiac arrest two days later (918487-1).
A 91-year-old Michigan woman with Alzheimer’s and other illnesses at a senior living facility who had tested positive for COVID-19 received the Moderna vaccine on Dec. 30, 2020. She died four days later (924186-1).
And an 85-year-old California woman with Alzheimer’s and other disorders at a senior living facility received the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine on Jan. 5, 2021, and was found dead the same day. After her vaccination, an earlier COVID-19 test from Jan. 3 returned positive, though she’d had no symptoms (924456-1). . . .
A 104-year-old woman in New York received the Pfizer vaccine on Dec. 30, 2020. The next day, a COVID-19 test was done and came back positive. She became ill the following day and died on Jan. 4, 2021 (920832-1).
And a 71-year-old New York man received the Moderna vaccine on Dec. 21, 2020, developed a fever and respiratory distress, and tested positive for COVID-19. He was given Remdesivir. He died after 6 days (922977-1). . . .
Pfizer, Moderna, and CDC Responses
In response to questions for this report, Pfizer issued a statement saying: “We take adverse events that are potentially associated with our COVID-19 vaccine, BNT162b2, very seriously. We closely monitor all such events and collect relevant information to share with global regulatory authorities. Based on ongoing safety reviews performed by Pfizer, BioNTech and health authorities, BNT162b2 retains a positive benefit-risk profile for the prevention of COVID-19 infections.”
Pfizer said that millions of people have been vaccinated and “serious adverse events, including deaths that are unrelated to the vaccine, are unfortunately likely to occur at a similar rate as they would in the general population.” . . .
The agency didn’t directly answer the question of whether it’s safe for people to get vaccinated while they have an active COVID-19 infection. A CDC spokesman said that deferring vaccination is recommended in those instances, but didn’t say whether it was due to a safety issue.
“Vaccination of persons with known current SARS-CoV-2 infection should be deferred until the person has recovered from the acute illness (if the person had symptoms) and criteria have been met for them to discontinue isolation,” says the CDC. “This recommendation applies to persons who develop SARS-CoV-2 infection before receiving any vaccine doses as well as those who develop SARS-CoV-2 infection after the first dose but before receipt of the second dose.” . . .
(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article by Sharyl Attkisson. Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
What do you think of the incidence of these covid deaths?
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Why are they giving the vaccine to older people in nursing facilities?
Shame on you for using the name of Our Lord to fear monger. The deaths that result from your evil ways will be marks against your very soul. My parents are afraid to get the vaccine because of you and I hold you responsible for their fate.
Thank god they are afraid, and if you truly read the book from which you condemn others you would know that it is not your place to condemn or judge others. Fear mongering is what the media has done to push a foreign substance into peoples bodies over nothing but fear itself and a globalist agenda, which if you also follow Christ you would know is anti-christ. Christ preached diversity and not uniformity. Uniformity makes it harder for the species to adapt and survive any number of things.
Yes Jesus was very against the globalist agenda. It’s right at the beginning of the sermon on the mount…”Beware the globalists and liberals” James, there’s a treatment for your delusion. If you inject bleach right into your arm, you will be cured, I assure you!
Don’t worry Deb, god is just a fairy tale, a superstition, a mass delusion…oh if only there was a pill for that!
Why can’t the government be straight forward with us when it comes to our health? Bad enough, they are killing us with additives and GMOs in our foods; but to lie to us about the actual numbers of deaths occurring from virus AND those who died as a result from the vaccine? It seems they heightened the number of Covid deaths and omit the number of deaths CAUSED by the vaccine.
Looks like I am a dead duck either way. The vaccine is unreliable and risky. I have a history of severe reactios to vaccines. If I do not get it and catch Covid, who knows? This really stinks. Pharmacueticals know that people are just begging for someone to keep them well and not catch Covid or ever get it again, so it sounds like they are blindly getting them without proper warning of the fatal risk involved. So sad that again, America is all about money.
What severe reaction? Did you get mumps? Did you die of polio? No, you felt wonky for a bit & avoided death!
I don’t know you. You don’t know me. So being rude isn’t good. No I dod not feel ‘wonky’ I literally faced death. Anaphylactic shock, closed throat. Advised by PC to NOT get the vaccine. I am sure you are a nice person, but please do not judge people you don’t know. If we can’t share our honest situation, then what is the point of having the posts? Have a blessed day.
It’s been a year and a half… if there was real danger wouldnt you see it somewhere other than in the media?
James, jesus spoke to me directly last night and wanted me to tell you to get the damn vaccine and stop being such a doofus. He is very disappointed in you for spreading fake news. He said he’s going to inject the vaccine right up your poopshute while you are sleeping.
Exactly. The rich keep getting richer…and the poor keep dying. I would not be surprised if the elite families have received their vaccines YEARS ago. Since they’ve already been inoculated, they are just receiving saline shots for the television.
Dear friends, I would like to share this website with you. .Take in its contents deeply, especially within the Expanding your Knowledge section. Currently the mainstream media is not sharing that literally millions of people around the world are calling the response to covid symptoms a crime against humanity. Deeply, deeply consider before vaccinating. Even the mainstream has stated that the vaccine very well will not prevent people from getting sick but may lessen symptoms..while at the same time getting symptoms from the vaccine! This is when treatments worldwide are also being censored.God Bless you!
This makes no sense. God can’t bless you because he does not exist. You are one of the sufferers of the mass delusion of religion. If only there was a vaccine for that!
God will reveal Himself to you, and you will bow and confess He is Lords. Remember this day when that day comes.
I didn’t pray
What total bull …
Add a 32 year old doctor to the list of deaths shortly after receiving the Covid vaccine. This was in an article on Bobby Kennedy Jrs site, childrenshealthdefense dot org.
To see an eye opening video regarding the hidden truths about these covid experimental vaccines, please search “most censored video on YouTube Dr. Simone Gold”. Bitchute and dot com has the entire video uploaded to their sites.
This video is of Dr. Simone Gold is highly recommended. It looks like she is speaking at a church.
It is utterly frightening what these brave doctors have uncovered.
Suppressing the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine from covid patients caused countless unnecessary deaths.
Pushing experimental vaccines on people that weren’t even tested on animals is insane.
Praise You Lord for exposing the truth to Your children. Let these discoveries become well known world wide to prevent further destruction.
Thank You, Lord that India wised up to the health risks of the Phizer vaccine and refused them for their citizens and is working with another group. I pray their efforts are successful and helpful to their citizens.
I pray more countries around the world become more educated on the potential health risks of thess experimental Covid vaccines that have been used in America.
Spreading this false info will result in deaths. Those who die will be carried on your soul.
Oh dear, then you should be terrified shouldn’t you?
Unfortunately, far too many people buy into whatever the media is spreading. If we are not aware of the problems with the vaccine, and people die because they choose to be vaccinated, then those deaths will be on the government and fools who think truth is fear mongering. Most people are unaware that 19 people died during vaccine trials and the trials did not involve frail older people. The government has been doing their best to cover up and make excuses for vaccine deaths so that we keep taking the vaccine. What they should be doing is making people aware of the real risks. Most people are completely unaware that there have been thousands of deaths and severe medical problems caused by the vaccines. It is a small risk, but if I was someone at risk I don’t think I would take either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. The Johnson and Johnson methodology is much more proven through the experience with using the same methodology with Ebola. You should also understand that the 95% effectiveness is 4 weeks after vaccination. Within 3 months most studies have shown that antibodies fall off significantly and your protection will be minimal in a fairly short time, especially with the variants mutating. So you have to balance benefit and risk.
The people that died during the trial were in the placebo group.
So well said, Tom. when the effects of the vaccine ultimately take peoples lives, they won’t even connect the dots… sad.
You’re suffering from a mass delusion called religion. We need a vaccine for that condition.
In my opinion, older folk probably should not get the experimental vaccine. Too many are dying. Get hydroxychloroquine online and take it as a preventative. A doctor will talk with you online and prescribe accordingly. The vaccine is experimental. Hydroxychloroquine has been prescribed for years. People take it today for RA and Lupus. I am not a medical person, just a thought.
I agree.
Shame on you for spreading such idiotic nonsense.
Shame on you for personally attacking and calling people idiots for having an opinion. People are allowed their opinions without being attacked, it’s called freedom of speech you should research it, might help you communicate more effectively.
James, doesnt freedom of speech also protect my calling you an idiot?
I do not think we are being given the whole truth on the deaths of the above listed
people. The CDC and WHO seem to tell us what they want us to believe. It is my understanding that the actual number
of deaths is much greater. I have zero confidence in my government and what they tell me.
Lane isn’t a medical person, but he will offer you medical advice.
More medical advice from Dr Lane
I have a friend who recovered from Covid; it was not a mild case. He was, for whatever reason, given the vaccination about two months later and was horribly sick. It was worse than the disease. I’m qualified to get the vaccination but I’m going to be tested to see if I’ve already had it. Maybe that will avoid some problems…
Please open eyes to Truth. Bring people out of the lies to see You! May the liars and censors be exposed. Bring Truth to the front. Help people to think for themselves again. Show them how they have been controlled by media and corporate lies and propaganda. Let the scales fall off their eyes.
As opposed to being brainwashed by religion? If only there was a vaccine for the mass delusion called Christianity!
Who do they think they are kidding? Giving the vaccine AFTER having had Covid?
What happened to commonsense?
What happened to freedom of choice? (I refer to the unresponsive 88 year old who was not given the choice)
I bind the spirit of fear that has gripped this nation and say be gone in the name of Jesus.
I speak the the spirit of deception and say NO MORE of your lies. Be bound and be cast into outer darkness in the name of Jesus.
I call out the You Lord God for Your blood Jesus to heal this land as we repent before You of our hard heartedness, of our casting you aside out of our schools, our marriages, our disregard of the genders You gave us from conception, out of our courts and out out of our lives. Forgive us O Lord as we stand in the gap before you and plead with You as Abraham did for Sodom and Gomorrah.
Lord, send Your angel armies to wage warfare against the powers and principalities. Hear our prayers Lord and answer as we trust in You. Amen
I try to have faith but all these people die who are good christian… help me to understand this.
Only God has the answer to your question. We don’t know if all those who have died knew the Lord as Savior, but the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike.
As God’s children we stand in faith and trust for His plans and purposes, whatever they may be, knowing that He is still on the throne.
This is fake news Laura. The only people on the throne are making poopies.
Diane, there can be no answer. Being a christian is merely a delusion. There is no god. Therefore, the deaths of so called christians is merely part of the statistical probabilities of dying.
There is no god dumbhead
I am so sorry that you think that way Mya
I am so sorry that you don’t know how much Jesus loves and cares for you. He cared enough to leave His Father in heaven to live on this earth, to die by crucifixion, and then rise again to return to Heaven and His Father, all for our benefit and ultimate good.
The times and seasons of our lives are in His hands.
Do you not see and wonder at God’s wonderful creation?
I would ask you to ask Him to show himself real to you, as many others have done before us.
May the Lord God bless you and show you His great love, a love such as you have never known before
Laura K, you are on the WINNING TEAM!! Keep the faith, and you will walk the streets of gold. Narrow is the way and few shall pass, but the highway to hell is wide open. Christ will forever mourn His lost children who refused to allow Him to save them.