I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, as we position ourselves as watchmen on the wall, help us hear from You. Help us lift our gaze to You. May we look to see what You will say more than any other. (Hab 2:1)
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Within intercessory prayer circles it is common knowledge that one of the functions of the intercessor is to be a watchman. This image is found in many places in the Old Testament.

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A verse discussed in this context often is:

I have posted watchmenĀ on your walls, Jerusalem;Ā they will never be silent day or night. You who call on theĀ Lord,Ā give yourselves no rest,Ā and give him no restĀ till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praiseĀ of the earth (Is 62:6-7).

What vivid imagery this verse provides for intercessors like us. Picture this with me. We take our post on the wall of protection surrounding those things we care about as we cry out to God with persistence until Godā€™s will is accomplished. We position ourselves, our hearts, our minds, and our emotions in order to passionately pray that God would accomplish His purposes.

Why must we position ourselves on the wall and ā€œgive Him no restā€ in asking the Lord to accomplish what He desires? I believe it is because God is wanting to see if anyone cares as much about His will as He does. Our positioning and persistent crying out acts as a conduit of His mighty power that is irreplaceable in the releasing of His will.

Positioning our hearts and passionate pleas are the required elements of the art of being a watchman.

However, I believe these two actions have overshadowed a critical essential of the art of being a watchman.

Letā€™s look at a couple of Scripture passages:

Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. (Ez 3:17)

I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint. (Hab 2:1)

In these two passages a critical component of intercession emerges: hearing the word of God. Often watchmen emphasize looking at the horizon from their positions on the wall. They are up-to-date on the news, discuss current events with other intercessors, and participate in online prophetic communities that analyze the current state of affairs.

And yet, I challenge you, dear watchman, to take more time to look to heaven rather than looking at the horizon. As you look to heaven, ask the Lord to give you a ā€œrevelationā€ as Habakkuk 2:2 describes.

Let me tell you the effect of looking to heaven instead of the horizon: your faith will grow immensely! If you focus on the troubles of the day and the enemies of Godā€™s kingdom warring against us, you will become discouraged and dismayed. You may be overcome with the burden of intercession. But when God speaks to you His word for these days and presents His revelation for this moment, your faith will surge out of you. You will be empowered and your intercession will be rejuvenated.

I challenge you today, as you passionately pray through the news and consider all the attacks of the enemy, pause and take just 10% of your time to be still before the Lord and ask Him for his word to you about the circumstances we face.

How are you encouraged by this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

(Article written by Dave Kubal. Photo by Xhoni Mykaj on Unsplash.)

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Pat Massi
July 11, 2024

This such am awesome article! Thank you, Dave Kubal!

July 7, 2024

I see people opening the gates and bringing the Trojan Horse inside. This is an exciting novelty. At midnight the belly opened and this place taken with no opposition
They were unaware of an enemy in their midst.

I see a young adult on a roof peering into the distance. An unusual mass in the distance but unide tifiable So back to the party. The second time the young man looked, h saw the enemy
approaching so with drunken laughter he went back. The third time he looked, he saw the enemy ready to enter, but passing out in a drunken stupor, he couldn’t save himself or others

Come Aside
What do you see?
Can these bones live

July 7, 2024

1. All intercessors ARE NOT Watchmen! Watchmen have discernment to know to pray for what we have not yet seen!
2. Watchmen read their Bibles through regularly to not only understand the ways of our enemies, but to know our GOD, HOLY GHOST, and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST through and through!
3. Watchmen hear regularly from HOLY GHOST on what and who to pray for!
4. Watchmen watch day and night!
5. Watchmen are called by GOD! We are all called to be watchmen, but many never answer that call!

As Nehemiah rebuilt the wall, he was the watchman while the others interceded. FATHER GOD YOU have called me to be YOUR Watchman on the wall! Let me be always faithful to that call! Send YOUR angels to surround and protect all of the Watchmen that has answered YOUR call! Let us make a difference and win many to YOUR Kingdom through our prayers in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Lori Meed
August 2, 2021

Such wise words, Dave! Thank you. I have felt overwhelmed so often in these days, and needed to sit at the feet of my Jesus and hear what He says about me, first of all, and then about the world and MY PART in intercession. I have spoken before about ‘staying in our lane’. Everyone has a different part and no one has all the parts. Hallelujah! His Word tells us that His YOKE is easy and His burden is LIGHT (Matt.11:28-29) If we are burdened, it is a s Dave says, we are looking at the problems and not fixing our eyes on Him, and also we each have a ‘metron’, a Greek work for the area of authority and responsibility He has given us. If we step outside it we will be weighed down with burdens which are not ours. IN the areas He calls us to, we are yoked WITH Him.Two animals yoked pull together but one is the lead animal and bears the greater brunt. Sit and gaze at His beauty. Go with no other agenda than just to love on Him.

Theodore Serkizis
August 2, 2021

Brother Dave
IFA has become my favorite ministry which I support.
Thank you for the article. Please write again. My prayers are with you.
ACTS 6:4

August 1, 2021

Several months ago I put a sticky note on my wall that says ā€œ watch & prayā€. I donā€™t even remember why or what prompted me to do it. But when Iā€™m feeling helpless, Iā€™m reminded that watching & praying is indeed doing something!

Rebecca Berndt
August 1, 2021

Thank you. That is encouraging, as there is such a continual bombardment of discouraging news. That is a very helpful reminder!

Anita Malaro
August 1, 2021

I appreciate this very much! For I truly believe I was created for such a time as this. I pray to remain strong & steady ever watchful that even in my small life my prayer & commitment to my Lord makes a difference to bring God honor & praise. That America stands strong & mighty not by power or worldly might but by the Spirit of our Father God we remove the shameful administration that promotes abortion & evil as theyā€™re trying. Jesus is Lord!

Merle McDonald
August 1, 2021

EXCELLENT advice from the Lord!!!!!

Thank you…

Connie D.
July 31, 2021

I must admit I have grown weary this year in intercession after all the stresses of 2020. I was downcast and my arms and hands were listless and laying by my side. Like Aaron and Hur lifting Moses’ hands in Exodus 17, I too needed someone to lift my hands. Lord, forgive me for wanting to give up. You have called me to be a watchman for such a time as this. Thanks, Dave, for your faithfulness in “holding up the hands” of the intercessors who have grown tired of being watchman. We all need to take turns holding up the hands of our fellow intercessors/watchmen.

Thank you, Dave, for the reminder to seek the Word of the Lord which gives us wisdom, direction, strength, and hope, and a firm foundation of TRUTH in a world full of lies and deception. Any message we relay must be from God and not ourselves.

A prayer:

Rejuvenate my faith, O Lord. Restore my passion and energy for intercession. Fuel me with your Word and your power. Remind me that it’s not MY message, but YOUR MESSAGE. You are bringing about your plans and purposes during these last days and you have given us the distinct privilege and responsibility of living during this time. We take comfort in the fact that You have promised to never leave us nor forsake us. You will equip us, guide us, and lift us out of the pit of despair. Lord, we do weep about our personal and national sin and repent in sackcloth and ashes as we lament the sinful turn our nation has taken. Forgive us Lord, save us by your great mercy. Have compassion on us as we are but dust. Come quickly, Lord, let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

July 31, 2021

This is scriptural , directive, and most needed:the reminder to “seek His face”! Thanks be to God…

Terry Trudel
July 31, 2021

Dave, Thank you! I happen to be studying Psalm 62 prior to reading your comments. In a sermon by Charles Mackintosh (1858) he notes that David is suggesting in the Psalm that we should go to God “only and early” raising concern that “the heart is ever prone to divide its confidence between God and man.” We must be watchman and when we see something of concern it is important to keep one eye on what is happening while our spiritual eye is on the Lord for how He will assist us and give us direction. He is our rock and our salvation. “When we seek Him only we will seek Him early.”
The above is commentary from “The Treasury of David” by Charles Spurgeon, volume 2, page 63, paragraph 2.

July 31, 2021

Dave, with all my heart, I believe this, and you are “spot on!” I am concerned that many believers have not been taught that we are to be a “watchman.” Thank you, Dave, for reminding us that, as believers, we are the watchman of today! If every IFA believer will do this, let’s see what the Lord will do! His Word says, “call on Me, and I will show you great and mighty things you don’t know about.”

July 31, 2021

Thank You, Lord for this encouragement through IFA. Reading Your Word and the woes of many of the prophets we see that man makes the same mistakes throughout history. (Ecc. 1:9) The problem is sin that is in the heart of man (Jer 17:9-10, Mark 7:21-23) Pride has infiltrated every aspect of our lives and as watchmen, itā€™s been our time to call out the warnings so clearly articulated in Your Word. This is the warning! That You, Lord can not tolerate nor be in the presence of sin. We see itā€™s destruction throughout the the history documented on Your Word yet we fail to learn from the mistakes made in the past. Proverbs 16:18 reminds us that ā€œPride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling.ā€ We confess that we have been prideful, thinking that we are wise but only in our own eyes. We go against Your precepts and design for humanity. We have sacrificed our children on the throne of convenience. We have redefined Your design for marriage and family leading to a loss of identify and value. We have replaced Your wisdom for our own leaving us isolated, empty and without hope. Yes, Lord we have done these things and now beg for Your mercy. Please Lord, soften our hearts, reinstate the watchmen through repentance and obedience. Lord, hear us and move Your hand. We love You and humbly ask for Your forgiveness and grace to wash over our nation and the nations of this world. Lord, grant us courage and boldness as we speak Your truth and walk in Your ways. Prepare hearts to receive salvation through Jesus Christ as we share Your amazing Love! In Christā€™s Name we pray!

Toni Kushner
July 31, 2021

I love the two scriptures given from Isaiah 62 and Habakuk 2:2 and often fuel persistence within me to keep on praying with hope and vision just being obedient to the call to pray out of LOVE for the Almighty and His Church. The Holy Spirit gave me three words after the election for which I hold to each day waiting for the Glory of God to be seen by His people and an unbelieving world. As I wait His Spirit has encouraged me to STAND, WAIT and To WATCH. I was to stand in faith, wait upon the Lord for I will be strengthened in that position and I am to WATCH for I Will see the Glory of God. I wait with the prayer in my heart of Habakuk LORD, I have heard of your fame;I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known. As I look upon those things that are eternal and temporal, He gives me reassurance. He is in control, we do not know what is ahead, but I do know God is in Control.

Tonya Lampersberger
July 31, 2021

I experienced this in a powerful way yesterday. After reading more information on the state of our world I felt really burdened. But then I read the book of Habakkuk! He knew what we are experiencing. After that I took a long prayer walk, put on the armor of God and was immediately renewed in my spirit by the Holy Spirit. Yes, keeping my eyes up and on Jesus!

Jeane Bare
July 31, 2021

Thanks Dave opens up more insight as watchman summarizing concisely parts of passionate praying..I wrote full article in month of August prayer journal notes..jb

July 31, 2021

As I read, this Psalm came to mind…
“I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot be moved;
he who keeps you will not slumber.”
Psalm 121:1-3

As we watch, the Watchman of all watchmen stands with us and even when we grow weary He does not and will keep us.
Your Brother in Christ,

Sharon Culp
July 31, 2021

And yet, I challenge you, dear watchman, to take more time to look to heaven rather than looking at the horizon. As you look to heaven, ask the Lord to give you a ā€œrevelationā€ as Habakkuk 2:2 describes.
Thank you for this TRUTH and guidance. It reminds me of Mr. Rogers who encouraged us to look for the helpers in critical situations. The battles belong to the Lord and our prayers of faith and trust in Him encourages us to pray without ceasing, to stand in the gap, and praise The Lord for all He is and all He does! His ways are not our ways.
Lord help us to be about Your commands to Pray for the lost, share the Gospel to whomsoever will hear, to fight the good fight for those who have no voice but ultimately know Your timing is always perfect. Help us not to grow weary, to stand firm, to intercede and release our petitions before You and then PRAISE You as we wait for the victory. In Jesus name. Amen

July 31, 2021

Thank you Dave,!!!! the ONLY effective intercession begins with hearing the heart of God. We pray back to Him from earth what HE wants. He has set up His kingdom to be this kind of partnership. We need to put aside our own desires, fears, pleas, and stop long enough, perhaps with fasting, to find out what is in Gods’ heart right now. We would do well to beware of human compassion, which is different from God’s compassion and caring. We must be willing to accept the fact that ending suffering or preventing suffering on earth is not God’s first priority. What is His first priority now???? What is He intently looking for from His people, and watching for in the world as a whole?

    Mrs D
    July 31, 2021

    YES, Mary! And, often when we focus on GOD’s top priority in the moment, we find that His light is shining on a particular area of transformation He is desiring to bring in our personal lives which requires our cheerful yieldedness and agreenment in working WITH Him. Cleansing often precedes restoration/reformation. May GOD BLESS YOU abundantly, Dear One.

Nancy Buck
July 31, 2021

The thing we must see in scripture is that Habakkuk was asking God to save Israel but God said no, He was bringing the Babylonians in judgment.
Sadly, the USA has, as a nation rejected God time and time again and her sins are great.
It appears that God is judging America and the world and we are seeing His end times plans and prophecy according to the Bible coming to pass.
Judgment has fallen and the Tribulation is coming.
It is dangerous to go against what God is doing as false prophets did when Jeremiah and other true prophets were prophesying judgment was coming.
I love my country and pray for the US, but, I believe Hodā€™s hand of blessing has been removed from our ungodly nation.
Our true citizenship as believers is in Heaven and I wait for my Savior, Jesus Christ from thereā€¦to call us up to the Fatherā€™s House!
Amen! Come LORD Jesus!

    Sharon Culp
    July 31, 2021

    Jonah 4:2
    English Standard Version
    2 And he prayed to the Lord and said, ā€œO Lord, is not this what I said when I was yet in my country? That is why I made haste to flee to Tarshish; for I knew that you are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relenting from disaster.

    jeane bare
    July 31, 2021

    Thanks for your view and my view is 2Chronicles7:14 healing of our USA is coming forth in answer to the millions who have followed obey this promise. Weā€™re the launching pad for Godā€™s Great Glory outpourings & pockets of Glory bringing in the Great Harvest. In my Nov. 9,2013 praying I received this Word/Rhema ā€œRUDE AWAKENING LEADING TO A GREAT AWAKENING (PREPARING LABORERS FOR THE HARVEST) LEADING TO THE GREAT HARVESTā€ Yes and Amen. Jb

      Maynard Beck Sr.
      August 1, 2021

      I stand in agreement with you.
      The “my people” in 2 Chronicles 7:14 are the obedient who have persevered.
      Like the 5,000 in caves during Elijah’s conquest of Baal, the English prayer warriors with enough Biblical Depth to discern a three word msg (Daniel 3:18 “but if not)” that launched the boats that rescued the troops stranded at Dunkirk, the Moravian prayer warriors staying on deck to pray during a violent tempest (which lead John Wesley to birth the Methodist Church), etc
      Thanks for the Good Word


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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