I Prayed have prayed
Dear God, keep us from all defilement. We submit our hearts to You today. Help us to have only positive and godly influences surrounding us today and always. Help us to seek Your face, Your will and Your ways, and always walk in Your truth. May You alone be the greatest influence in our lives. Amen.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Lately, I’ve been pondering the impact of influence on our daily lives. Driven by curiosity, I delved into researching the current effects of various influences, particularly examining the impact of social media, news media, and relationships.

It is well-documented that both news and social media have a significant influence on our lives, affecting not only our health and well-being but also our attitudes and expectations. These media sources do not merely provide information; rather, they shape our opinions on a wide range of topics, from political candidates to our views on immigrants. The impact of news media on our subconscious can have negative effects on our health, our outlook on the future, and even our faith.

Excessive consumption of news media can significantly influence our perceptions of people, situations, and the economy, potentially leading to feelings of fear and hopelessness. Studies indicate that prolonged exposure to news media can also contribute to physical health issues, including high blood pressure, anxiety, stress, and an increased risk of heart problems.

Not only can news and social media have a detrimental effect on us—this can also happen when we are involved with certain people or situations. I once read a writing by Marsha Burns that spoke to this. It said, “Keep yourself from defilement. This may require pulling back from activities and relationships that are not beneficial to you. Stop and consider what and who influences you the most, and make sure the input is positive and not negative. Your relationship with Me, says the Lord, requires time and spiritual effort as you allow Me to be the greatest influence in your life.”

After reading this brief passage, I decided to look up the word “influence” to better understand its meaning. I sensed that God had a deeper message regarding the concept of influence, and my search did not disappoint me.

The word influence means the following:

“to flow in; to flow. Literally, a flowing in, into or on, and referring to substances spiritual or too subtle to be visible, like inspiration. In a general sense, influence denotes power whose operation is invisible and known only by its effects, or a power whose cause and operation are unseen. Moral power; power of truth operating on the mind, rational faculties or will, in persuading or dissuading, as the influence of motives, of arguments, or of prayer. To move by moral power; to act on and affect, as the mind or will, in persuading or dissuading; to induce” (Webster’s 1828 dictionary).

Think about this truth for a moment—influence literally flows into a person. It’s a subtle flow, but a flow, nonetheless. Although very subtle, influence denotes power over a person that becomes visible and known through actions. Influence literally moves a person to act. The influence that surrounds us, either from news media, social media, or the relationships we choose to engage in, releases a power into us that manifests itself in our actions.

As I continued to study, I came across a scripture in the New Living Bible. This is how the LORD responds: “If you return to me, I will restore you, so you can continue to serve me. If you speak good words rather than worthless ones, you will be my spokesman. You must influence them; do not let them influence you!” (Jer. 15:19).

We often say that someone who is drunk is under the influence, which is true. Their actions are a result of the liquor and its influence. It is something that has flowed inside of them and caused actions on the outside of them. The same is true with the influences in our lives.

We encounter many different influences daily. As Christians, the Bible should be our greatest source of influence. Yet, oftentimes, people influence us even more so. The news media influences us. Conversations with people influence us. Challenges we face influence us—yes, we have a myriad of influences on a daily basis. Only we can decide which influences will affect us in the most significant ways, which is often a direct result of how much time we spend in the company of those influences.

What is influencing you today? What are the visible actions of the influences you are under? What is flowing in you that is causing your actions? Is it God and His Word? Or is there a greater influence in your life? Perhaps, negative daily conversations. Or too much time on social media. Or hour upon hour watching local and national news. Or entertainment from streaming services.

If people are yelling and angry, they have been influenced by someone or some situation. If someone is upset and crying, they have been influenced by something. If someone is walking in total peace amid chaos, they, too, have been influenced by something. What is your influence? What is your action, and what is moving you to that action?

Once, the Lord spoke to me, saying, “It is what is on the inside that defiles a man” (Mark 7:20-23 and Matt. 15:17-20). Defiled is defined as foulness, dirtiness, and uncleanness—corruption of morals, principles, or character; impurity; pollution by sin.

Matthew 15:17-20 says, Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.

The innermost depths of our being hold the key to our true defilement. Unresolved matters of the heart plague us. These issues often stem from the influences we allow into our lives, shaping our outward actions. I wonder if we realize that when someone commits an evil act, it begins in their hearts. It primarily starts with the influences they have had in their life. They are simply acting on those influences. It could have been what they did with their time or the people they allowed into their lives. Whatever it was, their action directly resulted from the influences in their life.

Surrounding yourself with individuals who frequently engage in sinful behavior, dishonesty, or gossip can have a significant impact on your own actions and thoughts. I’ve noticed in my own experience that spending time with negative individuals can lead to negative thoughts creeping into my mind. Conversely, being in the company of positive and spiritually strong people helps me maintain a positive and hopeful outlook.

During tough times, I’ve discovered that reaching out to friends who are deeply rooted in their faith can be incredibly uplifting. However, I’m mindful not to seek support from friends who tend to have a negative outlook. I’m intentional about surrounding myself with positive, godly, and encouraging influences in my life.

For the same reason, I limit news and social media in my life. I have found that if I spend too much time reviewing the news, it affects my view of things happening in our world. That influence flows into me and attempts to change the lens from which I view things. However, if I spend more time in the Word of God and His presence, He alone influences my view of what is happening in our land today.

The daily influences that shape our lives carry significant weight. It is crucial to spend time in the presence of God and His teachings. To allow Him alone to be the guiding force of influence in our lives. By doing so, we can experience triumph and success in our daily endeavors.

Take time today to reflect on the condition of your heart and your life. Have you allowed yourself to be influenced by negative activities and relationships around you? If so, it might be necessary to step back from some of these influences and regain a perspective based on biblical principles. Pause and consider which influences are shaping you the most, and then make the necessary changes. Dedicate time to connect with God and allow His influence to be the greatest in your life – when you do this, His blessings and peace will flow freely and without obstruction.

Please share your insights from the Lord in the comments section below.

Kim Potter is the author of Deeper Still, a 90-day devotional on a deeper relationship with God. She is also the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine, and on Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the hearts of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, to impart hope. To order her new book or receive her daily encouraging writings, visit her website at www.anewthingministries.com, or Books Archives – A New Thing Ministries. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images).

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October 19, 2024

Good Article/Devotion, I like the practical steps of thinking how things are influencing me, such as time spent on news, social media, or entertainment as well.

Jessica Renshaw
October 19, 2024

Kim, SO IMPORTANT and such a good reminder!

October 19, 2024

I have a friend who worked with the national news media for several decades.
My friend told me specifically that tragedies, calamities and bad things happening are what drives the news networks.
I have also heard it said that for every bad, dramatic, and dark thing that is reported, that it takes at least five good reports to overturn the effect of one bad report.
At Jesus’‘s birth, the angels declared” Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth, good will towards men.” We have the good news! This declaration was made to shepherds living in Israel when Israel was controlled by the bad regime of the Roman Empire.

Jesus said “ To be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves.” So yes, we need to guard our hearts concerning what is flowing into them Through our environment.right now in our days.

Darlene Estlow
October 19, 2024

Thank you Kim. We are often not aware of the influence of the media and negative people. May God give us insight as to that influence so we may walk more closely with Jesus.

October 19, 2024

Thanks to IFA for the provision of this means for sharing the Lord
and His Truth. So many godly comments and petitions and evidences
of faith are revealed for our edification and exhortation! Praise the Lord!
For some time, I have been working on memorizing James 3:17 (Amplified
Bible – which may not be easier, but it is more edifying to me!).
It begins with: But the wisdom from above is first pure (undefiled). And then,
it is peace loving….If you will venture on into the wisdom of it, it will direct you
in the right and enduring way of the Lord. Hearing the Word and receiving it,
and loving it and obeying it will keep us in the Truth that it is not all about us;
not all about “me”! But, that He is the true end and scope of life!

October 19, 2024

Excellent article! Conviction!

October 19, 2024

This is an interesting viewpoint from a group whose site is composed mostly of news. But, yes, I agree too much news, especially television news, can be overwhelming and make the world seem out of balance. And, unfortunately, much of today’s new sources, both right and left, deliberately report in a manner which is intended to emotionally manipulate their audience (IFA can do this as well). But we as voters need to be informed; it is just the quality that is important. You need to find a news source that is neutral, reports both sides and states the facts and lets you decide. You also need to read some opinion pieces which are written by experts in South American, Asian or European history, for example, written by reporters who have lived in those parts of the world and speak the languages (Most Americans understand their own country but unless they have spent years have living somewhere else, do not understand the rest of the world). You also need to read articles written by experts in military strategy or who are on top of different sectors, such as AI technology. I have not found newsmax, breitbait, and Daily Wire to be news sources which state the facts, tell both sides and allow you to decide and are knowledgeable about what is going on in other parts of the world. So, if you just depend on right wing news sources, you are not going to get the complete picture (right wing is NOT necessarily Christian). Generally, to be good news sources, you will have to pay for a subscription. So, yes, limit your time, but choose quality reporting.

Barbara Janicki
October 19, 2024

I’m remembering a song from pre-school age Sunday school – “Oh be careful little eyes what you see . . . oh be careful little ears what you hear . . . for the Father up above is looking down with love, oh be careful . . .” a lesson we need to learn early but one that remains applicable all our lives. Philippians 4 tells us – “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”
In order to view things from God’s perspective, (a Biblical worldview) I need to be immersed in God’s Word so that it is God’s Word that is my primary influence. I wholly agree with the author, that it is God’s truth, found in His Word, that we each need in order to successfully navigate life here with all its choices and messages and ways that “seem right but in the end they lead to death.” The thing is – I must continually choose what I focus on, what I watch, listen to and who I spend time with. The choice is always mine – fill my mind and heart with God’s living and active Word or with the world’s ideas about what is important or right or true. I can be so easily deceived if I am not anchored in God’s Word. Lord, help me to be Your salt and light in this world, help me to influence those around me for You and Your good purposes but protect me from being influenced in ways that are not Your ways. Give me Your wisdom and discernment. Be my One and Only Influencer. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

October 19, 2024


John Soccre
October 19, 2024

It is not only the bad influence of so much right wing news, it is making sure you are being influenced by the truth. I have a friend who was a news junkie. He did nothing but watch Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and other right wing pundits. He claimed to be their biggest fans. As a result, he went door to door campaigning for Republican candidates. As a Christian, he wanted to make sure that what he said was truthful. He began to research and found out that many of the things he was telling people was simply not true. Just one example, he had never learned that countries that put Democratic policies in place found that their abortion rates actually went down, while countries that simply tried to make abortion illegal saw abortion rates go up. Again, just one example. My friend, as a sincere Christian, became a Democrat, even wrote a book about politics when he realized how dangerous the right wing media is in not being truthful. Thank you for the article.

    October 19, 2024

    I’m sure to some extent what you are saying is true but I also know that the left wing blatantly lie and take things out of context. I was a democrat and now align myself with the Republican Party for the same reason. The solution is to align your values and beliefs with Gods word and He will guide you to the truth.

    Susan CC
    October 19, 2024

    John, with respect, you sound like a well meaning man but I take issue with your sincerity…your friend’s as well. I believe it is your mindset that is dangerous. Carlson, Hannity and the “others” spout their opinions just as the left does… Ultimately your choice of political party will not be a question for your entrance into Heaven. As a sincere Christian, your only concern should be to love the Lord, your God with all your heart mind and soul and your neighbor as yourself…..to follow the teachings of Christ. As a whole, there is plenty of exaggeration and lying throughout the media. I just feel your attempt to vilify conservatism is uber obvious.

      John Soccre
      October 19, 2024

      I did not say you can only be a Christian if you are a Democrat. I wrote about the media. But, if you read through articles and comments on this website, you will see time and time again comments referring to Demon-crats and saying that anyone led by the Spirit will vote Republican. Have you corrected any of those comments? Plus, a simple google search on ‘left leaning media scandals’ comes up with very little. while ‘right leaning media scandals’ hits a gold mine of law suits, firings, etc. The comparison between left leaning and right leaning media is not even close. And, I wouldn’t advise getting news from either bias. A wise person would seek media sites that are as unbiased as possible. We all have some bias’ but we should try to find the least bias we can. But, right wing sites deliberately distort issues in a much more dangerous fashion. Recently, if you were paying attention, right wing sites were targeted to spread Russian propaganda and many did spread false information. The left has nothing comparable.

        Susan CC
        October 19, 2024

        “I did not say you can only be a Christian if you are a Democrat.” …I didn’t say you did. What I did say is your political opinions don’t determine your salvation, what does is your confession of faith and obedience to Christ. I am not going to continue a debate because our opinions are firmly set in opposition to one another. I will simply say, that this administration has been supported and protected by the media, who you refer to as “the left.” And if you are not aware, we are in trouble, like never. I pray for our country John and whoever is victorious in November, I pray their leadership will be in truth and justice. Peace to you.

Susan CC
October 19, 2024

“Dedicate time to connect with God and allow His influence to be the greatest in your life”
I so appreciate this…as I prayed earlier, I asked the Lord to close our eyes to the allure of the enemy, stop up our ears to his whispers and keep our hearts from the seduction of the world.

Complete Jewish Bible
Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord,… Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary… take up every piece of war equipment God provides… to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing… Have the belt of truth buckled around your waist, put on righteousness for a breastplate and wear on your feet the readiness that comes from the Good News of shalom. Always carry the shield of trust, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One. And take the helmet of deliverance; along with the sword given by the Spirit, that is, the Word of God; …pray at all times… in the Spirit, vigilantly and persistently, for all God’s people.

Father, You are The Eternal who has seen the same behavior forever. Many times I am sinful, ungrateful and thankless but I love You. Your Word is everything Lord, draw us into Yourself through Your Word and remind us, moment by moment, how blessed we are in the sacrifice of Christ, our Savior. Remind us moment by moment, that only through Salvation will we know Holy Spirit power and authority….which we desperately need to be victorious in the ongoing battles of life. Please keep us armed and alert. I ask this and so much more in the Name of Jesus Christ. HE HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD. Amen

Brian Lynch
October 19, 2024

Those of us who call ourselves Christian MUST put the Lord first in our lives, Plain and simple. we not only need to be in His Word, but need to apply it to our daily lives, how we conduct ourselves in public- we are ALWAYS a witness when in the public arena. This includes how we treat others. The days of casual and complacent Christianity need to come to an end in our nation. The times that we are living in demand that we be on fire for the Lord Jesus, and Christian principles need to be displayed by us, no matter the situation that we find ourselves in. Lord Jesus, I pray that you empower us to be Your hands and feet in an increasingly dark and evil world. Thank you, Jesus.

Mary D
October 19, 2024

Keep your 👀 on the Prize! And it’s a HUGE Prize! Our enemy does not want us to understand this! Distraction leads to confusion, then discouragement, temptation, and 💥 we fall into various sins. We are all susceptible and we all fall. Sin is meant to take you out of the race, or keep you from running. God wants us to be strengthened, encouraged to keep running, And to be Victorious!
I’d also like to give a shout-out and TY ❤️ to Linda Heidler from Glory of Zion for opening and making this Word applicable to our Lives! Keep running! Lay aside the other stuff, Run to Jesus when you get hit in the face, which in this day is constant! Don’t Quit Keep Going!🔥🔥🔥❤️💥 👀 on the Prize!

October 19, 2024

Thank you Kim for this great insight and for all your helpful articles.

Kathy Schmeichel
October 19, 2024

As I read this, the Lord nudged me with a question: Who are you influencing?
So while I work at limiting negative influences, I pray, Lord make me aware of my words, actions and attitudes that are influencing those that I am connected with each day.

Dona Schmidt
October 19, 2024

Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the river of blessings! Bless and not curse, seeking God first is our best influence!
Great article! Thank you!

BK Jackson
October 19, 2024

This balance of how much news to take in is tricky. In addition to turning away from God, the other big reason our nation is in the trouble it’s in is because we’ve buried our heads in the sand & not bothered to pay attention over the decades while the constitution was being ignored/chipped away at bit by bit. That means we MUST be aware of all that is going on and the world is very complex. And that means being an informed believer takes a time investment–you can’t depend on turning on MSM for a few minutes to get reliable info. So we must diligently seek to understand the issues of our time BUT it must be intertwined with a life of “pray without ceasing” in order to not be overwhelmed by all we see/hear.

Father God, I pray that no believer would bury their head in the sand but that they would be an involved/informed member of their community and nation, ensuring that we as a nation honor You. Thank you that we can directly approach your throne of grace and I pray that we seek you constantly Father. When Peter took his eyes off of you and focused on the storm, he began to go under. Help us to keep our focus on you and shine your light into this nation and the nations of the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pamela Kay
October 19, 2024

Father God, balance us out and keep us in perfect alignment with YOU. Cause us to know what we need to and not to be pulled by the desire for too much information on matters. Help us to hear YOU on all matters and pray accordingly, in alignment with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT. Help us to stand strong in YOUR Power and Authority over evil and the evil one, with a rightful understanding of our calling in YOU. Fill us all withthe POWER of YOUR HOLY SPIRIT to overflowing daily. In JESUS’ NAME. THANK YOU, LORD JESUS.

October 19, 2024

Yes! I agree! I used to be a news and information junky. I had to know what was going in and around me. I now trust Jesus to show me what I need to know and don’t know, believing it is more important to know Him, His Word and His ways than the ways and news of the world. I skim headlines every few days and I pray over them, giving the concerns of the world to the God who is Sovereign. He is so faithful to us, leading me yo what I need to know and what I do not need to know.
Jesus-I pray especially for your children, your church, to have hearts, words and actions to SEEK you more than the world. ,to have repentant, humble hearts to serve, follow and trust you and your ways. That we would be willing to lay down our wills snd lives for Jesus. In your Name I pray, Amen.

October 19, 2024

Thank you Kim. So very true. Such a very needed reminder. It totally goes along with scripture. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer. Psalms 19:14


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