A recent study of the pervasiveness of COVID-19 in the state of New York determined that 25% of New York City residents likely have had COVID-19—in some boroughs, like the Bronx, it’s as high as 41%. This percentage translates to 2.1 million NYC residents infected, with a mortality rate of about .6% (12,287 deaths divided by 2.1 million people with the antibodies).
The article states, “In hard-hit New York City, that picture continues to look like a horror film.” Don’t get me wrong, any death is one too many, but a .6% mortality rate is a horror film? This mortality rate is actually fantastic news! This data means that the immune system God built is working! Millions have recovered. This is not anything close to a horror film.
Even the mortality totals are suspicious. If what we are told is accurate, then the general population of the state of New York have suddenly become healthier. This chart shows a DRAMATIC decrease from last year in the number of deaths from heart disease, cancer, strokes, Alzheimer’s, the flu, homicides, etc. Could it be that the actual number of COVID-19 deaths is overstated, while some are actually dying of something else?
And yet, the mainstream media continues to push the sky-is-falling narrative. We must ask ourselves, why? What are the leading progressives attempting to accomplish during this time?
“Coronavirus gives us an opportunity to revamp our electoral system so that it permanently becomes more inclusive and becomes easier for the American people to access,” Eric Holder recently said. His rationale was “We have to provide safe and healthy polling places so that the poll workers and those who want to cast a ballot in person have opportunities to do that while they’re protecting themselves.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made sure there was funding for this type of transformation in the most recent stimulus package. She began the negotiation much higher but compromised on $400 million in election security enhancement related to COVID-19. The largest portion of this is being used to push states to move toward mail-in ballots.
Mail-in ballots provide ample opportunities to introduce voter fraud in many different ways. To put it simply, states could never be ready to handle the volume of mail-in voter ballots in time for the Presidential election in November. You probably recall in the recent midterm election how surprised election officials found bags of absentee ballots and struggled to verify and count these votes. Multiply this exponentially with millions and millions of mailed ballots and it’s easy to imagine how overwhelmed precincts all over the nation will be.
The Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, recently ordered absentee ballots to be sent to EVERY New York voter! Everyone! And this is in the wake of the 2016 voter roll purge where 200,000 voters were illegally removed from New York’s voter registration list. The voters were not permitted to vote in the last Presidential election. This illegal activity happened with current election procedures that have been established and followed over many years. How can we be sure of accurate voter rolls if we rush to switch to a mail-in system in a matter of months? Can’t you imagine the problems and potential for abuse that would result if the entire nation moved to the universal mail-in election process that some propose? We have some idea of what will happen—a study completed after the 2018 election demonstrated that nearly one quarter of all mailed ballots were not accounted for because of various reasons.
The COVID-19 pandemic is being weaponized by Progressives to change the landscape of our election forever. We must insist on local control and voter verification, otherwise we are opening our elections to great levels of fraud by allowing the few in control to rig the pool of voters that will result in the election outcome they favor. Conservatives emphasize principles, while Progressives emphasize processes. This is a perfect example of Progressives focusing on controlling processes.
The ancient Hebrews were the first to create a representative republic. This divine blueprint was the model for our republic. We must pray that we will “select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.” (Ex 18:21)
We need to pray this selection process is full of integrity. You have an opportunity to do this with me tomorrow at 12:15 pm ET. Our May First Friday Prayer Conference Call guest is Catherine Engelbrecht with True the Vote. We encourage you to join our webcast at or on Facebook Live. You can also call (712)775-7430 (no code needed).
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Thank you for stating facts instead of some pet theory. We continue to pray for the staff at IFA that you are continually surrounded by the Host of heaven. Psalm 95 and Psalm 103. Let us quickly end this pandemic of distorted ideas that is punishing All of us because a few didn’t achieve their goal of Impeaching the President. Hallelujah. AMEN
Father, exerciseYour power and authority over the election proceedings in our nation and establish integrity and righteousness throughout every county and state in America.. Thank You, Father that we know it’s being done. Amen
How much fraud is in Trump’s tax returns he wont disclose? How much fraud and deceit.
Let me ask you a question: in your opinion of progressives more fraudulent than consevatives?
Lord God I pray for a mat to know how overwhelming is the evidence of the progressive leftists leadership corruption who think they are going to benefit from a socialist system while the common people starve as we see happening and EVERY socialist system that ever existed!
Do you benefit from medicare and social security. Did you accept your stimulus check?
Are prople starcing in the scandanavien counteies?
Matt, We are not living in the Scandinavian countries. I have heard it’s not wonderful there either. BUT it has been proven that socialist countries never last because the government runs everything, and the people have no real rights. I guess if you’ve never had any rights, you wouldn’t know what you’re missing, until it becomes totalitarian.
Your idea of the Scandinavian countries are as wrong as your spelling! Showing you live by emotion and not reason! Which I believe qualifies you as a troll! For you don’t care what actually is true! For I expect the only love you have known is what comes from the trouble you cause!
Tom Fitton has been working through ALL states to determine where the fraud is. He looks at ALL the votes EVERYWHERE! When he finds the majority just happens to be mostly among the Progressive states, well, that’s what he finds. Tom Fitton is not partisan, he just does a job, and he’s very good at it. The facts ma’am, just the facts.
Beloved body of Christ, we must stop looking to men. NO politically figure is going to save us. Do we want Jesus or desires of our own flesh? Let God’s will be done. He is in control. Psalms 2. Praise Him!!!
Praying for us all.
Your article suggests that the present system works, that is not true! We have had nothing but traitors since Regan (included). I have never met anbody who voted for Clinton. The system simply does not work. We need to know who we electing! We need thier working history! Contribution from rich people, should be stoped! All the lying must stop, the media, the politician. We have put people in office that are criminals! I am 65+ years old and never seen an election that was questionable!
We the people NEED a way to remove elected officials! All of them! The Supreme Court is a very bad joke!
What state is that? Looking to flee Pharoah in California…
Could it be 2 Chron 7:13 in response to January 26, 2019 vote. The reproductive health act is an abomination. I have no doubts about this connection.
Reveal and expose all wickedness in high places, Lord God. Please give holy discernment to those who have platforms to call the nation into the appropriate repentance. Jesus, let a LOUD CRY rise up over this NY abortion law. The blood of the babies is crying out from NYC and beyond.
We are blessed to live in a state where we have voter ID and we are thankful that we can be assured that only live persons are voting. God is Great! We pray that soon everyone in the USA will have the same assurances that we have with voter ID.
FYI- In the county where my mother lives, her government office was shut down over a month ago. They voting office called her in to help them with the high number of mail in ballots. When she arrived to work, she was told by the overseer of the election process that workers were allowed to take the mail in ballots home to work on!! Can you imagine the number of ballots that will be lost or tallied incorrectly with that many workers taking them to their personal homes in their personal vehicles??? I realize that this is just a local election but if this continues in the fall, that could be a real election changer.
Wow–that is shocking (not really) but such an illustration of what could be allowed because of COVID. It opens our nation up to so much MORE fraud in our elections. There has already been a discouraging amount of fraud and questionable processes happening, and the excuse of COVID breaks down any semblance of checks and balances, secure processes and procedures that we do have left. A true reason that we need to pray and get involved in the elections. Can I ask what county that is taking place in?
LORD, You are the light of the world.Bring your light into the darkness and expose all evil in our election process and accompany that with justice so the process proceeds with all righteousness to bring us leaders pleasing to You.
Father, in the Name of Jesus may You set in place at all levels of this nation people who believe in and act on righteousness and justice the way YOU define them. Indeed, from the thousands to the tens, set over us those who are not out for their own gain, but the growth of Your Kingdom influence. In Jesus’ Name, amen–so be it. Thank You in advance.
Glory to God for exposing and changing all corrupt systems in our nations. Lord as YOU God continue to reset, realign and refocus our nation and the nations of the world. We decree your divine will be done with integrity, justice, righteousness and truth. We decree all the right people shall be in place to established the right process to move forward our 2020 Election. We decree Psalms 91 over those individuals you chose God for such a time as this to reveal the truth about corruptions in any and all aspects of the 2020 Election in Jesus name. Amen
We thank you Lord that we shall give you honor in our actions and deeds. In Jesus Christ Mighty name. Amen!
Father you know what the enemy has planned to steal this election, that was their strategy to cheat and lie and steel!
But you father sit in heaven and laught at their evil plan! I thankyou we will vote in person, and I give you glory for your intervention!
Lord have mercy on this nation. Awaken the Church that it’s time to stand up and fight back bycalling your Governor your Congressman your senators and demand proof of citizenship voter ID in every state in this nation
Father God, we cover the Electoral College process. Father, we declare that You are a shield about the Electoral College process. No weapon formed against the 2020 election shall prosper. I call forth Your Mighty angels to watch over the election and I speak to the enemy and say “NO” you shall not steal this election! In Jesus’ Name.
Father I pray you would expose those individuals that maliciously planned and dispersed this deadly virus; that they will be brought to justice and that the veil that blinds our people will be lifted from their eyes. That those wicked individuals that planted this virus will named and exposed publicly immediately. Lord vengeance is yours. In Jesus Christ name Amen.
Jeshua you are still able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think according to the power of the Holy Spirit within us.
Jeshua show up and show off in our 2020 election. You are a God of justice…we need, ask for Angelic assistance in this election. Thwart the plans of the enemy to steal our election. In the name of Jeshua
Dear God, I’ve been coming to You about this issue for years. Please do not let this Election be stolen or contested by the wicked. Answer my prayer again like You did in 2016. God clean up our Congress – I believe many are there that aren’t supposed to be – remove the wicked from over us in Jesus Name. God fulfill Your Word in our govt: We must pray that we will “select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.” (Ex 18:21)
Wayne, you’ve written what is on my heart. I might add that judges in states need to be righteous. I live in a state where we were going to have to show a photo ID and then ONE judge said ” NO”. Reason? None was given! I don’t know what is going to happen for the November vote, but I pray it gets resolved. Another concern of mine is the use of voting machines because of them being owned by George Soros and because they would flip the vote inside the machine. I don’t believe in the machines but in paper ballots. Then a paper trail is available. Also, Eric Holder is another problem right now.
Lord, You are well aware of the deceit. I knew the pandemic was awful suspicious because it was just to convenient. Sadly lives have been lost seems to be for evil purposes to steal the 2020 election. You know all and see all. Please Lord please continue to expose the wickedness. What satan means for evil turn it to YOUR good. In Jesus name I pray this. Amen