For weeks, we at IFA have been praying and seeking God about what we can do to help intercessors as we all respond to the COVID-19 crisis. We are excited about the prayer resources that we believe God has led us to produce at this unprecedented time.
Yesterday we hosted a special prayer call on the coronavirus. If you missed it, call the replay line at any time: (712) 775-7432, code 2452#. Or watch the video below the text.
Download our newest bookmark prayer guide, “How Do I Find Peace?” This resource is full of prayers and God’s Word, with a prayer to know God included. This is a great way to share the Gospel and share true peace that surpasses all understanding.
We want to help you share God’s peace with others, so we have put together an outreach kit to help you and others find the peace of Christ in these unprecedented times. Here’s what is included:
- How Do I Find Peace? bookmarks to share
- Special notes to send to loved ones (with envelopes and stamps)
- Postcards to encourage President Trump
- Why Bad Things Happen to God’s People by Derek Prince.
Click the link to get this great “care package.”
And last, but certainly not least, we have a brand new National COVID-19 Prayer Wall so we can pray BY NAME for people who are infected with COVID-19. You can access it at the top of our home page, Share this great way of tangibly helping people who are suffering. Here is the link to share: Let’s see what God does as we pray with faith for healing for people BY NAME. Click below to navigate directly to the page.
We believe that this unprecedented pandemic is an opportunity to reach the world for Christ. Will you join us in praying for and sharing peace with others?
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Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. As a 501(c)3 organization, it's through your support that all this possible.

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For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7 NLT
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”
1 Peter 5:7 NLT
Father God, thank you for all that you have done to bless us in this nation. Thank you for your protection from this current pestilence that seems bent on destroying health, finance and the well-being of every citizen. Father you are LORD of all creation and of all flesh.
You are LORD of all Shalom. You alone have ALL authority over all this chaos through your name Shalom!
So we ask you to speak “Shalom! Be still!” over ALL the chaos the enemy seeks to pour out over this nation and over the world. We ask you to speak “Shalom! Be still!” over all fear and anxiety the enemy seeks to pour out on this nation and its people.
I bind the spirit of corona virus and cast it into the dry places.
We ask you to release peace, healing, strength, wisdom and unity over this nation especially for our President, Vice President, all advisors, all doctors, nurses, family caregivers and all who are ill and quarantined at this time. We ask you for a quick resolution to this situation and provide wisdom and speed for a cure We cast our cares upon you, Papa God because you care for us. Holy Spirit hover over us and protect us as we wait. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Romans 12:12 “Be joyful in hope, patience in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before you with a heavy heart and ask for your intercession and forgiveness. We repent for our sins, our transgressions and our silence! Oh, Lord hear our prayers and have Mercy over all my brothers and sisters affected by this plague “the corona virus“ I pray that you Lord will cover us with a shield and a thorny protection over all this land! As you did when your people left Egypt! For forty years you protected them during the day with a Cloud from the desert heat and gave them a Supernatural air condition; at night with a PILLAR of FIRE from the cold desert nights! So, my Lord and King, I ask for your HOLY CLOUD and Your FIRE be over this Land that you Love, founded by your LAWS and around this Planet! Only you know the solution to this illness! I pray for you to continue giving knowledge and discernment to our President, The Vice President and all the scientists, as one body to find the solution to this Plague. I pray that your HOLY PRESENCE be over our Land to keep the enemy away and block the Virus to spread! I also pray for your protection over Israel! Thank you Jesus! Your Mercy is enough! In Jesus name I pray! Amen!!
Our Most Holy God, as we consider this date in Your HIStory, we come humbly before You, in consideration of our broken state of bondage to sin and shame. We pray for forgiveness, repent of thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought, re pent of our pride, our selfishness, our unbelief that has lead to anger, worry, gluttony, envy, wasting of time and very other idol and sin in our lives. Lord we need You. Our government needs You, our education system needs You and yet we have removed Your name, the Name above all names from all areas of our daily lives. Forgive us Oh Lord. We ask Your Holy Spirit to do a stirring in each of us to consider our relationship with You. If any part of our relationship, or thoughts of our salvation come from any deed of our own, may we repent for it is not by our power, not our traditions or repetitive prayers or habitual attendance to a church building that we are saved. But the mighty name of Jesus, Your obedience in death on the cross, Your resurrection of Yourself as scriptures foretold and You now are our intercessor, seated at the right hand of God. Thank You Lord Jesus that we can come humbly before You. Thank You for leaving us Your Holy Spirit and we ask for a mighty move of God to stir within us any need for Biblical repentance, that You may hear our prayers as a remnant of this land cries out to You to save us and use us according to Your perfect plan. May we ask big prayers because we serve a mighty God. May those controlled by powers and principalities that are enemies of Yours be exposed &removed from their positions of control and influence and may their fortunes be turned over and used for good and no longer influence campaigns of evil. We ask an end to the spread of this virus to be contained this week and we pray for nations to be brought to their knees as they watch what God has done to heal the lives in our land. We pray for good governance by God fearing men and women in humble submission to Your will and with wisdom of Your Word. And we pray our nation, as a Christian nation would have influence over other nations in the same way. We pray for the persecuted, for strength that they not grow weary and we pray in the name of Jesus for Your protection over our President spiritually, physically and mentally and we pray especially for His soul to seek and submit to You. Amen
Heavenly Father, Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers for the end of the corona virus. I pray that You will meet the needs of all those who have become ill due to this virus and protect all of those who have been exposed to this virus. I pray that no weapon formed against the body of Christ will prosper. I pray as Jesus told us to pray that “Thy will be done and Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” We know there is no fear, panic, disease, pain, suffering, or evil in heaven. Praise You Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit for all You have done for us to bring us back into a personal relationship with You. May the people who don’t know You seek Your face at this time of concern for their health and life. Give boldness to Your children that we will be strong witnesses for You at this time. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen