I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This story was first published in our May 2016 issue of The Connecter. It is a timely reminder that persevering intercession builds faith and boldness that can turn the tide.

Kenya’s history has been marked by governmental corruption. Starting in the late 1970s, the nation was governed by one party with their second president, President Moi, coming to office in 1978 and ruling for the next 24 years. Under Moi’s leadership, the country was ruled by dictatorship not by democracy. Anyone who spoke out against the government was silenced.

It was in those early years that Ibrahim and Diane Omondi, a young couple recently out of college and living in Nairobi, started a magazine for Christian leaders called Beyond Magazine. Their mission was to call the leaders of Kenya to integrity and transparency within national politics. But, due to their boldness in speaking out against the oppressive regime, within three years one of their editors was thrown into jail, and they were forced to shut down the magazine in 1988.

Everyone knew about “Reverend Omondi” and his willingness to stand against corruption. Over the next decade, he called leaders to prayer. Continued corruption and dishonesty plagued the nation, and politicians were stirring tribal animosities resulting in violence and bloodshed. By 1996, Omondi was asked to be the General Secretary of the Evangelical Fellowship of Kenya. In the next few years, he led prayer initiatives at various “high places” within the nation where blood sacrifices and occult ceremonies took place in order to overturn the spiritual darkness rooted in the nation.

But, even as intercessors were praying, Christian leaders were divided. Many bishops were being courted by the government and would not confront the corruption for fear of losing their favored positions. Omondi was often followed, and his life was threatened because of his call for righteous rule. Finally, in 2002, breakthrough came. The national election was coming up, and it was well-known that the president was not planning to step down. This decision would result in more bloodshed across the land. By special invitation, a meeting was to take place with the president and some key pastors. After much prayer and fasting, Omondi knew the Lord had given him a mandate to ask for the president’s resignation. Realizing that it could mean a death sentence, he rallied the Church to pray.

On the day of the meeting, the pastors were taken to a waiting room. There, Omondi found a restroom and, after having written down on a piece of paper the various curses and sins of the nation, he prophetically flushed them down the toilet, asking God for mercy upon his nation. They were then led to a second waiting room where he did the same thing, asking God for boldness to address the president.

The pastors were invited to pray for the president and Omondi was the last one to pray. While the president’s head was bowed and his eyes closed, Omondi looked straight at him and spoke the word of the Lord saying it was time to step down peacefully and allow for a democratic election. The other pastors were shocked and tried to pull him away, but Omondi finished his prayer. There was no visible response from the president and Omondi thought that he hadn’t been heard. However, within a short time, not only did the president step down, but gave a public apology to the people. After 24 years of dictatorship, Kenya was now free to elect their next president, one whom God used for the next five years to bring correction and order.

Through persevering prayer of united intercessors and one man’s bold faith, a nation was delivered from oppressive rule. Omondi encourages intercessors to work in unity and integrity and distance themselves from corruption in order to have a proper perspective. This is what can position them to both hear and speak the heart of God for a nation in a time of need.

  • Wanda Alger, IFA Field Correspondent
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July 27, 2017

Thank you Lord for Wanda,
Thank Lord because you spoke to our hearts and renew our minds through out the reading of this article. I pray for all of those who have the spiritual gift of intercessory prayer all across the country to join us here in prayer. May we encourage one another with the prayers we post for our nation, for our President, and for all our government leaders.
Lord Jesus you are the Lord of second chances, thank you for allowing us to intercede for America in such a time like this.
I pray in your Holy Name Lord Jesus

July 23, 2017

Glory to God for His mercy, for hearing the prayers of the faithful! May you grant us oh God a similar bold soul to stand up for the truth and righteousness. Grant us a fearless spirit as we fear You almighty King. May we not fear man who can only kill the body, but only fear He who has the power to take body and soul! (Matthew 10:28)
We stand together as a nation praying for America, Africa, and all the nation’s around the world to come to repentance.
We pray in Jesus’ name our Lord and Savior Yeshua HaMashiach.

Belay Woldemaraim
July 22, 2017

Blessing to you and for the intercessors for America and other prayer team. Thank you for sharing this idea.

JoAnne Deborah Harrison
July 21, 2017

This is our calling as Intercessors for the King of kings, and Lord of lords! We are in this world, but we are not of this world! We represent the King, and we must unite under the Lordship of the Holy Spirit and only move as HE decrees! We must pledge our allegiance to our King and no one else! This story is one of courage and boldness! Just like Paul, let us be as Bold as Lions and move as we are led by Holy Spirit and TAKE AMERICA FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!!!

Joni DeBord
July 21, 2017

Wow. It’s true and we need to be reminded; prayer does make a difference! Faithful obedience, and especially time spend in His presence, are things I need to be in pursuit of. We are transformed into the likeness of Christ as we spend time with Him.
Lord, make my heart to be totally filled to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit. And remind me often to lift up Africa in my prayers. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
Joni DeBord

Ginny Noble
July 21, 2017

This story is so encouraging. It stirs me to always be obedient, persevering in prayer, and bold in His truth! We unite in prayer for our nation.

Sandi Haner
July 21, 2017

Powerful! Can this be shared on social media? This is one of the most encouraging stories I have heard. Thank you for sharing!

Sheila Scruton
July 21, 2017

Thank you for sharing this Wanda and the work you are doing. Blessings to YOU!!!

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