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Father, we pray that You would protect the religious freedoms of all, especially police officers. Allow them to espouse their biblical beliefs without having their jobs threatened, Lord.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are the religious freedoms of our police officers being threatened? What do you think?

From Daily Mail. Jacob Kersey, 19, resigned from the department in Port Wentworth, just a few miles outside Savannah, after refusing to remove a post on Facebook regarding gay marriage and his Christian faith.

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Kersey … wrote in the post: ‘God designed marriage. Marriage refers to Christ and the church. That’s why there’s no such thing as homosexual marriage.’

He then said that on January 13, the post was flagged by supervisors at the department that ‘an anonymous complaint’ had led to a warning and Kersey being placed on paid administrative leave.

The department ‘did not find sufficient evidence to establish a violation of any policies’ but Major Bradwick Sherrod said that further posts ‘could raise reasonable concerns regarding your objectivity and the performance of your job duties.’

Sherrod said that it could break trust with the community in an incident involving ‘a member or suspected member of the LGBTQ+ community.’ …

Going further, he alleged his chief compared his post to having used the N-word or saying a slur against homosexuals.

He eventually resigned on January 18, five days after the initial letter, according to the New York Post.

‘I didn’t feel confident that if I were to go out there on the streets and enforce the law, that my command staff was going to have my back,’ he said. …

He said he has spoken with a law firm about possible legal action.

‘That is such a dangerous precedent: that if you’re off-duty on your own time, that you could say anything – even something religious, even something at church – if someone somewhere gets offended, you can get fired for it,’ he added. …

What do you think of Kersey’s situation? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Daily Mail. Photo Credit: Logan Weaver on Unsplash)

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Janis Paradowski
February 2, 2023

I pray that the good Lord God will protect our food growers, processors and supplyers from accidents and all attacks on & harm to their businesses and crops. I pray that God will prevent any and all intentional harm from being done to destroy, reduce or interrupt our essential food supply here in America.
I further pray that anyone with evil intent to do harm in this arena will feel conviction by the Holy Spirit, renounce their sin and come to Christ in repentance to the Glory of God’s Holy name. Praise God.

Priscilla Meyenburg
February 1, 2023

Roman’s—1–24, 25,26– Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. As I read and prayed concerning the Jacob Kersey I said enough is enough. A 19 year old resigned from the department in Port Wentworth, just a few miles outside Savannah, after refusing to remove a post on Facebook regarding gay marriage and his Christian faith.. I thank Jacob for his stand on correct statement of “ God designed marriage. Marriage refers to Christ and the church. That’s why there’s no such thing as homosexual marriage.’” The word of God says this in -v- 26 “ Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.” Our Heavenly Father clearly say Homosexuality is strictly forbidden in scripture. I appreciate Jacobs stand and his Biblical beliefs, I believe Jacob was just taking his freedom stand to be vocal, but the Major B. Sherrod was wrong in his words and stance he just went over to the side of spiritual darkness against Gods words.- In Leviticus 28-22– “ Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable. New Living Translation “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.” I pray Jason stands on his spoken belief’s, I also pray that the Major gets saved, it is evident he does not know Gods words from the Bible and that he sided with Satan and did not treat Jason correctly with His opinion of Freedom OF Speech. I pray all LGBT and Homosexuals come to know God through salvation “ being born again” to follow Jesus. Jesus as I pray for the Correct thing to be done, I release a invitation to all who do not believe in our Heavenly Father. But I also pray these words “ Lord, we declare that our hope, trust, and faith are in You. We are thankful that our lives, as well as those of our children and their offspring are in Your mighty hands. We pray that the truths in this book will become firmly rooted in those who read it. We rebuke the enemy’s attack on our children and youth. We bind confusing and lying spirits, and pray for the release of truth and revelation.”

We call forth the destiny of our kids, our teens, and our grown children – none shall be lost! They are not out of Your reach! Lord, we pray for an outpouring of Your Spirit on our sons, daughters and grandchildren. In Jesus name, I call down from Heaven that these changes will take place in our immediate future, that the enemies will fall-and the anointing of The Holy Spirit will prevail over who are all living in sin,and follow Satan instead of our Heavy Father. We ask for transformative change to come into many lives as they realize the dangers that these sins create. Jesus I place these sins of pagan culture in your hands. I am praying they come before God and ask forgiveness. I pray Jason keeps his stand for his beliefs, Jesus help him find his way back to the job he loves and bless him financially so he can still live properly. Give him peace and joy in his life as he serves you. Thank you Jesus for your love and goodness. 🧎‍♀️Protect Jason I ask in Jesus name.

Susan S
February 1, 2023

Help that man find a good job where can be faithful to you and your word. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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