Sometimes, the best things take time. Lots of time. Even as we hope for those “suddenlies” and miraculous successes, the reality is that God often calls us to persevere for the long haul. It’s at these times of seeming inactivity in the midst of the battle that our faith is truly tested. Not the amount of faith, but the kind of faith required to change a generation. It is a persevering faith that contends for something much bigger than the challenges at hand (Heb 10:36).
While we can ponder and pray into another word for the year, God is looking for those with the faith to believe something for the next ten – or twenty. Can we champion something that may take years to establish? Can we dare to be the ones who wait before the Lord, patiently keeping the fire burning and the vision alive so that those who follow us can live and walk in the promises we’ve been given?
Jesus said in Luke 18:8, “… when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?” What kind of faith is this? I believe it is the faith of Abraham that contends for a legacy. It is a persevering belief that defies logic and personal disappointment to hold out for something beyond ourselves. The reality is, it’s not just about us anymore. What is happening in the world around us is about future generations and who they will become. (For a great 10 minute teaching on “holding fast without wavering,” visit our You Tube channel HERE.)
“For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice, so that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has promised him.” (Gen 18:19 ESV) Scripture doesn’t tell us what Abraham did in the decades between receiving the word of the Lord and its fulfillment. All we know is that when the time came, Abraham heard and obeyed because he caught the vision of God’s heart for a future generation (Gen 17:23).
How does persevering faith work? It holds on when things are bleak and the breakthroughs don’t come. It stays the course when others are turning to the left and right. It doesn’t cave in to pressure or bow to the fear of man. It boldly declares the principles and foundations of faith so that others can build on them. It keeps moving forward, regardless of setbacks and loss. This is what persevering faith does. This is what building a legacy looks like.
Abraham received a promise that took three generations to establish. The son born of his old age was only the beginning of seeding a nation through decades of tests, trials, and personal failures. Because he never wavered and contended for his children, he left a mark that not only bred a God-fearing people but became a prophetic signpost for those called to father nations.
“I will surely bless you…And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies.” (Gen 22:17)
It’s time for believers to rise up and be counted among the faithful ones who contend for a legacy. Do not waver. Do not give up. Believe for the best and be willing to wait for it. Stand with God’s covenant and persist in your prayers, your proclamations, and your demonstrations of faith.
This generation has been called to possess the gates of the enemy, but it will require persevering faith to see it established. Don’t even think of quitting or taking a back seat. Dare to stand in the covenant and contend for a legacy. It will be worth the weight.
Leave a comment below to proclaim what you are holding on to in faith.
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds . . . (Heb 10:23-24)
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I was encouraged by today’s word on persevering prayer.In the name of Jesus Christ I declare that abortion will come down as the law of this nation whether I see it in my lifetime or not and I will keep on praying that prayer as long as I live. Amen.Hallelujah!
I believe God is doing a great work in America despite the headlines that we see from day to day. I will continue to pray that God will use me to leave a legacy of answered prayer. I may not get to see it before I die, but nevertheless, I believe God is working behind the scenes to do His work in His time.
On the morning of November 6, 2018, election day, the Lord told me not to worry about the election, that no matter what the election results were, His love and grace will go forward. We had just finished a 40 Days for Life Campaign, and the Lord also said to my questions about how to proceed, “Love is your mantle and Grace is your weapon” and that it is important that we tell the world about His mercy and do it soon. This doesn’t mean we lay down and do nothing; it means we go forward in strength and conviction but always in a spirit of love for the person, understanding the source of this evil is not in the people themselves.
I am very sad of what has been done in New York, too, as well as, what other cities and states are beginning to do in following New York concerning abortion.
But, I am so glad what my new Governor in Alaska did just this week !
Governor Mike Dunleavy proclaimed that January 22nd, 2019 is RIGHT TO LIFE DAY !!!!!!
Alaskans and Legislators have to continue to work on getting SB 49 into law here for the few Medical Justifications that threaten the life of the mother for abortion to be an option.
But, that was back in 2013-2014.
I have just written Alaskan Senator Dan Sullivan to revive SB 49 and work hard to get it passed and signed into law in Alaska. LET ALASKA BE A RIGHT TO LIFE STATE!!!
I found Kenneth Copeland’s Sept.2018 partner letter so beneficial: Take your stand before God with your Bible in your hand,and announce by faith:”I call heaven and earth to record this day that I Choose To Believe this Word. I choose the Blessing! I Choose life that I and my seed may live.” So I Choose to believe the shed blood of Jesus at Calvary is still powerful and effective when I cry out for myself, my family, this nation. Pastor Copeland reminded me also: Dont go to bed with worry on your mind. Focus on a verse of scripture and Choose to believe the Holy One is right there with you allowing your Faith to arise to new levels. Amen
I’m getting a lot of teaching on Joshua having to fight for the promise. God needs our support in order to accomplish His ways. It’s daunting, Scarry, intimating but it comes with promise. We still have to answer some kind of calling.
The midterms threw me for a loop but, as we know, God’s timing is not our timing and wr must be persistent in prayer and faith for the long haul. Thank You Lord for giving us Your Holy Spirit to intercede and pray through us when we don’t know how to pray. We know our prayers aren’t wasted and every prayer is answered. Thank You Jesus that all things work together for good for us who love You. Our country is in Your hands and we trust that Your plans are being manifested. We pray in the mighty, holy name of Jesus and thank you for the answers.
Thankful for this word to encourage me as I am feeling so very sad for our culture, our heritage, our nation after New York’s triumphant rejoicing of the new abortion law. The legislature cheered, the governor gleefully signed the law and lit up government buildings with pink lights…on 46th anniversary of Roe v Wade. How can Believers not be overwhelmed with sadness and fear for God’s judgment?
I pray He will have mercy on our nation, on those in our land who call on His Name, and for His own sake.