California has struggled for five years to create a politically palatable “ethnic studies” curriculum that would teach high schoolers how systemic racism, predatory capitalism, heteropatriarchy, and other “structures of oppression” are foundational to American society.
Now, after more than 82,000 public comments, and four major rewrites, the state board of education is expected to approve the latest version this week, clearing the way for lawmakers to make a semester-long course in the material a graduation requirement for all of California’s 1.7 million high school students.
The latest curriculum, however scaled back, still shares similarities with an earlier, rejected draft that a top state official said failed to comply with state law, and the Los Angeles Times editorial board characterized as a jumble of “politically correct pronouncements” that feel like “an exercise in groupthink, designed to proselytize and inculcate more than to inform and open minds.” .. .
ethnic studies activists are furious that their efforts at promoting social justice, and centering “voices of color” are being diluted by, as they put it, power structures such as “whiteness,” Zionism, and assimilationism.
Passage of the landmark curriculum at the board’s scheduled meeting on March 18 should mark a hard-fought victory for the half-century-old ethnic studies movement and help advocates promote their movement across the country. But it will not end the conflict in California, where the issue will be forced to the local level to be decided by local school boards or in individual classrooms.
The reason: The state’s guidelines grant teachers wide flexibility in how they teach the subject. Ethnic studies activists—including those who wrote the first, rejected draft of the curriculum—say high school teachers will have an escape clause to teach a watered-down version that the activists deride as a “Foods, Heroes & Holidays” and “all lives matter” pabulum. . . .
Practitioners have formed their own organization—the Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Institute—to promote an “authentic” ethnic studies, a discipline born in the late 1960s out of student campus protests led by the Third World Liberation Front to end Eurocentrism in education.
For the past year, these activists have been meeting in online sessions to hash-out strategy, expound upon their “liberatory” and “transformational” ideology, and encourage educators to teach the full-strength curriculum that the state has flunked. . . .
“Inside of the United States, native people have been actively fighting a long war to dismantle the United States,” said Stevie Ruiz, who teaches in the Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies at the California State University, Northridge, during a May 2020 online strategy session.
“So then we can actually think about what happens if we honor native people’s acknowledgments and begin to tear apart the United States internally,” continued Ruiz, who was listed as one of the leaders of the Liberated group until February. “What if we decide to call this place the United States no longer?”
“A Way of Life”
The Liberated Ethnic Studies group includes many of the original authors of the 2019 Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum that the state has gutted, as well as 50 scholars, teachers, practitioners, and students, according to Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, an Asian American Studies professor at San Francisco State University, speaking during a February 2 online event. The advocates say that many state officials fail to grasp that ethnic studies is not a traditional school subject, but a movement and a philosophy best described as “narrative medicine,” “radical healing” and even a “way of life.” It’s distinguished from traditional classroom instruction by its emotional, immersive pedagogy designed to deprogram kids from European cultural assumptions, to make teenagers conscious of systemic inequities, and to reconnect them with forgotten ancestral knowledge. . . .
According to one of the Liberated Institute leaders, Theresa Montaño, a professor of Chicana and Chicano studies at Cal State Northridge, the group’s K-12 lesson plans should be available online for free this spring. . . .
In repeated expressions of frustration, the advocates attribute the state’s political compromises to a common enemy: “whiteness”—what they call the oppressive force that their movement and its precursors have been seeking to disempower for 500 years. “All of the attacks against the ESMC [Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum] came from the realms of whiteness and authoritarian whitesplaining,” read a statement Los Angeles public school intervention counselor Guadalupe Carrasco Cardona posted during her May presentation on ethnic studies and teacher preparation. . . .
The model curriculum that Cardona, Montaño, Tintiangco-Cubales, and others wrote in 2019 hit a tripwire with references to Palestinian resistance to the state of Israel as an example of ethnic studies in action. The removal of those references from the state’s revised curriculum, and the addition of lessons about anti-Semitism, is seen by the advocates as emblematic of the way white power structures erase the histories of those they oppress.
Cardona, one of the founding members of the Liberated Ethnic Studies group, said by phone that she expects an anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions lesson to be included in the Liberated materials that the group is developing.
Cardona is a longtime public school teacher and a veteran of California’s ethnic studies skirmishes, having been fired from a teaching position three years ago after some parents found out she was a member of a Marxist organization that advocates political revolution, emulates Cuba’s Fidel Castro and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, and vows “to crush all forms of oppression and reactionary tendencies.”
Rejecting the state’s assimilationist bent, Cardona suggested that ethnic studies has a totally different focus than the current equity push to get people of color into middle management positions. . . .
The sweeping 1,000-plus pages of the state’s revised model curriculum and appendices have toned down the language of the original version, but the public comments cite a number of concerns. . .
According to one of several definitions of “race” provided, American society comprises two opposing racial factions: “In the United States today, races very broadly break down as people of color (POC) and white people.” That definition comes from Rethinking Ethnic Studies, a primer co-edited by R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, a consultant and one of the authors of the rejected 2019 version of the model curriculum.
Breaking New Ground
The state’s Department of Education described its ethnic studies undertaking in the previous draft as “a groundbreaking project—the first of its kind among the 50 states.” And given California’s outsize influence in the textbook industry and educational trends, it is assumed by many in the field that California’s standards could serve as a national model for years to come.
California’s push to make a semester-long ethnic studies class a graduation requirement for all of its 1.74 million high school students in 1,322 high schools would be an exponential expansion for a course taught to 20,500 students in 314 high schools during the 2018-19 academic year. . . .
There’s no way of getting around the fact that ethnic studies is going to make some people uncomfortable. . . .
Scapp, who was editor of the journal Ethnic Studies Review for a decade until last year, said the strident tone of some advocates can sound extreme, but that rhetoric is part of the spirit of resistance.
“They are expressing the outrage, the pain, the suffering, and the longing for home, the longing for validity and legitimacy,” he said. “But in that expression of pain and hurt—and maybe a bit of, like, ‘Fuck you, white man’—I actually think they do a disservice because they wind up participating in a discourse of violence.”
Conversely, the movement’s culture is capable of expressing an almost utopian exuberance. Advocates repeatedly say that ethnic studies has “saved” their life and that it “saves” the lives of students. . . .
Still, confronting complicity in or victimization by European colonialism, imperialism and genocide can take a toll on teenagers, and the California Department of Education’s proposal initially advised schools to have trained counselors on standby to assist distraught students. Indeed, the language in California’s third draft of the proposal read like a surgeon general’s warning: “Engaging topics on race, class, gender, oppression, etc. may evoke feelings of vulnerability, uneasiness, sadness, guilt, helplessness, or discomfort.”
The fourth draft removed the warnings, saying instead: “Given the unique and often sensitive material and discussions that may unfold in an ethnic studies course, being able to establish trust and building community within the classroom are essential.”
“Proselytizing” in Public Schools
Some warn that the ethnic studies curriculum amounts to political indoctrination, violates state anti-discrimination policy, and at times borders on child abuse.
These critics are concerned that kids won’t be required to just study the material, take a multiple-choice test, write a paper and move on; they may be required to espouse progressive politics as a condition of passing the class and graduating from high school. . . .
Even though California offers flexibility on teaching the material, the advocates say a state curriculum reflecting their outlook would provide an important tactical advantage: the necessary political cover to advance their agenda against the expected public backlash. . . .
Cardona is speaking from personal experience. In 2018, she was suspected of teaching Marxist and Communist ideology and was fired from a teaching position at the El Rancho Unified School District, which is about 98 percent Hispanic and holds the distinction of being the first school district in California to adopt, in 2014, an ethnic studies high school graduation requirement.
According to local news coverage, local residents began to voice concerns about Cardona’s involvement in several activist organizations, including Unión del Barrio. According to the organization’s website and 17-page political manifesto, the group is committed to dislodging European imperialists from the Western Hemisphere and regaining political sovereignty for people of color from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska, forming a single geopolitical unit called Nuestra America, “ultimately advancing Simón Bolívar’s dream of a unified continent.” . . .
Guillermo Gómez, who teaches ethnic studies at Lincoln High School in San Diego, declared himself in May 2020 as “actually accountable and responsible” to Unión del Barrio, which has “developed my political ideology in order to continue the work that we do.”
In the May webinar, Gómez gave a detailed account of the step-by-step process used to introduce teachers and students to the Ethnic Studies worldview. “It’s important to ground ourselves in this concept of love, of revolutionary love,” he described the initiation.
The training starts by establishing that ethnic studies is grounded in social justice, Gómez said, astutely noting: “Who can argue against social justice, right?” . . .
Some teachers and students become totally committed.
“Ethnic studies is not just an academic discipline—it’s like your whole life—it’s life, period,” Gómez said in the webinar. Gómez did not respond to an email, but Scapp said Gómez represents something very encouraging in ethnic studies: He uses the language of love rather than confrontation, and he’s helping students declutter their minds of toxic ideas.
“It’s the opposite of indoctrination,” Scapp said. “The starting point is that people are already indoctrinated, even if they are not white, by white supremacy.”
In the video, Gómez said that teaching effectively ultimately comes down to trust. “Once you have a strong, positive loving community in the classroom,” Gómez said, “you pretty much can teach anything.”
Learn more about these harmful ideologies that are so pervasive in our schools and culture, and how we can pray about and speak out against it. Our Thursday webcast will feature several people who are on the front line of fighting this ideology. Join us to learn and pray about it! Thursday, March 25th at 12:15pm ET at or (712) 775-7430. Let us know in the comments below how you are praying about this issue!
(Excerpt from American Greatness. Article by John Murawski. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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Lord please have mercy and spare our children. Please raise up those who can and will defend them. I pray. Amen
The people are bringing up a very important issue. Education on this subject is very important, but not to the exclusion of some of the positive strides that our people have made. We are all one in Christ Jesus, but some of us haven’t been as good Christians as others. We should attack it from this perspective.
Father, put out your protection over our children. Fill the schools of our nation with your Holy Spirit and make schools a hotbed of revival in you, bringing revival to all connected.
The schools brought revival! The kids were in the streets marching by the millions last summer! God is here! It is you who reject his Spirit!
No I haven’t rejected His Spirit. I know he is working in our youth. I want to see it happen in all the schools. Guess you misunderstood my prayer.
1.7 million high school students? In California? Is that a misprint, or have that many gone to home schooling?
Father I ask that you open our eyes to anything that would further separate us from your Word & your righteousness operating in our lives. Anything & anyone that seeks to brainwash our children against the truth according to your Word expose & render powerless it’s effects on our children & those who are in the field of education. Protect our children Father & cause men & women in the field of education to speak up & speak out against anything that would blind & lead students astray from the truth. Rule, reign & maintain your righteous cause. Forgive us for not fighting to keep you in our schools as they removed prayer thereby opening Pandora’s box against our children. We ask that you move on the behalf of your people to reinstate prayer in the school so that you can once again sit on the throne of the hearts of educators, students & parents. Have mercy on us Lord & let your hand of favor be upon us to deliver our school systems from every wicked way in Jesus Name Amen.
Satan is relentless and cunning therefore we as Gods people must be more so, yet innocent of evil practices. Father remove the scales from our own eyes that we might comprehend that we must be in a fighting mode against Satan through the revelation, power, position we have been given, everyday. Satan never sleeps in his quest to destroy, conquer Gods salvation for all mankind and the blessings it brings. Awaken our spiritual heritage we have been given when we received Jesus in our lives. He has given us His authority through His name and wisdom, power through the Holy Spirit and position of partnership. “ God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be the head over everything “to the church”…which is His body, “the fullness of Him” who fills everything in every way!!!! Eph. 1:22,23.
We are not to be live by the standards of this world. For though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have “Divine power” to “demolish strongholds.” We “demolish arguments and every pretension” that sets itself up against the “knowledge of God,” and we “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ! 2 Cor. 10:2-5.
Lord God help us to be doers of Your word not hearers only. Open the eyes of our understanding who we are in You because I fear more than not we do not “get it” as we should…that You expect us to. Prod us with Your rod of correction when our mind, attention goes astray… daily if necessary…to why we are here…Jesus revealed who He was by the signs, wonders and miracles….living and revealing Your Gospel of power! Then He passed it on to us. Please forgive us for abusing it by not using this rich inheritance of reigning Jesus over evil as we should, must!