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I Prayed have prayed
Father, bless this movie and its release. Forgive our nation for the sin of abortion.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Synopsis of the Movie: . . .

Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Dr. Mildred Jefferson square off in a national battle in this untold conspiracy that led to the most famous and controversial court case in history.

The film begins with Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who launched an initiative called “The Negro Project.” She gives a speech at a KKK rally, describing her intentions to reduce the growth of the African American population by legalizing abortions. Quickly, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the most outspoken doctor performing abortions during this time, joins her cause, followed by outspoken feminist Betty Friedan. A team of activists begin to search the country, looking for a pregnant girl they can use to sue the government for her right to have an abortion. They find the perfect pawn: a young woman with a 10th grade education, struggling with poverty and other issues, named Norma McCorvey, now famously known as “Jane Roe We watch as Norma and her legal team sue Henry Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County.  . . .

Now that the activists successfully had the case before both state and federal courts, they had to convince the Supreme Court Justices to vote their way.  Their advocates fed fake polls and statistics to the media, and Bernard and Betty Friedman from Planned Parenthood even brought Hollywood on board, persuading studio executives to create TV shows and movies supporting abortion. This was all done to influence public opinion and manipulate the courts.

There were a few citizens willing to speak up for the rights of the unborn. This fight is led by the film’s protagonist, Dr. Mildred Jefferson, the first African American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School. She joined the Catholics and a passionate group of other citizens who attempt to educate Americans on the truth, but they soon discover they are up against the most well-funded revolution in 20th century America. . . .

Click HERE to watch the trailer. . . .


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(Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Barbara from MA
February 25, 2021

My our Lord bless and save those who are not saved though watching this movie. I am so grateful for this movie. I am part of Operation Rescue I have been in jail over 48 times for saving babies from being aborted. Many mothers and fathers and family members received salvation during the baby showers me and my prayer group gave the mothers that changed their minds and gave life to their babies. By the grace of God I was sent by many of my prayer supporters to Africa to share on the Black Genocide. Many babies were saved there as well. I am so grateful to God for allowing me to fight for the unborn babies and their mothers. I hope to be able to get a copy of this movie so that I can show it to others.
My prayer is: Lord God Almighty, please overturn Roe VS Wade in our life time. Please bring the church in genuine repentance for this evil. Lord You are still in charge. Your will be done not ours. Lord, let very evil (abortion) oracle working against the rising of this nation catch fire and be permanently destroyed. In Jesus name I pray. Jere. 33:3 Barbara from MA

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Barbara Hesch
February 25, 2021

Oh Lord, I cannot wait to see this film come out! Lord, bless all that have appeared in this movie, from actor John Voight to others that I caught a glimpse of. The enemy must be quivering and shaking in absolute terror right now, hoping to spread fear to those promoting it. Thank You Lord, that You are still on the Throne and we, Your servants and prayer warriors, are being used to carry out Your will. In Your Holy Name Jesus, we pray. Amen

February 24, 2021

Wow, if this movie was God inspired and annointed I would love to see it, but I see that modern Christian’s are only obsessed with concealing the truth. We have become just as bad as our enemies the Demonrats. Makes me sad to see how far we have fallen.

Grace Strong
February 24, 2021

And the Truth shall set us free.

February 24, 2021

Lord, thank you for this movie. May it soften hearts and open eyes to the truth of abortion. Turn hearts away from abortion and give them a love for the unborn. Give us boldness to stand against this atrocious attack on babies. In Jesus name

February 24, 2021

I am praying 1st Cor. 2: 6-9 & Gen. 3: 15 & Ro. 16: 20 Dear Jesus I believe your word & your promises and they are all true even yes and amen! May your people as never before begin to praise you & glorify your name in all the earth! Thank you for your wisdom your forgiveness your love that surpasses all understanding and causes the enemy of my soul to get caught in his own trap. This battle we’re in belongs to you and Holy Spirit will carry out your plan. Thank you Jesus for the help from ages past that leads us into revelations of victory not by might or power of man but Spirit. Roe vs Wade vs God in Jesus name amen!!!


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