I Prayed have prayed
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Please pray that this court decision will be overturned and that religious freedom will be restored.

Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment. (John 7:24)



Attorneys for First Liberty Institute and Kirkland & Ellis LLP filed a petition for writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court of the United States on behalf of former high school football coach Joe Kennedy, asking the nine Justices to reverse a lower court decision that allowed a school district to fire him because fans and students could see him take a knee in silent prayer after football games.

ā€œBanning all coaches from praying just because they can be seen is wrong and contradicts the Constitution,ā€ said Kelly Shackelford, President and CEO of First Liberty. ā€œWe must protect the right of every American to engage in private religious expression, including praying in public, without fear of getting fired.ā€

Paul Clement, former U.S. Solicitor General, partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP and First Liberty network attorney said ā€œWe hope the Supreme Court will review the Ninth Circuitā€™s decision. This is an important case that could determine whether teachers and coaches lose their First Amendment rights at the schoolhouse gates.ā€

A copy of the petition can be found here.

Case History

Kennedy was head coach for the Bremerton High School junior varsity football team and an assistant coach for the varsity team. Before he even coached his first game, this Marine Corps veteran turned football coach made a commitment to God that he would give thanks after every gameā€”win or loseā€”for the opportunity to be a football coach and for his players.

So after his very first football game in 2008, Coach Kennedy waited until the players cleared the field, then took a knee and silently thanked God for his players. Coach Kennedy continued doing this after every game for seven years and no students, coaches or parents ever complained about it. In fact, it was a compliment that started the problems.

The School District Bans Prayer

After receiving a compliment from a school administrator about how they were grateful for Coach Kennedyā€™s leadership and great example for the team through his prayers, Bremerton High School responded with a demand letter to the coach threatening his fundamental right to free speech and religious exercise. The Bremerton School District superintendent sent Kennedy an official letter from the school district, telling him that he must stop praying after the gamesā€¦.

First Liberty Legal Action

Coach Kennedy filed a charge of religious discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) against Bremerton School District. In response to Coach Kennedyā€™s EEOC complaint, the U.S. Department of Justice issued a right-to-sue letter to Coach Kennedy and First Liberty Institute filed a lawsuit against Bremerton School District.

A federal district court dismissed the lawsuit and First Liberty filed an appeal with the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Ninth Circuit Approves of Coach Kennedyā€™s Termination

The Ninth Circuit issued a ruling against Coach Kennedy. The court argued that Coach Kennedyā€™s prayers were not protected by the Constitution because, according to the Ninth Circuit, Coach Kennedy was praying as a public employee rather than in his private, personal capacityā€¦. The case is on appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. (Excerpted from First Liberty.)

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Betty B
August 21, 2018

Thank You Heavenly Father for Christian teachers, coaches, and other school staff who take a stand for their beliefs. I pray that You would protect them from being harassed by non-Christians. May Your Word go forth in our schools as it did when the USA was formed. Your Word was the main text for children of all ages. Forgive us Father for allowing Your Word, prayer, and Christian songs to be removed from the public schools. Lord, let Your Word go forth in power. Amen.

Sharon Buck
August 11, 2018

Father, You know that the 9th circuit court is well known for its rulings against all things righteous; it stands against many of the decisions the President has made on behalf of the well-being of the people of this country, and it stands against people who only desire to exercise their rights to free speech and freedom of religion. I agree that You convict the judges who sit on the bench in this court of their godless decisions, and that You break the spirit of power-love that rules over their jurisdiction! I pray that the coach’s suit will result in a win just to stop this activity from the bench where justice is supposed to be done and is not! I ask it in Jesus’ Name and for Your honor, Lord.

June Huber
August 10, 2018

Father God please humble the 9th Circuit court judges; stop their foolishness Lord, please! May they have eyes of understanding and fulfill their role in Truth for Your glory – as righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne Father God

14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne;
Mercy and truth go before Your face. (Psalm 89:14)

Jerrold Strong
August 8, 2018

Freedom of religion and freedom of speech is the rule. 9th circuit is wrong, again. Coach Kennedy is within his rights, particularly since it is a public school district. Letā€™s stop operating in fear and celebrate our freedoms.

Dotty Morford
August 8, 2018

This type of discrimination should make us fall on our knees and pray for Mercy in our forsaken nation and itā€™s Godless Leaders, including judges who forsake our Constitution!
God save us – only YOU can!šŸ™šŸ»

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