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Last Monday, August 21, faith leaders from across Richmond, Virginia, gathered at a local monument to denounce white supremacy and hatred and issued a statement of unity to their community. Pastor Corey Widmer of Third Church in Henrico County and Minister David Bailey, executive director of Arrabon, organized the event, which drew faith leaders from across the region. (Click here for original story posted by Richmond Times-Dispatch.)

The recent violence in Charlottesville prompted these leaders to come together and issue this statement to their city, taking a stand for biblical values and unity in their Christian faith. Other communities are already following their example. OneHeartDC, a growing movement of church leaders in Washington, DC, issued their own statement the following day (Read their own statement here).

These leaders are hoping other communities will follow suit and take a stand in their cities against violence, racism, and hatred. Here is the original statement issued in Richmond (found on their website: richmondpastorsstatement.org)


August 21, 2017

PREAMBLE As pastors and ministry leaders in Richmond, Virginia, we desire to express, with a unified voice, our sorrow over last weekendā€™s tragic events in Charlottesville. These events underscore the broken state of our commonwealth, our country, and our world. Richmond, Virginia has long been a significant location in the dark history of racism and violence in America.Ā  As Christian leaders in this city, we declare, with a unified voice, that the gospel of Jesus Christ speaks clearly and relevantly in this particular moment. In this light, the undersigned pastors and ministry leaders of Metro Richmond unite to announce what follows.

WE AFFIRM that every human being is created in the image of God, and therefore carries the inherent value and dignity of Godā€™s design. We affirm that the variety of human cultures on earth is a beautiful expression of God’s love for diversity. We affirm that Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected not only to offer humankind the gift of eternal life, but also to shatter every divisionā€”social, political, economic, or racialā€”which would separate us. We affirm that Godā€™s consummated Kingdom will be a place of rich diversity and cultural expression.Ā  We affirm that the church is called to be a community that reflects that present and future Kingdom.

WE REJECT the ideology of white supremacy, including antisemitism, as an unqualified evil, a denunciation of the gospel, and a heresy which wars against Godā€™s design for human culture and creation. We reject the notion that white people, or any collection of humans of any culture, are superior to any other. We reject any ideology that seeks to erect or maintain divisions that God has torn down through Jesus Christ. We reject the efforts to place the good of one race or one nation above the good of all, for God desires all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.

WE REPENT because the church has been complicit in the sins of racism, either through the defense of slavery, segregation, and discrimination, or through passive silence and inactivity. We repent because Christians have played a major role in helping create the segregation and racial injustice that we see in our city and nation today.Ā  We repent of our own racism, fear, and hatred, both conscious and unconscious. We repent of our reluctance to be agents of healing and reconciliation in our churches, in our city and in our nation.

WE RESOLVE to preach, teach, and advocate against the sins of racism. We resolve to lead in the way of love, and to seek ways to heal the divisions that separate races and cultures in our city. We resolve to listen to those who have been wounded and dehumanized by racism. We resolve to pray fervently for Godā€™s healing and reconciliation. We resolve to help our churches become more hospitable and welcoming communities to diverse people.

Finally, we resolve to pursue Jesus Christā€™s perfect standard of equality, justice, and love in our churches, city, and country.


As more communities are being impacted by divisive political agendas, ideological differences, and rising tensions, let us pray for the unity of the Spirit anchored in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to draw leaders together and link arms in oneness of the faith to take a stand with courage, boldness, and the love of Christ. Let us pray for the peace of our cities through the overshadowing presence of the one and only True God who, alone, can save, deliver, and set free those who are held in bondage.

  • Wanda Alger, IFA Field Correspondent
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September 3, 2017

Thank You Heavenly Father for leading us to repentance by your Grace and mercy. We thank you for raising up courageous faith leaders to act and set an example to us all and other leaders around the United states. We praise You and give You thanks for hearing our prayers.

Kathy Burns
September 1, 2017

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the Richmond pastors’ statement of racial unity and for others who have followed their example!!!

The old children’s song is ever so true:
Red and yellow, black and white – they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little (and big!) children of the world.

I also praise God for the unity and love that was and continues to be exhibited across racial lines in Texas in the last several days!

Thank You, Lord, for the Moline, IL, High School football team players who – last year and I’m sure again this year – deliberately line up before the games with their arms locked together in unity- black, white, black, white, etc. Then they take off their helmets to give a silent but powerful message.!

Praise You, Lord Jesus, for the grace of repentance and the mighty outpouring of Your Spirit upon the young people that we believe is coming upon the campuses of all schools and universities in our land!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Bishop Brenda J Jenkins
September 1, 2017

As pastors and leaders in our communities come together, repenting for our own sins and walking out the character and nature of our Lord Jesus Christ, people will change. As we make intentional efforts to be Christ-like with our brothers and sisters, demonstrating love, compassion and peace, those who look upon us will see Christ, and by the power of His Holy Spirit, change will come. Then we can decree the Scripture in II Chronicles 7:14 which says: “If My people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray, seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.”
Bishop Brenda J. Jenkins

September 1, 2017

If you want peace, then follow scripture: pray for the peace of Jerusalem both natural and the Spiritual Jerusalem that come down out of heaven: Ps 122:6-9

6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

7 Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.

8 For my brethren and companions’ sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.

9 For the sake of the house of Jehovah our God I will seek thy good.

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