On Sunday, Dave Kubal’s pastor preached a powerful message that we encourage you to watch and share. Below the video clip is an example of how to share this excellent teaching–the text of an email one IFA intercessor sent to her email list, sharing this video with them. There are also links to shorter clips below.
Watch Pastor Gary Hamrick’s full sermon below:
Here's what an IFA intercessor wrote about it, in sharing with her email list:
Dear Friends-
I know many of you have conflicting feelings about the upcoming election. Some of those feelings are the same ones we felt 4 years ago and maybe even more intensified this time around. Most of us have friends, neighbors, loved ones who say often how they dislike or are embarrassed by our current President. And most of us, when being honest, share these concerns more often than not. This morning I received an email from a family member who suggested we listen or watch a one hour and six minute video addressing the issue of the upcoming election from a Biblical point of view. I know, that is a long time to sit and listen to any message .....everyone is busy, who wants to hear someone go on and on about a difficult topic for over an hour? Well, I'm glad I did and I hope you will sometime in your day make time to listen to this message about how to deal with the conflicting feelings of going to the polls this election day. Maybe at the end of it you will even feel compelled to pass it along to someone else who you know is also struggling. I hope so.
Do you ever feel like you hate politics and think "the church shouldn't be involved in this"? Watch this convicting video and tell us what you think!
Watch this important interview Pastor Gary Hamrick had with Pastor Kelvin Cobaris.
Want to know the truth about Black Lives Matter? Watch this video!
Find out how Faith and Politics mix by watching this video.
Watch this short video on the importance of voting for policy over personality.
Watch this video on how the democratic platform has changed drastically over the years and how if you are a lifelong democrat; your party has left you.
We are counting on you to get this important word out to everyone you can! Share this with your email lists, your social media pages, and anyone you can. Let's wake up one another!
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Church leaders have failed , they have failed God in very sense of the word , congregants have failed God in very sense of the word . For decades the church in all its glory have espoused lies , half-truths , and new age rhetoric just so they could line their coffers. Their concern wasn’t in truth , it was meant to coddle the masses so everyone felt safe and secure . Yet, God is truth and many times the truth is painful and revealing. Now America will have to suffer the consuquences of failed church leadership and the unwillingness to get involved outside a church building. How can God honestly look upon his sheep within the church body and not see many wolves. In order for this nation to survive (if possible) the church leadership , it’s congregants , the nation as a whole need to bow their knees before God and ask for forgiveness , repent of their sins , and renew their faith in Christ Jesus. God hasn’t given upon his flock , the flock has given upon God.
So let me see if I understand this, the fundamental goal of the church and it’s “Christian” leader are to unify believers with the message of a loving, accepting and forgiving God. You think Pastor Gary’s message does that? Disgusting, simply disgusting. This is just another example of a hypocritical, self-righteous “Christian” leader espousing their opinion as if it were factual. You can distort history and throw all the Bible darts you want to “support” your opinion but nothing will dilute the truths of the Bible that God wants us to Love and Unify His people all over the world. I say again, this is a disgusting example judgement and condemnation that only further divides Gods children.
Pastor Gary, please familiarize yourself with Titus 3: 1-11 and all the other versus where Jesus’ mission was to unify all God Children. Shame on you.
I love that you brought up Romans chapter thirteen. I’ve studied it much. A question I hope you repeat is if church and governing are not to be together, are we to tell people who belong to the church that they no longer belong to the church if they take a job that God says we are to obey,pay for their living and respect and honor them, namely governing ministers of God as Romans chapter thirteen says?
Too bad this cannot be posted on every T.V.station in the country,certainly all Christian networks.Most powerful,imformative and clear message re- our DUTY as Christians in this election.
I love that you brought up Romans chapter thirteen. I’ve studied it much. A question I hope you repeat is if church and governing are not to be together, are we to tell people who belong to the church that they no longer belong to the church if they take a job that God says we are to obey,pay for their living and respect and honor them, namely governing ministers of God as Romans chapter thirteen says?
Vote Biden…..
In the 1930ties an old evangelical unnamed missionary came home to the USA by boar to return after 25 years in Africa serving the Lord. In all these 25 years he had only one convert, his assistant.
On the same boat also returned the then president of the USA, Roosevelt from hunting, killing elephants in Africa. Thousands of people and bands received this president with great enthusiam.
The unnamed missionary
complained to God: “Lord i served You for 25 years and now i am old comming home and there is nobody to great and welcome me home, while so many people welcomed home the president hunter after only two weeks absence”
God answered though:
“Son you forgot, this world is not your home”.
Not the amount of converts nor the size of the church building o congregation is of any importance to God:
only personal obdience..!
Chris &Angie I will watch it for
sure as I have struggled with
election a lot.I did vote early
last month in fact and I hope I
did the right thing. Love you
Dear Pastor Gary Hamrick
Thank you for sharing your speech. I didn’t know that separation of church and state was not in the US articles of the constitution. This brings me to a question. How do we reconcile freedom of religion with the institutionalization of Christiane religious belief into politics? Perhaps I am missing something but the two seem to contradict each other.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ELECTION DAY SERMON! May the Lord be glorified! we thank and Praise You King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Your Word is truth and lives through every generation. It cannot change! You are a God of Mercy! Have mercy on us O Lord! We have been asleep but we hear your voice and are awake! Lead us Holy Spirit to intercede and vote for this nation, election, congressional/senatorial candidates that align with the Bible! Your truth prevails! Blessed be your Name in the Name of Jesus I pray amen
Just letting you know I tried to share some of these links on FB/Messenger and got an “error” link saying the content was deemed “abusive”!!!! Censorship now we can’t share our personal faith beliefs as they are considered “abusive” WAKE UP CHURCH is right!!!
Thank you and Thank God!
I hope this preacher keeps doing what he does preach, where most in many religious churches does not do what they should be doing. Especially the Catholic Church with the Pope that we have as christians and he claims not to accept money from the Capalistic people. God Help America from those who in the Catholic Church does not do what is expected of of them especially preaching and I as a Christian. God help America from the stupid and those who align with the Democratic Party. Who are anti Chistian and any religious.
As a Jew, except for the deification of Jesus, there is nothing in GARY Hamrick’s Election Day sermon with which I did not agree. By the way, does anyone think that the Jews in the cattle cars on the way to the death camps did not hear the Christians singing. Thank you.
I’m forwarding this to everyone I can think of.
If the election were about personality only and you did diligence study Joe Biden and all of the ways he and history of treatment of others, Donald Trump would win that contest too! Biden has a regional reputation of being a complete jerk.
Pastor Gary,
God bless you for your courage and your conviction in delivering this WAY overdue message. Filling out my ballot tonight—finally—as I have struggled for months on who the right candidate is. You made it very clear to me in your sermon. thank you! 🙏
Shalom from Jerusalem:
Fasting and praying for the church of Jesus Christ in the U.S. during this critical hour. Be bold, be strong, for the LORD thy God is with you. Arise and be a light to the nations fighting the good fight of faith with your beloved older brother Israel.
Praise the Lord for You are Good! Give Thanks to You for such a God-honoring sermon! And also give thanks to God for a God-fearing pastor! Thank you, Pastor Gary! We are so thrilled for your timely sermon. May the Lord greatly bless this sermon video to reach out to multitudes. May the Holy Spirit work greatly in the hearts and minds of those hearing the message of the sermon. All praises and glory be to Lord Jesus! Amen!
What an awesome sermon! I am so thankful for pastors who are not afraid to speak the truth of God’s Word. I continually pray that peoples’ eyes will be opened to see the struggles we are engaged in, not against flesh and blood but against the unseen evil forces that Paul warns us about in Ephesians 6, verse 12. Thank you Father, that you always have been, are now, and always will be in control!
This is a most needed message- I so appreciate this pastors passion and candor. I do however disagree about his “good guy/ nice guy description of Joe Biden.If what I’m hearing and reading is correct Joe Biden is both a liar and a criminal of purport and I would not under any condition want to have him accompany my grandchildren on a fishing trip or any outing! I’m going to believe that the sermon was given before the criminal disclosure I am referencing happened or became newsworthy!
I was so glad to find a minister who would speak God’s truth and Pastor Gary Hamrick has given us a remarkable Election Day Sermon. I am posting everywhere I can and hope that everyone will give an hour of their day to listen and be relieved that Pastor Gary is speaking out against the evil radical leftists seeking to destroy America. WAKE UP AMERICA!
Dear Lord, Please give us strength to stand by your words. Thank you Pastor for bringing this to the attention of all who are so blind that they refuse to see what is happening to this beautiful country that we love. Can’t wait to be a citizen and to walk in the steps of our Lord and to see America back to it’s glory as I have always remembered as a child. Amen.
Father God,
Let your fire fall awaken and revive the pulpits from sea to shining sea in this nation. Let the dunamis return to the church Father God. Let our pastors FEAR YOU and not man.
Acts 1:8 “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
In the Name that is above all Names Jesus Christ. Amen Amen
If this message doesn’t wake up our pastors to get off the bench and get in the game nothing will. How much do we hate our church members to not inform them of the consequences of this election. Pastors ought to fear God more than man. Here is a statement that we should consider very seriously, “I’d rather stand with God and be judged by the world, than stand with the world and be judged by God.” (GOD’S NOT DEAD 2)
This was the best word I have heard from a minister of the Gospel in a long time. I know Pastors are scared to share what is truly in their hearts on the matter of the election but God bless Pastor Gary for taking a solid stand on Jesus Christ and the Bible as the stand of which he hold true.
do you know that God chose Donald Trump, not Joe Biden for a reason. It is to bring America back to the Lord and back to prosperity. I not talking about financial, but spiritual. It is not money that gets you to heaven, but a changed heart.
if Donald Trump is not President again, this country will be destroyed- no discussion. God is furious with the churches, not only them but his own people has forgotten Him. There is no more time left, it all hinges on two men, one Lucifer chose and one who God chose.
Another thing is it is my nephew’s birthday on election day. I want to give him the best gift ever- a vote for Trump, since he loves Trump a lot.
Am praying my pastor will have such courage to speak up and address the issues of the day. God Bless our pastor to do what. is right in Your eyes.Amen
Powerful! Bless this pastor for standing and proclaiming the TRUTH! Thank you for posting this sermon. I have shared it already!
Amen and amen, how I taught our children on their civic duties and their duties as Christians on voting and
choosing candidates. It is also a great way to chose your news sources as well. The Truth will set us all
free. Jesus is King and he lives.
Absolutely, and put our ballots into the ballot box about 3pm PDT today. My husband is in the hospital
and the VA is slow walking still, very frustrating, and praying still that all goes well with the election and he will return home safe and well.
I watched the whole thing. It was excellent! Thank God for your pastor, Dave!
This is an awesome message that needs to be shouted from the rooftops! That you for your bold proclamation of truth!
Amen! Amen! Amen! We ask for God’s mercy on America, & may the church lead the way.
The truth from beginning to end. Thank you Pastor.
Best pre election sermon. Very well explained.
Wow! At last, a pastor with Chuzpah!! A must watch.
Pastor Gary! Inspiring! Courageous! Thanks be to God for sounding the battle cry! I am blessed and encouraged to have you as my brother in Christ. I participate in IFA! All glory to the Lord.
My wife and I watched this video and we agree that this sermon should be viewed by every Christian in America before voting in this November election. The election isn’t about politics – it is about good and evil. Christians are to hate evil and embrace good. We can’t embrace evil and expect good to be the outcome. Let’s vote to put off judgment from God. Judgment will eventually come, but we can pray that more people will come to a saving knowledge of – Jesus our Lord, and Savior – if Jesus tarries. Most of our families have yet to open their hearts to Jesus and would follow the evil imposter who is ready in the wings to be revealed when the Church leaves.
Are we trying to legislate morality? That is for God not man.
NAR/7 mtn mandate/dominionism is false doctrine. Look it up.
Father God, one of my ongoing prayers has been that Your church would wake up to the dangers lurking in our country. I have also prayed hat pastors would preach sermons to wake their congregations up and pray, pray for this country and walk in the way of truth. This sermon prayerfully will wake up many across our land. We love and adore you and pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen
This is a powerful message preached from a heart that fears and honors God. Only the truth will set us, America free in Jesus Mighty Name
hello,,this is my first time doin this,,,,my language is abit rough,so im sry in advance..
i wish to pray to my heanly fATHER that he would help his ppl{and those to come} to get off their lazy asses and PRAY,this aint no time to besittin on your butts but gettin on your knees! GOD is movin big time and if i can see it why cant YOU? their tryin to shut down the USA ,,,GET MOVIN !! this aint know joke !!!time is runnin out –please start [keep] praying you asses off –day—and night , night and day,weekend ,free time, anytime,
its critacal ,praise GOD let his name allways be glorified —— lets go !
I greatly appreciate this video. And, if I lived in the area, I would be attending this man’s Church. I actually found this video very encouraging and uplifting. It gave me more hope. I intend on sharing it with as many people as I can. I do want to point one thing out, however. The pastor mentioned it that we won at Lexington. While we did win at Concord and pushed the British back to Boston, we actually lost at Lexington where the shot heard round the world was fired. Out of the 70 to 80 Patriots present, eight or nine Patriots were killed and another eight or nine wounded, and the rest scattered. But, at least the fight was begun and engaged. Praise God for every gift he has given us.
Lord- thank you for pastors like Pastor Gary who doesn’t flinch from the truth but boldly and with authority proclaims the Good News in every season but particularly now in this divisive political climate. May his words carry far as we claim this United States for righteousness. I pray Your favor over this nation and over Pastor Gary’s ministry. In Jesus name.
In addition to this excellent video please see this compelling 26 minute message:
Courageous Priest Speaks the TRUTH about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris/The Anti-Catholic (anti-Christ) ticket.
the link doesn’t work
I just watched this and it was very good to hear this priest’s firm stand against Joe Biden’s policies; even though Joe Biden is suppose to be Catholic himself. This would be very good to share with Catholic friends and family.
Christians are speaking out boldly
In addition to this excellent video you posted, please go to: (26 minutes long)
Courageous Priest speaks the TRUTH about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris/the anti=Catholic ticket.
Actually, I think it was this one I watched. Very good for Catholics to hear.
Thank you for this message. I agree with every word. I wish the whole United States were required to listen to this. Praise God for the truth and the biblical truths that were spoken.
Lord, please cause Donald Trump to win the upcoming election in 2020. . . . for Your sake!
Thank You Father for strong men of God speaking out Your Truth and will lead their flock with courage and boldness across this land.. Please awaken more of Your people to stand courageously for Your purposes to remain in this land not counting the cost….. Thank You Father for Your Holy Spirit hovering over the hearts of Your sleeping bride to awaken to Your side in being Your shining witness over the land.
In Jesus name- I ask. I also thank You for hearing our cry.
Father, In Jesus’ Name, thank you for working through Pastor Hamrick to bring this vital message. Thank You for his courage, and I pray all true Pastors of the Gospel in America will come under conviction that, “silence in the face of evil, is evil itself”. Give them wisdom and hearts to stand up and speak truth to their
people about the evil that is encroaching on America through people who serve powers of darkness. Bring those who are deceived, and working against Your good to turn to Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life for You would have all people saved. Lord, have mercy on America. Save our nation from the threats of Communism, Socialism, hatred, rioting, disrespect for authority, and lack of understanding and Godly wisdom. Lord, save America, restore America so it will always be that “light on a hill” for people around the world. Amen
Keep it coming until we rise to the call to arms. Thankfully, the battle is the Lord’s. He will show us our part.
I have been praying and advocating about this for some time now. The Church does need to wake up and now before it’s too late! I sincerely pray this, Dear Lord. In Jesus name, Amen!
Thank you, Pastor Gary for your powerful and anointed message. Yes, Americans need to see the truth with our spirits. We are voting for the future of America vs the end of it. As we consider platforms of each party, there is absolutely no comparison. It is a fight between life and death, good and evil, and most of all the Kingdom of God vs the kingdom of satan. Wake up America. We Appeal to Heaven for it is our only hope.
HEAVENLY FATHER, YOU ARE LORD over Anerica, You Oh LORD are waking us up to quit being so Judgmental. We have taken our eyes off of You and put them on man with wrong motives. OH LORD, forgive us for not looking to You the Author of our faith. We have trusted man too long. Jeremiah 17 says, cursed is the man that trusts in the arm of flesh. We are cursed, but now is the time to repent! Forgive us LORD! Turn our eyes and heart back to You, in Jesus Name Amen
Lord Jesus, please wake up the Christians in America as to what this upcoming election is about. Please ,by your great grace, take the blinders off of ALL of your children, believers AND unbelievers, to see the evil that is being promoted. This is a very crucial time for America. Please give people wisdom and discernment, pour out Your Holy Spirit upon all flesh in these last days, to reveal to people the evil and depravity that the enemy is trying to promote in our society today. Reveal to the multitudes that we have a choice to make in how we vote. Please, let us choose wisely, while we still have the chance to do so! This is truly a battle between good and evil. We pray for the good to win, in Your precious name.
On Sunday “nonessential live” was an event shown on facebook and youtube and can be watched even now. This program was a wake up call to the church and to the body of Christ. Kirk Cameron, Dinesh D’Souza, Cissie Graham Lynch, California Pastors Rob McCoy and Jack Hibbs, front line Dr. Dan Erikson, Charlie Kirk and others share what is at stake in America. Watching and sharing this presentation is well worth the information that is thoughtfully put together. There are many pastors who are well aware of what is happening to our ‘one nation under God’, and many paying the price with government harassment and penalty. However, far too few of the church in America is telling their parishioners truth and at this time, the startling hard truth. Thank God for this article, this pastor and the links that we can send out to others. We can be fearful to share these links with the hard truth or we will someday have to explain why we did not alert others to an impending danger! Praying that the blinders on our nation and especially the church, will be lifted by Nov. 3.
Lord l pray that thousands of people would share and watch this video. I pray that your people who are called by your name and those who call themselves by the name of Christ would awaken to the real threat looming over our country with the outcome of this election. I pray that you would grant clarity to all who call on you and a genuine desire for an end to the genocide of abortion. I pray that we would connect the dots and see that the acts of our president have been to protect Israel and the unborn whether we like his tweets or not. Lord give us the courage to stand for those who have never had a chance to stand on their own. Wake up O sleeper; arise from the dead! And the light of Christ will shine on you!
On the topic of the church waking up, here’s a new book that is much needed: “Coronavirus and the Leadership of the Christian Church: A Sacred Trust Broken”
This could be a major seed in waking up the church.
I immediately was led to share this video with many on my email list. There were a few names I felt hesitant to include and one was a next door neighbor. When my husband asked me if I had sent the video link to her I had to admit that I did not “because I did not want to rock the boat with a close and good neighbor.” I knew she attended church but also knew that she had become a Democrat during the Bush administration over the invasion of Iraq. Not a fan of President Trump. I let my fears overcome my faith. So, my very thoughtful husband suggested we ASK her if we could send it to her. Her first response was that any pastor caught bringing politics into the church should be the cause of his church losing tax exempt status with IRS. Then my husband explained that she would really enjoy the video because it dealt with exactly that issue and she agreed to watch it if we sent the link! Be brave people….SEND THE VIDEO OR ASK IF YOU CAN.
Very exact and powerful! Not one word fell to the ground with me! I have passed it on to all I can think of!
Thank you Pastor Gary!
Prayers for President Trump and Our Nation
Lord, we decree and declare for our president, his family, faithful advisers, and defense representatives, that you provide them with divine knowledge, discernment, wisdom, vindication, safety, preservation, justice, empowering them with inner strength, fortitude, and integrity to persevere in fulfilling their destinies.
“Vindicate President Trump, my God, and plead his cause against an unfaithful nation. Rescue him from those who are deceitful and wicked.”
(Psalms 43:1 ). Protect him continuously from those who wish to harm and malign him. Remember his faithfulness, his friendship with Israel and victims of abuse. Don’t let the wicked think You have abandoned him by allowing evil to come upon him. He is Your trumpet, Your voice and Your right hand of justice for all the aborted unfilled destinies, their innocent blood cries out for Your mercy and revenge. For their sakes, for Israel’s sake, for the sake of the righteous in the USA and abroad who plead with You night and day to grant him Your continued favor, wisdom, and protection so that Your Justice, Truth, and Righteousness may prevail worldwide. Use him to raise up a standard of holiness throughout world.
With with Your LORD,“then President will go on in Your way in safety, and his foot will not stumble. When he lies down, he will not be afraid; when he lies down, his sleep will be sweet. He will have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for You Lord are at his side and You will keep his foot from being snared.”(Proverbs 3:23-26)
Preservation and Justice
“The way of the Lord through Your servant President Trump is a refuge for the blameless, but it is the ruin of those who do evil. The righteous will never be uprooted, but the wicked will not remain in the land. From the mouth of the righteous from President comes the fruit of wisdom, but all who speak with perverse tongues will be silenced” (Proverbs 10:29-31) and in Your mercy their eyes will be opened to the Truth that they may repent.
So today and every day President “do not fear, for I (the LORD GOD, YWH), am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10 ).
Today I decree and declare that the legislative House and Senate and the Judicial Supreme Court will align and stand with President Trump in Truth and Justice. God Himself will grant them divine counsel to establish and uphold righteousness, guided by truth and integrity, and our constitution, and not be deceived by the wicked. For “In the LORD’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water that He God channels toward all who please Him.”
Proverbs 21:1
Thank you Dr. Alma for that powerful prayer. I plan to pray it over and over!
GREAT prayer and a good reminder to keep praying as well for the House and Senate races. We desire to have righteousness to prevail THROUGHOUT all branches of our government. Thank you for prompting us….
I do not understand the confusion. Do we want men that speak soft words behind in public? Then behind closed doors speak wickedly and deceitful? They are promoting and brazenly bragging about wanting to destroy the very values this nation was founded on? Time to wake up and stand up. Frontline Drs just sent out a video saying pandemic is over the emperor has no clothes. Father in the name and the blood of Yeshua I pray for everyone that says they love you and walk according to your ways this is a battle very clearly for the soul of this nation and are we going to assimilate and walk in lock step with those who want to indoctrinate and place fear and seeds of division in our children or are we going to be those watchmen on the wall? We need to seek Your face more than ever and if we cant tell the difference between a man that may speak his mind a little to harshly then we are used to hearing and want to sit on the sidelines then we are making a the biggest mistake of all. The difference is clear one man stands for life President Donald John Trump and the other stands for death even infanticide. Voting this time isnt an option it’s a necessity and responsibility as a voice for those that are too small to protect themselves. Rise up grandmas and grandpas. Moms and Dads and take your rightful place on the wall. The Lord says if you are ashamed of me. I’ll be ashamed if you. Father please surround President Donald John Trump with favor as with a shield. Time to rise up body of Yeshua, the gates of Hell will not prevail against us. Be the men and women of God we are called to be with a voice ” We are not ashamed of the gospel of Yeshua!” We will stand for life and more abundantly. Choose you this day obedience/blessings/life, disobedience/curses/death as for me and my house we choose Yeshua and Life!! In the name and the blood of Yeshua. Amen
Hallelujah! Powerful prayer Joni!! I agree wholeheartedly and join my faith with your and countless Godly men and women of God throughout our land who are walking in the light and not in deception. In Jesus’s Name. Amen!
Thank you for sharing this video! I have shared this with christian friends, that I pray they will prayerfully watch and make the right decision before God! It was a blessing to see a preacher preach on all godly points that will affect our nation in this very important election. I pray that God’s Church will rise up in intercession for our nation and the Church in Jesus name amen.
If you have never heard or read about the Black Robe Regiment from the Revolutionary War, now would be an excellent time. We, as pastors have been intentionally muzzled from speaking and reporting Truth and it is time for that to stop! Courage and honor are character traits that are sorely needed NOW in this time. Another profile to remember is that of Dietrich Bonhoeffer – a Lutheran minister who loved and served the Lord during Hitler’s Nazi regime in Germany. May God forgive us for remaining quiet and have mercy on us as pastors!!
Amen Pastor! I decree and declare that a boldness like that of a roaring lion rise up from depths of the spirits of all our Pastors and lay people to speak up and out for the Gospel of Jesus Christ!! Lord make our face like flint against all the stuff necked people and those who are in deception, no matter the cost!! In Jesus’s Powerful Name I pray!!! Amen.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for being bold and couragious!! Your words are so true and I loved the history that so needs repeating today, this very moment!! Have sent to my pastors that all may here it!! May He bless you and yours always!!
Deliberate petitions to God on behalf of America and our blessed way of life is vital. Yes, Prayer is critical. It may be difficult to be obedient to God in many things; however, dialogue with Him and each other is worth the try. We may not even do it right, but it’s worth a try. We hv been given so many opportunities to speak and teach Truth. Only one truth-His. HIM. He is His Word. John 1:1. Watchman? Sounding even 1 trumpet? Unity? Comply to the majority? Business as usual may not be enough. May be time for an activity to be changed to only one focus, getting really real with praising till HE truly abides obviously so & asking Him for His mercy. Tyranny of the urgent? Where’s the war? R we aware there is one? 8th Virginia brigade? Religious freedom?
Election Day sermons should be preached all across America from the pulpits. Thank God that at least one pastor has taken his Biblical mandate to heart and boldly proclaimed the Gospel and followed our history when pastors did not shy away from the issues of their day. This is spiritual warfare and believers need to waken up, read, believe and practice Ephesians 6. I fear for the America that my grandchildren will inherit and I have no answer as to why I did not do more to proclaim righteousness when I still had breath in my lungs. May God have mercy on me, us and our nation all the while I, we, our nation does not deserve it.
Great comment!😊 The message is also being preached on Daystar. Many guests on the show Ministry Now have shared the importance of Christians voting biblical values, praying, and speaking up.
You are right, Tony, we don’t deserve it. That reminds me of a comment, Trey Smith founder of “God in a Nutshell” said in one of his videos. He said regarding God’s mercy “when did we (referring to mankind) ever deserve it”. Well put, Tony, well put.
We need to PRAY to Our Lord Jesus Christ on a regular daily basis for President Trump.
You may not like him, but he deserves our prayers and VOTE!
Electing joe biden to the White House is a HUGE Mistake. American cannot afford someone like biden!
Never Vote for a Democrat and NEVER Vote for joe biden!
God Bless President Trump and Pray that he wins the election!
I’ve never seen or heard a more needed message that is more timely and truthful and needs to be heard by every single household and church in America.
Mine and others prayerful cry for America are being answered for the church to stand up and make God’s voice of warning for America to be heard.
And now it’s up to us as Christians in America to take action and raise our voices in prayers with fasting and telling others that God and his truths is America’s only hope. God save America! God Bless America!
Evil will never win, for a our battle is against evil powers, principalities and demonic powers of dark world .Let fight the against the hinding Jezebel evil witch having a confidence of overtaking Elijah (church) and wants kill America.Jezebel we take authority over you and paralize your powers , dismantle your powers and render you powerless in Jesus Name.I dress you in SHAME Jezebelic spirit you will not win but instead you will be eaten by worms for the Glory of our Savior Jesus Christ.I pray for Divine protection for President Trump and his family in Jesus Name.