Christmas Advertising: Adding to the Agenda of Immorality
Christmas Advertising: Adding to the Agenda of Immorality
By David Kubal
Have you seen the new Allstate Christmas Season ad? It is intended to celebrate of life in the form of a beautiful baby girl, and then, coming into focus, is the realization that she is being raised by two dads. The subtle message is that the new relevant, inclusive form of love to be celebrated this holiday season now includes same-sex marriages.
This same-sex ad campaign joins the wave of others such as Wells Fargo, Campbell’s Soup, Chevy, Maytag, Honey Maid, Kohl’s, and — believe it or not! — even Hallmark.
Think about the foolishness of this approach from an economic standpoint. Our National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that 2 percent of the U.S. population have same-sex attraction issues. Now that the Supreme Court has legalized same-sex marriage — in many cases against the will of the state populations expressed through referendums — fewer than half of these people get married. The result is less than 1 percent of the U.S. population are in married same-sex relationships.
Who, then, in their right minds would focus a marketing campaign on 1 percent of the potential audience? The answer is, those who desire to seem relevant to others.
During this Christmas season, let us, our children, and our grandchildren not be duped into this subtle message that wants us to believe love must embrace immorality. Pray for the opportunity to discuss with those who are close to you that true love is a love that wants God’s best for their lives and for people in general. Such loving and caring relationships are found in God’s original pattern for marriage between one man and one woman and not in same-sex relationships or through the pain of this new concept of “gender fluidity.”
Pray for the leaders and officers of corporations that support traditional marriage and for those who oppose it. Please visit the American Family Association’s Web site to find their annual “Naughty or Nice Retailer” list.
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