I Prayed have prayed
Lord, write your Word on our hearts. Help us to see the value in meditating on all of your Scripture, so that the Church may have new life breathed into our families, communities, and nation.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Is biblical literacy waning among churchgoers? New reports indicate that some Christians are oblivious to basic scriptural knowledge, specifically the Old Testament.

LifeWay Research surveyed about 1,000 Protestant Christians about Bible stories. The results are telling. When asked, ā€œOf all the stories found in the Old Testament of the Bible, which one is your favorite?” 11% of respondents offered a New Testament story, 7% provided “none,” and 3% responded “don’t know.” These add up to nearly one-quarter, indicating poor Bible knowledge and possibly disinterest in the Bible. In reporting on this survey, FaithWire concluded, “This accounts for a relatively sizable percentage of people who are in churches yet remain unfamiliar with how the Bible is divided, presented, and intertwined.”

One of the questions pertained to the Roman myth of Romulus and Remus. When asked to tell this “Bible” story, only 39% responded, “I don’t think that is a Bible story.” The responses of 58% indicate they thought it was a Bible story.

This is alarming news for the Church. It means that not only do many Christians lack biblical knowledge in general, but many have seemingly specifically disregarded the relevance of the Old Testament. Jesus specifically addressed this:

ā€œā€™Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.Ā Ā For assuredly, I say to you,Ā till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.Ā Ā Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heavenā€ (Matthew 5:17-19).

In short, the Old Testament matters. The Ten Commandments matter. The accounts of Israel’s prophets, judges, and kings all matter and must be remembered by the Church. Without the Old Testament, thereā€™s no foundation to build the salvation of the world. Jesus knew that many would accuse Him of trying to replace the laws of Moses and render the stories and traditions of the Torah as ā€œarchaicā€ and ā€œunnecessary,ā€ so He took the time to make it clear that His intention was not to abandon the law, but complete it.

LifeWay executive director Scott McConnell said the data shows ā€œthe need for churches to routinely continue teaching the Bible.ā€

However, the survey showed that regular churchgoers were more likely to offer biblically literate responses. As the number of churchgoers continues to decrease, biblical literacy will also fall. Either way, in order for these teachings to stick, Christians must be willing to read and study the Bible for themselves and not just passively consume it from their pastors every Sunday. McConnell also said in a statement reported by FaithWire, ā€œSome of these attendees may have spent less time in the Bible while others may not know the Bible for themselves, because someone else has always been their GPS for navigating it.ā€

Let’s pray that Christians will read the Bible, seek Holy Spirit revelation, and pray the Word. A revival of Bible literacy would help the Church course correct to biblical truth in culture and society.

For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope (Romans 15:4).

What does the Bible mean to you? Please leave a comment.

T.K. Robinson is a student and part-time (amateur) philosopher. In his downtime, he enjoys reading, music, and chronic daydreaming. His Scripture-oriented commentary usually involves the younger generation (especially Gen Z). He wants to shed light on important current events regarding his peers and share insights from a Biblical perspective.

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Dwight Keafer
August 28, 2024

The Bible is the Word of God, the only 100% reliable guide for faith and practice. In analysis, it is meta-narratve which forms the basis of all meanings to all words. I subscribe to epistomological theory of “The mere consistency of signs”.

Linda Rice
August 28, 2024

If we preached the real gospel, we’d have real Christians. Repentance precedes faith. “Repent and believe…”

August 26, 2024

It’s my shelter in the storm, my wellspring of joy and peace — both Old and New Testaments.

August 26, 2024

Sunday school was an important way to begin teaching the Bible and the amazing and wonderful stories in the Old Testament to children as well as adults. In the summer, Vacation Bible school (VBS) was a wonderful experience for children and adolescents. This was a time before TV series, computer & video games, and cellphones. We heard the stories, learned and memorized scripture verses. The Lords Prayer, the 10 Commandments, Psalms 23, John 3:16, as well as Christian hymns were taught and instilled in young minds and hearts. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life!” AMEN šŸ™ šŸ™ šŸ™

August 25, 2024

“Forever, O LORD, Your Word is firmly fixed in the heavens….Oh how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day. Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies, for it is ever with me…for Your law is my delight….Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path…The unfolding of Your words gives light; it. imparts understanding to the simple.” Excerpts from Psalm 119. I find joy, wisdom, discernment, understanding & the LORD’S steadfast love & mercy & grace as I pray and study His Holy Word within the 66 books of the Bible.

Donna P
August 25, 2024

This has been a concern to me for quite some time. I’ve studied the Bible for 50+ years and new studies reveal new truths, and new understanding and that brings joy to my heart. I don’t understand how one’s faith can really grow without spending time in the Bible. This is why I think attending a Bible believing, Bible teaching church makes a major difference in one’s depth of faith. And apart from church, there are countless Bible study programs available. Starting in the New Testament is logical and the depth of the Old testament gives so much to one’s understanding.
Thank you Lord for your very precious Word. May more & more be moved to find out all about it !

Kim Voelker
August 25, 2024

This has been on my heart for quite some time . I believe that this part of why our nation is in the place that it is. First the enemy worked to get people not to believe in the creation story ,so the rest of Gods word would not be relevant .Then he gets people so busy that they donā€™t have time to be in Gods word. When I gave my heart to the Lord my pastor saidā€ if you only have 15 minutes give half in the Word and half in prayer and itā€™ll grow from there.ā€ And it has. I love the word of God and its importance to my life and the word around me.

gail ingram
August 25, 2024

I love it, I have studied it all my life, and began teaching it to young children when in my teens and “taken underwing” by a SS teacher in our church one summer for VBS. I am 77, a graduate of David Lipscomb College in 1969….no longer attend a Church of Christ “denomination”, am Charismatic Episcopal now, but love the way the Churches of Christ teach God’s word. I am thankful the importance of the Bible was impressed on me by my parents and the churches I attended growing up. The ICCEC also stresses God’s Word in its fullness and I continue thankful…and continue teaching SS. Our two grandchildren are Japanese American, living in Japan. The Anglican church they attend is lacking in programs for children and I want them to have a love for God’s Word and a knowledge of it. Please help me pray for them.

August 25, 2024

That question is challenging for me to put into just a few words. But, here goes! The Bible is a treasure to me! It is a book that went from a “you oughta read that” to “The Living Word that I can’t live without” as the Lord drew me to Himself and I turned my heart to Him. It is how He speaks to me! Me! Not some old, antiquated history book, but a LOVE letter written directly to me (and all of us), by the Father, that somehow can reveal that those that fill it’s pages went through this fleshly path too and yet the Lord used those that loved Him so mightily! It is a book of HOPE, FAITH and LOVE! It is The Living Water and my Daily Bread! It is The Word and I want to hide it in my heart that I might not sin against the One who saved my soul and loves me (PSALM 119:11), and each of us, more than we will ever know this side of Heaven! Lord, please help us, as Christians, to listen as you draw us to Your Word and in doing so to know Your voice! In Your Holy name, Jesus, I rebuke the lies of the enemy that keep us from reading Your Word and I bind up complacency, laziness, and ignorance, in the name of Jesus, and loose passion for Your Word and to know what You say, instead of what the world says, I loose knowledge, wisdom, and discernment that flows directly from Your throne! I cast down biblical illiteracy and every other high thing that would exalt itself against the knowledge of You and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)! Lord, pour out Your presence on Your Church and may we turn from our wicked ways and repent! May we whole heartedly worship You in all we do and long for more and more of You, Lord, because You are ALL we need! In Jesus’ name! Amen.

Jonathan w thayer
August 25, 2024

I believe it is the most important thing in the world the written word of God. In my own life now 58years old I have lived to see such change in this world from when I was a younger man just some examples. I remember a time when you had to make a phone call by turning a dial on a phone then to see a touch tone phone then to see a cordless phone for cars then to see the flip phone. Now with television a time when every house had a antenna on the roof or builtin to the TV. There was no cable anyways. I could go on and on and on. What I am saying is the only thing that doesn’t change in this ever changing world is the word of God. It is the same and don’t move all over the place. I just heard a story that dancers that dance with multiple incredible spinning involved to not become disoriented or dizzy set there eyes on a object in the room that isn’t moving and it is then that each spin they make they look at that that is not changing to keep there balance to not become overrun by all the changing movement. That is how I have come to see God’s word in a way. Set are eyes on Jesus let the world šŸŒŽ spin.


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