There’s a lot of disagreement between Christians right now. But rather than loving and healthy disagreement, I’m afraid that some of the behavior we are seeing is similar to what we call cancel culture.
Canceling, which is becoming a cultural norm, is the attempt to silence an individual. This is how Webster’s dictionary defines it: “To cancel someone (usually a celebrity or other well known figure) means to stop giving support to that person. The act of canceling could entail boycotting an actor’s movies or no longer reading or promoting a writer’s works.”
Unfortunately I’ve seen many Christians behaving this way towards other Christians. Those who are praying for this current administration are called traitors, compromisers, sellouts. Those who felt led to apologize for a prophetic word concerning Trump that didn’t happen as they said are unfollowed, unsubscribed. Those who are focusing on the kingdom of God and moving and forward…canceled.
There are many believers who use Bible verses on division and separation to justify their actions. But where does the Bible say division is acceptable?
Brothers and sisters, I urge you to watch out for those people who create divisions and who make others fall away [from the Christian faith] by teaching doctrine that is not the same as you have learned. Stay away from them. (Titus 3:10)
It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that is not tolerated even among pagans, for a man has his father’s wife. And you are arrogant! Ought you not rather to mourn? Let him who has done this be removed from among you. (1 Cor 5:1)
The Bible only called for separation among believers for two main reasons. The first was a Christian who continues to cause strife and division among the body of Christ. Division makes people confused and fall away from the faith. The second reason is engaging in continual, unrepentant sin. It does not say, if we don’t agree on election results.
These are the two biblical reasons for separation among Christians. It does not say if we are from different political parties. It does not say if we don’t agree on prophetic words, then it’s okay to cancel someone.
I fear many Christians are still so focused on the outcome of the election we are missing an opportunity to be the Church. I believe strongly in praying for our leaders and nation. Just because we pray for our new administration in no way means we support any evil agenda they stand for. This has been stated repeatedly. We have a choice to argue about the election every chance we get or we can take this opportunity to pray for those in office and the great needs before us. We pray for them to get saved because Jesus Christ is the only one who can change their hearts and I pray that He does. If not, God is still sovereign and He will work through this making all things work together for good, even bad things.(Rom. 8:28)
I will continue to pray because I believe that God’s plan for America isn’t contingent upon who is seated in the White House. This is not the first time we as a nation have been under ungodly leadership. Ungodly leaders go all the way back to biblical times. The entire book of Kings talks about godly and evil rulers of the nation. Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar would be the most popular today, but God had a plan that even they couldn’t stop. My desire in writing this is about putting our focus back where it belongs. We must be careful not to let offense and bitterness come in and hinder us. Brothers and sisters, we have a lot of work to do.
How should we treat Christians, our brothers and sisters in Christ, who think differently than us? Paul addresses two churches that were divided on issues – the Roman Church and the Corinthian Church.
In Romans 14, there was much disagreement going on among the Roman Church. It was getting so out of control, that Apostle Paul had to step in to address it. There were arguments between those who adhered to Jewish dietary laws and those who did not. One side claimed the law, one side claimed freedom from the law, and both sides were followers of Christ. Those who followed Jewish law called the other Christians who did not follow it weak in faith. They saw themselves as superior to the other Christians for keeping the law. I suppose if Paul walked into America’s Church today it might sound like this.
“Why are you calling Biden president, you are compromising and weak in faith.”
“Why aren’t you speaking about election fraud, you must be leaning left now.”
“You are apologizing for your prophetic word, you need to repent!”
None of us live for ourselves alone, and none of us die for ourselves alone. If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. It is written:
“ ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’ ”
So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. (Rom. 14:7-13)
This does not say not to judge according to sin. This talks about passing judgement on your brother or sister in Christ with whom you do not agree. Like the verse says, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. If they call Biden president or have a different political party, but believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins and received Him, they are God’s children and your family in Christ.
It doesn’t say you have to agree with them. It does say make sure that you are not being a stumbling block to them or others.
Here’s what Paul said to the Corinthian Church:
Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? (1 Cor 12:12-17)
Another church, another argument, this time about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But notice, how Paul addresses the differences in opinion. He illustrates the Church as one body having many different parts. A hand cannot function unless it’s connected to the body. A foot cannot go where it wants unless it’s connected to the body. Paul focuses rather on oneness in Christ. That is where our focus should be right now. We shouldn’t be so quick to cancel Christians just because they differ in opinion from us. If we do, how are we so different from the lost who live by cancel culture?
Once when my kids were teenagers, I heard them arguing and yelling. I came out from my room to see what was going on. When I asked what the problem was, it was so small, I actually thought “what a ridiculous thing to argue about.” They were at each other’s throats, but we were able to resolve it. When I walked away, I felt a little annoyed but thankful it ended peacefully. I had a revelation. I thought, I wonder what the Lord feels when He sees His children acting like that. I wonder what He feels to see the bickering, arguing, heated emotions over something so miniscule.
What do you think the Lord thinks about Christian cancel culture? I’m not talking about removing from people for sound biblical reasons like continual sin, false doctrine, or creating strife and division. I’m talking about canceling family members, neighbors, brothers and sisters in the Lord over a different political party, different thoughts on prophetic words, or different denominations. It’s something to think about. I certainly have.
We must put our focus back on the Lord where it belongs. We may have differing opinions, but we have the same finish line. We are running the same race. We have the same goal. To win the lost, to see a nation turned back to God, to pray for leaders who will honor biblical values. In the end, we all want to hear those words from our Lord, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Let’s put our eyes back where they belong.
As holy people whom God has chosen and loved, be sympathetic, kind, humble, gentle, and patient. Put up with each other, and forgive each other if anyone has a complaint. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Above all, be loving. This ties everything together perfectly. Also, let Christ’s peace control you. God has called you into this peace by bringing you into one body. (Col 3:12-15 GWT)
Father, as we are facing uncertain and trying times, would You bind us together in love? Unite our hearts to fear Your name. Forgive us for misrepresenting You and allowing politics to divide us. Forgive us for dishonoring those who don’t see things as we do. Make us one as You are. Unify your church. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
What are your thoughts on Christian cancel culture? How can we bring the body of Christ together?
Author Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor to listen to her podcast Something To Share.
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I agree we can agree to disagree. I thought your article was biblically sound and to the point.We should not cancel family friends etc because we disagree. Jesus died and shed his blood, even when we cancelled HIM out. Who are we to cancel each other out. Let God convict. Just preach the word and pray and intercede for eyes to be opened and hearts to.change and not become hardened. He is able. Amen
Cancel,cancel,cancel, from my daughter who I wrote about earlier,my mother who has continued to give me dirty dishes wrapped as presents for me for special occasions and my brother who refuses to call me even on my birthday. God calls me to forgive, to love, to bless no matter how I am treated by them. Just like government dictators in response to their wickedness I need to not allow myself to be put in prison by anger, resentment and unforgiveness. I pray for these chains to be broken. Can anyone relate?
Still bleeding in Canada love and prayers Sharron
is our federal government acting in the absence of Christians actions that should be the responsibilities of Christians regarding expanding knowledge and disseminating Truth? e.g is the government becoming a church dictating and defining what is right and wrong, moral or immoral, what words mean and can be spoken, written, or published, and that God’s existence and individual religious beliefs have no bearing nor respect nor can be considered as valid in government decisions. is our federal government establishing itself as a religion?
I actually agree with the cancel culture. But they need to change what they cancel.
They must cancel:
_All other forms of evil
My Prayer TODAY…
Psalms 133
I appreciate the thought behind this message, but by the author’s own sound Biblical reasons for removing from others – continual sin, false doctrine, or creating strife and division – it is difficult to find any justification for tolerating the “cancel Christ” actions of the lockstep Democratic Congress (or the too many Republicans who fail to challenge those actions, just to be bipartisan here). Ultimately, of course, the Lord will judge those who vainly try to “cancel” Him – but in our earthly lives we are told to “judge righteous judgment” ourselves and cannot avoid calling out evil and still be true to our God who is only good. In philosophical terms, Edmund Burke famously said that the only thing required for evil to triumph in this world is for good men to do nothing – which seems to be exactly what too many of them are doing.
What a powerful message and good word from the Lord. Thank you so much!
I have experienced some of the friction that came within God loving families and wonder before God, how can this be. Even though I realize if I allow it can become a dividing point between those I love most. My heart is to love even after words spoken or disappointment and yes disagreement. I love Paul’s words reminding us that we are all different but all with a Divine purpose for His Glory and His Kingdom. Yet he even goes further to stress “and I’ll show you the most excellent way”in 1 Corinthians 13… and reminding us “these three things remain Faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Could it be that Paul realizes if we see love for one another, we are seeing God. “For God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God , and God in him”.{1John 4:7,816] I have learned and continue to learn that to lay aside my right to be right will take a conscious choice in me, sometimes moment by moment. For 2Cor. 4:10 reminds me “we always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body”. so we are always being challenged to allow others to see the face of Jesus. For us as true believers to see love for one another is to see the face of Jesus. I recently read this quote from Lincoln, which says it all “My concern is not whether God is our side, my greatest concern is to be on God’s side for God is always right. Unless our goals and positions are grounded in scripture, we cannot expect the Lord to fight for us”. Jesus stood before Pilate, abused and silently submitted to the will of the Father. Sometimes winning the war with words is won in silence and prayer, reflecting the face of Jesus through love. “For love never fails.”
Wow! Toni I have never read that quote, but I love it. Couldn’t have said it better.
“My concern is not whether God is our side, my greatest concern is to be on God’s side for God is always right. Unless our goals and positions are grounded in scripture, we cannot expect the Lord to fight for us”
Beautiful insight.
Thank you.
Totally agree that division among Christians is from Satan, the old “divide & conquer” trick. OK, I am a charismatic and am following prophetic discussions closely. However, I do NOT shame anyone for their beliefs. Now that that’s out of the way, we the Church MUST restore and model the lost art of agreeing to disagree! Though I don’t understand why some Christians voted for Biden, I pray for them and remain friends with them. We DO have stand up for God’s Truth and confront sin, yes, but refuse to let Satan divide us!
Amen Sharon.
Sadly this has been going on before 1976 between and within the Charismatic/Pentecostals and Evangelicals. I liken it to when I was in Kindergarten: Of the two classmates who teased me because I am Chinese American – one was Japanese-American. The rest of my class was non-Asian. I thought, “We Asians are supposed to stand together!” I am grateful for my Conservative Baptist roots when I became a follower of Christ in 1976, but one regional conference I went to confessed the last annual conference they had, they had played the fool and argued heatedly over a minor issue. Some missions boards won’t allow Charismatic Christians to apply because both sides want to argue about tongues instead of considering both sides as I had to do when I took a class at Biola University called God/Christ/Holy Spirit. My conclusion was “Why not tongues? I Cor. 13 when the perfect comes refers to Christ’s return not to the Bible. Be that as it may, the whole issue of being baptized or filled with the Holy Spirit has become gray for me from the stance of Charismatic teaching; clearly what the Bible says is that in order to be filled with the Holy Spirit, one must sing hymns, spiritual songs and make a melody in one’s heart. The Apostle Paul wrote his wished all followers of Christ would speak in tongues.
We have Regular Baptists (GARB), Conservative Baptists, Southern Baptists, and those who call some folks’ worship style Seven 11 in a RIDICULing way just because others and I like to feel the manifest presence of the Lord by singing a good quantity of songs over and over again. What? Are others Irregular as in constipated? Then some Charismatic/Pentecostals naively are in an Echo Chamber and believe in bad theology of Triumphalism; I am coming out of that “monkey See monkey Do” immaturity. Note: Immaturity isN’t sin unless one refuses to grow up. Please check it out: (Biola University used Gordon Fee’s material when I studied there.)
Now I go to an elder managed not a senior pastor run church now that doesn’t vote on issues, but relies on 100% agreement or it’s a no-go! It’s no wonder our nation’s culture has run a muck!
Thank you.
I will print your prayer. I am in total agreement with all that you prayed and I fall short daily.
Your prayer is what I need to focus on more. May GOD be with all of Christians to continue to enable us to pray for our enemies and that is a chore for me as I remain in shock to see what so many of fallen to however; I am praying for the demonic evil in the White House. We have to walk with our Lord Jesus thru these last days.
Overflowing with gratitude to Father for your kindness, love, empathy, support and compassion. The tears stream down my face as I feel your big hugs of prayers and comfort across the miles. An ocean of gratitude for you all from Canada where our prime minister applauds the Chinese dictator saying he can turn the economy around on a dime. Love Sharron
The Bride must continue to prepare for the Wedding Feast, set apart and faithful as The Bridegroom is coming soon. The Holy Spirt prepares the Heart of the Bride and from the mouth the heart is revealed. Press in, Pray for the Lost, be Ambassadors who are good and faithful servants. Amen in Jesus Name
Yes Lord. I agree with this article. Restore the Body, to each one of us reveal our heart motivation toward others.
We pray for this in Authority over us. That in their lives Your Kingdom would come, You will would be done in Jesus Name.
This is inevitable…the Lord told us in Scripture how things would play out. Scripture is unfolding before our very eyes and it is peaceful to me because GOD IS IN CONTROL, He is sovereign over all’s His creation. He will always be on the throne…no one can dethrone Him. To keep the peace with other believers I am praying Ephesians 4:1-3…for I cannot control others but can only be faithful to the Lord myself and do my part as He leads me to. May we walk in manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, and be EAGER to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace…read Eph 4: 4 – 7 for more. Doing battle on my knees.
I have experienced this by a Christian friend. Because I said that Trump is not coming back, riding on a white horse into DC and reclaim the oval office, because I believe that God is sovereign over the affairs of men and nations, they have told me that I am deceived, that I not Spirit filled, that I have thrown in the towel, that I am now a liberal and I need to REPENT!.
I’m sorry to hear that. One of the devil’s greatest tactics is division in the body of Christ. I think it makes his job easier. Instead of waging war on the kingdom of darkness, we wage war on one another. A divided church is a defeated church. Prayers for you and for your friend.
100% in agreement AND in Prayer. Now that’s resolved let’s move on and restore the ROAR of the tribe of the Lion of Judah which brings us in perfect alignment with the Godhead, Angels, Elders and the cloud of witnesses.
You are indeed enduring the cross. God will reward your prayers.
Hurts really bad when it is my daughter cancelling me and she says I may not see her children ages 6,4,2,1,little angels who I love with a love greater than all outdoors. WHY? Because I refuse to march in step with the great reset. I am following life site news and other pro life groups while she and her husband believe the mainstream media. She is a believer. I have been fired from babysitting before covid hit. But now I feel shut down, shut up, put down and cancelled. Bleeding from Canada with love, prayers and much gratitude for this wonderful community. Sharron
Sharon, I feel your pain. I have seen so much of this, specifically between family generations . . . I pray specifically for you and your situation.
You are indeed enduring the cross of our Saviour. God will reward your prayers like He did His Son.
Sharon, I feel your pain! I’ve been canceled by my daughters who don’t allow me to see my grandkids either sometimes. If I say anything political they disagree with I am threatened by them. They hate Trump and support Biden’s godless agenda of abortion and homosexuality. This is why Jesus said you must hate your family and love Him more. We cannot put anyone or anything above Christ in our lives, including family!
Sharron, this hurts to read and I will pray for you and your family. I went through something similar years ago with my daughter. She doesn’t have kids yet, but she did leave angry and didn’t communicate with me for months at a time. We have since reconciled. We still do not agree on the sanctity of life, biblical marriage, or many issues. She knows where I stand. But we at least have a better relationship where we can now talk without yelling. I will pray for healing and for your daughters heart to be softened.
I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Luke 12:49-53 explains what is happening to you but yet God is with you…Zephaniah 3:17. He will never leave you nor forsake you. May you deeply feel His presence in these trying times. Lifting up a prayer for you and your daughter and your president!
Keep praying. This happened in my family so I know how it hurts, but God healed the split and now it is restored. This is the enemy, not really your family so keep praying. With love, Elizabeth
God be with you and I pray you will feel the peace of his sweet Holy Spirit. I shall also pray for your daughter.
I was in turmoil recently and I vented about everything a dear Deacon friend of mind would remind me that I have eternal life. I remind myself of this all the time as I vent and hurt over the separation of our people in America.
God be with you in these days ahead. I pray you will feel his sweet Holy Spirit.
Dear Sharron,
I am sorry for your pain, coming from your own daughter. I pray, Jesus, heal this breech, and bring this family together in your Spirit. I ask for salvation for all of her family. May their hearts be open to the truths of Your gospel, and surrender to it. Heal, save, deliver. May all concerned have understanding and forgiveness in their hearts so they may
“with united hearts and voices, praise and glorify God.” Romans 15:6
Thank you so much for your prayers Wanda. I’m now sensing that Bod in fact is covering me with His wings of protection. My daughter’s life is like a circus and I have a highly sensitive nervous system plus essential tremor. God sees the big picture and I don’t. For five years it was as if my daughter had died when she lived with domestic violence in her previous marriage. Now married again to a psychiatrist and has four wee ones it is all too much. I pray for acceptance, peace and God’s help in getting past the pain. Love and gratitude Sharron
I will indeed pray for godless and wicked leaders. I will pray that either they will repent or God will remove them. As a Christian and a pastor, I cannot responsibly ask God to bless Joe Biden and his godless agenda.
This is a very difficult one for me too. But I don’t think God is asking us to bless the agenda, but the person. “Bless those who persecute you. Bless them and do not curse.” Romans 12:14 “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. For in so doing, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you.” Proverbs 25:21-22. These two verses have really challenged me in this difficult season. I believe that it does more harm to Satan if we bless someone he is trying to use for his purposes.
AMEN, I have taken on praying for Biden, I fight saying the words but I know that God charges us to pray for our enemies. Very hard for me… if ever anyone need GOD it is him and all those using him. I pray for God to continue to give me the compassion that I need to forgive Mr. Biden….
Thank you for your testimony
I don’t know how to compromise my beliefs especially when they don’t line up with God’s world. The bible said in the last days your enemies will be those in your own household just to let us know how close to our hearts this may be. I feel for all who have been canceled by love ones; I know it can’t be easy. I’m praying for the body of Christ to stand strong in this time of the demonic attack. We don’t want to be one of those of the elected that may be fooled. God bless us all in the might name of Jesus!!
If there was ever a time where Christian unity is a necessity, it is now! I am reminded of a song from years gone by-Bind Us Together. The devil is having his ungodly way as long as we cannot, and do not, stand united and strong. We need to come together, crying out to You for justice and righteousness. I pray, that by the power of Holy Spirit, that You make a way where there seems to be no way. We so need revival- a last days Awakening. I pray that this would begin in Washington, and that everyone in our government would be affected and changed to honor You . The future of this country is at stake. Come quickly, Lord!
This is a right on word the Body of Christ needs to hear and line up with! The enemy has to be enjoying the junk going on. It’s probably not even something he was expecting to happen. So sad. What happened to love?
Recently it became apparent that in these troubling times we need to meditate on Matt.6:23-34. One day at a time. We are one body and the enemy wins if we start dividing into groups against each other. Biblical doctrine and living each day for Christ is the only way, it’s His way. Give us this day our daily bread. Anen
Satan loves nothing more than to divide the Body of Christ. Even the elect will be deceived so we must guard our hearts against the arrows of the enemy. We have a common enemy that can only influence that which we give him authority to influence. The Body of Christ cannot & must not fail, the world needs us now more than ever. We must stop judging, pray for wisdom & discernment.
“Even the elect will be deceived” if it were possible! It’s not possible! God will show the elect the truth through the Holy Spirit! Those who are deceived are those without the Spirit of God!!!
Matt. 24:24 tells us that sadly, it is possible, false, teachers & prophets can lead even the elect astray.
If a prophet is of God, their prophesies will come true 100 percent of the time. I wouldn’t follow anyone who claimed to be a prophet who had made predictions that didn’t come true. This isn’t cancel culture; it’s Biblical. Deuteronomy 18:20-22 clearly lays out the test of a true prophet.
Be careful! There are many prophecies in the old and New Testament that have not yet come to fulfillment. You need a truer definition of “false” prophet. Noah prophesied for about a hundred years that rain was coming. I guess if you were around 25 years into that project you would have called him a false prophet. Learn the Word. Learn how to test the prophets.
It’s pretty clear that those who said that Trump would win the 2020 election are indeed false prophets.
Trump did win- if I take your car keys and drive your car away, your car is not mine- it’s STOLEN.
Trump won! Beijing Biden stole the White House! Not my President!!!
Trump did win. The election was stolen and GOD in heaven will be the JUDGE over it all… the truth will come to light in his timing.
God had not stopped speaking to His people or He would not have told us in His Word to discern the spirits and test prophecies.
On the social media platforms I fequent, I see much of this division and judgement. My comments are along the lines of what was said in your article. That is one way we can help disolve cancel culture.
Stop judging others (that’s God’s place, not ours) and walk in love! Those are your Christian brothers and sisters!! Stop being a stumbling block to them. Life is difficult enough right now with all that we are dealing with in politics, health issues, the media, and the school system!!
Repent and pray for those who are lost!!
I am so grieved at the divisiveness that is pervading God’s people and I am sure it is grieving God’s heart too.
I stand in the gap and repent for the nastiness that is occurring between Your people Lord. You tell us to love one another and there is an absence of love. Lord I ask You to forgive us our hardness of hearts and cause us to see as You see, and have Your love and compassion on us Your people to be changed and given a heart of flesh. Lord have mercy I pray.
Amen Laura, thank you for sharing!
God bless you for your wonderful words of Wisdom… you speak the clear truth. Praying for an intervention from our Lord Jesus.
How can we all have the same finish line if certain people espouse a group that believes in murdering babies? Aligning yourself with the things of Satan does not make us on the same side. One cannot ride the fence. Jesus told us we are either hot or cold.
Being hot for the Lord does not include aligning yourself with the things of Satan. Our pastor even stated that he didn’t see the fruits of the spirit in Trump. Honestly, who gets to judge that? He used that to discount the president who’s faith to God is in its infancy and growing.
Some may believe they are working towards the same finish line, but I do not think so. Many will say they believe in Jesus, but their lives prove they believe in Him in name only.
How can devotion to God and attempting to live a Godly life equate with those who look like they serve God but have a mindset so totally opposite in their personal lives?
We Christians are one family, but just as there are differences of opinions in my family structure, so there are differing opinions in our Church family. Those of us who are conservative Christians are being vilified not only by the left, but by brothers and sisters because we stood up for life, gender and marriage as God ordained, ie, we voted for Trump! Those of us who don’t speak out anymore feel separated from outspoken Christians who tell us we were wrong to vote for such a man as Trump! Sorry, but I hope they’re content now that they see (hopefully) their freedoms being taken away little by little.
Those who tell us we were wrong and ostracize us are not servants of God. Standing up for the things of God, no matter who has delivered them, is what God wants us to do.
It’s up to us to continue in those things and set examples for those who have turned to worship the things of Molech while still swaying they believe in God.
We are tired of everyone’s opinion. We will judge actions.
When my daughter said,”don’t you ever pray about happy things?”, I knew it was time to chane.
He Lord has me focused on Him not on negative news which I had been “scanning” several times a day.
I also found old books, “The Worship Warrior”, (Pierce/Dickson) to be helpful. Also Prayer That Heals by Francis MacNutt. I’m trying to find an old book by Beni Johnson, called the Happy Intercessor.
Definitely happier in outlook. And just plain old novels I recalled that I enjoyed. Perspective is important.
Extra biblical visions, dreams, voices are actually adding to the written word of God in direct disobedience to Rev. 22:14. Charismatics are “cancelling” those who are Baptists and those who are calling them out for insane predictions about Trump returning to office “when the truth takes over.”
Thank you for this article! Many Christians are in a 40 day fast right now from March1-April 9. We are setting our hearts for deeper revelation for the Bride of Christ- specifically TO KNOW HIM! Isaiah 58 clearly shows us fasting that pleases the Lord. It it filled with the “IF” – “THENS” of the Lord. “IF you take away the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness…. THEN your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as the noonday.”
It is time for the church to be “led into the wilderness by the Spirit” and receive revelation in His Word and silence the “cancel culture” voices in our heads!! Time for our souls to take the backseat to our spirit man- the sanctified, born-again man!!!! Lord, have mercy on us😢
I have often thought when one christian group talks badly about another christian group it is as if we are taking another nail and piercing Jesus with it. Lord have Mercy, Christ have Mercy, Lord have Mercy on us. Lord make us all who believe in You be one in You. Let us instead focus on Your Cross, Resurrection and Ascension and the gifts that the Holy Spirit wants to shower down upon us all. In Jesus name I pray.
If a person supports abortion, can that person be called a follower of Jesus Christ? With the Democratic Party and President Biden supporting and promoting abortion and the LGBT movement, can a follower of Jesus Christ support the Democratic Party and President Biden? Does everyone that calls themself a Christian really follow Jesus Christ and His holy word – the Bible? It is only the followers of Jesus Christ that are true Christians. It is those people that need to lead the movement to change the world, to make disciples, to promote Biblical truths, and to seek this nation to repent of its sins and turn from its evil ways so that God will heal America.
We are not called to support ungodly leaders BUT we are definitely called to pray for them (1Timothy 2:1-4 and Daniel 4:17)!!
They are lost!
I so agree with you – I can’t judge but the based on God’s Holy Word, no one could be a Christian a GOD fearing human and support Biden and his agenda to murder Babies and Americans… which he is doing daily. I have started praying for Biden – I just pray that he will see the lite and give his life to Christ. I don’t know how else to pray for him… this is not an easy task for me but I’m trying. I almost choke when I start praying for him but I will remain faithful to praying for that enemy
Dear Heavenly Father, bind us together in love during these trying and uncertain times. Do not allow us to give the enemy a foothold. Please bring unity to our nation again. In Jesus name, Amen.
I have been thinking about the way Christians have been calling other Christians not saved because of their political affiliation. It bothers me to hear that. I know that GOD is not pleased.
Praise God for your boldness to address this . I pray many will allow these words to pentitrate hearts and truely lift eyes to the Lord of heaven and earth and see His glory shine in all the earth. , for too long our eyes have been looking to stuff and not on the only ONE who cha change anything /GOD. He will come with His mighty Hand and do what only He can do as we trust Him. Didn’t He send His only SON to save us, will He not do what only He can do? Lets adjust our faith, and trust Him . Man cannot save us, only God.Encouage one another in love and see the best in others, we never know what they are going thru. Love is of God and He can help us love as He has commanded. God bless all of you as you perservere in Christ. .
Thankyou Gloria, for sending this out. I completely agree with what you wrote. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to revive us, lift us above the squabbling and focus on God’s word a d let the Spirit of God intercede for us as we surely have need of discernment. God Bless you and the others with Intersessors forAmerica. Blessing and Love in Jesus’ name
We can’t give the enemy a foothold. Division is his strategy. Father, forgive us of our pride and bring unity to the church. Convict us of our wayward ways. Holy Spirit, hover over every professing believer in Christ and breath fresh Godly wisdom, discernment, revelation and knowledge. Keep us focused and Kingdom minded. Give us Your eyes, mind, and heart to battle evil in unity and one body. Lord, to You alone be the glory. In the mighty name of Jesus
We already HAVE given the enemy a foothold! This is serious. Hopefully more articles like this will be written wherever people see it and Christians will repent of this division and strife.
Judgment begins with the house of the Lord. Look at what just happened with Max Lucado.
Recently I was convicted of judging people who I didn’t think were as spiritual as me and my group. I couldn’t understand how Christians could believe some of the things they believe. And I judged who I thought were pew sitters and not desiring to grow in the Lord. Now I realize it is not my job to judge but to pray that Christians desire to grow in the Lord. I am praying for a great awakening for our country. Politicians will not change the world, but the Holy Spirit will.I pray for a spirit of repentance and prayer to come upon the body of Christ and to the unsaved.
I have come to realize that other brothers and sisters don’t share my passion for political issues, election, legislation, and all things about the heart of this nation. There will be a lot of disagreement. A large portion of believers have chose to ignore of issues. I get that. Canceling anything is wrong… it’s against the Word and against the Constitution. We need to seek to understand and be reconciled. My place is to fight on my knees…. Pray for unity. If others don’t see…. ask the Lord to give them sight. God doesn’t need me to do His part…. He is the one that will bring the final justice, judgement, and truth. We need to do the “love one another” part.
How is not giving my money and vote to support abortion and homosexuality wrong?
Sorry, Kim. I didn’t mention anything about not giving to support those items (abortion and other issues that are against the Word) is wrong. I wouldn’t be supporting those issues either. I agree there.
Thank you Dave for reminding us where our focus belongs–on the Lord and not a political candidate!
Heavenly Father, Help the Body of Christ see the double standards when it comes to race relations, equality, righteousness and justice being defined in and by the Body of Christ Jesus.
Let’s take a GOD stand on wrong doing in all political parties and align with the Word of God!
Help us to call wrong wrong, sin sin, bad bad and good good in accordance with your word and not change it to fit anyone’s situation or agenda in Jesus name.
Let your Love with your Truth, Righteous and Justice prevail in all nations in Jesus name. Amen
DemonicRats equal continuous sin of abortion and homosexuality. If you voted for Biden and abortion I will cancel you!
Thank God HE doesn’t cancel us when we are deceived.
Oh I pray for them to repent and find Jesus but I’m not about to support their agenda with my money! Not against praying for them but we shouldn’t be giving our money to support what they’re promoting!
You are in need of great prayer my friend. That is not what God wants.
Who are you to say what God wants! I think God doesn’t want murdered babies and homosexuals all over the place! I pray for these people to repent and find Jesus but I’m not supporting their causes with my money and neither should you! You are in great need of prayer, my friend!!!