I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray for our allies in the Philippines. We pray that You would sow confusion in the CCP as it threatens our allies, and we pray that You would give our leaders wisdom as they respond.
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With all eyes on Taiwan, it’s important to remember America’s other allies being threatened by China as well as China’s bold claims to control over the waterways of other nations.

From The Wall Street Journal. In case you missed it, China this week stepped up its naval harassment of an important American friend in Asia—and we don’t mean Taiwan. …

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Chinese boats on Monday seized two Philippine vessels attempting to resupply an outpost on the Second Thomas Shoal. This is an area within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea on which Manila maintains a World War II-era ship as a military post.

Filipino officials say Chinese coast guard vessels scuffled with the rubber resupply boats, and that the Chinese engaged in fighting with knives and spears, costing one Filipino sailor a thumb. …

Beijing claims a preposterously large portion of the South China Sea as its own … An international tribunal in The Hague has ruled against China’s claim. …

Manila is a treaty ally of the U.S., meaning America has committed to come to Manila’s aid in case of an attack. … [It’s] hard to escape the suspicion that Beijing is probing to see how much it can get away with. …

Share your prayers for America’s allies below.

(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: Arthur Wang on Unsplash)

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Maria F
June 24, 2024

Father God you are in control of all and we lay everything before you we pray to you God grant the United States leaders and government to have Godly wisdom and how to react to this threat to our allies. And we pray to you Jesus for your protection over our allies from evil from china in Jesus name amen


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