I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, watch over all policemen and law enforcement officers. Father in Heaven please give them the strength!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Keith Thornton, the Chicago dispatcher who was widely praised for his calm demeanor while assisting officers who came under fire over the summer issued a stark warning on social media last week, saying at least one district is dangerously understaffed…

Thornton claimed that on one night last week, nine of the 14 police units assigned to the district were down.

“If you are a Chicagoan, living here or doing business here, even just visiting as a tourist here, your safety is compromised and in jeopardy,” he said according to the paper.

ABC 7 Chicago reported that Thornton posted a 30-minute-long Facebook Live video and claimed that on the night of December 23, nine of the 14 police units assigned to the district were down.

“When I’m getting text messages from officers that they’re scared and afraid for their safety because they’re working by themselves, and then the beat next to them—that would normally back them up—they’re not even there because the cars are down. That’s a problem,” he told the station.

Thornton received praise for how he handled the call after two Chicago officers were shot on Aug. 7, including Ella French, who was killed. Her partner Carlos Yanez Jr. was shot in the head and lost an eye. His father told the paper at the time that he has two bullets lodged in his brain.

The ABC report said the 16th Police District is the largest in the city and said—like other areas—the district lost officers to retirements, which have outpaced new hires.

How are you praying for the police? Let us know in the comments!

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Susan CC
January 3, 2022

Psalm 74 describes the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. The same enemy is alive and well and trying to destroy us. https://biblehub.com/bsb/psalms/74.htm

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray it pleases You to remember the Chicago Police Dept. and all the other departments experiencing a fear of safety. Criminals are ruthlessly trying to crush the order of law BUT You are God and King! You work salvation on the earth. The day is Yours and also the night. You set all the boundaries of the earth. I so humbly pray the boundaries of law in America would have a kingdom reset. I so humbly pray a reset in Chicago, NYC, LA, San Fransisco, Portland, Seattle, Baltimore, St. Louis, border cities along the Rio Grande Valley and EVERY area in our nation experiencing a crisis in crime. Would You rise up and defend this cause Father? Please lead our law enforcement into Your perfect path of righteousness…for Your Glory and our good. Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

Michael De Rosa
January 3, 2022

Oh, Abba Father, All Sufficient One, supply who is needed in the Chicago Police Department. May the doors that You are even now opening call forth those individuals who are part of Your Salvation plan for the CPD


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