A determined butterfly bravely emerges from its small but safe chrysalis, as fragrant blossoms burst forth to announce that spring is in the air. Creation is a wonderful reminder that we all need new beginnings – to be set free and transformed into what God intended. Jesus accomplishes this unfathomable change in the hearts and lives of believers and this metamorphosis is confirmed by 2 Corinthians 5:17. Renewal happens as we confess our sins to God and Jesus cleanses us through his atoning blood (1 John 1:9, 1 John 2:2).
This change and cleansing is continual, yet completed. It applies to individuals as well as The Body as a whole, which works in a more powerful way when we come together. Here is one excellent example and opportunity: IFA contributing writer Shelley McLaughlin recently promoted an event called The Cleanse through her article. On Saturday, April 3rd, believers in all 50 states will unite in an effort to read the entire Bible in 1 day, over our beloved U.S.A. I will be joining with anticipation because this is actually the 7th Cleanse event! It’s not too late to sign up and read for your state as well. What will God do, both in our country and in our hearts, as His life-changing word is declared throughout our entire nation?
When I participated in this event last April, The Lord made me aware of his movement – in more ways than one. As I sat on my screened back porch reading aloud the chapters designated for my state, out of nowhere, an unexpected powerful breeze turned several pages of my Bible. In my heart, the Holy Spirit clearly informed me, “Winds of change are coming.” Intermittent gusts continued to refresh my body and spirit. I asked The Lord to confirm that I heard correctly and received the answer when I approached the end of the Psalms assigned to my state of Florida. Psalm 104:4 affirmed, “He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants.” At the time, The Lord did not define these winds of change, and surprisingly, I was content just to receive this personal touch and reassurance of his sovereignty. One year later though, some clarity has come through prayer, study, and contemplation. I believe that we are “turning over a new page” in His plan, which will be accomplished by a move of the Holy Spirit. Ready or not, His change is happening! Throughout history we can see the work of his transforming power.
Even today you might be making preparations to celebrate the greatest example of transformation – Jesus’ death on the cross, and resurrection from the dead. This was God’s ultimate plan for change. Just like he had a plan for creation, he also had a plan for salvation. Graciously Jesus informed his disciples in advance, about this impending fulfillment of prophecy. Mark 8:31. So why did Thomas the disciple doubt when he heard testimony from the other disciples that Jesus appeared to them after his crucifixion? (John 20:24-28). In his mercy, Jesus provided Thomas with the physical proof that he demanded from witnesses of this transformation. His lack of faith showed that he wasn’t prepared for God to follow through on his promises. Can we really blame him? What happened defied the reality of life and death that we all know. A paradigm shift was needed, and Thomas had to stop grieving, so he could start believing.
In my own life I had a similar experience when I gave birth to our oldest son 18 years ago. He was a child born of a promise that went against the reality spoken by the doctors who said I would need fertility drugs to conceive. When my husband and I visited Ukraine to adopt our daughter who was almost 12 years old, God gave us another gift. Out of the blue, one morning I heard the inaudible voice of the Holy Spirit reveal that we would have a baby named for the city where we stayed. In my heart I doubted. Maybe this would be a “spiritual child”, as this place needed much prayer. The answer came about 2 years later when unexpectedly, I found out that I was expecting! I was pregnant – without fertility drugs. Unbelievable! God did what he said, so why was I so surprised?
Could this REALLY be true? The sonogram confirmed a heartbeat and my belly continued to bloom. At three months we could make out his tiny features on an ultrasound machine. We announced the good news to family and friends, and joyfully prepared for his arrival. Did I believe change was coming (including lots of diaper changes)? Of course I did. This future soccer player made his presence known as he practiced his powerful kicks in utero. Subconsciously though, I STILL had pause. How could even an ounce of doubt remain with all the changes happening to my body?!
Despite my doubts, on his actual due date, this precious boy joined the outside world. What a testimony of God’s promise coming to pass! As the midwife presented the newest addition to our family, I distinctly remember the first words that flew out of my mouth… “HE’S REAL! Thank you sweet Jesus!” Why would I exclaim, “He’s real!”? Just like Thomas, I needed more tangible proof. I hadn’t fully accepted this change or fully received God’s promise. For 40 weeks I had the opportunity to come to grips with this unseen reality, but obviously my mind struggled to believe the truth. Maybe I was still stuck in the pain of infertility. Honestly, I think it just felt like too much to hope for. Thomas, I totally relate to you!
This makes me wonder, does anyone out there share my struggle to wrap my mind around an even more substantial reality and coming change … Jesus’ return for his bride, millennial reign, and his eternal presence on a new heaven and earth! Similar to my pregnancy experience, I TALK ABOUT Jesus and this future reality, I EXPERIENCE Jesus through prayer, scripture and worship, and I am PREPARING FOR the future. Striving with the power of the Holy Spirit, I try to live my life so that one day he will say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”(Not to be confused with the false teaching that our “goodness” determines our salvation).
Some of us may find the promise of Jesus’ return hard to fathom because we are stuck in the pain of all the unmet expectations that we have placed on God, life and ourselves. Others just ignore it because embracing Jesus’ return isn’t “practical”. All of this may seem like too much to hope for, or too distant to consider, so we simply go about business as usual within our churches, ministries, and lives. Worse yet, maybe we are just tired of waiting for the fulfillment of this promise, and like the Israelites, we impatiently cry out for earthly “kings”. These are the idols that consume our time, energy and affection. After all, we CAN’T WAIT for vacation, the next episode, Sunday’s game, the new car, and that big promotion. In general, this anticipation is not inherently wrong, and some of these things can even be blessings from The Lord. BUT, do we have even an ounce of that same passion for Jesus’ return and our eternity in perfection with him? Do we possess this same focus and excitement – can we honestly say that WE CAN’T WAIT to see Jesus face to face!? What about concern for those who don’t know Jesus and may spend eternity separated from God in Hell?
Let us be transformed by the renewing of our mind as we frequently meditate on, discuss, and share Jesus’ return with others. Not with date setting, but with excitement and expectation. One way or another, Jesus is returning for us or we are individually returning to him, and every day we are all 1 step closer to eternity! Whether male or female, young or old, in this case all believers should be “expecting”. Of course there will be naysayers and mockers. I’m sure many in the medical community would have dismissed me. Similarly, people might think you are out of your mind if you actually say that Jesus is coming back because the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18). And what would the point of the cross be without the opportunity to unite with Jesus in the end (or should I say the beginning?)! Jesus promised he was going to prepare a place for us and would one day return to bring us home (John 14:1). He has a track record of keeping his word – in God’s perfect timing. Until then, just like a pregnant woman, our faith and hope should be growing and “showing”!
Perhaps what the Holy Spirit spoke to me last April, “Winds of change are coming!” refers to Jesus’ return for his bride! Until I started writing this article and doing more research, this connection was not on my radar at all. In light of all the craziness in the world, my thoughts turned to Covid-19, culture and politics. Naturally, I assumed that “winds of change” were an encouragement and a sign that we would soon be delivered from these present problems. However, in most of these areas, many people would agree that our troubles have multiplied since last spring! Thankfully Jesus assured us in John 16:33 that he has overcome the world and its inevitable problems. I stand on the promise of Romans 8:28, knowing that God is using these trials to bring about much needed change concerning his 1st priority – the hearts of his children. Change in our culture and country will follow.
While I had asked for confirmation about this word, I also needed to seek HIS interpretation. Letting go of my assumptions, I went back to scripture for answers. Several Bible commentaries state that the reference to winds in Psalm 104:4 is symbolic of angels, or at least descriptive of them. In fact, about half of the translations, including the KJV, use the word angels instead of winds. If this is true, then what The Lord spoke to me might be interpreted as, “Angels of change are coming.” Let us consider these words along with the following two verses: Matthew 24: 31, “And He shall SEND HIS ANGELS with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other…” 1 Corinthians 15:52, “…in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and WE WILL BE CHANGED.” Talk about deliverance from problems! But is The Church in America ready? Am I? Are you? Are family, friends and neighbors?
Hebrews 9:28 informs us WHO WILL BE CHANGED. “So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. In regard to Jesus’ return for his bride, this is no time to be a doubting Thomas! We may dismiss the urgency because every generation experiences birth pains and signs of end times. However, it is the design and will of The Lord for us to think His appearance is around the corner, after all, these verses were originally written to people who lived close to 2,000 years ago. Regardless of the date, on the timeline of eternity and considering the human lifespan, Jesus is just a heartbeat away! This amazing change is really coming. I pray that you and I, and as many in the world as possible, will be prepared and found eagerly waiting!
(Photo: Unsplash)
Share any insight you have on this word, “Winds of change are coming!” What practical ways do you place your hope and focus on Jesus’ return, yet still be an active light in our world? How can The Body increasingly encourage each other about this promise, both in and out of the church? Should Jesus’ return be part of our gospel presentations? Please comment below!
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Thanks for this, Karen!
Ever since I was a kid I have looked forward to the rapture and when things seemed bad, I would pray and beg God to cause it to happen right then. I also used to wonder every Easter if we would experience it then because it seemed like an ideal time for it to happen, but I was always a little disappointed when an Easter would pass and it didn’t happen that year. But as I have grown up, I know that no one can peg a date and they should not try to do so, but we know the Bible tells us we will know when “summer” is near referring to the season. This feels like the season when we see so much lining up for events to happen after the rapture… according to what I believe.
Anyway, here is this post right before Easter, reminding me yet againof how joyful and giddy I used to get with that childlike faith, especially at Easter! It would be completely acceptable and encouraging to allow my adult self to do that more often! I really do feel we are sooo close!! Don’t lose sight of it! Keep hoping! Keep believing!! Thanks for the reminder!
I loved the wind/angels connection. Thank you!
Thanks for reading Alicia. That’s wonderful that you were excitedly waiting for Jesus’ return even as a kid! Now that’s the childlike faith we are supposed to have!!!
I have signed up to read for my state… but at this moment, my heart is breaking for this country, which was set apart for HIS glory so long ago. I am persevering in prayer and hope but at this moment, tearfully so. I just listened to Chris Rice’s “Untitled Hymn.” Didn’t intend to but will post this and hope you are dancing. May God bless America this weekend as we read HIs Mighty Word, in faith and dependence and in Christ we stand.
Weak and wounded sinner, lost and left to die
Oh, raise your head, for love is passing by
Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, come to Jesus and live
Now your burden’s lifted and carried far away
And precious blood has washed away the stain
So, sing to Jesus, sing to Jesus, sing to Jesus and live
And like a newborn baby, don’t be afraid to crawl
And remember when you walk sometimes we fall
So, fall on Jesus, fall on Jesus, fall on Jesus and live
Sometimes the way is lonely and steep and filled with pain
So, if your sky is dark and pours the rain
Then, cry to Jesus, cry to Jesus, cry to Jesus and live
Oh, and when the love spills over and music fills the night
And when you can’t contain your joy inside
Then, dance for Jesus, dance for Jesus, dance for Jesus and live
And with your final heartbeat, kiss the world goodbye
Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory’s side
And fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus and live
What a beautiful song and thew words are so powerful and appropriate – thanks so much for sharing Susan! Did you read for your state this weekend? What are your passages? Florida’s are Psalm 72-107 and they are so perfect for interceding for our country, and more importantly, lifting up God and his glory.
My (NC) scripture was John 6-John 21 and Luke 1-3. On Saturday, my husband and I sat outside as I read much of John aloud. I concluded the book of John later that day, again aloud. On Easter morning, I read Acts 1-3 again aloud, powerful. I share this as he is not as “full” in the Lord as I or maybe doesn’t realize fully yet? I expect to hear awesome reports from those who were in DC reading His Word and pray Easter weekend 2021, will be identified as a pivotal time for us all!
What a beautiful song and the words are so powerful and appropriate – thanks so much for sharing Susan! Did you read for your state this weekend? What are your passages? Florida’s are Psalm 72-107 and they are so perfect for interceding for our country, and more importantly, lifting up God and his glory.
This line captured my attention “ Thomas had to stop grieving, so he could start believing”. I feel like I have been grieving over the loss of our nation. We all prayed hard, but God’s will was not ours. Evil seems to have the upper hand and that is making me grieve. But Jesus said he would come back, that he was making a place for me in heaven. Last night our pastor was preaching about the 5 stages of grief, he mentioned that the author (Kessler) says there is a 6th stage; “Finding Meaning”. I feel like I have gone through all the 5 stages of grief this past year. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance, but not feeling any sense of peace. That comes to, I have been looking for meaning. I think that as much as we want to have a good life here on earth, it is not our home. We are just here for a short time. The reminders of how temporary life on earth is makes look for hope in Jesus, look for our true home heaven and cast off dreams of making this world home. That is the meaning I keep finding in all this evil and destruction. It is time for me to stop grieving and start believing. Thanks Karen!
Thanks for reading Greg and I thank God that you are encouraged! This perspective of our ultimate citizenship can help us stand firm as American citizens to fight the evil in our government and country without losing hope when things look bleak, because like you said, this is not our final home. Also, even as we take action (email gov. officials, etc.), we can keep in mind the ultimate battle for the souls of people. This helps me remember to pray for politicians and others for repentance that leads to salvation knowing that they have been taken captive by the enemy to do his will (2 Tim. 2:25-26).
See a new study on Quantum Faith by Annette Capp that defines the idea of time being different than what we’ve been taught yet is scientific as well as coordinating with Faith principles.
Thanks so much for sharing Karen! I heard this theory years ago from an article and wondered the source which I haven’t been able to find (gotta love our IFA community :-). Is there any “new age” teaching in this book? ie – “prosperity gospel” (not everyone is destined to be rich -look at the disciples) and not everyone is destined to be healed from every physical ailment (ie: Paul’s thorn) and all of our days are numbered (Except for John, the disciples were all martyred). As far as science supporting the Bible, I just read an article sound waves and the Battle of Jericho. This completely secular journal gave a scientific explanation for the fall of the wall of Jericho based on new sound wave findings (of course God could just do a flat out miracle too). They even gave credit to Joshua for “innovative warfare”, but we know who gets the true honor and glory!
We thank You, O Father, for the changes You have sent, You are sending, You will send! Your Kingdom will come on earth as it is in Heaven. You are drawing all people unto Yourself. Your love never ends. Show the wonder of Your graat love, You who save by Your right Hand those who take refuge in You from their foes — Psalm 17:7. Let the earth see Your glory and fall on their knees before You. Send us out to do Your work. Awaken Your sleeping church, and fill us with Your Spirit! We ask in Jesus’ precious Name!
I love this prayer- Amen!