CDC to Shield Vaccine Makers from Liability?
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CDC to Shield Vaccine Makers from Liability?
On Thursday it is anticipated that the CDC will vote on whether to add the covid-19 shot to the recommended schedule of childhood immunizations. This would mean that schools across the nation would require children to have this shot as part of the entrance health requirements. Your prayers and action are needed!
From The Dossier. A CDC committee will convene this week and likely vote Thursday to deliver permanent legal indemnity to Pfizer and Moderna, through the process of adding the drug companiesā mRNA injections to the child and adolescent immunization schedules.
Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.
By adding the shots to the childhood schedule, the CDCās Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will transfer liability for vaccine injuries to the federal governmentās National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), allowing for Pfizer and Moderna to finally bring an FDA approved shot to the market without opening itself up to lawsuits. Moreover, it will act as another windfall for companies that have already brought in hundreds of billions of dollars in revenues, by requiring these vaccinations for children who attend public schools.
In March 2020, the federal government invoked theĀ PREP Act, which gave Pfizer and Moderna a tort liability shield due to the declared āpublic health emergency,ā which the government is reportedly going to revoke in early 2023. The companiesā emergency use authorization shots have since been protected by the federal government through this 2005 congressional action. …
TheĀ Health Resources & Services AdministrationĀ has clarified what needs to happen for a vaccine to become liability free:
āFor a vaccine to be covered, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) must recommend the category of vaccine for routine administration to children or pregnant women, and it must be subject to an excise tax by federal law.ā …
Submit aĀ written public commentĀ here
**Written comments must be received on or before October 20, 2022, so please take a moment to do it now.**
It can be as simple and direct as just, āI oppose adding a COVID-19 vaccine requirement to the childhood schedule of immunizations.ā
Please share this article to encourage others to pray.
(Excerpt from The Dossier. Photo Credit: iStock)
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Fuck you both cdc and big pharma!!! Rot in hell!!
I oppose adding a COVID-19 vaccine requirement to the childhood schedule of immunizations.
Lord Jesus,
We don’t want this for our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren!
You are the Creator of all! And these shots will harm them forever or kill them.
Protect our future.
I oppose adding COVID-19 vaccine requirement to the childhood schedule of immunizations, especially knowing your company has no legal responsibility if it harms our grandchildren.
We need to rely on the natural immunity in our bodies that God gave us at birth, and not allow any other un-necessary shots to be required.
Someone I know has been out of work for quite awhile. They found and opening at one of our local Hospitals but, though he was perfect for the job and had 16 years experience, he could not apply because you must be fully vaccinated.
This vaccine is not the mark of the best, but I can see the similarity because in many businesses and now in schools, you can not work or attend the school if you do not take the JAB!!
They are doing their level best to destroy this nation before God removes them . God is greater than Satan and as long as there are God’s children waging war against Satan and his army, WE WIN !!
God is going to take His mighty right arm and knock these wicked ones off the platform and place His children in their positions.
These young people are God’s children and they were chosen by their parents to be given life. God has called them, and if I still had young children I would not allow my children to be vaccinated.
Schools are no longer a place of learning but a place of indoctrination into every most vile and evil platform that could be taught to destroy our children! God’s word said that there were things that we should not even talk about because they were so wicked and vile,yet here it is in our schools.
If enough parents will stand up for their children and take their children out of public schools, these Teachers and the entire administration would fold, and then you would see them get on their knees and stop all this evil and vile insanity. Put a hurting on them by pulling down their jobs.They are doing this until we say NO more! Until enough of us oppose them.
If we do not stand now, then we know that we will fall.I believe in God’s children and I totally know that as long as we have boldness and stand strong for Christ and what is Godly and righteous, we are going to win!
Be encouraged brother’s and sister’s, . God loves us and if He is for us and our nation ( His nation) founded on Him, in His name and to His glory then we are victorious through His precious blood and NO weapon that Satan has and nothing he can throw at us will succeed. God said it, I believe it, and it is settled in heaven.
Satan has tread onto Holy ground and touched God’s little ones and those people who have done his bidding, God is about to reach out His powerful right arm and displace them.
Father God. We cry out to You Lord. We lift up Your little one’s to You and we lift up these evil vaccines, the groomers,pedophiles,Transvestites and the Teachers and school administrations and school Board members who are against parents and children and what is Godly and sacred.
We ask You Father to deal with each and every one of them as only You can do. Protect the parents,children and the Teachers and school administrators as well as those school board members who belong to You Lord.
We give this into Your loving and powerful hands in Jesus Holy name.
The initial covid pandemic didn’t kill enough people so they made these dangerous vaccines! Not enough people got the vaccines so now they want to get the children! Joe biden said himself that “the pandemic is OVER!” So why vaccines for children you might ask? Population control! FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect all of YOUR children from these diabolical people in JESUS NAME! Amen!
The action of the CDC to shield drug manufacturers from liability in this situation is extortion of Americans for tax payer monies involving vaccinations with the WORST safety profile in history of vaccines. CDC has no credibility any more and should be shut down until a complete investigation of the participants involved is completed.
I pray to our Lord almighty that he will guide the Angel and Saints to create a safe haven for our children and stop these vaccinations.
FATHER GOD I bind the demonized members of the cdc from voting yes on this measure in JESUS NAME! FATHER GOD please raise up private affordable schools or homeschools for our children and let there be a mass exodus from government schools! Give some of us the knowledge and the resources to begin and operate these schools! In the meantime FATHER please educate YOUR people how to protect their children that are yet in the public schools in JESUS NAME! And please quickly remove biden and crew from office quickly in the MIGHTY NAME of JESUS CHRIST! Amen!
Pray for this to be overturned! They do not seem to be applying either reason, logic or science on this one. Jesus said, “The love of money is the root of all evil, ” He is being proven right on this.
Alice Levesque is 100% opposed to any school or any other organization to force any child to be required to take covid – 19 shots or Moderna , Pfizeror any other immunizations!
I strongly oppose the CDC adding the COVID-19 vaccine to the required shots on the schoolsā records. Parents should have the right NOT the CDC to determine what vaccines r due their children. Thank u for hearing me!
Please do not add a Covid-19 Vacine requirement to the childhood schedule of immunizations. It has been proven that the vaccine does not stop the virus.
Amen. Children do not need this and it may end up being very harmful for them. Father, protect our children.
There is a difference between the words mandate and recommendation. The CDC recommends, the state or local municipality may choose to mandate. We have had years to prepare our testimony for such a time as this.
The following SIX states only have medical exemptions: WV, MS, CA, NY, CT, ME.
The other 44 states have either philosophical or religious exemptions or both – for now but they are likely in danger with all the dominoes that have been set in place.
So if you want to exercise your free will that is given to you by your Creator to NOT participate in the use of these products, He has made a way for you to do so in the remaining 44 states for the time being.
And as for now, if you live in the other 6 states that do not allow you to exercise the free will that your Creator gave to you, you can plead with Him to make a way and do a new thing in your life, including allowing you to relocate inside the borders of a territory that will. Keep in mind that your religious freedom may come down to your actual zip code rather than your country, state, or county you live in.
And if the path doesn’t open to relocate, if you seek Him first all the words that are needed for your defense will be added to you….even if you have to be removed from a lion’s den or a fiery furnace first to say them.
So we all need to be about the business of asking Him what we need to do to prepare our families and ourselves because now that one mRNA shot is approved there are hundreds more in the pipeline for every possible thing you can imagine.
Multitudes in the valley of decision – Joel 3:14
Please donāt make Covid shots mandatory for kids.
The majority of kids only get minor symptoms with this illness donāt make it mandatory to experiment this relatively new vaccine on kids when the risk of them getting extremely sick/dying is not even that big. Please have mercy on our kids and let their immune systems develop and fight this illness on their own. Focus on promoting healthy preventative measures and in treatments that are not invasive when they do get sick.
Well said Ms. Jeanne !!
We wonāt relent until our constitution Lives again in our government.. in our savior Jesus name!!
Actually, a separate bill was passed giving them indemnity for the Covid shots & boosters, so they already have no liability.
This vaccine should not be a requirement for children, I vehemently oppose adding it to the vaccine requirements for children and teens.
I normally pray for God’s will…but in this case I would never believe using children in this manner would ever be his will. I have total Faith God will protect them. Thank you Abba Father.
I oppose adding the covid 19 shot to the childhoood immunizations!!
This is another in a long list of travisities against this nation since COVID-19 became the focus and almost destroyed our country as politicians manipulated the people, institutions and economy. It’s time for the people to shout, ‘No More.’ Let us be sheep no longer who blindly follow these socialists scheming for control of our very freedoms. We are God’s sheep, not the government’s.
Please, God Have Mercy on your beautiful children.,
They need your protection and let them not be sacrificed to the insane world profits.
In Jesus Name we pray.
As an as adult against the Covid vaccine, the last thing I want as a Mother is my children to be forced to take this Covid Vaccine . I oppose this being added to the list of mandatory vaccines. I pray God takes this country back and saves us all.
This action is wrong on every level. It is based on a series of lies (now called disinformation or misinformation) but a lie by any other name is still a lie. It is not a vaccine, it is a shot. It is not an immunization – it doesn’t protect at all the individual who receives the shot from getting the virus that the shot is said to be an immunization against. In fact, the more covid shots and boosters individuals receive, the more these individuals seem to get covid and get it multiple times. (explained away by saying they are different strains – but natural immunity seems to protect against multiple variations of the virus much better) Also, am I correct in thinking this “covid shot” is still “an experimental vaccine, approved for emergency use only.” Which would explain why we are still technically “in a state of emergency” – so they can continue to administer and require this shot which is actually not at this time FDA approved, I don’t think? I wonder if people realize this shot has never received FDA approval – that it is still considered “experimental”? The two lies go hand in hand – being in a “state of emergency” allows the continued use of this shot they are calling a vaccine without getting FDA approval. (side note – the CDC did change the definition of “vaccine” when this shot didn’t protect or keep people from becoming infected with the virus – so maybe by a brand new definition it is now a vaccine- but not like polio or smallpox or any other true vaccine – red flag – we don’t get “vaccines” multiple times a year for our entire lives)
Another lie is that the virus is more deadly than it actually is – the numbers were manufactured, manipulated and misrepresented to fill us with fear and make us more compliant. We didn’t trust reality, but what we were told. The “cure” is turning out to be much more harmful than the original cause – the virus. The Epoch Times has run many articles about the harm of these covid shots, which the media will not cover at all. Also, Mark Steyn, a journalist in Canada has reported on many cases of harm and death in a series, “Victims of the Vax” (unless it has been censored and taken down)
An irony of adding this to childhood immunizations, besides the fact that it doesn’t immunize anyone against this virus, is that children and young people have never been in any danger from the virus, so they have no need of this shot, which will not protect them but has been shown and is being shown to do harm. Is this an end run around the FDA to get this “experimental vaccine” moved to a status of “required immunization” without ever actually first receiving FDA approval? The medical community needs to speak up in mass. They are witnessing the harms and deaths firsthand of the vaccinated, but fear is keeping them silent. It is bad enough that the truth is not told to the consumer about this shot so each person can choose for themselves. But to make this shot mandatory is a crime against humanity – given the harm it does and the fact that it was never needed in the first place – there were medicines available. We must protect our children – since when are “vaccines” annual or bi-annual? That should be another red flag. Adding this “shot” to an official immunization schedule for young children is a crime when the shot has never been approved and couldn’t get approval if the truth were known and truthful data kept. Lie upon lie has brought us to this point. God’s merciful intervention in revealing truth and raising up courageous people to fight this wrong recommendation are needed at this time. Praying for truth to expose all the lies and defeat this requirement for children to be forced to receive this experimental shot. Shouldn’t happen in a free country.
There is a reason they are pulling this now. Their time is short and they are trying to get in as much damage as they can.
Heavenly Father , Deliver us from evil, and help us resist the Devil so he will flee.
And in a short time the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with you.
Rev. 12:12
For this reason be glad, O Heaven, and you who live in Heaven! Alas for the earth and the sea! For the Devil has come down to you; full of fierce anger, because he knows that his appointed time is short.”
Why does the CDC insist on denying the science? Study after study shows that children are not at risk and the vaccine is harmful to young adults. What kind of corrupt organization would knowingly inflict harm on the innocent?
The vaccine makers, and their lobbyists. Unfortunately, they have convinced the government that the vaxxes are needed. The CDC itself is corrupt, as well.
Lord, deliver us and our children from evil.
Itās obvious that child welfare is not the CDCās top priority. Many European countries have stopped giving to their kids and to young adults.
Yes everyone who reads this contact the Regulation board and submitting your opposing this new piece of legislation to be passed.
We have the power and authority in Jesus’ name
I oppose this COVID shot! Our Government is stepping outside of it’s authority! It should be choice, and not mandatory!
I oppose the mandatory COVID shots on our kids and any other institutions.
The rush to try to add this injection to the childhood schedule is because they KNOW that it is getting BEYOND ridiculous to continue this casedemic they are referring to a pandemic needing a EUA. People are starting to see that the injections do not stop the infections, nor the transmission. The fact that it was illegal and should NEVER have been approved for EUA, because there were ALREADY medications and treatments for this virus that worked, is never discussed by MSM. By adding it to the childhood schedule, it will then AUTOMATICALLY allow them to have freedom from getting sued ongoing from these injections. EVEN if you ignore the death counts, the number of people becoming chronically ill with major conditions, secondary to these injections, that will require $1-5 million dollars per life time EACH person for care, then you can see WHY they want them to continue. However, since elections are so close, it is likely they decided to forego the childhood schedule, and INSTEAD made it a part of the program for those children who get free vaccinations due to low income. In other words, they started with the poor until AFTER elections.
Keep in mind, that they also want to have an ADULT schedule for vaccinations. They have HUNDREDS of these vaccines for all kinds of things ready to make billions of dollars on.
We MUST stop this NOW, not later. GOD is our strength and source of help in times of need. Repent and prayer for God’s intervention.
I oppose adding COVID 19 shots to the list of required vaccines for children attending public schools.
I oppose this vaccine. There is no research it will benefit children.
I oppose adding COVID 19 shots to the list of required vaccines for children attending public schools.
I totally oppose adding these vaccines to the requirements for children. This is just to much control and we all know there have been questionable incidences from this vaccine. Please use your good common sense the Lord gave you about all this. It is total craziness. Leave our children alone. Thank you.
I oppose adding this vaccine to young children for school when statistics and science show they donāt need. It is dangerous and must be stopped!
I oppose adding a COVID-19 vaccine requirement to the childhood schedule of immunizations.
Our Constitution was written so that we the people always had representation. In other words, laws are to be made by elected officials. Here we have Bureaucrats being given the power to make a law. Our Constitution hasnāt been followed in years. We have leaders who swear to uphold the Constitution but really donāt know what it says
CDC has no true authority. It is not a an agency if the people. Letās look closely at the top of the cdc.
Let us pray God opens the eyes of the blind. In Jesus Holy Name
No it should not be allowed to happen. That’s an overreach where I’m concerned. All involved including CDC should be held liable. Nothing is tested before injecting the so-called cure.
In Jesus’s name evil plan won’t pass.
Oh God in Heaven deliver us from another severe blow to the children in America. This vaccine is pure poison. Stop this evil in the name of Jesus
I am not in favor of Covid shots being added to the list of child immunizations. I am praying for you to make the right decision not to require this shot
You have to comment on the CDC link for it to have any effect. Commenting here does nothing.
I am very strongly in opposition to the CDC making this vaccine mandatory for children, adults, and any other living creature ! Home schooling will be strong again if you allow this as people will be removing their children from the public schools, again !
I do not want the federal government to control childrenās parental authority. I do not support public schools.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I submitted a comment as well as taking action to send a note to the CDC committee. Lord, save us!
Lord, as the CDC is failing in its job to protect the USA we ask that it be allowed to fail in its mission and that it be removed from WHO influence. Also that all the sick and evil influences be turned on themselves. Let no more harm be done to the USA
I am against mandatory covid vaccinations for children or any other school situations.
I vehemently oppose adding a COVID-19 vaccine requirement to the childhood schedule of immunizations.
I oppose adding a COVID-19 vaccine requirement to the childhood schedule of immunizations
Please oppose Covid1 19 shot from schedule shots for school children
I oppose adding this to our childrenās vaccine regimen!
Do not let those who are responsible for the destruction of lives through vaccines be free from the consequences of legal retribution. I pray everyone harmed by the mRNA vaccines would be compensated accordingly. In Yeshua’s name, Amen
Amen! I propose that all those billions of dollars the drug companies, the CDC, and Fauci extorted from us be used to compensate those of us who have been harmed by the non-vaccine.
I oppose this immunization being added to the regime for childhood immunizations! This is taking away parents rights and could be harmful to their children. I strongly oppose this.
Absolutely not to be added to the schedule for children.
I do not agree with mandating covid vaccines for children.
Father In Your Name, We know you are the God that sees, you know all, and you Lord are here with us, convict the heart of man. Holy Spirit come to these meetings and convict, cause them to turn on each other, cause confusion in the camp. Amen.
i appose adding a COVID-19 vaccine requirement to the childhood schedule of immunizations
I prayed to God asking for protection for America’s children from harmful vaccines, and from evil taxpayer-funded CDC projects to recruit our children into the LGBT lifestyle, and from luring our children into the occult which is Satan’s domain. May God save America’s children from evil forces!!!
Father You are high and lifted up in glory and power above all authority. You have said that You would judge those who would harm the children. Judge them Lord. In Jesusā name we ask for Your protection of the children and for all the innocent victims who received the poison we ask that You heal them. Open the eyes and turn the hearts of those who are voting. Your will be done to vote no on this ruling. Amen.