CCP Behind Social Media Debauchery in U.S.
CCP Behind Social Media Debauchery in U.S.
The CCP is trying to use social media and entertainment to manipulate young Americans and change our nation’s very culture.
From Breitbart. Chinese government documents and restricted military journals show how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using social media like TikTok and Hollywood to target vulnerable young consumers and tear at the fabric of American culture, according to Peter Schweizer’s new book: Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.
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“The Chinese military and Communist Party officials have thought deeply and written extensively about waging ‘cognitive warfare’ on the United States. The CCP sees apps such as TikTok, video games, and movies as powerful weapons to wage psychological warfare against the West,” Schweizer writes. “…Unfortunately, they have found willing accomplices among some of the most powerful people in American politics and entertainment. Those national leaders continue to turn a blind eye to the challenge, refusing to acknowledge what Beijing is doing.”
Schweizer, a Breitbart News senior contributor and the President of the Government Accountability Institute, notes that “despite its links to the Chinese propaganda apparatus, TikTok has thrived with the help of American celebrities and thought leaders who are either ignorant or ambivalent about TikTok’s true nature.”
TikTok is run by the company ByteDance, which is “wedded to the Chinese Communist Party military-intelligence-industrial complex,” he writes. While the app has “penetrated the heart of America’s culture, becoming a central part of the lives of our children and young adults,” the Chinese government does not permit the app for its own population. Instead, the CCP harnesses the app’s addictive quality to target and shape the minds of young Americans for its own purposes, all while designating TikTok’s powerful algorithm as a top secret “national security asset.” …
In one of the restricted military journals detailed in Blood Money, Colonel Dai Xu, a professor at China’s top military academy, People’s Liberation Army (PLA) National Defense University (PLA-NDU), wrote that the real battle between the United States and China is “information-driven mental warfare” and compared apps such as TikTok and social media platforms to a “modern day Trojan Horse” for pro-CCP propaganda and values.
Another leading Chinese PLA strategist, Zeng Huafeng of the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), wrote of a cognitive, or mind, war on the United States, and proposed how to defeat the U.S. without firing a shot. …
Zeng further argued that Beijing can win “mind superiority” through several means, including:
- “Perception manipulation” via propaganda, by changing how people look at the present
- “Cutting off historical memory” by warping their views of their own country’s past so people will be open to changing their values …
- “Deconstructing symbols,” by getting people to reject certain traditional symbols and thereby modifying a nation’s identity
“The ultimate goal is to manipulate a country’s values and achieve strategic goals without an actual overt military battle,” Zeng added.
Strategists cited in Chinese Disinformation Efforts on Social Media advocated for “subconscious messaging” instead of overtly political propaganda, and using a soft touch to influence young people in the West. …
CCP strategists in an “Analysis of Modern Network Media Warfare in the Perspective of Intelligent Technology” added that propaganda is most effective when it can be directed to “impressible persons” through entertainment. …
What are some effective ways we can pray against and combat these plans? Share your own God-given strategies below.
(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: ClarkandCompany/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro)
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Lord make information like “Letter to the American Church “ widely available to more people and help equip us to fight this great evil that has crept in, protect our youth. Give us godly pastors who will speak truth to what is happening in our world. Amen
I was told by an Amercan Chinese immigrant that China doesn’t own Tic Tok. That Singapore does.
They have an office in Singapore, but their parent company is in Beijing:,through%20a%201%25%20golden%20share.
Lord God Almighty, the CCP is all about Satan and his evil ways since just after WW2! The biggest cowardly way to get to this country is through the social media and through the minds of our youth! Please protect their minds and hearts through spiritual warfare!
God is now judging America and the world. Why? One reason, the shed blood of innocents requires retribution- this started with Cain. On our watch, millions of gallons of innocent babies blood (almost 2 billion children) has been shed into the world’s sewer systems, over five decades…
Today, American’s largely sidestep that a soft coup reversed a presidential election- in plain sight. We do not know who is running our country. Especially confusing will be this global judgement, because Satan will pour out his wrath at the same time as God’s judgment. We trust Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection, to take away our sins. “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, SHALL be saved” Rom. 10:13 What we are seeing on earth now, in fact, should be expected by Bible believing Christians. It’s written about in detail throughout the Bible. One verse soon to occur: ”as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” A new book on Amazon delineates many of the major aspects: “Dear Christian, Do Not Fall Away”. Certainly, people today need rock solid understanding and clear reasons from scripture, for what to believe and why! Peace to you who are in Christ! Those not in Christ, please, drop everything and sprint to God, calling on Jesus, and for his mercy. We are at the same place now as just before the flood of Noah. Christian leaders seem to be avoiding discussion of the great tribulation. Who have you heard has speak of the “end of the world”; a subject Jesus and his disciples casually talked about.
Luke 21:32-34
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. (God wants us looking for the very things we are now seeing! Oh Lord, give us understanding of how we are to “take heed”to ourselves- that the end of the world might NOT snare us or surprise us)
America is on the clock. Time’s running out.
That the people of God the children of God would come out of mystery Babylon the mother of all harlots and abominations of the Earth.
So they would not partake of her sins and they would not receive of her plagues.
That God would destroy their systems of bearing false witness and making lies.
That solar flares would hit their systems and render them useless.
That all those so discord and hatred against her neighbor would be cut off.
In the name of Yeshua
Dearest Heavenly Father, please help protect our children. Parents are not doing their job — raising up a child in the way it should go. They themselves have bought into all the internet hype, games, accessibility for all manner of things and are not policing what their children are hearing and seeing. We need your help Savior. Please help parents to come back to you and bring their children. Help them to open their eyes and see what being indifferent or go-alongers is doing to their babies. I pray that each and every parent will be convicted by you and would stand up and take the raising of their children back from the electronics. I see babies as little as 2 playing on their parents phones even in grocery store baskcarts. I pray Father that we would all come back to you and stop letting the devil divide and conquer us by diverting our attention away from you, your word and our responsibilities to our children. In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray.
Allow my young children to have electronics even though we didn’t let him play video games at the house the phones did more damage than just about anything on the planet The sad thing is when these systems go down The kids will commit suicide because they’re so addicted It won’t be a physical withdrawal It will be a psychological withdrawal because to most kids their phone is their God