Lessons Learned From Claudine Gay’s Resignation

Can we all learn something from Claudine Gay’s downfall? This opinion piece from Newsweek asks some tough questions. From Newsweek. After weeks of speculation about whether Harvard University’s president, Claudine Gay, would be forced to resign amid a plagiarism and antisemitism scandal, Gay announced that she was stepping down. In her resignation letter, Gay spoke … Continued

Study: We’ve Got No Military ‘Extremism’

A recent study definitively refutes Pentagon claims about any “extremism” among members of our military. From Breitbart. A recently released independent study showed that there was no extremism problem in the United States military, despite the Biden Pentagon making it a top priority to root out alleged extremists. Do you want state prayer alerts?   The study, which … Continued

‘Sound of Freedom’ Among 2023’s Top 10 Movies

We covered Sound of Freedom extensively when it came out this past summer. Now that 2023 is past, this movie stands out as one of the biggest films of the year. Hallelujah! From Faithwire. The movie “Sound of Freedom,” a low-budget drama no major theatrical company wanted to release to theaters, finished in the top … Continued

Major Global Power Shift in 2024?

Americans eagerly near our next presidential election this year, but we aren’t the only country voting. How will 2024 affect some of the largest nations around the world? From Just the News. More than half the people in the world live in countries that will hold national elections in 2024, an electoral calendar that could … Continued

Johnson on the Border: It’s ‘Treason’

Using harsh words, Speaker Mike Johnson stressed that Biden has the authority to stop the crisis at the border. Will he do it? From Just the News. House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said on Wednesday that the crisis at the southern border is a “disaster of the president’s own design,” adding that Biden has the … Continued

Protestors Celebrate Hamas Spokesman

Many protestors claim to support the Palestinian people, but some are actively supporting and even celebrating the Hamas terrorists. From Breitbart. Pro-Palestinian protesters who marched in downtown Chicago over New Year’s weekend waved a Palestinian flag emblazoned with the image of Abu Obaida, the spokesman for the Hamas terrorist group’s military wing. Join others crying … Continued

State Capitols Get Bomb Threats

Why would somebody threaten these state capitols? What is going on? From The Daily Wire. At least six state capitol buildings across the country were evacuated after receiving bomb threats Wednesday morning. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   State capitol buildings in Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, and Montana all reported … Continued

Urgent Prayer Need: COVID Shot Mandate Lawsuit!

The battle about Covid shot mandates continues. Tomorrow, Friday, January 5, 2024, the Supreme Court will decide whether to hear a critical case about the federal mandates that required military members to take the shot (an experimental drug) to remain in service. The case is being brought forth for consideration by Justice Clarence Thomas. Tomorrow … Continued

The Case Against Hunter Biden

Did you know that Hunter Biden’s laptop has been exhaustively analyzed and the crimes it represents have been listed in a report? In an act that confirms the credibility of the report, in September Hunter Biden sued the author for “violating the [California] computer fraud and data laws by accessing ‘tens of thousands of emails, … Continued

Victory for Election Integrity

After a grueling investigation and court trial, True the Vote has been found innocent of voter intimidation. Praise God! From The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. A federal judge ruled Tuesday in favor of the conservative group True the Vote, deciding that mass challenges of Georgia voters’ eligibility didn’t amount to illegal voter intimidation. Who is praying on the … Continued

Netanyahu Takes Political Blow Amid War Progress

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was dealt a serious blow by his nation’s Supreme Court, even as Israel dealt a serious blow to Hamas. From CBS News. Israel’s Supreme Court struck down part of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial judicial overhaul on Monday, a move that could exacerbate political tension in the country as it changes its footing … Continued

Court Prevents Gas Stove Ban

As many in local governments and in Washington are seeking to ban gas stoves, this panel of judges delivered a “critical victory.” From The Epoch Times. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has declined to reconsider a ruling preventing a ban proposed by the City of Berkeley, California, on new natural gas … Continued


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